More gaslighting from CNN


Psychedelic Warrior
Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
Here will be the Kamala Harris Playbook from here on out:

1. If you criticize her youre racist
2. If you talk about her DEI appointment youre a racist
3. If you say she was chosen by Biden because shes a black woman , youre a racist
4. If a white man criticizes her , youre a misogynist and a racist
5. If you mention the border , they will say she actually wasnt the border czar, she was just assigned to get to the root causes ( CNN did this already)
6. If youre a Conservative that doesnt like Kamala , youre a racist

Get ready people, the media has their instructions and now this mental midget is gonna be propped up like shes the female Obama. Everything youve seen with your own eyes is now a lie. The new truth is coming.

Here will be the Kamala Harris Playbook from here on out:

1. If you criticize her youre racist
2. If you talk about her DEI appointment youre a racist
3. If you say she was chosen by Biden because shes a black woman , youre a racist
4. If a white man criticizes her , youre a misogynist and a racist
5. If you mention the border , they will say she actually wasnt the border czar, she was just assigned to get to the root causes ( CNN did this already)
6. If youre a Conservative that doesnt like Kamala , youre a racist

Get ready people, the media has their instructions and now this mental midget is gonna be propped up like shes the female Obama. Everything youve seen with your own eyes is now a lie. The new truth is coming.

Biden literally announced that he was going to select a black woman as his running mate before he selected Kamala.
So this and TDS are all you have. Just a two-trick pony.

This is particularly offensive in general, but expected since you are supporting a racist.

So this and TDS are all you have. Just a two-trick pony.

This is particularly offensive in general, but expected since you are supporting a racist.
Please tell me no Celtic. You can’t say that. How many times does that have to be disproven? Biden was the most racist president we have had in our lifetime. And it isn’t even close. You guys want to hide the record but Trump wasn’t Oprah, Jesse and reverend Al’s guy because he was a racist. He was the first to open his club to everyone in Florida. Sued other clubs who didn’t. These are the little facts you never hear told by the msm. You answer me why they never have any segments about that and I will back off this. We know why.
Please tell me no Celtic. You can’t say that. How many times does that have to be disproven? Biden was the most racist president we have had in our lifetime. And it isn’t even close. You guys want to hide the record but Trump wasn’t Oprah, Jesse and reverend Al’s guy because he was a racist. He was the first to open his club to everyone in Florida. Sued other clubs who didn’t. These are the little facts you never hear told by the msm. You answer me why they never have any segments about that and I will back off this. We know why.
Trump is most definitely a racist. You can't disprove it by posting what you want to call favorable information, because it doesn't wipe away his actions in the past showing his real self. I have posted his history before and obviously am not going to convince you. Biden is gone from the Presidential race, not that it ever made a difference in discussing Trump. I'm not responsible for what the media reports anymore than you are. I don't care if you don't back off. And I wasn't going to mention another confirmation coming from Trump's nephew because you will dismiss it.
Trump is most definitely a racist. You can't disprove it by posting what you want to call favorable information, because it doesn't wipe away his actions in the past showing his real self. I have posted his history before and obviously am not going to convince you. Biden is gone from the Presidential race, not that it ever made a difference in discussing Trump. I'm not responsible for what the media reports anymore than you are. I don't care if you don't back off. And I wasn't going to mention another confirmation coming from Trump's nephew because you will dismiss it.
Shown he is how. He has way more instances where he has done differently when no one is watching Celtic. You can dislike trump all you want. I get it. But this is media created and fabricated. He went after Obama. So all those friends he had went away. That is what happened. You were giving someone grief for voting for a racist. Well, you I assume voted for Biden. He has been the biggest racist president by a wide margin. And it comes out all the time. He can’t help himself. Now the race card is on the table again with Kamala. Just surprised you were so quick to play it. Should I post the Charlemagne interview or the ll cool j gaffe. Etc. Or should I play his predator rant. Or the racial jungle rant. You lose the right to play the race card when it doesn’t matter with your own candidate. That ship has sailed. Don’t be a hypocrite
Here will be the Kamala Harris Playbook from here on out:

1. If you criticize her youre racist
2. If you talk about her DEI appointment youre a racist
3. If you say she was chosen by Biden because shes a black woman , youre a racist
4. If a white man criticizes her , youre a misogynist and a racist
5. If you mention the border , they will say she actually wasnt the border czar, she was just assigned to get to the root causes ( CNN did this already)
6. If youre a Conservative that doesnt like Kamala , youre a racist

Get ready people, the media has their instructions and now this mental midget is gonna be propped up like shes the female Obama. Everything youve seen with your own eyes is now a lie. The new truth is coming.

