No WMD found in German stadium...

Boost Assendahm

Always Ready, Never Prepared
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
No worries, folks. No bombs, no fans killing devices or weapons of mass destruction were found in the evacuated German soccer stadium today. So, just like no WMD's being found after Iraq was virtually evacuated, we the people have NOTHING to worry about. This proves there was never a threat and that there is no on going threat, right? Isn't this how we are supposed to think? Pay attention, children.
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No worries, folks. No bombs, no fans killing devices or weapons of mass destruction were found in the evacuated German soccer stadium today. So, just like no WMD's being found after Iraq was virtually evacuated, we the people have NOTHING to worry about. This proves there was never a threat and that there is no on going threat, right? Isn't this how we are supposed to think? Pay attention, children.

Really though, the whole thing cost under a billion bucks, we got rich off of Iraqi oil, Iraqis build shrines to America, hell the whole region is now a democratic garden of Earthly delights.. what's to complain about ?
Really though, the whole thing cost under a billion bucks, we got rich off of Iraqi oil, Iraqis build shrines to America, hell the whole region is now a democratic garden of Earthly delights.. what's to complain about ?

Big miss, there. No one said the failed makeover made the keystone cops of cultures any more organized or productive. The ONLY point was how obsessed most opposition (after the fact) was about our not finding WMD's. And it's still the #1 talking point/bumper sticker of our emperor's drooling groupies. Just found it odd that no bombs found in the stadium wouldn't be treated with the same giggling "told you so" (actually childish) relief.
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Big miss, there. No one said the failed makeover made the keystone cops of cultures any more organized or productive. The ONLY point was how obsessed most opposition (after the fact) was about our not finding WMD's. And it's still the #1 talking point/bumper sticker of our emperor's drooling groupies. Just found it odd that no bombs found in the stadium wouldn't be treated with the same giggling "told you so" (actually childish) relief.

Mehh, that's a weak comparison.
The Neo-Con plant Ahmed Chalabi was the source used by Cheney's boys to plant the lie of observed WMD in the media. He was offered leadership in the new Democratized Iraq for his role in leading Us down the garden path. It was 100% a con, by Cheney and his neo-cons, pun intended. That is just a fraction of the orchestrated series of lies, half truths and scare tactics used to get Us to do Israel's bidding.
The chief architect of the plan to ''Balkanize'' the region was Richard Pearle. Balkanize was a term that was used after Cheney became VP. It meant to cause the break up of states like Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and other nations into small states like those that resulted from the Balkans wars in the 90s. The idea was to divide Israel's ''enemies'' Pearle wrote a paper around 1989 for an Israeli Zionist think tank that served as the template. Oddly the group of characters that were at the center of Cheney's nest of neo-cons came together working for Democrat Senator Scoop Jackson in the 1970s. Pearle, Scooter libby and at least 3 other key members of the neo-con schemers who would later run the operation to lead Us down the garden path into Iraq and beyond were all there.
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Mehh, that's a weak comparison.
The Neo-Con plant Ahmed Chalabi was the source used by Cheney's boys to plant the lie of observed WMD in the media. He was offered leadership in the new Democratized Iraq for his role in leading Us down the garden path. It was 100% a con, by Cheney and his neo-cons, pun intended. That is just a fraction of the orchestrated series of lies, half truths and scare tactics used to get Us to do Israel's bidding.
The chief architect of the plan to ''Balkanize'' the region was Richard Pearle. Balkanize was a term that was used after Cheney became VP. It meant to cause the break up of states like Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and other nations into small states like those that resulted from the Balkans wars in the 90s. The idea was to divide Israel's ''enemies'' Pearle wrote a paper around 1989 for an Israeli Zionist think tank that served as the template. Oddly the group of characters that were at the center of Cheney's nest of neo-cons came together working for Democrat Senator Scoop Jackson in the 1970s. Pearle, Scooter libby and at least 3 other key members of the neo-con schemers who would later run the operation to lead Us down the garden path into Iraq and beyond were all there.

Are you serious? Totally off the mark. I am NOT talking about whether the Iraq "invasion" was a good or bad thing. I'm talking about the inane over use of "They lied to us about the WMD's." But, since you brought it up, we ALL know that thousands of Kurds were previously massacred by Hussein's use of poison gas bombs. The fact that our armed forces found no WMD's (they found no traditional weapons or ammo, either, as it ALL had been moved) did not mean there were NEVER any weapons or bombs there. The point I'm making with the German soccer stadium is that had the stadium NOT been evacuated (aka warning given that a search would ensue) it's likely lots more people would have been killed by the radicals or that the German authorities would have found the device(s). The biggest issue our ground forces have is that our congress and media telegraph our every military plan and move (except special forces, of course). It was surprising to me that the usual suspects did not claim that there was never a potential problem in the stadium, since no devices were found. It would have been the same thought process.
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Are you serious? Totally off the mark. I am NOT talking about whether the Iraq "invasion" was a good or bad thing. I'm talking about the inane over use of "They lied to us about the WMD's." But, since you brought it up, we ALL know that thousands of Kurds were previously massacred by Hussein's use of poison gas bombs. The fact that our armed forces found no WMD's (they found no traditional weapons or ammo, either, as it ALL had been moved) did not mean there were NEVER any weapons or bombs there. The point I'm making with the German soccer stadium is that had the stadium NOT been evacuated (aka warning given that a search would ensue) it's likely lots more people would have been killed by the radicals or that the German authorities would have found the device(s). The biggest issue our ground forces have is that our congress and media telegraph our every military plan and move (except special forces, of course). It was surprising to me that the usual suspects did not claim that there was never a potential problem in the stadium, since no devices were found. It would have been the same thought process.

