"Politicians, pundits and activists have worked overtime... sow distrust in American’s electoral process."

This is a Georgia bi-partisan organization I think I can get behind:

More talk, no do. I see nothing listed about what they will do to protect our election integrity, just drive around and tell everyone how secure they are.

Same as it ever was. sow distrust in American’s electoral process."

This is a Georgia bi-partisan organization I think I can get behind:

Assuming each state that partners with them have similar election laws as Georgia’s 2022 version. Voter ID required for all ballots (F2F and absentee) and strict handling procedures for absentee to ensure chain of custody and 99%, perhaps more would be in support..:. sow distrust in American’s electoral process."

This is a Georgia bi-partisan organization I think I can get behind:

I wouldn’t mind getting behind this. And maybe it isn’t the position of the group, but the ap article certainly wasn’t bi partisan. This is the kind of shit I am so sick of. Only mentions of trump and what he did in 2020. No mention of what the Dems did in 2016 to hurt voter confidence. Russia meddling with the election. Dominion machines hacked with a ball point pen in five minutes. (That was a Democrat led case) Hillary claiming the election was stolen. Former presidents saying the same, Jimmy Carter, and calling Trump an illegitimate president. I get why kemp and raff are not Trump’s besties. Don’t blame them a bit. It is nice that Nathan deal and chambliss support them. They are friends. My sister worked in saxby’s office for years. Headed up fundraising for his last campaign. He is a a decent guy in my experiences around him. There is not one damn thing bi partisan about that article.
Was listening to some of one of the rallies that Trump had from just this past weekend. There was still so much ranting about 2020 being stolen and it will be rigged this time unless he wins.
That has been his non stop mantra for 5 years. No wonder his followers have no faith in our elections.
If I believed what he said, I wouldn't either.
Yes, there have been others that have said certain things on both sides regarding the fairness of elections, but this guy makes it his centerpiece and not to mention lining his pockets.
He would do well not to go down that road Thursday night IMO.

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