My how the turntables! Pelosi on film taking blame. WOW

This is so incredibly stupid.

Trump lied about the election.
Trump called his followers to DC on J6.
Trump wanted to stop/delay certification.
He tried to pressure Pence to do it and Pence wouldn't.
He fired his followers up for a few hours and then sent them to the Capitol to "save our country".
He didn't tell them to leave the Capitol until three hours after the violence started.
He currently praises the convicted felons who attacked the police as "heroes", says what they were doing was justified because of the stolen election, and he promises to pardon them if reelected.

Everything I stated above is an absolute, established fact.

But Pelosi takes responsibility (something that I realize is an entirely foreign concept to Trump and his supporters) because she didn't do everything she might have done to prepare for the attack launched by Trump supporters and carrying Trump flags, so she is responsible for J6.

Defending Pelosi of all people? I don’t necessarily buy into the “bombshell” that is this Pelosi recording. Not that big a deal. At the very least it proves her rhetoric about the capitol not being prepared being totally Trump’s fault is bullshit. But again nothing to see here.

But it’s a pretty big stretch for an “independent” to go to bat for Nancy Pelosi. Absolutely nasty lifelong politician. An absolute killer.
Defending Pelosi of all people? I don’t necessarily buy into the “bombshell” that is this Pelosi recording. Not that big a deal. At the very least it proves her rhetoric about the capitol not being prepared being totally Trump’s fault is bullshit. But again nothing to see here.

But it’s a pretty big stretch for an “independent” to go to bat for Nancy Pelosi. Absolutely nasty lifelong politician. An absolute killer.
I wasn’t defending Pelosi, beyond pointing out that blaming her or anyone other than Trump and his compatriots for J6 is ridiculous. I listed in detail above why I feel Trump was responsible and blaming Pelosi for not properly preparing for the attack by team MAGA is some crazy backward logic.
That is a poor example. The national guard with 1000 troops would have brought it all to a stand still. That take is so far off base it is laughable. You are better than that. The people who entered the capital had the fire power equivalent to Germany? You are more reasonable than that.
It’s not about firepower, it’s about intent. As I detailed above, J6 happened because Trump wanted to stop certification as part of a plan to remain in office after losing the election. Blaming the people who were subject to the attack doesn’t make any sense unless one is desperately looking for a reason to excuse or ignore the inexcusable. .
And again, Trump tells us nearly every day what his thoughts are about the J6 felons. They are heroes, their actions were justified because of the stolen election and he’s going to pardon them all if re-elected. What do people need to see or hear to assign the blame to the person responsible?
It’s not about firepower, it’s about intent. As I detailed above, J6 happened because Trump wanted to stop certification as part of a plan to remain in office after losing the election. Blaming the people who were subject to the attack doesn’t make any sense unless one is desperately looking for a reason to excuse or ignore the inexcusable. .
And again, Trump tells us nearly every day what his thoughts are about the J6 felons. They are heroes, their actions were justified because of the stolen election and he’s going to pardon them all if re-elected. What do people need to see or hear to assign the blame to the person responsible?
I am not trying to excuse Trump. These are separate issues to consider. Yet you seem to only want to focus on side of the equation. I am pointing out Pelosi screwed up and she was warned there could be issues and was either terribly off base or she wanted it to be a crap show. I do think they wanted Trump to keep denying and there to be some sort of circus to use as talking points. But no one wanted what happened the way it unfolded.
I am not trying to excuse Trump. These are separate issues to consider. Yet you seem to only want to focus on side of the equation. I am pointing out Pelosi screwed up and she was warned there could be issues and was either terribly off base or she wanted it to be a crap show. I do think they wanted Trump to keep denying and there to be some sort of circus to use as talking points. But no one wanted what happened the way it unfolded.
Thank you, couldnt have said it better myself. Was Trump wrong in his rhetoric then and since ? Yes

Could the riot have been squelched? Also yes.
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Thank you, couldnt have said it better myself. Was Trump wrong in his rhetoric then and since ? Yes

Could the riot have been squelched? Also yes.
Watch any video and it is clear they in the vast majority of the recordings, the doors were held open for them. The Dems wanted this to happen and they did a fantastic job of allowing it to unfold.

They, the Democratic Party, are excellent at getting people to believe their spin. Hell, 25% of the population now believe men can have babies and 100% of those people vote Democrat.
Watch any video and it is clear they in the vast majority of the recordings, the doors were held open for them. The Dems wanted this to happen and they did a fantastic job of allowing it to unfold.

