More on Aurora

Attached article from CBS News. This tells you that officials in Aurora, Denver and the Governor's office have known about this for a while.

Colorado law firm report claims Venezuelan gang has "stranglehold" on apartments,​

Takeover began in 2023​

"An officer reported responding to a call from a housecleaner at Whispering Pines. He said she told police she 'was threatened that she needed to give up the keys to the vacant apartments at the Whispering Pine Apartments so that a group of Venezuelans could move people into the Whispering Pine Apartments.' The officer reported, 'Suspects left but not before warning her to comply or else they would kill her or her family.' The Aurora officer wrote to fellow officers, 'I would highly recommend you guys take 2-3 friends with you when responding to any calls there.'"

Full CBS Article