Democrats are weird.

1) we must follow the will of the people!!!!! Biden forced out
2) Republicans will tear down our institutions!!! Biden and Butegege literally saying they want to stack the supreme Court because they are not getting their way.
3) I love America!!!! Imports illegal aliens
4) Biden is racist (according to Kamala Harris)!!! …elects President Biden.
Democrats are weird.

1) we must follow the will of the people!!!!! Biden forced out
2) Republicans will tear down our institutions!!! Biden and Butegege literally saying they want to stack the supreme Court because they are not getting their way.
3) I love America!!!! Imports illegal aliens
4) Biden is racist (according to Kamala Harris)!!! …elects President Biden.
Number 4 is my favorite. Biden is a racist. Then becomes his vp. But it isn’t hypocritical at all to play the race card when being a racist actually means nothing to you.

Look at it this way with Kamala. It is the first time she ever got promoted due to a man pulling out.
Here will be the Kamala Harris Playbook from here on out:

1. If you criticize her youre racist
2. If you talk about her DEI appointment youre a racist
3. If you say she was chosen by Biden because shes a black woman , youre a racist
4. If a white man criticizes her , youre a misogynist and a racist
5. If you mention the border , they will say she actually wasnt the border czar, she was just assigned to get to the root causes ( CNN did this already)
6. If youre a Conservative that doesnt like Kamala , youre a racist

Get ready people, the media has their instructions and now this mental midget is gonna be propped up like shes the female Obama. Everything youve seen with your own eyes is now a lie. The new truth is coming.

You really just can’t worry about the racist name calling.

Democrats use racial politics and race-baiting the way Picasso used paint. They love this stuff.

Any, and I mean, any discussion about how good the Biden/Harrris admin was now makes you racist. Lololol

Democrats must love irony. In the same conversation where they’re claiming that people deserve a debate between the candidates… They won’t even let their own political commentators debate the qualification of the candidates. 🙄
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Shown he is how. He has way more instances where he has done differently when no one is watching Celtic. You can dislike trump all you want. I get it. But this is media created and fabricated. He went after Obama. So all those friends he had went away. That is what happened. You were giving someone grief for voting for a racist. Well, you I assume voted for Biden. He has been the biggest racist president by a wide margin. And it comes out all the time. He can’t help himself. Now the race card is on the table again with Kamala. Just surprised you were so quick to play it. Should I post the Charlemagne interview or the ll cool j gaffe. Etc. Or should I play his predator rant. Or the racial jungle rant. You lose the right to play the race card when it doesn’t matter with your own candidate. That ship has sailed. Don’t be a hypocrite
I was responded to the idiot posts by another chatter. I didn't start any discussion. And that is complete nonsense that I can't talk about Trump because he is running for President. It's not a discussion of who to vote for, but bringing out that he's a racist. So what do you have to say about what his nephew is coming out with in his book?
I was responded to the idiot posts by another chatter. I didn't start any discussion. And that is complete nonsense that I can't talk about Trump because he is running for President. It's not a discussion of who to vote for, but bringing out that he's a racist. So what do you have to say about what his nephew is coming out with in his book?
Nobody cares about a book anymore. It’s all played out at this point. I notice that you didn’t bother to tell us.
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I was responded to the idiot posts by another chatter. I didn't start any discussion. And that is complete nonsense that I can't talk about Trump because he is running for President. It's not a discussion of who to vote for, but bringing out that he's a racist. So what do you have to say about what his nephew is coming out with in his book?
Bring it. Writing a book to make money. It doesn’t surprise me a bit. How many have done the same thing to him over the years. He is an asshat. Always has been, but he put his money where his mouth is too.

I am just saying don’t be a hypocrite. Kamala is a hypocrite too. She called Biden a racist then joined him. I mean damn. When you do this playing the race card is totally meaningless and hypocritical.

You know Trump donated to Kamala’s reelection campaign. Because that is what all white nationalist closet racists like to do with their money. Donate it to black female candidates. She didn’t turn his money away.

At this point can you trust one thing anyone says about Trump anymore good or bad. So many lies or out of context things out there it isn’t funny. How many have you believed right here and propped up with will either posting them or liking his posts. How many have been disproven or just been outright lies. (Not calling you or will a liar here to be clear, just promoting them before disproven, they aren’t your personal lies)

the funny thing Celtic, the factual stuff out there about trump is plenty bad. But people can’t help themselves, some hate him so much they just make stuff up. Lot of factual stuff about Kamala out there too. How she got where she is? Misogyny sure. Doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
Bring it. Writing a book to make money. It doesn’t surprise me a bit. How many have done the same thing to him over the years. He is an asshat. Always has been, but he put his money where his mouth is too.

