Olympics opening ceremony performances

I agree with both you and this tweet.

When you gonna start talking about Kamala and the adultery we KNOW she was a part of instead of the claims of a porn star that put in writing that it didn’t happen but then changed her mind and came forward at the behest of your slime party that knows no bounds to the lying crooked schemes it will pull to get Trump???

A supposedly educated thoughtful person should be able to do a little better but alas, tds is an awful thing.

You won’t be so smug about Christian’s and Christianity on judgement day. I hope you find yourself before that time and repent, but I’m afraid you may be in that group that has gone so far they can never find their way back.
When you gonna start talking about Kamala and the adultery we KNOW she was a part of instead of the claims of a porn star that put in writing that it didn’t happen but then changed her mind and came forward at the behest of your slime party that knows no bounds to the lying crooked schemes it will pull to get Trump???

A supposedly educated thoughtful person should be able to do a little better but alas, tds is an awful thing.

You won’t be so smug about Christian’s and Christianity on judgement day. I hope you find yourself before that time and repent, but I’m afraid you may be in that group that has gone so far they can never find their way back.
“You won’t be so smug… on judgment day” - is that a direct quote from Jesus? Wow. The lack of humility and grace while claiming Christianity- impressive.
And then there is this statement shared by a minister on a friend’s social media feed:

“I'm puzzled by all the kerfuffle over the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Even if it is a reimagining of DaVinci's Last Supper, as a pastor, I see this as an affirmation that all people reflect the image of Christ, and that all are welcome at his table.

Far from an insult to Christian faith, I see this image as expressing the boundless inclusive love of God.”
And then there is this statement shared by a minister on a friend’s social media feed:

“I'm puzzled by all the kerfuffle over the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Even if it is a reimagining of DaVinci's Last Supper, as a pastor, I see this as an affirmation that all people reflect the image of Christ, and that all are welcome at his table.

Far from an insult to Christian faith, I see this image as expressing the boundless inclusive love of God.”
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“You won’t be so smug… on judgment day” - is that a direct quote from Jesus? Wow. The lack of humility and grace while claiming Christianity- impressive.
Some of the least humble, companionate and loving people you will find anywhere. It makes you wonder which of Christ’s teachings they believe they are following.
Some of the least humble, companionate and loving people you will find anywhere. It makes you wonder which of Christ’s teachings they believe they are following.
Perfect time to remind the room that you're the guy who was for turning away patients during the pandemic because they didn't confirm to your wishes.

Is humbleness, compassion, and love only a requirement for Christians or are non-believers morally bound to any noble standards?
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“You won’t be so smug… on judgment day” - is that a direct quote from Jesus? Wow. The lack of humility and grace while claiming Christianity- impressive.
You know you libs misrepresent the Bible and Christians all the time. The Bible tells us to reprove, rebuke and exhort one another to good works. I’ll let you look up what reprove and rebuke mean.

You libs like to ACT all morally superior while spitting on the Bible and its Christian teachings.

You promote homosexuality as normal when the Bible teaches the opposite. You promote baby murder when the Bible warns against the murder of innocents

The Bible teaches that God created us male and female and that marriage is between a man and a woman. How many genders y’all have and have you figured out what a female is yet?

Etc Etc Ect.

The Bible does not teach us to ignore sin and pat you on the head and say proceed but rather we are to teach and warn people of the fate that awaits them if they are found at odds with Gods word on judgement day.

To not warn people would be showing a total lack of love for that person’s soul and its eternal destiny.

The Bible says we can know the truth and the truth will make us free. It also says we have too study to show ourselves approved. Using the media and the lefts patented excuse of ohhhh your not being Christian if you don’t accept my sin is just false and will lead to eternal separation from God.

You may not like hearing what the Bible says. That’s your choice. That’s how God made us. Free to choose. It also says in the Bible that the majority will choose the wrong path.

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
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Some of the least humble, companionate and loving people you will find anywhere. It makes you wonder which of Christ’s teachings they believe they are following.
See my reply to birmur.

2 Tim 2:4.

You may not like hearing but we are not told to pat each other on the head and tell you to continue on with sin.
Perfect time to remind the room that you're the guy who was for turning away patients during the pandemic because they didn't confirm to your wishes.

Is humbleness, compassion, and love only a requirement for Christians or are non-believers morally bound to any noble standards?
I’ve never claimed to represent God and his judgement on the Chat or anywhere else in my life, which is relevant to this discussion.

Given that the comment you referenced was over three years ago, I’ll do my best to correct you regarding what I believe I said. If you want to pull the actual quote please do.