They, the Democratic Party, are excellent at getting people to believe their spin. Hell, 25% of the population now believe men can have babies and 100% of those people vote Democrat.
I agree with you. This was planned. Im a little shocked that Will didnt agree, I thought this was common knowledge.
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Watch any video and it is clear they in the vast majority of the recordings, the doors were held open for them. The Dems wanted this to happen and they did a fantastic job of allowing it to unfold.

They, the Democratic Party, are excellent at getting people to believe their spin. Hell, 25% of the population now believe men can have babies and 100% of those people vote Democrat.
Any video. Right. I know it's a waste of time, but the felony plea deals and convictions at trial speak for themselves. I guess in your mind it was the greatest setup in the history of the country. Trump really played his part setting this whole thing up. Masterful really.

  • Approximately 820 individuals have pleaded guilty to a variety of federal charges, many of whom faced or will face incarceration at sentencing.
    • Approximately 255 have pleaded guilty to felonies. Another 565 have pleaded guilty to misdemeanors.
    • A total of 97 of those who have pleaded guilty to felonies have pleaded to federal charges of assaulting law enforcement officers. Approximately 58 additional defendants have pleaded guilty to feloniously obstructing, impeding, or interfering with a law enforcement officer during a civil disorder. Of these 155 defendants, 145 have now been sentenced to prison terms of up to 151 months.
    • Four of those who have pleaded guilty to felonies have pleaded guilty to the federal charge of seditious conspiracy.
  • 162 individuals have been found guilty at contested trials, including 3 who were found guilty in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Another 37 individuals have been convicted following an agreed-upon set of facts. 82 of these 199 defendants were found guilty of assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers and/or obstructing officers during a civil disorder, which are felony offenses, including one who has been sentenced to more than 14 years in prison.
  • Approximately 884 defendants have had their cases adjudicated and received sentences for their criminal activity on Jan. 6. Approximately 541 have been sentenced to periods of incarceration. Approximately 172 defendants have been sentenced to a period of home detention, including approximately 31 who also were sentenced to a period of incarceration.
So many open doorways.
Any video. Right. I know it's a waste of time, but the felony plea deals and convictions at trial speak for themselves. I guess in your mind it was the greatest setup in the history of the country. Trump really played his part setting this whole thing up. Masterful really.

  • Approximately 820 individuals have pleaded guilty to a variety of federal charges, many of whom faced or will face incarceration at sentencing.
    • Approximately 255 have pleaded guilty to felonies. Another 565 have pleaded guilty to misdemeanors.
    • A total of 97 of those who have pleaded guilty to felonies have pleaded to federal charges of assaulting law enforcement officers. Approximately 58 additional defendants have pleaded guilty to feloniously obstructing, impeding, or interfering with a law enforcement officer during a civil disorder. Of these 155 defendants, 145 have now been sentenced to prison terms of up to 151 months.
    • Four of those who have pleaded guilty to felonies have pleaded guilty to the federal charge of seditious conspiracy.
  • 162 individuals have been found guilty at contested trials, including 3 who were found guilty in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Another 37 individuals have been convicted following an agreed-upon set of facts. 82 of these 199 defendants were found guilty of assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers and/or obstructing officers during a civil disorder, which are felony offenses, including one who has been sentenced to more than 14 years in prison.
  • Approximately 884 defendants have had their cases adjudicated and received sentences for their criminal activity on Jan. 6. Approximately 541 have been sentenced to periods of incarceration. Approximately 172 defendants have been sentenced to a period of home detention, including approximately 31 who also were sentenced to a period of incarceration.
So many open doorways.
You failed to refute the claim. As usual.
Any video. Right. I know it's a waste of time, but the felony plea deals and convictions at trial speak for themselves. I guess in your mind it was the greatest setup in the history of the country. Trump really played his part setting this whole thing up. Masterful really.