I am just saying don’t be a hypocrite. Kamala is a hypocrite too. She called Biden a racist then joined him. I mean damn. When you do this playing the race card is totally meaningless and hypocritical.

You know Trump donated to Kamala’s reelection campaign. Because that is what all white nationalist closet racists like to do with their money. Donate it to black female candidates. She didn’t turn his money away.

At this point can you trust one thing anyone says about Trump anymore good or bad. So many lies or out of context things out there it isn’t funny. How many have you believed right here and propped up with will either posting them or liking his posts. How many have been disproven or just been outright lies. (Not calling you or will a liar here to be clear, just promoting them before disproven, they aren’t your personal lies)

the funny thing Celtic, the factual stuff out there about trump is plenty bad. But people can’t help themselves, some hate him so much they just make stuff up. Lot of factual stuff about Kamala out there too. How she got where she is? Misogyny sure. Doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
Last comment unless there is something new.

So he's writing a book to make money - doesn't mean he's not telling the truth. No, you weren't telling me to not be a hypocrite, you were telling me Trump is not racist. Very simple yes or know but you keep throwing other stuff in there. Yes, I saw the check that Trump wrote. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even know who she was at that point, but regardless it doesn't prove a thing because he has done plenty to look good.

Agree that it's hard to trust anything that is said now - going back to the last election. But there were incidents early in Trump's life before he became a politician which show his true character (which he likely learned from his father). Check out the problems he and his father had with turning down people of color from renting in their properties. Too many people have spoken about it. Then we have his comments about the Central Park Five which he would never apologize for - I'm sure you know about that. And I certainly do trust things Trump himself said which are on the record. He has repeatedly made racist comments including calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists and proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Regarding Harris do you forget him insinuating she doesn't meet the requirements to run for Vice President just like he attacked Obama being a citizen. None of this is made up.
Last comment unless there is something new.

So he's writing a book to make money - doesn't mean he's not telling the truth. No, you weren't telling me to not be a hypocrite, you were telling me Trump is not racist. Very simple yes or know but you keep throwing other stuff in there. Yes, I saw the check that Trump wrote. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even know who she was at that point, but regardless it doesn't prove a thing because he has done plenty to look good.

Agree that it's hard to trust anything that is said now - going back to the last election. But there were incidents early in Trump's life before he became a politician which show his true character (which he likely learned from his father). Check out the problems he and his father had with turning down people of color from renting in their properties. Too many people have spoken about it. Then we have his comments about the Central Park Five which he would never apologize for - I'm sure you know about that. And I certainly do trust things Trump himself said which are on the record. He has repeatedly made racist comments including calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists and proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Regarding Harris do you forget him insinuating she doesn't meet the requirements to run for Vice President just like he attacked Obama being a citizen. None of this is made up.
Your last paragraph is exactly what I am talking about. All out of context. He called for a Muslim ban until the folks in charge over here could figure out what is going on. To stop the violence occurring. Not because he hates Muslims or thinks he is superior. He said their hate for us is dangerous. That isn’t racist. Same way he was called a xenophobe for the China ban. It was about safety. Same with Mexican immigrants. This kind of thing frustrates me more than anything.

Why? Why did he say that about Mexican immigrants. He didn’t like the lottery system. Said they don’t put good people there to come into this country all the time. It should be merit based. Women are being raped at an alarming rate.

Celtic, what happened next? Joe opened the border wide open. You know what Joe had to do eventually. Seperate the men from the women and children. Why did he have to do that? Because they were being molested and raped at an alarming rate.

This is all out of context crap. It is considered racist by politicians. It isn’t real racism. They say it is disguised. It is just being lazy. He isn’t saying all Mexicans are rapists. It is a freaking headline. God help us.

You mention that about his father. Renting to minorities. Yet no one mentions he was the first to open up his club to everyone in Florida. Then sued other clubs for not doing the same. After these clubs accused him for only doing it for money. He put his own money where his mouth is. Again, because this is what real racists do.

He is a jackass businessman. Terrible to people at times. These are facts. The rest is fear porn that is so easily dismissed by a quick research it isn’t funny. I know this post is futile. I just like to think it isn’t because I like you as a poster. Humor me. lol.
So when Harris called Biden racist while campaigning for the 2020 Democratic nomination yet couldn't even place in the Top 5, were the millions of Democratic voters racist for choosing Biden?
Last comment unless there is something new.

So he's writing a book to make money - doesn't mean he's not telling the truth. No, you weren't telling me to not be a hypocrite, you were telling me Trump is not racist. Very simple yes or know but you keep throwing other stuff in there. Yes, I saw the check that Trump wrote. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even know who she was at that point, but regardless it doesn't prove a thing because he has done plenty to look good.

