NY Times says leading Trump support group is reg democrats leaning voting pub

!980, Sanders winning would be the biggest upset since forever. Do u really honestly believe that terrorism is caused by Climate Change? The man didnt even have the courage to stay on the podium and he let BLM take over his outing. Not my type of guy.
It would be akin to Obama beating Clinton. He did not say that all terrorism is caused by climate change. Here is what he said. If that's the worst that you can find about him, then he is better shape to win than I thought. Just Imagine, We woke up tomorrow and we had not invaded Iraq. Sanders was one of the few that had the insight to vote no.

Absolutely. In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism," Sanders said on Nov. 14. "If we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say, you’re gonna see countries all over the world — this is what the CIA says — they’re going to be struggling over limited amounts of water, limited amounts of land to grow their crops, and you’re going to see all kinds of international conflict." Feel the Bern
!980, Sanders winning would be the biggest upset since forever. Do u really honestly believe that terrorism is caused by Climate Change? The man didnt even have the courage to stay on the podium and he let BLM take over his outing. Not my type of guy.

Sanders has no shot at the Democratic nomination. Hillary Clinton has sewn up virtually all the endorsements from Democratic members of Congress, state governors, and state legislators. The only way Sanders becomes the Democratic nominee is if Hillary Clinton is indicted.
Sanders has no shot at the Democratic nomination. Hillary Clinton has sewn up virtually all the endorsements from Democratic members of Congress, state governors, and state legislators. The only way Sanders becomes the Democratic nominee is if Hillary Clinton is indicted.
Tine will tell
It would be akin to Obama beating Clinton. He did not say that all terrorism is caused by climate change. Here is what he said. If that's the worst that you can find about him, then he is better shape to win than I thought. Just Imagine, We woke up tomorrow and we had not invaded Iraq. Sanders was one of the few that had the insight to vote no.

Absolutely. In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism," Sanders said on Nov. 14. "If we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say, you’re gonna see countries all over the world — this is what the CIA says — they’re going to be struggling over limited amounts of water, limited amounts of land to grow their crops, and you’re going to see all kinds of international conflict." Feel the Bern

Al Gore said by Jan, 2016,(which is here) we are at the point of no return on climate change. LOL
We are in alternate universes. Global conflict is the result of no Islamic terrorism, no USA leadership and an policy of appeasement by the Obama administration.
How original. I'm registering as a democrat so I can support and vote for the REPUBLICAN candidate of my choice. BWWWAAAAHAAAA! Hell there must be tens of people out there who think like that. Look it, the guy is a loose cannon and he has claimed to be a lot of things in his career including a friend of the Clinton machine. He may wind up a Sanders socialist or communist before it is over with. But he appeals to the basic democrat blue collar working class first and foremost. Most registered Pubs consider themselves superior and from a better class than Trump. They, the mainstream, are appalled at his outlandish remarks. And I can assure you he is as appalled at their self indulgence as they are of him. His core is the white, blue collar working class personified by the Archie Bunker leaning dem, many surprisingly are union members. He flies in the face of everything middle class Republicans consider themselves to be. He is a modern day George Wallace, a blue collar working class hero.
I didn't know all that.

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