I believe I said that anyone who chose to not take the vaccine should also be comfortable, with all other factors being the same, falling in line behind those that did get vaccinated.

The science at the time, which has since been proven in studies, was that the vaccine reduced severe illness and hospitalization. If the medical system was overwhelmed and hard choices had to be made, it’s entirely fair and companionate to prioritize those who did what they could do to stay out of the hospital over those who didn’t with the exception of course that someone had a legitimate medical reason for being unable to get vaccinated. There weren’t many of those people.

I’ll stop there as I don’t have the actual thread you are referencing to respond to, but I’m entirely comfortable with what I believe I said and it’s consistent with the other positions I’ve shared on the Chat, including the position that some of the supposed Christians on here are some of the absolute worst hypocrites as well.
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I’ve never claimed to represent God and his judgement on the Chat or anywhere else in my life, which is relevant to this discussion.

Given that the comment you referenced was over three years ago, I’ll do my best to correct you regarding what I believe I said. If you want to pull the actual quote please do.

I believe I said that anyone who chose to not take the vaccine should also be comfortable, with all other factors being the same, falling in line behind those that did get vaccinated.

The science at the time, which has since been proven in studies, was that the vaccine reduced severe illness and hospitalization. If the medical system was overwhelmed and hard choices had to be made, it’s entirely fair and companionate to prioritize those who did what they could do to stay out of the hospital over those who didn’t with the exception of course that someone had a legitimate medical reason for being unable to get vaccinated. There weren’t many of those people.

I’ll stop there as I don’t have the actual thread you are referencing to respond to, but I’m entirely comfortable with what I believe I said and it’s consistent with the other positions I’ve shared on the Chat, including the position that some of the supposed Christians on here are some of the absolute worst hypocrites as well.
LOL, I asked if non-believers are bound by the morals you stated or is that only for Christians.

That's a binary condition so covers everyone. I never said you represent anything because it does not matter. So, does everyone have to play by the same moral code or not?

If you're not prepared to defend a position on that matter, perhaps don't bring it up at a gotcha moment targeting Christians.
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LOL, I asked if non-believers are bound by the morals you stated or is that only for Christians.

That's a binary condition so covers everyone. I never said you represent anything because it does not matter. So, does everyone have to play by the same moral code or not?

If you're not prepared to defend a position on that matter, perhaps don't bring it up at a gotcha moment targeting Christians.
I did defend my position, in detail, which you are ignoring entirely. But I’ve been down this path with you many times before, so it’s unsurprising that we find ourselves here yet again.

No need to repeat myself in an effort to overcome your unwillingness to respond to what I took the time to share the first time.
I’ve never claimed to represent God and his judgement on the Chat or anywhere else in my life, which is relevant to this discussion.

Given that the comment you referenced was over three years ago, I’ll do my best to correct you regarding what I believe I said. If you want to pull the actual quote please do.

I believe I said that anyone who chose to not take the vaccine should also be comfortable, with all other factors being the same, falling in line behind those that did get vaccinated.

The science at the time, which has since been proven in studies, was that the vaccine reduced severe illness and hospitalization. If the medical system was overwhelmed and hard choices had to be made, it’s entirely fair and companionate to prioritize those who did what they could do to stay out of the hospital over those who didn’t with the exception of course that someone had a legitimate medical reason for being unable to get vaccinated. There weren’t many of those people.

I’ll stop there as I don’t have the actual thread you are referencing to respond to, but I’m entirely comfortable with what I believe I said and it’s consistent with the other positions I’ve shared on the Chat, including the position that some of the supposed Christians on here are some of the absolute worst hypocrites as well.
You would have to know the truth about something to know if someone is being hypocritical about something! You don’t, when it comes to Christianity. You know talking points but it requires a deeper understanding.

You do have plenty of experience being a hypocrite on political matters though. I will give you that.
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And then there is this statement shared by a minister on a friend’s social media feed:

“I'm puzzled by all the kerfuffle over the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Even if it is a reimagining of DaVinci's Last Supper, as a pastor, I see this as an affirmation that all people reflect the image of Christ, and that all are welcome at his table.

Far from an insult to Christian faith, I see this image as expressing the boundless inclusive love of God.”
Gid us not inclusive.
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You would have to know the truth about something to know if someone is being hypocritical about something! You don’t, when it comes to Christianity. You know talking points but it requires a deeper understanding.