  • Approximately 820 individuals have pleaded guilty to a variety of federal charges, many of whom faced or will face incarceration at sentencing.
    • Approximately 255 have pleaded guilty to felonies. Another 565 have pleaded guilty to misdemeanors.
    • A total of 97 of those who have pleaded guilty to felonies have pleaded to federal charges of assaulting law enforcement officers. Approximately 58 additional defendants have pleaded guilty to feloniously obstructing, impeding, or interfering with a law enforcement officer during a civil disorder. Of these 155 defendants, 145 have now been sentenced to prison terms of up to 151 months.
    • Four of those who have pleaded guilty to felonies have pleaded guilty to the federal charge of seditious conspiracy.
  • 162 individuals have been found guilty at contested trials, including 3 who were found guilty in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Another 37 individuals have been convicted following an agreed-upon set of facts. 82 of these 199 defendants were found guilty of assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers and/or obstructing officers during a civil disorder, which are felony offenses, including one who has been sentenced to more than 14 years in prison.
  • Approximately 884 defendants have had their cases adjudicated and received sentences for their criminal activity on Jan. 6. Approximately 541 have been sentenced to periods of incarceration. Approximately 172 defendants have been sentenced to a period of home detention, including approximately 31 who also were sentenced to a period of incarceration.
So many open doorways.
And ONCE AGAIN, the point is that if the National Guard had been there , some of these folks might not be charged.

We are talking about 2 different things and you seem to be having a really hard time with this. Your responses are really bizarre.
OK. I'll play along. What exactly is the claim, and what would it take to refute it? Set a bar and I'll respond.
My claim is that if the National Guard and the Capitol Police had been fully staffed that this wouldnt have happened.

Hypothetically , If I go to rob a bank and there are 2 cop cars sitting outside the bank, Im not robbing the bank.

The National Guard was not there because they were ordered not to be there on purpose.
My claim is that if the National Guard and the Capitol Police had been fully staffed that this wouldnt have happened.

Hypothetically , If I go to rob a bank and there are 2 cop cars sitting outside the bank, Im not robbing the bank.

The National Guard was not there because they were ordered not to be there on purpose.
didn't Christopher miller authorize the deployment of DC national guard, but basically told them they couldn't be armed or engage with anyone without his express approval? Is that not what this memo from Jan 4 says? Am I just reading it wrong? Seriously someone help me make sense of there further direction after this memo that I'm missing that puts this back on Pelosi?

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That’s like saying WWII could have been avoided if only Poland had strengthened their borders with Germany. It’s that’s dumb.

As I detailed above, one man is ultimately responsible for J6, and you guys want to put him back in the WH. I think we have more voters who see it my way than yours, but we will determine that in November.
If more voters don’t care about common sense principles, such as you, then our nation is screwed.

The damage Biden has done is far more than whatever exaggeration you can come up with for the damage trump did.

It should be a no brainer now that we can compare 2016-19 to 2021-24.
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If more voters don’t care about common sense principles, such as you, then our nation is screwed.

The damage Biden has done is far more than whatever exaggeration you can come up with for the damage trump did.

It should be a no brainer now that we can compare 2016-19 to 2021-24.
The impact of a once in a hundred year global pandemic was so extreme that Trump supporters such as yourself want us to not even consider it as part of Trump’s record, right? Yet you want to completely ignore the fact that the Biden took over during the same global pandemic that cratered the economy and drove global inflation due the disruptions in global supply chains.

Ignoring Trump’s last year in office also allows you to ignore his lies about election fraud and his efforts to steal the election, efforts that included violence on J6. Insisting on a president who can be counted on to adhere to his oath to “protect, preserve and defend the Constitution’” is about as common sense as it gets.
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The impact of a once in a hundred year global pandemic was so extreme that Trump supporters such as yourself want us to not even consider it as part of Trump’s record, right? Yet you want to completely ignore the fact that the Biden took over during the same global pandemic that cratered the economy and drove global inflation due the disruptions in global supply chains.

Ignoring Trump’s last year in office also allows you to ignore his lies about election fraud and his efforts to steal the election, efforts that included violence on J6. Insisting on a president who can be counted on to adhere to his oath to “protect, preserve and defend the Constitution’” is about as common sense as it gets.
Its hard to take anyone serious who tries to downplay COVID, but it was unprecedented in modern times. How were things before COVID happened? Far better than they are now, and then the world shut down.

Biden took over when the world was opening back up. Most of Biden's issues are nothing but spreading tumors of the left, which have nothing to do with COVID:
  1. Open Border for anyone who wants in, this leads to innocent Americans getting murdered. This should enrage you. Biden had 3 years to do something, but all he did was choose to not continue the success of Trump at the border, and then try to fool idiots into thinking its the GOP's fault.
  2. Soft on crime for criminals, which leads to innocent Americans suffering. This should enrage you. Why doesnt it?
  3. Boys can be girls, boy should be allowed in girl locker rooms, boys should be allowed to compete as girls, which leads to traumatized victims on both sides. If you have a wife or daughter, this should enrage you. Why doesnt it?
  4. Racism. CRT and DEI. It is okay to discriminate against whites, especially white men. If you are a white male, this should enrage you. Why doesnt it?
  5. Do you really think its a coincidence that Russia only attacks Ukraine when Obama and Biden are in power?
This combo of insane ideas is fully embraced by Biden and Co. There is no defending such an affront to common sense and the USA, which is why you never do.