Every word of my post is true. Chalabi was a known con man who had been cut loose by The CIA for giving them bad info to further his schemes. He also was under indictment in Jordan for causing their biggest bank to fail by making fraudulent deals. He was used to start the lies about having witnessed WMDs in Iraq. It was a complete con to get us into Iraq.
Also, Bush didn't give a damn about Kurds, his Daddy supplied the ingredients used to make the gas used on them. There's a famous picture of Rumsfeld greeting Saddam with the biggest smile on his face just days after the gassing attacks.
Every word of my post is true. Chalabi was a known con man who had been cut loose by The CIA for giving them bad info to further his schemes. He also was under indictment in Jordan for causing their biggest bank to fail by making fraudulent deals. He was used to start the lies about having witnessed WMDs in Iraq. It was a complete con to get us into Iraq.
Also, Bush didn't give a damn about Kurds, his Daddy supplied the ingredients used to make the gas used on them. There's a famous picture of Rumsfeld greeting Saddam with the biggest smile on his face just days after the gassing attacks.

That's a discussion for another day, but you STILL either don't get or don't want to discuss my point about the stadium and our lack of reaction about not finding weapons there. One is a political game, and the other, we (either side) simply do not feel comfortable politicizing........yet.
That's a discussion for another day, but you STILL either don't get or don't want to discuss my point about the stadium and our lack of reaction about not finding weapons there. One is a political game, and the other, we (either side) simply do not feel comfortable politicizing........yet.

I just don't see what you apparently see.
Bomb scares happen all the time, most times nothing is found.
Nobody invades a nation based on a bomb scare.
Comparing that to not finding WMDs in Iraq confounds me a bit.
I just don't see what you apparently see.
Bomb scares happen all the time, most times nothing is found.
Nobody invades a nation based on a bomb scare.
Comparing that to not finding WMDs in Iraq confounds me a bit.

Not comparing the size or consequences of action. Comparing the/our reaction to NOT finding any danger or threat in each case.
Not comparing the size or consequences of action. Comparing the/our reaction to NOT finding any danger or threat in each case.

HH obviously has on his tinfoil hat today and can't quite comprehend what you're saying.
The problem your anecdotal wmd intelligence issue has is it was not just our intelligence, it was every major intelligence service in the world.

Not to mention a nuclear program may only be one scientist with parts from Coldwar russia just needing assembled. Heck there are multiple scientist at all major universities that could build one with the right parts. Not to mention it would not be hard to place a nuclear war head on a scud and say good by isreal...

Not to mention that that chemical wmds were found. They want to say they were old, but I doubt they would uncorked one and take a sniff....
The problem your anecdotal wmd intelligence issue has is it was not just our intelligence, it was every major intelligence service in the world.

Not to mention a nuclear program may only be one scientist with parts from Coldwar russia just needing assembled. Heck there are multiple scientist at all major universities that could build one with the right parts. Not to mention it would not be hard to place a nuclear war head on a scud and say good by isreal...

Not to mention that that chemical wmds were found. They want to say they were old, but I doubt they would uncorked one and take a sniff....

Without the manufactured info and over-sale, We likely wouldn't have gone in. The first lie, and the one that allowed the neo-cons to divert attention away from those who attacked us was the complete bullshit claim Saddam was involved in 9-11, terrorist were allowed to train in Iraq and a terrorist was being sheltered in Baghdad.
Nobody in intelligence ever thought Saddam was backing terrorist. The training camp was in a no fly zone in Kurdistan and the terrorist being ''sheltered'' was in an Iraq prison.
As for the chemical weapons, they were tested and found to be left over from the war with Iran. Those chemicals degrade quickly, they hadn't been viable for over a decade.
Really though, the whole thing cost under a billion bucks, we got rich off of Iraqi oil, Iraqis build shrines to America, hell the whole region is now a democratic garden of Earthly delights.. what's to complain about ?

LOL, oh're a moron.
I don't want to be mean on this, but seriously, there is no comparison, it's silly.

I don't want to mean either, but we human beings have a funny way of using selective memory and incomplete facts and factors, when justifying (to ourselves) anything of any magnitude (whether sports, politics or life lessons). And it is almost always framed to fit our chosen narrative or to pursue our agenda. We are ALL guilty of this. In the two cases of "reaction" discussed in this thread, we wanted to pursue/eliminate the perceived threat in one, but not in the other, when reportedly no threat was found after the fact in either case..
They are about 50 plus year late. Thank nassa and operation paper clip for that.
LOL, oh're a moron.

If you thought otherwise I'd wonder what I'm doing wrong.
I don't want to mean either, but we human beings have a funny way of using selective memory and incomplete facts and factors, when justifying (to ourselves) anything of any magnitude (whether sports, politics or life lessons). And it is almost always framed to fit our chosen narrative or to pursue our agenda. We are ALL guilty of this. In the two cases of "reaction" discussed in this thread, we wanted to pursue/eliminate the perceived threat in one, but not in the other, when reportedly no threat was found after the fact in either case..

Look, your trying to use a bomb scare to make a point regarding not finding WMD in Iraq just doesn't work.
Your lil spud noggin's roulette wheel should be right occasionally on blind chance, but I haven't seen it happen yet

I'm like a rose scented fart in a gentle breeze, lighter than air.