You do have plenty of experience being a hypocrite on political matters though. I will give you that.
The Bible covers many topics, including the perils of sitting in judgement of others.
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The Bible covers many topics, including the perils of sitting in judgement of others.
Yes it does. But again you misunderstand the discussion of judging others because it is all about talking points to you and a way to avoid the uncomfortable truth that you support things that are an abomination to God.

How can we be commanded to reprove and rebuke sin if we can’t make a judgement about sin?

I am not judging you. There is 1 judge. I am simply saying that those that ignore, despise, and reject Gods word are in danger of his judgement.

No matter how much you spin will you cannot make Gods word support many things that your party supports.

I would be in the wrong if I didn’t tell you that you are in danger of the judgement. That is the most hateful anti Christian thing a person can do is to turn a blind eye and allow people to go unwarned.

The Bible says, you can know the truth.
The Bible says Gods word is truth.
The Bible says We will be judged by those words.
The Bible says few will enter in because it’s a hard and narrow way but those that do will have joy everlasting.
You should seek that truth rather than use things out of context to try and guilt those that disagree with you into giving you a free pass to spread error.
Yes it does. But again you misunderstand the discussion of judging others because it is all about talking points to you and a way to avoid the uncomfortable truth that you support things that are an abomination to God.

How can we be commanded to reprove and rebuke sin if we can’t make a judgement about sin?

I am not judging you. There is 1 judge. I am simply saying that those that ignore, despise, and reject Gods word are in danger of his judgement.

No matter how much you spin will you cannot make Gods word support many things that your party supports.

I would be in the wrong if I didn’t tell you that you are in danger of the judgement. That is the most hateful anti Christian thing a person can do is to turn a blind eye and allow people to go unwarned.

The Bible says, you can know the truth.
The Bible says Gods word is truth.
The Bible says We will be judged by those words.
The Bible says few will enter in because it’s a hard and narrow way but those that do will have joy everlasting.
You should seek that truth rather than use things out of context to try and guilt those that disagree with you into giving you a free pass to spread error.
I’m not trying to guilt you or anyone else into anything.

Let me see if I can simplify the discussion. The US is not a theocracy. As it pertains to how we govern the country, I don’t care what the Bible says and what it justifies or condemns. I support your right to think differently about this topic and vote accordingly. I’ll do the same.

Three cheers for our representative republic.
I’m not trying to guilt you or anyone else into anything.

Let me see if I can simplify the discussion. The US is not a theocracy. As it pertains to how we govern the country, I don’t care what the Bible says and what it justifies or condemns. I support your right to think differently about this topic and vote accordingly. I’ll do the same.

Three cheers for our representative republic.
Do you believe the are principles and truths that frame our form of government?
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The French committee pick the most fat and aesthetically challenged person to be Jesus,....and now that trans jesus is offended and using lawyers to attack and sue anyone who speaks against him/her
I’m not trying to guilt you or anyone else into anything.

Let me see if I can simplify the discussion. The US is not a theocracy. As it pertains to how we govern the country, I don’t care what the Bible says and what it justifies or condemns. I support your right to think differently about this topic and vote accordingly. I’ll do the same.

Three cheers for our representative republic.
I agree. You do not care what the Bible says. That’s why I feel good about warning you. I won’t be responsible for your eternal destination. I have suggested you change.

I’m just glad you are owning up to the fact that you are at best an agnostic and that your beliefs are purely humanistic.

I won’t bother with trying to convince you to change but I will remind others that you are anti God and they should not be fooled by your pretty words. Wolf in sheep’s clothing and all.

Thank you for your post and admission.
When you gonna start talking about Kamala and the adultery we KNOW she was a part of instead of the claims of a porn star that put in writing that it didn’t happen but then changed her mind and came forward at the behest of your slime party that knows no bounds to the lying crooked schemes it will pull to get Trump???

A supposedly educated thoughtful person should be able to do a little better but alas, tds is an awful thing.

You won’t be so smug about Christian’s and Christianity on judgement day. I hope you find yourself before that time and repent, but I’m afraid you may be in that group that has gone so far they can never find their way back.

So you're okay with a convicted felon who cheated on two wives and was found liable of sexual assault? Never mind that Trump is a pedophile who raped a 13 year old as stated in the Epstein lawsuit.
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So you're okay with a convicted felon who cheated on two wives and was found liable of sexual assault? Never mind that Trump is a pedophile who raped a 13 year old as stated in the Epstein lawsuit.
So you are ok with a serial slut who lived with a married man, gave blow jobs to married men to get ahead, is a proud communist, defund the police liberal?