There is a MAJOR difference between A) the nonsensical IDEA of a single threat, such as Trump will for real try a real coup next time, and B) multiple actual, real threats, such as listed above.
Most importantly perhaps the tape proves that it was not a deliberate effort to leave the capital "unmanned" by pelosi before a scheduled trump rally was to take place as some conservative conspiracy theorists had opined,...but rather it is an instance of incompetence and not sabotage,...but either way this story will only find itself circulating towards the end of the internet as it is harmful to the media and Biden narrative,...and years from now will be more forgotten than some ancient concrete stele screaming to posterity for attention but ignored for its lack of glitter and flashes of merriment.
Most importantly perhaps the tape proves that it was not a deliberate effort to leave the capital "unmanned" by pelosi before a scheduled trump rally was to take place as some conservative conspiracy theorists had opined,...but rather it is an instance of incompetence and not sabotage,...but either way this story will only find itself circulating towards the end of the internet as it is harmful to the media and Biden narrative,...and years from now will be more forgotten than some ancient concrete stele screaming to posterity for attention but ignored for its lack of glitter and flashes of merriment.
Does it matter? If it can be argued Trump instigated it, whether intentional or incompetent, doesn't the same apply to her?
I think it's better to just screw up rather than purpososful mischief,..the video silences a lot of conspiracy theorists,...but it just sucks that we arrive at this ommition years later
Any video. Right. I know it's a waste of time, but the felony plea deals and convictions at trial speak for themselves. I guess in your mind it was the greatest setup in the history of the country. Trump really played his part setting this whole thing up. Masterful really.

  • Approximately 820 individuals have pleaded guilty to a variety of federal charges, many of whom faced or will face incarceration at sentencing.
    • Approximately 255 have pleaded guilty to felonies. Another 565 have pleaded guilty to misdemeanors.
    • A total of 97 of those who have pleaded guilty to felonies have pleaded to federal charges of assaulting law enforcement officers. Approximately 58 additional defendants have pleaded guilty to feloniously obstructing, impeding, or interfering with a law enforcement officer during a civil disorder. Of these 155 defendants, 145 have now been sentenced to prison terms of up to 151 months.
    • Four of those who have pleaded guilty to felonies have pleaded guilty to the federal charge of seditious conspiracy.
  • 162 individuals have been found guilty at contested trials, including 3 who were found guilty in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Another 37 individuals have been convicted following an agreed-upon set of facts. 82 of these 199 defendants were found guilty of assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers and/or obstructing officers during a civil disorder, which are felony offenses, including one who has been sentenced to more than 14 years in prison.
  • Approximately 884 defendants have had their cases adjudicated and received sentences for their criminal activity on Jan. 6. Approximately 541 have been sentenced to periods of incarceration. Approximately 172 defendants have been sentenced to a period of home detention, including approximately 31 who also were sentenced to a period of incarceration.
So many open doorways.
The felony plea deals don't mean as much as you think. Our DOJ has endless time and money to hold these people in prison indefinitely. More will come out on all of this and i would bet you will be proven wrong on much of it. Just like all the Covid BS the truth is now coming to light.
It isn’t now, NO one in this world has respect for us. If we don’t hold the biggest stick, which we don’t,
we aren’t even safe in our country anymore. We need to get back to the values that we once had. America has lost our greatness.
folks abroad have been laughing at us since we elected Trump in 2016... this isn’t a recent phenomenon.

I know because I talked with these people in 2017. we will be forever scarred by that action.
  • Haha
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folks abroad have been laughing at us since we elected Trump in 2016... this isn’t a recent phenomenon.

I know because I talked with these people in 2017. we will be forever scarred by that action.
I bet they are laughing even more after seeing the alphabet soup clown show administration of Biden.
didn't Christopher miller authorize the deployment of DC national guard, but basically told them they couldn't be armed or engage with anyone without his express approval? Is that not what this memo from Jan 4 says? Am I just reading it wrong? Seriously someone help me make sense of there further direction after this memo that I'm missing that puts this back on Pelosi?

Here you go. In his own words. But who I am kidding. You will believe the memo, but not his own testimony. Or the claim that he was pressured to testify to the left narrative. Right.