Main stream propaganda networks are about to…

It's Snopes. Don't trust what they tell you.
If this is sarcastic because of conservatives’ long-time criticism of Snopes, I find it funny. Haha funny. The more interesting thing about the oft-repeated lie is that the transcripts and video of the speech have been available all along and they disprove the lie.
If this is sarcastic because of conservatives’ long-time criticism of Snopes, I find it funny. Haha funny. The more interesting thing about the oft-repeated lie is that the transcripts and video of the speech have been available all along and they disprove the lie.
I'm just saying you all know you can't trust them, but you're linking them. Stop that stuff. It's confusing to all of us.
I'm just saying you all know you can't trust them, but you're linking them. Stop that stuff. It's confusing to all of us.
So, you don’t think it’s noteworthy when a long-acknowledged liberal fact checker finally, after years, publishes that Trump racism accusations leveled by liberals and based on Charlottesville were a complete lie?
So, you don’t think it’s noteworthy when a long-acknowledged liberal fact checker finally, after years, publishes that Trump racism accusations leveled by liberals and based on Charlottesville were a complete lie?
I just don't trust them. You go right ahead if that's what you like.
I just don't trust them. You go right ahead if that's what you like.
Maybe you should watch the video of the entire speech instead of relying on media to form your opinions. That Trump’s comments were NOT racist has been long known by people who watched the entire speech. We don’t need Snopes approval. That they reversed themselves is the point and maybe now Biden supporters like you will realize how uninformed and lying they were in repeating the racist LIE.
Maybe you should watch the video of the entire speech instead of relying on media to form your opinions.
Like they can't doctor speeches. Were you there, son? How do you know? Trust Snopes if you want.
I just don't trust them. You go right ahead if that's what you like.
Do you think the main stream media falsely reported what Trump said by editing and cutting out what he said?.
I am not talking about this particular report. As you said go to the source.
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Do you think the main stream media falsely reported what Trump said by editing and cutting out what he said?.
I am not talking about this particular report. As you said go to the source.
I don't and didn't link mainstream media.

So you think it was fairly reported by the media outlets?
They did not mischaracterize what he said about Charlottesville?
You guys keep linking fake news sites. Believe what you will. You know what Snopes is.
You guys keep linking fake news sites. Believe what you will. You know what Snopes is.
Deflect much? I asked about the actual audio recording. There are numerous sites that have it as well as the transcript. There a lot more than have the cut version to imply he said things he did not. Thanks for being somewhat unbiased.
He is a jackass and says a lot of stuff some good and some he should just keep quiet. His social media is worse.
They both stink. They both say and do stupid stuff. The media twists things to serve a purpose. I don’t like any of it.
Deflect much? I asked about the actual audio recording. There are numerous sites that have it as well as the transcript. There a lot more than have the cut version to imply he said things he did not. Thanks for being somewhat unbiased.
He is a jackass and says a lot of stuff some good and some he should just keep quiet. His social media is worse.
They both stink. They both say and do stupid stuff. The media twists things to serve a purpose. I don’t like any of it.
You guys are linking and believing sites that 90 percent of the board have told us over and over again are fake news. Please. Stop doing this. And stop blaming others. Snopes is a fake news site. I've seen many trusted Chatters on here tell me this and now today, suddenly you're vouching for them. Please link the real news sites like Epoch Times, Federalist Papers, Gateway Pundit, Info Wars and Breitbart to prove your points.

I didn't link this lib/fake news site and say it's real.


Please stop this nonsense.
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You guys are linking and believing sites that 90 percent of the board have told us over and over again are fake news. Please. Stop doing this. And stop blaming others. Snopes is a fake news site. I've seen many trusted Chatters on here tell me this and now today, suddenly you're vouching for them. Please link the real news sites like Epoch Times, Federalist Papers, Gateway Pundit, Info Wars and Breitbart to prove your points.

I didn't link this lib/fake news site and say it's real.


Please stop this nonsense.
No I am not saying the same thing. The actual full statement and the transcript is out there and not just on that site. You can find it numerous places and you will not acknowledge that. Unbelievable the stubbornness or the arrogance. You choose to lump people into groups and dismiss them. Thanks for your consideration.
You guys are linking and believing sites that 90 percent of the board have told us over and over again are fake news. Please. Stop doing this. And stop blaming others. Snopes is a fake news site. I've seen many trusted Chatters on here tell me this and now today, suddenly you're vouching for them. Please link the real news sites like Epoch Times, Federalist Papers, Gateway Pundit, Info Wars and Breitbart to prove your points.

I didn't link this lib/fake news site and say it's real.


Please stop this nonsense.
Does CNN work?
You do not care to hear what was really said.
Truth doesn’t matter to you. Only your truth matters.
Truth is what is most important and what is happening today from both sides is very destructive and we all need to hold them accountable and seek the truth and seek to understand. I try to acknowledge where both sides distort and out right lie.
You guys are linking and believing sites that 90 percent of the board have told us over and over again are fake news. Please. Stop doing this. And stop blaming others. Snopes is a fake news site. I've seen many trusted Chatters on here tell me this and now today, suddenly you're vouching for them. Please link the real news sites like Epoch Times, Federalist Papers, Gateway Pundit, Info Wars and Breitbart to prove your points.

I didn't link this lib/fake news site and say it's real.


Please stop this nonsense.
You are so closed minded and not with the time to try to discuss anything. You are brilliant and I should not have even tried to talk on your level. My bad.
You are so closed minded and not with the time to try to discuss anything. You are brilliant and I should not have even tried to talk on your level. My bad.
I mean you're getting angry with me, but you and your fellows did it. I don't get it. You knew what Snopes was before you defended the link. Using CNN to defend linking Snopes?
What is going on here?
If we can't use real journalism like Newsmax, OAN, Epoch Times, Washington Examiner, then we're not doing this right.
I mean you're getting angry with me, but you and your fellows did it. I don't get it. You knew what Snopes was before you defended the link. Using CNN to defend linking Snopes?
What is going on here?
If we can't use real journalism like Newsmax, OAN, Epoch Times, Washington Examiner, then we're not doing this right.
I did nothing you said. You are as incoherent as Biden on the debate stage. Quit making up crap. I will not ask you another question as it is totally worthless to do so.
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I did nothing you said. You are as incoherent as Biden on the debate stage. Quit making up crap. I will not ask you another question as it is totally worthless to do so.
You have defended linking Snopes in this thread. A far right lib site that is not fair news.

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