Louisville cop who cuffed Scheffler & acted like he was busting Dillinger ...

I like police, I generally do. But there’s nothing like a cop, who is never wrong. I noticed louisvilles finest escorting the winner on Sunday after the tournament, I’m only 71 and have watched golf on and off for 50 years and can’t remember seeing that before.
This nitwit grabbed onto Scheffler's car and now claims injuries from it ... well no shit sherlock.
Which day of training was it where they taught you to stop a car by tackling it.
The guy failed to follow procedure. Then he went overboard dramatizing.
This is a real bad look for the city. It's a case of overexhuberant idiocy at the exact worst time possible. The guy just blew it.
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I like police, I generally do. But there’s nothing like a cop, who is never wrong. I noticed louisvilles finest escorting the winner on Sunday after the tournament, I’m only 71 and have watched golf on and off for 50 years and can’t remember seeing that before.
You knew there had to be a history of this clown acting out.
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I'm generally pro police. But I think this guy just screwed up. Some guys have no business with a badge. It's scary what police have the power to do, when they get it in for someone