Never forget

That’s what you got out of that? Ok, happy Mother’s Day.
I got that you didn't really read it. Didn't realize I was low man on the totem pole here and I was talking to an expert.
Please stop living in the extremes. I do not support Biden. Why does everything have to be this extreme or that extreme? Real life doesn’t happen in the extreme.

Biden is a Democrat so I support virtually none of his policies. And Trump is a scumbag, liar, etc.

Both things can be true at the same time.
One or the other will be president. Am I extreme to suggest that?
You speak of bad policy when you mention Biden. What do you think of Trump's policies?
For me, that is how I decide ... good policiy or bad policy. Because those affect the country. I don't think it is presently reasonable to view a presidential election in terms of "is this guy's personal life up to my standards". It's not as important to the security of my family and nation.
Trump is absolutely a blowhard, lives or at least lived his life like a Kennedy or Clinton and numerous other powerful pols. He'll certainly embellish and even outright lie if he thinks it will serve his goal. Of course or congressional and senate reps can't be sued for slander if the target someone in a speech or debate on the floor of the house or in the Senate. (Remember Harry Reid)

The bottom line is you should be very skeptical of anything ANY politician tells you and Trump's statements are no more misleading than statements made by Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton the cast and crew at MSNBC or Fox News and on and on.

You can call Trump a scumbag all day long and it doesn't change the fact that yes, the O admin was spying on his campaign and the doj illegally spied on his administration. The establishment spent 40 mil and used dozens of FBI agents to investigate him. They used tactics that are reserved for the most dangerous and corrupt organized crime bosses and have even broke client/attorney privilege numerous times and didn't restrict their investigations to criminal activity but were digging for criminal activity and weren't able to pin a single slam dunk felony on him.

So believe whatever you want about Trump but imo, if he was some sort of criminal operator, Crossfire Hurricane would have popped him in a couple of weeks. Instead, you got a personal attorney prosecuted and flipped on Trump over shady dealings that had nothing to do with Trump and you've had several men with clear executive privilege pursued as well. The threat to democracy isn't Trump.
Give me one misleading statement from MSNBC.
Do you have any real data? Not just someone saying something. Do you know anyone that died from the jab? Let me guess. Thousands of your friends are on the groundhog's mailing list.
again we know who you are voting for
carry on
you most likely have had 10 jabs and wear a mask in your car alone
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again we know who you are voting for
carry on
you most likely have had 10 jabs and wear a mask in your car alone
And let me guess, "they turned it political". We weren't talking about voting here, hoss.

"You do this stuff". "You all" can't help yourselves. No discussion, just pigeon holes when valid questions are asked.
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I have a pretty unique view of Covid. I would think anyone here would say I am a conservative who is slightly middle leaning. But I hate Biden with a passion. Can also see flaws in Trump, but policy wins the day.

Covid should have killed me. Honestly. I shouldn’t be here. When I was put into an ambulance, they gave my wife a card for grief counseling. No contact. Having to make life decisions in a horrible state. I couldn’t walk ten feet. I didn’t eat for four days. My oxygen level was 63 percent when I got to the hospital. I should have been dead right there. I didn’t respect it. Which means I have followed everything about Covid with a non political open mind. Knowing I needed to study it in case it came back. Just to be clear, I still suffer from what I can only think is long covid. There is no way to prove this. (I still randomly smell cigarettes) It may just be the damage done to my lungs. They were covered in fluid. People 50 and over survived 25 percent of the time with a covid whiteout. This is what I beat. It lasted for 3 months. And just one day, it went away while I was walking around in a target. For months I was walking 100 feet and having to stop. (I had built up to that) I thought it would be my life. But I could see my wife and kids. So I felt blessed. It hurts to even type this nearly three years later.

The docs had no clue how to treat this. Remdesivir was the supposed miracle drug at the time. No one even speaks about this anymore as a treatment. I think for me it was the steroids, I kept moving, and the lasik they gave me to get the fluid off my lungs. This kept me alive. I don’t care what you believe. If this ever comes back, or affects someone you love, tell them to keep moving around. Stay off your back. Best treatment imo.

