Pfizer director recorded by Project Veritas

Kills me how these people always claim to be the victim. Based on what he said, the DOJ should be raiding Pfizer at this moment, arresting anyone that had knowledge of this scheme. This guy was a part of an organized plan to do gain of function research under a different name. This plan would lead to boat loads of people getting sick and death for some no doubt.

Him and his co-workers should be brought up on crimes against humanity charges, Nuremberg style. But instead, HE is the victim. Unbelievable.
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My thing is, if true, this company is considering mutating a known killer virus to make it more and more prevalent in humanity and thus further endangering people's lives.

Yes Covid's death rates are really overblown but a lot ALOT of people have died from covid. And to manipulate that virus for their own continued profit and to appease shareholders is absolutely disgusting and evil

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