Lawfare cases against Trump from NY mean nothing in the real world. You have no proof Trump is a pedophile but we have Brandon on video sniffing little girls, tweaking a little girls nipples and his own daughter says they showered together. I’m sure before it was obvious he was going to lose you were all in with him too. You folks try to act morally superior but yet the dim party pushes every perversion known to man as being main stream and just a ok. Dimocrat hypocrisy has no bounds. Come back to me when you actually have an honest difference between your candidate and mine. I vote based on policy. I’m not a communist as you must be if you support Harris.

Now try to educate yourself madam.
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Do you believe they should change?

Do you believe in equity as Kamala and some on the left are calling for?
It would be helpful to understand what specifically you are referencing so I can offer an opinion about changing it or not.

As a recovering progressive or as just someone desensitized by the past decade of Western culture, I'm not all appalled as some over the bisexual threesome skit. But the open mockery of Christianity is just getting old. No one's pretending to hide it anymore.

The goal has to be the decay of Western society, right?
When you are on the same side of an argument as Ayatollah Khamenei, perhaps it's time to at least reconsider your position.

When you are on the same side of an argument as Ayatollah Khamenei, perhaps it's time to at least reconsider your position.

Maybe it should make you feel bad that he is smarter and wiser than you, at least in this case.

Does it make you feel bad you are lock step with the squad, Whoopi and the view crazies??

You need a mirror.
I think my tone has been disrespectful. My apologies for that.

I don’t know how old you are, so you may or may not remember the satanic panic in the 80’s. Look it up if you aren’t familiar. When people look hard enough, they can always find what they are looking for.

Having said that, I understand the fact that conservatives were not comfortable with the opening ceremonies in general. It was very French and no question diversity was very prominently featured.

Zona, you always bring the goods. Would you mind sharing the source? I’ve spent ten minutes trying to find the same information and so far haven’t been able to.
who knows whats true anymore but apparently they initially admitted it was based on the Last Supper then walked it back after expected backlash

It would be helpful to understand what specifically you are referencing so I can offer an opinion about changing it or not.
There has been a push in a lot of areas to upend the norms and principles that we have operated by for many years.
There are many areas.
Marriage is being devalued.
Gender ideology overriding the science of distinct sexes( male/female).
Parental rights.
Meritocracy is being pushed out by DEI and other intersectional views.
The incentive to work hard and earn your way is being lost in the younger generation because of this. Entitlement is flourishing.

You did not answer my question about equity.
There has been a push in a lot of areas to upend the norms and principles that we have operated by for many years.
There are many areas.
Marriage is being devalued.
Gender ideology overriding the science of distinct sexes( male/female).
Parental rights.
Meritocracy is being pushed out by DEI and other intersectional views.
The incentive to work hard and earn your way is being lost in the younger generation because of this. Entitlement is flourishing.

You did not answer my question about equity.
It’s an interesting discussion to have and I don’t have a lot of time but will take a pass at is.

You mention upending norms and principles. Allowing women to vote was upending norms and principles in a far more radical way than anything we are seeing now and it was bitterly opposed by conservatives who felt it would destroy the country.

Ending segregation and allowing interracial marriage were both upending norms and principles, at least in a large swath of the country.

Accepting basic gay rights was absolutely upending norms and principles.

Hell, the Emancipation Proclamation was an extreme example of ending norms and principles and was opposed by much of the north during the war.

Broadly speaking, I believe consenting adults should have extremely wide latitude to pursue happiness in whatever form they chose.

Regarding DEI and equity, I don’t believe we passed some magical point in time we were successful in ending the impacts of bias, racism and sexism in our society or workplaces. I find some of the efforts to address these things misguided and poorly executed, but I don’t have a big issue with them conceptually. I fully understand why others disagree.

I disagree about the current young generation. My anecdotal experience is that they work hard, they care about the world they live in and want to have a positive impact.
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It’s an interesting discussion to have and I don’t have a lot of time but will take a pass at is.

You mention upending norms and principles. Allowing women to vote was upending norms and principles in a far more radical way than anything we are seeing now and it was bitterly opposed by conservatives who felt it would destroy the country.

Ending segregation and allowing interracial marriage were both upending norms and principles, at least in a large swath of the country.

Accepting basic gay rights was absolutely upending norms and principles.

Hell, the Emancipation Proclamation was an extreme example of ending norms and principles and was opposed by much of the north during the war.

Broadly speaking, I believe consenting adults should have extremely wide latitude to pursue happiness in whatever form they chose.

