Mann blew it Tuesday but he saved us today ...


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 4, 2012
That's why I tend to leave him alone and did so after the Kentucky game. He gives it his all. I wish he could shoot it and he'd have a NBA role player career, but if he keeps working and trying to get better he should be able to make a little money overseas for awhile. He's a damn solid defender.

Good win for the Dawgs today. I like hitting that 20 mark because we don't do it much. If we play SC, I'd like to hit 21. If we don't, I still would like to win another before the NCAA's, but no Big DEAL if it's a one and done in the SECT to me. I'm tickled we are in the NCAAs. Let's win a game or two while we're there.
Keef, we toyed with those cats and then took a big bite

Out of their ass late.
Ha .....


We toyed with them about as much as Kentucky toyed with us.

Sadly, but whatever. A W is a W. Better than that "moral Victory" all the Dawgs fans think we had the other night. Like the Bama SECC game in football. That sucked, too. Glad we won today. I like to win. Let's win some more.