News Flash!

Boost Assendahm

Always Ready, Never Prepared
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
197 you want to be bipartisan or saying you are bipartisan in your approach to solving our nation's problems is NOT the same as being bipartisan and actually working with both sides of the aisle in person, hand in hand and on the phone working things out, negotiating solutions.

Shockingly, for some of us, that is not happening and has never happened except on very rare occasions.....not coming from this administration. CNN had an article about that specific quality of this administration. They blame the lack of bipartisanship on the other side (the PC thing to do), but division is their game. Uniting this country has never been in the game plan. Talking about it has. And for some of us along with some of our media spokesmen "talking about things" is enough. It's just enough for us to nod off to sleep......again and again. you want to be bipartisan or saying you are bipartisan in your approach to solving our nation's problems is NOT the same as being bipartisan and actually working with both sides of the aisle in person, hand in hand and on the phone working things out, negotiating solutions.

Shockingly, for some of us, that is not happening and has never happened except on very rare occasions.....not coming from this administration. CNN had an article about that specific quality of this administration. They blame the lack of bipartisanship on the other side (the PC thing to do), but division is their game. Uniting this country has never been in the game plan. Talking about it has. And for some of us along with some of our media spokesmen "talking about things" is enough. It's just enough for us to nod off to sleep......again and again.
Thanks for linking this 2013 article that said Boehner and Cantor urged more republicans to attend meetings with the president. Point taken.
Thank you linking something from breitbart. Maybe I'll link something from MSNBC.

No need, Obama in his usual way, reminded John McCain in 2009 who "won" the election. That set the "tone" for the "great divider" for his entire Presidency. Even to this day, it would be nice if he could display 1/10 the anger towards Muslim terrorists that he does towards Republicans. Even after they kill 49 people, he can't find the emotion within himself to do it. He can't even pretend. Why? Because Republicans are the enemy, not radical Muslims.
No need, Obama in his usual way, reminded John McCain in 2009 who "won" the election. That set the "tone" for the "great divider" for his entire Presidency. Even to this day, it would be nice if he could display 1/10 the anger towards Muslim terrorists that he does towards Republicans. Even after they kill 49 people, he can't find the emotion within himself to do it. He can't even pretend. Why? Because Republicans are the enemy, not radical Muslims.
Sure is a lot of whining going on around here.
Thank you linking something from breitbart. Maybe I'll link something from MSNBC.

The body of the link was his interview with CNN's Jake Tapper. Still looking for the CNN piece that speaks more specifically of this administration's lack of working directly one on one, by phone or in person with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. There was mention of his calling sports teams more frequently than congressmen. It was just a couple days ago on CNN online.

Nothing we do is any one person's fault. We are so quick (as it is so easy) to blame one or the other, but all of this is on us.....shamefully we (most of us) seem content with preachy platitudes and sing song promises that sound much like the ones we've been hearing for decades.
Thanks for linking this 2013 article that said Boehner and Cantor urged more republicans to attend meetings with the president. Point taken.

Thanks for at least reading that much of the article. Yes, Boehner and Cantor were attempting discussions and involvement, but there is little in the article to suggest our exalted leader personally reached out to the lawmakers of either party. He likes to dictate and make demands (like Trump and other classic narcissists) of both the judicial and the legislative branch. He does not like to wheel and deal as Bill Clinton did not mind doing, in fact enjoyed doing it quite well. And going from one narcissist to another should not be that much of a stretch for our well practiced DC crowd to handle.
The body of the link was his interview with CNN's Jake Tapper. Still looking for the CNN piece that speaks more specifically of this administration's lack of working directly one on one, by phone or in person with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. There was mention of his calling sports teams more frequently than congressmen. It was just a couple days ago on CNN online.

Nothing we do is any one person's fault. We are so quick (as it is so easy) to blame one or the other, but all of this is on us.....shamefully we (most of us) seem content with preachy platitudes and sing song promises that sound much like the ones we've been hearing for decades.
I just know when I see a link that said brietbart or a link that says msnbc they both are going to be one sided. Sadly a lot of people won't admit this.
Well, some current and former GOP politicians, like New Gingrich who admitted it on CNN, met in secret the night before he was inaugurated and decided they were going to block any piece of legislation period. As McConnell said when asked what the agenda would be for the repubs the next 4 yrs "to make sure this is a one term president". Not jobs, not the economy, not national security.