Regarding DEI and equity, I don’t believe we passed some magical point in time we were successful in ending the impacts of bias, racism and sexism in our society or workplaces. I find some of the efforts to address these things misguided and poorly executed, but I don’t have a big issue with them conceptually. I fully understand why others disagree.

I disagree about the current young generation. My anecdotal experience is that they work hard, they care about the world they live in and want to have a positive impact.
my take on gender dysmorphia is it should first and foremost be treated as a mental health condition. therapy should be the first 10 lines of attack and then maybe transitioning medications and lastly permanent least for minors above the age of 12 or so. adults can cut and alter whatever they want. its their life and they understand the consequences

anecdotally, I know 3 people in my life who now consider themselves trans. they are decent people but all were sexually abused in their childhood and have the emotional and functional capability of someone much younger than their current age. They definitely dont deserve ridicule but I think there is something going on much deeper than just being born in the wrong body. I think there is deep deep trauma and they think being trans will be a solution. I am friends with two mental health professionals who have both told me similar opinions.

ultimately, if someone chooses to be trans, that is entirely their perogative. But no way would I ever condone a child under the age of 10 thinking they are trans and especially not undergoing life altering surgeries and hormone therapy. Most kids can't be trusted to pick out their outfits for semi-formal dinner but we are supposed to let them make a permanent life altering decision about what gender they are? I especially think it's morally reprehensible for teachers and faculty to withhold information from concerned parents on kids who are talking about being trans at school. no one has a stronger need-to-know than their parents

my personal opinion, but trans surgeries and procedures should not be allowed in the military. they can identify as whatever they want, but no procedures to affirm self-identify of a different gender should be allowed. They are all but guaranteed a life of repeat procedures, therapies, and lasting conditions that will make them 100% or very close to disability by VA standards. They should not be entitled to $4000/mo for life for procedures they chose (100% voluntary) to get while in the military. it should not work like that.

as someone with a daughter, a wife, a mother, and a sister, my immediate gut reaction to men identifying as women in sports or in women's bathrooms/lockerrooms is NO
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It’s an interesting discussion to have and I don’t have a lot of time but will take a pass at is.

You mention upending norms and principles. Allowing women to vote was upending norms and principles in a far more radical way than anything we are seeing now and it was bitterly opposed by conservatives who felt it would destroy the country.

Ending segregation and allowing interracial marriage were both upending norms and principles, at least in a large swath of the country.

Accepting basic gay rights was absolutely upending norms and principles.

Hell, the Emancipation Proclamation was an extreme example of ending norms and principles and was opposed by much of the north during the war.

Broadly speaking, I believe consenting adults should have extremely wide latitude to pursue happiness in whatever form they chose.

Regarding DEI and equity, I don’t believe we passed some magical point in time we were successful in ending the impacts of bias, racism and sexism in our society or workplaces. I find some of the efforts to address these things misguided and poorly executed, but I don’t have a big issue with them conceptually. I fully understand why others disagree.

I disagree about the current young generation. My anecdotal experience is that they work hard, they care about the world they live in and want to have a positive impact.
I see you picked things that I think everyone agrees with to make your statement. Those are all great moves and actually align with the constitution.
I specifically said equity. The way some on the left are talking about equity goes against the constitution and is not possible to achieve. It is a futile effort that will waste tax payer dollars.
Are you against efforts to institute equity?
Equity as they espouse is basically communism.
I see you picked things that I think everyone agrees with to make your statement. Those are all great moves and actually align with the constitution.
I specifically said equity. The way some on the left are talking about equity goes against the constitution and is not possible to achieve. It is a futile effort that will waste tax payer dollars.
Are you against efforts to institute equity?
Equity as they espouse is basically communism.
you cant have equity of outcome without throttling some so others can achieve the same outcomes they havent earned. that's now fair to either
I see you picked things that I think everyone agrees with to make your statement. Those are all great moves and actually align with the constitution.
I specifically said equity. The way some on the left are talking about equity goes against the constitution and is not possible to achieve. It is a futile effort that will waste tax payer dollars.
Are you against efforts to institute equity?
Equity as they espouse is basically communism.
I was definitely trying to make a point by pulling examples that were highly controversial at the time but now seem obvious.

Equity hasn't been a big part of my political vocabulary up to this point. Can you provide a few examples?
I was definitely trying to make a point by pulling examples that were highly controversial at the time but now seem obvious.

Equity hasn't been a big part of my political vocabulary up to this point. Can you provide a few examples?
one of the most prominent recently are ivy league schools discriminating against Asians in favor or black and brown applicants


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