Millie Weaver Video

yep I was watching it and got through most of it... tried to cast it to my TV and I got the message it was taken down and I was locked out.

I’m sure we’re on a list now.

Nah ... nobody takes that crazy women seriously.
Seems like the main thing i took out of it was how the Ukraine was forced away from russia, through violence and then Hunter Biden became richer. This wasn't a large portion of the video but just more of a repeating of what we already know.

Also was interesting is how the advertising company that targets us with specific social media ads was turned down by the president, but was used to trick people into thinking there was Russian meddling in the election when the president wouldn't use it.

Overall it is basically discussing how these programs target us with political advertisements or news to get a reaction after they have analyzed our profiles.

Just like if you look at the paid advertisements for products on websites you may sometimes see something you have talked about but never search.

There's so much in the Video, its best to just watch it and come to your own conclusions.
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Thoughts and prayers, komrade.

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