Neighbor reminds me of someone I used to Know,She got Folks to

Re: Did she have a horse?***

She got some different Dumb asses the next time.
I know what you mean. Names are the worse for me and it drives

me crazy until I think of them.
Told Wifey, "If I don't introduce you, I can't remember their name"

She thinks I'm being mean, but I just can't remember chit.
Used to use "Have you met my wife?" Then that was her que to introduce

Herself...until she didn't one time...and I was stuck. That was one big matzah ball hanging out there.
Re: Used to use "Have you met my wife?" Then that was her que to introduce

Your wife sounds a little like mine. I remember women's name better for some reason but if not it's "Hey sweetheart". I'm old enough to do that now.
Wecome to the club. I used to be great with names and voices on

the phone after hearing once, but it's awful now not knowing who I'm talking to until they say something that clicks.
lol, Al says "Hey, ole boy. How you doing?" It's so embarrasing when you

know folks, but can't remember their names.
Re: Try forgetful and Deaf.

Know more than I'd like to about hearing loss and how it changes your life.