Lies: there have been so many from both sides on this it is too many to count. Madcow screamed at the camera to tell everyone the vaccine stopped the virus dead. That lasted about a month. It was natural immunity from everything I have read that killed it. Ivermectin may not be proven to be a cure, but it has worked for a lot of people out there. At least according to their experience, which is easier to believe than science with covid. The doctors point blank told me they had no clue. Believe what you want. Anecdotal or not. Steroids and ivermectin.

I took the jab. It has killed some folks for sure. Don’t believe it hasn’t. That is also a lie. I didn’t take boosters. IMO the best way to keep me alive is natural immunity now. But that is subject to change.

Only not wanting to or having an agenda will keep anyone from believing this was created in wuhan. I don’t care what is said. Too much smoke out there.

Anyone believing it isn’t real. Or it is the flu. Don’t wait till it is too late like I nearly did. I hope we stay like we are. It is nearly forgotten now. I went into the hospital on 12-30-20. Got out 01-15-2021. 12-28-20 I felt worse than I have ever felt before. I had to have been really close to death. I told my wife this has to be what death feels like. Still didn’t go get checked out till 2 days later due to a state championship football game fear of forfeit. I don’t condemn any feelings here. I just ask anyone of you getting it don’t play around with it. All I got.
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I have a pretty unique view of Covid. I would think anyone here would say I am a conservative who is slightly middle leaning. But I hate Biden with a passion. Can also see flaws in Trump, but policy wins the day.

Covid should have killed me. Honestly. I shouldn’t be here. When I was put into an ambulance, they gave my wife a card for grief counseling. No contact. Having to make life decisions in a horrible state. I couldn’t walk ten feet. I didn’t eat for four days. My oxygen level was 63 percent when I got to the hospital. I should have been dead right there. I didn’t respect it. Which means I have followed everything about Covid with a non political open mind. Knowing I needed to study it in case it came back. Just to be clear, I still suffer from what I can only think is long covid. There is no way to prove this. (I still randomly smell cigarettes) It may just be the damage done to my lungs. They were covered in fluid. People 50 and over survived 25 percent of the time with a covid whiteout. This is what I beat. It lasted for 3 months. And just one day, it went away while I was walking around in a target. For months I was walking 100 feet and having to stop. (I had built up to that) I thought it would be my life. But I could see my wife and kids. So I felt blessed. It hurts to even type this nearly three years later.

The docs had no clue how to treat this. Remdesivir was the supposed miracle drug at the time. No one even speaks about this anymore as a treatment. I think for me it was the steroids, I kept moving, and the lasik they gave me to get the fluid off my lungs. This kept me alive. I don’t care what you believe. If this ever comes back, or affects someone you love, tell them to keep moving around. Stay off your back. Best treatment imo.

Lies: there have been so many from both sides on this it is too many to count. Madcow screamed at the camera to tell everyone the vaccine stopped the virus dead. That lasted about a month. It was natural immunity from everything I have read that killed it. Ivermectin may not be proven to be a cure, but it has worked for a lot of people out there. At least according to their experience, which is easier to believe than science with covid. The doctors point blank told me they had no clue. Believe what you want. Anecdotal or not. Steroids and ivermectin.

I took the jab. It has killed some folks for sure. Don’t believe it hasn’t. That is also a lie. I didn’t take boosters. IMO the best way to keep me alive is natural immunity now. But that is subject to change.

Only not wanting to or having an agenda will keep anyone from believing this was created in wuhan. I don’t care what is said. Too much smoke out there.