I remember Dems wanted him to pursue investigations that would lead to criminal indictments for Iraq which he said he would not do, "looking forward, not backward". Once he had the Dem majority after almost a year (Franken was in some kind of battle after the election which he finally won and Byrd was sick the whole year,) after the GOP made over 180 amendments the Dems didn't want, but he told the Dems to play along with them, the ACA was finally passed. (with no GOP votes)

From the get go, it was clear there would be no bipartisanship going on for at least 4 yrs.
Well, some current and former GOP politicians, like New Gingrich who admitted it on CNN, met in secret the night before he was inaugurated and decided they were going to block any piece of legislation period. As McConnell said when asked what the agenda would be for the repubs the next 4 yrs "to make sure this is a one term president". Not jobs, not the economy, not national security.

I remember Dems wanted him to pursue investigations that would lead to criminal indictments for Iraq which he said he would not do, "looking forward, not backward". Once he had the Dem majority after almost a year (Franken was in some kind of battle after the election which he finally won and Byrd was sick the whole year,) after the GOP made over 180 amendments the Dems didn't want, but he told the Dems to play along with them, the ACA was finally passed. (with no GOP votes)

From the get go, it was clear there would be no bipartisanship going on for at least 4 yrs.
Preach it brother. Pretty much in a nutshell.
Well, some current and former GOP politicians, like New Gingrich who admitted it on CNN, met in secret the night before he was inaugurated and decided they were going to block any piece of legislation period. As McConnell said when asked what the agenda would be for the repubs the next 4 yrs "to make sure this is a one term president". Not jobs, not the economy, not national security.

I remember Dems wanted him to pursue investigations that would lead to criminal indictments for Iraq which he said he would not do, "looking forward, not backward". Once he had the Dem majority after almost a year (Franken was in some kind of battle after the election which he finally won and Byrd was sick the whole year,) after the GOP made over 180 amendments the Dems didn't want, but he told the Dems to play along with them, the ACA was finally passed. (with no GOP votes)

From the get go, it was clear there would be no bipartisanship going on for at least 4 yrs.

I agree it was edgier than usual politics as usual and that "edge" was evident in both parties as some pretty awful things were said and done by by those trying to separate themselves or erase any possible connection they may have had with the steps leading up to and including the Iraq invasion and occupation, which by the way was not executed by an executive order. But we all know, if we want to be honest, that Obama has simply never been been the "type" to confidently wade into negotiations and to eagerly make "back room" deals like Bill Clinton had so successfully done. BHO's personsality lends itself more to pondering than to partnering. As much as some of us want to believe that "W" was a right wing conservative with extremist tendencies, he was more often fell into the "progressive" column. He was an extrovert and definitely not a narcissist as Obama and several of his predecessors were including Clinton and both Roosevelts among other noted Presidents of days gone by. Obama's orator skills are among the best ever. But he struggles to duke it out, to hammer things out and it shows, making the sharks (plenty of them in DC) smell blood, and all he can muster is to be petty and resentful in reality while acting cool and calm on the outside. He's a great orator. He's intelligent. He could have been the best ever at healing and unifying this nation. But no one was simply going to hand him that mantle without his paying some DC dues, but he did not want to play....except through his media persona. That is and has been his greatest failure. Maybe it's the best he can do. It is tough being an introvert and a narcissist, while pretending to be in the public eye most of the time. His administration has been called by those in the "mainstream media" the least transparent crowd since the Nixon administration (Jake Tapper CNN). Now that's saying something. The only cure for this BS jousting we're treated to from DC's establishment elite aka the professional career politicians club (PCPC?) for the past 60 years is for us (not them) to get damned serious about term limits (for elected and appointed) and campaign finance reform, especially donations coming in by the millions from foreign interests (more than a few not friendly to our citizens' best interests). Hey, what the heck? All money's green, right? That's cute but not amusing....not anymore. These guys in DC at whatever level of influence are supposed to be working in our (that's us) best interests, for the common good, for the greater good. NOT for freaking photo-ops and never ending re-election campaigns that solve nothing and only create more divisiveness among the entire population. WE SUCK at picking our leaders. We have to do whatever it takes to get better at it, and to make them feel more accountable to us. We're not even close. But it's on us to fix it. They have no reason to.
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