Mehh, that's a weak comparison.
The Neo-Con plant Ahmed Chalabi was the source used by Cheney's boys to plant the lie of observed WMD in the media. He was offered leadership in the new Democratized Iraq for his role in leading Us down the garden path. It was 100% a con, by Cheney and his neo-cons, pun intended. That is just a fraction of the orchestrated series of lies, half truths and scare tactics used to get Us to do Israel's bidding.
The chief architect of the plan to ''Balkanize'' the region was Richard Pearle. Balkanize was a term that was used after Cheney became VP. It meant to cause the break up of states like Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and other nations into small states like those that resulted from the Balkans wars in the 90s. The idea was to divide Israel's ''enemies'' Pearle wrote a paper around 1989 for an Israeli Zionist think tank that served as the template. Oddly the group of characters that were at the center of Cheney's nest of neo-cons came together working for Democrat Senator Scoop Jackson in the 1970s. Pearle, Scooter libby and at least 3 other key members of the neo-con schemers who would later run the operation to lead Us down the garden path into Iraq and beyond were all there.