Anyone believing it isn’t real. Or it is the flu. Don’t wait till it is too late like I nearly did. I hope we stay like we are. It is nearly forgotten now. I went into the hospital on 12-30-20. Got out 01-15-2021. 12-28-20 I felt worse than I have ever felt before. I had to have been really close to death. I told my wife this has to be what death feels like. Still didn’t go get checked out till 2 days later due to a state championship football game fear of forfeit. I don’t condemn any feelings here. I just ask anyone of you getting it don’t play around with it. All I got.
Thank you for posting your story! I am glad you are here to keep living! Have a great weekend!
I have a pretty unique view of Covid. I would think anyone here would say I am a conservative who is slightly middle leaning. But I hate Biden with a passion. Can also see flaws in Trump, but policy wins the day.

Covid should have killed me. Honestly. I shouldn’t be here. When I was put into an ambulance, they gave my wife a card for grief counseling. No contact. Having to make life decisions in a horrible state. I couldn’t walk ten feet. I didn’t eat for four days. My oxygen level was 63 percent when I got to the hospital. I should have been dead right there. I didn’t respect it. Which means I have followed everything about Covid with a non political open mind. Knowing I needed to study it in case it came back. Just to be clear, I still suffer from what I can only think is long covid. There is no way to prove this. (I still randomly smell cigarettes) It may just be the damage done to my lungs. They were covered in fluid. People 50 and over survived 25 percent of the time with a covid whiteout. This is what I beat. It lasted for 3 months. And just one day, it went away while I was walking around in a target. For months I was walking 100 feet and having to stop. (I had built up to that) I thought it would be my life. But I could see my wife and kids. So I felt blessed. It hurts to even type this nearly three years later.

The docs had no clue how to treat this. Remdesivir was the supposed miracle drug at the time. No one even speaks about this anymore as a treatment. I think for me it was the steroids, I kept moving, and the lasik they gave me to get the fluid off my lungs. This kept me alive. I don’t care what you believe. If this ever comes back, or affects someone you love, tell them to keep moving around. Stay off your back. Best treatment imo.

Lies: there have been so many from both sides on this it is too many to count. Madcow screamed at the camera to tell everyone the vaccine stopped the virus dead. That lasted about a month. It was natural immunity from everything I have read that killed it. Ivermectin may not be proven to be a cure, but it has worked for a lot of people out there. At least according to their experience, which is easier to believe than science with covid. The doctors point blank told me they had no clue. Believe what you want. Anecdotal or not. Steroids and ivermectin.

I took the jab. It has killed some folks for sure. Don’t believe it hasn’t. That is also a lie. I didn’t take boosters. IMO the best way to keep me alive is natural immunity now. But that is subject to change.

Only not wanting to or having an agenda will keep anyone from believing this was created in wuhan. I don’t care what is said. Too much smoke out there.

Anyone believing it isn’t real. Or it is the flu. Don’t wait till it is too late like I nearly did. I hope we stay like we are. It is nearly forgotten now. I went into the hospital on 12-30-20. Got out 01-15-2021. 12-28-20 I felt worse than I have ever felt before. I had to have been really close to death. I told my wife this has to be what death feels like. Still didn’t go get checked out till 2 days later due to a state championship football game fear of forfeit. I don’t condemn any feelings here. I just ask anyone of you getting it don’t play around with it. All I got.
I got it and for me it was similar to flu. Doctor said there was nothing I could take to help it. 2 weeks of suffering later I asked him to give me something, so he prescribed the steroids and something else. In less than 24hrs I was back to normal. Not sure if it was the steroids or coincidence but funny you mentioned the steroids.

As I have recounted before. I have 2 close friends who used Ivermectin. For one it cleared him up within about 36 hours. The other started taking when his family got sick and he never even tested positive much less got sick. Maybe it doesn't work in every case; but it's safe and cheap so even if it only works in 3% of the cases it's worth putting people on it.

Glad you're still with us buddy.
I got it and for me it was similar to flu. Doctor said there was nothing I could take to help it. 2 weeks of suffering later I asked him to give me something, so he prescribed the steroids and something else. In less than 24hrs I was back to normal. Not sure if it was the steroids or coincidence but funny you mentioned the steroids.

