NonDawg Only Tom Cruise movies... Edge of Tomorrow is number 1, end of argument

OP got into the booze again
You didn't? Beautiful day/evening. I'm sure your parishioners are all tucked into bed and not out dancing or carousing, pastor. Heaven forbid! Glad we have good sober people like you to pass judgement (whoops) point out others who are having a good time.

Please, bring more content.
Risky Business. 1983. It was life changing to a high school teenager. Especially Rebecca De Morney. “Sometimes, you’ve just got to say ‘what the ——-‘ and make your move”.
His first starring role. That's fantastic. Actually, we can't have him being Tom Cruise in the first 5 minutes of Edge of Tomorrow without Risky Business. Risky Business also shaped my view of actual business. He still wasn't great in that movie.

Top Gun

All the Right Moves
Ha. I was going to bring up Taps.

What about this one?
Few Good Men is his best movie and it’s not remotely close.
I'll agree to disagree, disagreement on his acting. He is 10x better in the sci-fy than as a serious JAG in Few. I love Few Good Men storyline/script 5x edge of tomorrow
The last samurai, a few good men, top gun/maverick tied for third, fourth edge of tomorrow.

The last samurai is the only answer to this question. People not answering by playing the man card, show you are secure in where your balls are located. Not a damn person in here hasn’t seen at least one of his movies.
Edge of Tomorrow is a good choice, but you could choose between his last 2 just as easily. Fallout and Maverick. Another good one with Paul Newman, The Color of Money...
MI: Fallout is the most rewatchable movie of the past 10 years or so. And Cruise carries it on his back.

I do like Edge of Tomorrow as well, I’ve actually watched it twice in the past month, once on a flight & last weekend with my teenage son who liked it a lot.
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The last samurai, a few good men, top gun/maverick tied for third, fourth edge of tomorrow.

The last samurai is the only answer to this question. People not answering by playing the man card, show you are secure in where your balls are located. Not a damn person in here hasn’t seen at least one of his movies.
The Last Samurai was excellent.
Days of Thunder. And the new Top Gun is better than the old.
Risky Business. 1983. It was life changing to a high school teenager. Especially Rebecca De Morney. “Sometimes, you’ve just got to say ‘what the ——-‘ and make your move”.
As a high school sophomore in 1983, I’m with you on this.
Days of Thunder. And the new Top Gun is better than the old.
Not passing judgment on Days of Thunder, but many years ago, I bought a surround sound system. DoT was the first movie I watched after installation. ItI was great hearing the cars running around the room.
This is the answer.
Did Leah Thompson have a body double? This movie was played in our gyms cardio theatre last year and it was uncut. Every treadmill was full for an hour….