ND - Anyone hearing about a state wide lockdown

Honest question... What is the difference between this and the city shutdown some of us are already under?
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Rumors similar to that have been circulating for the past 2 weeks now, but I would expect some sort of announcement like that during his 5:00 press conference today. I don't envy the decision he has to make, but I expect him to follow suit with issuing a non-essential lockdown as many other states already have.
being announced at 5pm today by Gov Kemp? Also, Carroll County just announced they are on lockdown until further notice.
Not happening. Kemp is going to shut down atlanta today at 5 just like athens did. That stay at home law. Will shut down all non essential businesses. Pest Control, groceries, liquor stores, pharmacies....ect all essential.
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lockdown means essentially no extra curricular activity, work, grocery store gas station and pharmacy are what they want people to adhere to. You won't be able to keep people in their house against their will unless there are troops on the streets. I think most people are being smart right now and barely going out.
lockdown means essentially no extra curricular activity, work, grocery store gas station and pharmacy are what they want people to adhere to. You won't be able to keep people in their house against their will unless there are troops on the streets. I think most people are being smart right now and barely going out.
Not around here. Couldn’t believe the people out and about in moletree this wknd in a place 45 min from Albany. Bunch of idiots.
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lockdown means essentially no extra curricular activity, work, grocery store gas station and pharmacy are what they want people to adhere to. You won't be able to keep people in their house against their will unless there are troops on the streets. I think most people are being smart right now and barely going out.

I thought the same thing until I drove past Piedmont Park this weekend... I've never seen it that crowded.
If true it is, quite frankly, about damn time.

In a perfect world we would live in a society where people are responsible and making decisions in situations like this for the greater good. Sadly though, we don't live in a perfect world. Far too many people are being far too cavalier with/openly defiant of the rules and requests (and, as an extension, other people's health) on this, and all it is doing is extending the shelf life of the time frame where all of us will need to remain hunkered down.

If we could institute a statewide limit on TP purchases too that would be great, but baby steps.
Sounds like it is coming. AJC reporting that the Atlanta mayor was going to issue one for the city and Governor told her to hold off until after his 5:00 press conference.
What does that really mean? Can’t leave your house at all? Unprecedented times for sure
I'm in CA and we implemented a statewide lockdown I believe Thursday. Hasn't really changed much other than most people are now teleworking.

I still went fishing Friday night, Saturday morning, and Sunday morning. People are encouraged to stay home but avoid all group gatherings for the foreseeable future. as long as you are staying away from people, go outside. I can't tell you how many people I saw running, walking the sidewalks, playing around outside when we went for a walk around the neighborhood
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What’s amazing to me is Washington State has been on lockdown yet..ground zero in the US though New York might have overtaken them
lockdown means essentially no extra curricular activity, work, grocery store gas station and pharmacy are what they want people to adhere to. You won't be able to keep people in their house against their will unless there are troops on the streets. I think most people are being smart right now and barely going out.
it won't be that. you can still leave your house and go recreate as long as you are doing so responsibly and away from others. go fishing or hiking or for a drive. no one is going to tell you not to. just don't be stupid and go to a mass gathering
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being announced at 5pm today by Gov Kemp? Also, Carroll County just announced they are on lockdown until further notice.
Not going to happen as of this morning — 1st hand knowledge. The communities which have shut down are already starting down “an economic catastrophe” without noticeable results.
The biggest issue with shelter at home is the required closures of non-essential businesses (a term the states are free to decide on the definition). It should be noted that in CA, cannabis shops are considered an essential business.
FWIW, I just received this text from a wife of. State Rep. Kemp is having a press conference at 5. All non essential businesses to shut down . Grocery stores, drug stores, hospitals , gas stations will be open. If y'all need anything ( besides groceries or drugs) you need to go today.
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being announced at 5pm today by Gov Kemp? Also, Carroll County just announced they are on lockdown until further notice.
I thought Carroll county just implemented no gatherings of 10 or more and all restaurants are carry out only? I know carrollton city had special meeting yesterday and that was what essentially came from it - county might be different.
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FWIW, I just received this text from a wife of. State Rep. Kemp is having a press conference at 5. All non essential businesses to shut down . Grocery stores, drug stores, hospitals , gas stations will be open. If y'all need anything ( besides groceries or drugs) you need to go today.

We've been under a shelter in place order in Athens since the last half of last week. There's no need to go stock up on any necessities. There's a lot of stuff that gets wrapped up in the "essential" category, way more than the stuff you mentioned.
They should have shut the state down a week ago. I live on the Beltline in the city and I've never seen it as crowded as it was this weekend...
Yeah man we live close enough to hear one of the interstates and it sounded like a normal weekend.

The exact same thing happened in Italy and France. People didn’t take “suggestions” to stay home and had to be ordered
We've been under a shelter in place order in Athens since the last half of last week. There's no need to go stock up on any necessities. There's a lot of stuff that gets wrapped up in the "essential" category, way more than the stuff you mentioned.

I placed my house on a shelter in place last week as well for our own safety. I'm not running to the grocery stores and stocking up. I'm a planner. I planned 2 weeks of meals and bought what was needed. I think it's selfish to hoard things. So many people live paycheck to paycheck and can't afford to buy in bulk.
FWIW, I just received this text from a wife of. State Rep. Kemp is having a press conference at 5. All non essential businesses to shut down . Grocery stores, drug stores, hospitals , gas stations will be open. If y'all need anything ( besides groceries or drugs) you need to go today.

Yes this is what I'm hearing as well. Statewide. Not just Atlanta.
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the healthcare staff at my clinic are being given letters to allow us to be on the road so I’m going to say yes, some sort of lockdown is about to take effect
A childhood friend of my wife up in Virginia got a "pass" to be on the road for work. Sounds like they are about to do the same.

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