Agree that it's hard to trust anything that is said now - going back to the last election. But there were incidents early in Trump's life before he became a politician which show his true character (which he likely learned from his father). Check out the problems he and his father had with turning down people of color from renting in their properties. Too many people have spoken about it. Then we have his comments about the Central Park Five which he would never apologize for - I'm sure you know about that. And I certainly do trust things Trump himself said which are on the record. He has repeatedly made racist comments including calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists and proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Regarding Harris do you forget him insinuating she doesn't meet the requirements to run for Vice President just like he attacked Obama being a citizen. None of this is made up.
"If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you." ~ Lyndon Johnson
"If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you." ~ Lyndon Johnson
Quoting someone from the 60’s. That’s where this opinion should stay. The whole point is not to see color. Jesus sho
I don't understand all the hubub over labeling Kamala as a diversity hire.

Biden promised to pick a woman of color as VP.

Does anyone think she was selected for any other reason?
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I don't understand all the hubub over labeling Kamala as a diversity hire.

Biden promised to pick a woman of color as VP.

Does anyone think she was selected for any other reason?

It’s one thing that we as a society tolerate intentionally not hiring the best person for the job. I guess we have to tolerate that now?

But now we’re not even allowed to talk about the fact that we have to tolerate it?

The most hilarious thing about all these diversity hires, whether in government or in business, is they have the absolute audacity to act like they earned it. Lol.
Last comment unless there is something new.

So he's writing a book to make money - doesn't mean he's not telling the truth. No, you weren't telling me to not be a hypocrite, you were telling me Trump is not racist. Very simple yes or know but you keep throwing other stuff in there. Yes, I saw the check that Trump wrote. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even know who she was at that point, but regardless it doesn't prove a thing because he has done plenty to look good.

Agree that it's hard to trust anything that is said now - going back to the last election. But there were incidents early in Trump's life before he became a politician which show his true character (which he likely learned from his father). Check out the problems he and his father had with turning down people of color from renting in their properties. Too many people have spoken about it. Then we have his comments about the Central Park Five which he would never apologize for - I'm sure you know about that. And I certainly do trust things Trump himself said which are on the record. He has repeatedly made racist comments including calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists and proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Regarding Harris do you forget him insinuating she doesn't meet the requirements to run for Vice President just like he attacked Obama being a citizen. None of this is made up.

Writing a book, doesn’t mean there is a lick of truth in it.
Here will be the Kamala Harris Playbook from here on out:

1. If you criticize her youre racist
2. If you talk about her DEI appointment youre a racist
3. If you say she was chosen by Biden because shes a black woman , youre a racist
4. If a white man criticizes her , youre a misogynist and a racist
5. If you mention the border , they will say she actually wasnt the border czar, she was just assigned to get to the root causes ( CNN did this already)
6. If youre a Conservative that doesnt like Kamala , youre a racist

Get ready people, the media has their instructions and now this mental midget is gonna be propped up like shes the female Obama. Everything youve seen with your own eyes is now a lie. The new truth is coming.

This country will be in turmoil until the issues both before and after the Vietnam war are addressed and not ignored and forgotten.That includes of course the war itself. We must acknowledge and accept our sins,it doesn’t mean the end,it’s actually the beginning of greatness. I am a combat veteran; 9th infantry division !
Here will be the Kamala Harris Playbook from here on out:

1. If you criticize her youre racist
2. If you talk about her DEI appointment youre a racist
3. If you say she was chosen by Biden because shes a black woman , youre a racist
4. If a white man criticizes her , youre a misogynist and a racist
5. If you mention the border , they will say she actually wasnt the border czar, she was just assigned to get to the root causes ( CNN did this already)
6. If youre a Conservative that doesnt like Kamala , youre a racist

Get ready people, the media has their instructions and now this mental midget is gonna be propped up like shes the female Obama. Everything youve seen with your own eyes is now a lie. The new truth is coming.

Im personally excited for yall to make the first four the centerpiece of your talking points- and add that stuff about her sleeping her way to power. I promise it will go over with independents amazingly. Keep going!
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Im personally excited for yall to make the first four the centerpiece of your talking points- and add that stuff about her sleeping her way to power. I promise it will go over with independents amazingly. Keep going!
All that needs to be said is to outline her accomplishments and the words that she has spoken during interviews etc. She is much more radical than Biden. She is much less accomplished and qualified. There is absolutely no reason or need to bring up the other.
That is what the Democrats have done against Trump.
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