Obama commisserates with and caves in to the enemy, Iran.......


Letterman and National Champion
Aug 15, 2014
all on the eve of the beginning of Good Friday.....Passover, which begins today at sundown and ends at nightfall, April 11th.....the third blood moon of the tetrad and lunar eclipse, which occurs tomorrow evening, April 4th.....and, of course, Resurrection Day (Easter), the day Christians celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Interesting, just very interesting.
Re: Tinfoil hat time

Thinking Obama has an affinity for the Muslim faith is no longer tin foil hat worthy, unless, you just haven't paid any attention to politics the last 6 years. In my opinion, he is an atheist( to arrogant to believe in anything greater than himself). He doesnt like Christianity because that is what has hindered his liberal views because he was raised in a Christian country. If he was raised in Iran he would probably hate Islam and have an affinity towards Christianity.
Not to mention if something happens between Iran

And Israel he will wear it for all of history.

Iran is too unstable and extreme to negotiate with.

It's a ticking time bomb.
The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking the dems are right

On this Iran thing ..... Backing away from Israel, even a half step, and toward the other side good for the USA and will help keep the hajis from driving 747s into buildings
This is the problem with you tea bagger sense of scale

Or understanding of a moderate view. Your either dropping bombs on children and wedding parties or your taking a nap
Wow. This is all can say to you....

Moderate views indeed. You are ignorant of history. Where was the......

Moderation when Iranian sponsored terrorist were blowing up restaurants and buses in Israel before they got serious with border security. You are ignorant of present day history from the mouths of Iran who have pledged to push the Israel people into the sea and pledge to harm us too. People like you come around in history and gain a foothold in the opinion of the day and disaster happens somewhere in the world because you fundamentally misunderstand human nature and the pursuit of power. History is full of the folly of your kind of thinking.
LOL...only matter of time to talk absolute calling, etc...*

History will show Obama started WWIII - Syria, Iraq, Iran....

and million will die before its over. But hey, that's exactly what America voted for.
Re: He's cornered the "absolute BS" mantra.**

Many here rue fact that more don't come to share ideas...
some have pushed towards even lil ole me for running off a few
(like I supremely capable of such).
problem I see is we get either same old trolls trying same old crap,
or regular Chatters just stirring pot...
I very aware of it All...even my so called friend (tdarg) is damn fool...
what ya gonna do?
It know it....have an alternate view and they immediately call you a nazi

It's amazing how fast the dogma kicks in
And at some point you must stop fighting yesterday's battles and put the

Past in the's the best move I'd say, to recognize the world for what it is....right now.....and respond accordingly
you, went off also...thick skin needed...that is all. best play is...

nevermind, you don't care...
bah...learn to post proper, then we might talk...I so aware of your type...

Pure ignorance. You have no understanding of Islam or what motivates....

Muslims. It has NOTHING to do with our relationship with Israel.
Correct. They will never be our friends......

The only way they don't attack us is if they fear us and that fear is rapidly evaporating because of the idiotic policies of BHO>
Sense of scale??? Whatever. What you don't understand....

is that moderation is viewed as vulnerability and invites attacks. Moderate view? When is the last time you heard a "moderate view" from ISIL or the Ayatollah's.
Re: Correct. They will never be our friends......

Originally posted by MinnesotaDawg:

The only way they don't attack us is if they fear us and that fear is rapidly evaporating because of the idiotic policies of BHO>
So how do you explain 911 while Dubya was in charge?
Acting upon years of limp-wristed foreign policy of Clinton...

They got a sense of weakness from the US and acted upon it. W shut them up and they saw what happens when you awaken a sleeping giant.

Say what you will about Bush, but he took the war TO the terrorists.

Now, the community organizer is making us look weak again. Only a matter of time before they become emboldened enough to try something new.

Peace through strength. It's what collapsed the Soviet Union, ended Nazi Fascism and Japanese Imperialism and it's what works against terrorism.

Radical Islam has one goal, conversion or death. No way to negotiate with that.
I'm not advocating bombing Iran, but you don't bend over and ask them to please use Vaseline either.
Re: Acting upon years of limp-wristed foreign policy of Clinton...

Originally posted by NoleDawg:
They got a sense of weakness from the US and acted upon it. W shut them up and they saw what happens when you awaken a sleeping giant.

Say what you will about Bush, but he took the war TO the terrorists.

Now, the community organizer is making us look weak again. Only a matter of time before they become emboldened enough to try something new.

Peace through strength. It's what collapsed the Soviet Union, ended Nazi Fascism and Japanese Imperialism and it's what works against terrorism.

Radical Islam has one goal, conversion or death. No way to negotiate with that.
I'm not advocating bombing Iran, but you don't bend over and ask them to please use Vaseline either.
Yes, he took the war to them. And after all that money spent, and all the americans who were killed, wounded and scarred, what did we really accomplish?

BTW, comparing the current war on terrorism with WWII and the collapse of the Soviet Union is like comparing apples to oranges.
Re: Acting upon years of limp-wristed foreign policy of Clinton...

The comparison between WW II and the war on terror was to show when you have a strong presence and offense you will be much closer to victory. The present POTUS has shown just how weakness opens one up to attack and ridicule.
I would much rather be feared, than laughed at on the world stage. Yes the current POTUS has set us back in countless ways as a country.
A stronger iraq is bad for the whole world.