As I have recounted before. I have 2 close friends who used Ivermectin. For one it cleared him up within about 36 hours. The other started taking when his family got sick and he never even tested positive much less got sick. Maybe it doesn't work in every case; but it's safe and cheap so even if it only works in 3% of the cases it's worth putting people on it.

Glad you're still with us buddy.
My case hit me around the UGA- USC game ( which was in Columbia) so I did not miss a home game.
It had me on the sofa for about 8 days. Started with a headache that would not go away and then pretty much felt like the flu. I was lethargic and took me about 2 weeks to get 100%. I took some steroids as well and that's when I started feeling better. It was like a mild flu for me. No loss of taste or smell. never got any shots or boosters and have been fortunate no long lasting effects that I know of. Glad you are still here as well.
I got it and for me it was similar to flu. Doctor said there was nothing I could take to help it. 2 weeks of suffering later I asked him to give me something, so he prescribed the steroids and something else. In less than 24hrs I was back to normal. Not sure if it was the steroids or coincidence but funny you mentioned the steroids.

As I have recounted before. I have 2 close friends who used Ivermectin. For one it cleared him up within about 36 hours. The other started taking when his family got sick and he never even tested positive much less got sick. Maybe it doesn't work in every case; but it's safe and cheap so even if it only works in 3% of the cases it's worth putting people on it.

Glad you're still with us buddy.
Thank you stray!!
I have a pretty unique view of Covid. I would think anyone here would say I am a conservative who is slightly middle leaning. But I hate Biden with a passion. Can also see flaws in Trump, but policy wins the day.

Covid should have killed me. Honestly. I shouldn’t be here. When I was put into an ambulance, they gave my wife a card for grief counseling. No contact. Having to make life decisions in a horrible state. I couldn’t walk ten feet. I didn’t eat for four days. My oxygen level was 63 percent when I got to the hospital. I should have been dead right there. I didn’t respect it. Which means I have followed everything about Covid with a non political open mind. Knowing I needed to study it in case it came back. Just to be clear, I still suffer from what I can only think is long covid. There is no way to prove this. (I still randomly smell cigarettes) It may just be the damage done to my lungs. They were covered in fluid. People 50 and over survived 25 percent of the time with a covid whiteout. This is what I beat. It lasted for 3 months. And just one day, it went away while I was walking around in a target. For months I was walking 100 feet and having to stop. (I had built up to that) I thought it would be my life. But I could see my wife and kids. So I felt blessed. It hurts to even type this nearly three years later.

The docs had no clue how to treat this. Remdesivir was the supposed miracle drug at the time. No one even speaks about this anymore as a treatment. I think for me it was the steroids, I kept moving, and the lasik they gave me to get the fluid off my lungs. This kept me alive. I don’t care what you believe. If this ever comes back, or affects someone you love, tell them to keep moving around. Stay off your back. Best treatment imo.

Lies: there have been so many from both sides on this it is too many to count. Madcow screamed at the camera to tell everyone the vaccine stopped the virus dead. That lasted about a month. It was natural immunity from everything I have read that killed it. Ivermectin may not be proven to be a cure, but it has worked for a lot of people out there. At least according to their experience, which is easier to believe than science with covid. The doctors point blank told me they had no clue. Believe what you want. Anecdotal or not. Steroids and ivermectin.

I took the jab. It has killed some folks for sure. Don’t believe it hasn’t. That is also a lie. I didn’t take boosters. IMO the best way to keep me alive is natural immunity now. But that is subject to change.

Only not wanting to or having an agenda will keep anyone from believing this was created in wuhan. I don’t care what is said. Too much smoke out there.

Anyone believing it isn’t real. Or it is the flu. Don’t wait till it is too late like I nearly did. I hope we stay like we are. It is nearly forgotten now. I went into the hospital on 12-30-20. Got out 01-15-2021. 12-28-20 I felt worse than I have ever felt before. I had to have been really close to death. I told my wife this has to be what death feels like. Still didn’t go get checked out till 2 days later due to a state championship football game fear of forfeit. I don’t condemn any feelings here. I just ask anyone of you getting it don’t play around with it. All I got.

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