[Political] Who didn't see this coming?........

No reasonable person would call somebody irresponsible or unaccountable for being for a decent minimum wage. You people are duped.

Well you've earned your liberal stripes. For guys like you its the good intentions (evil actually) not the results. You've had links here showing you the results. You honestly are the morally bankrupt person in this debate. You'd rather put millions out of a job who use that job for experience and income. Just to feel good about yourself saying you got ppl a higher arbitrary wage increase.
You're worse than uninformed, but I'll hold back a bit. Suffice it to say the far right, which you are so obviously a member is about as American as a banana republican.
That is a fitting moniker for you guys.
Banana Republicans it is.

I feel like I am discussing simple concepts to a morally bankrupt and mentally challenged person. I will go easier on you. Maybe if you work extra hard you can jump up to the fry manager position and really improve your outlook. It's ok to kill a fetus, but you better not execute a murdering POS that took others lives with no due process. Yea as steelchair mentioned, that would be funny if it was not so wrong and way,way , way off the mark. We are living in a slight version of a third world hell thanks to your kind and barry trying to destroy common sense and Values that held this ONCE great nation together. enjoy the spoils of your dismantling of a free nation where all had the chance to succeed. Now we all have the opportunity to provide for our overreaching government and it's dumbed down supporters. You just finish coloring in that page and get some more juice when you are thirsty, it's such hard work to stay in the lines.
The minimum wage discussion baffles me. We are "bankrupt" in large part in this country of Capitalism. It's ideas like the ultra high minimum wage that helped expedite our jobs moving to Mexico and China. Also, the part that enigMatic fails miserably to understand is...where does it stop? So, I'm paying Mr. Neck Tattoo $15 per hour to serve me a burger...what about the college grad who worked his but off, managed to stay out of jail and off drugs, got his degree and is only making $15 per hour? But, he's got a job that actually requires his skills and his brain? His pay HAS to go up too, right?

Oh, and tell me again about someone you know that BENEFITED from Obamacare?? Just one?? No??

And you say there is VIRTUALLY NO IMPACT on the economy?? WTF?? What about the small businessman that works 70-80 hrs per week to make a fairly decent living. Say he's a high roller that makes $100K per year. Yet, when he doubles his three employees wages he goes to $55K per he impacted? Oh, well, he doesn't matter...

Short sighted bunch, you libs!! The problem, in my very humble opinion, comes from most of you either:

A. Never worked an honest day in your life.
B. Always looking for the easy way or handout.
C. Pre-programmed to think like is supposed to be easy...
D. The concept that we can somehow, take care of, those that don't want to work or being a contributing member of society.

Some philandering Democrat once said "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Obviously, like the rest, he must have had no clue what he was talking about.
Duped you say? You are the one who has been fooled. Fooled into thinking businesses are evil and low skilled/low payed workers are taken advantage of. Like someone else said, if one job doesn't cover the bills, find a better job or cut your expenses. Don't bitch about how deserve more $. Or hell, get 2-3-4 jobs to make it work. Trying to explain to you "feel good" Libs is pointless. It's sad really, you have never been taught life isn't fair and to get what you want you have to earn it. But hey, at least you have all those plastic participation trophies to talk about with the next guy in the food stamp line.
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