Pretty awesome scriptural take on the anti-gay bigoted cake non bakers

A private business in no more guilty of discrimination than a private

club is. All of this is noise about nothing imo. Unless I'm getting tax payer money I have a right to do business with whomever I please.
Actually it's pretty stupid and dim-witted. Here is my response....

currently awaiting moderation.

"There is a large point of difference between carrying someone's equipment and becoming a participant in something that a person believes is an abomination in God's eyes. What if someone asked you to have sex with them? Would you do it twice just to show them the grace of God?

And why on earth are Gay couples suddenly boycotting the services of Gay bakers? Seriously. Are you telling us there isn't a gay baker out there who would be glad to have their business? Why are gay couples suddenly feeling compelled to force a Christian to participate in something that obviously violates their conscience when there are obviously plenty of other service providers who would be glad to do so without any reservations?

Why aren't there gay couples asking for the same services of Muslim bakers? Why is it only Christians they they are approaching?

I think this issue is much less about how Christian bakers should respond than it is about gay activists intentionally provoking people with malicious intent."

This post was edited on 4/6 11:02 AM by MusicCityDawg
Great post! I assume you are ok with forcing a Muslim Bakery to bake a

cake out of pork products. Or that you would demand a black owned bakery bake a cake for Klan rally right? I mean you appear to be nothing if not completely fair and balanced. So I know you wouldn't have any piss ant double standard right? As always, GFY.
The reason the govt makes every business have a license is...

to have control over the business's behavior. If your business doesn't toe the PC line, the govt takes away your business license because you discriminate. You really don't have the right to do business with whomever you please. Try refusing service to black customers if you don't believe me.
Hell, you can't hardly find a decorator that isn't gay. Crock

and more to come. "This is our country now." Rihanna.
Re: The reason the govt makes every business have a license is...

I choose who I want to do business with every day. Black or white and my business license is local.
Re: The reason the govt makes every business have a license is...

You can to a degree, but if you had a policy of not doing business with black people, that local license would be taken away. I know what you are saying, I do the same thing.
I am not suggesting gubmint isn't inherently intrusive regarding

Practices of private business. I am saying the prime reason licensing exists a revenue generator. Without licensing, a proper free market would weed out the under performing entities. It's all about money....gubmint corruption

This post was edited on 4/6 11:28 AM by 30Adawg
Revenue and control, the govt can't control you unless they have...

leverage and the ability to take away your ability to make a living is strong leverage. They will take your business license or your license to be a plumber, electrician, teacher, etc. if you don't pay child support. Govt is all about controlling behavior, that's the main reason we will never have the Fair Tax.
I don't think bakeries are selling sex .... Just my understanding of

Bakeries though
Except the fact that a private biz is licensed by the public for the public

I don't see how you get around that one.....they operate in a public space having been granted a license to operate for the benefit of all
It's no different than the premise of her analogy, if you had any capacity

for critical thinking, that would be obvious to you. The Roman soldier isn't "buying" anything either. Jesus wasn't giving Christians a blank check to "do whatever is asked of you" regardless of the moral implications.

That's what the woman is implying in her article.

This post was edited on 4/6 11:27 AM by MusicCityDawg
If you don't believe gay marriage is immoral....then you

don't believe the Bible. Pure and simple. Clearly the Bible rejects homosexuality.

Read the story about Sodom and Gomorrah. Plus there are numerous other passages where the Bible
clearly rejects homosexuality and calls it an abomination.
Yeah, because forcing someone to walk a mile is also an abomination.

It says so right there in God's word (roll eyes).

If a guy is going to rob a bank you should load his gun for him.... twice.

If two people are going to have an adulterous affair, you should let them use your house to do so.... twice, in fact.

If someone did something wrong and is perhaps going to be held to some consequence for them, shoot, lie for them to help them cover it up. Lie twice, as a matter of fact.
You are spot-on. This is about forcing one's beliefs upon Christians.

In the name of a person's civil rights (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness), they tell the Christian they have none.

But, what is to be expected of someone who has a reprobate mind that has turned away from God, and thereby God has let them go their own way? We shouldn't expect any level of wisdom to come from them.
This article is a gross misinterpretation as it relates to......

the sanctity of marriage, which God created - - and intended - - to be between one man and one woman. No where in the Bible is the practice of homosexuality condoned nor approved of, much less, the so-called "marriage" between two people of the same sex. In fact, it is CONDEMNED in Scripture and called an "abomination" to the Lord. It is clearly SIN in the Scriptures.

To call the Christian owners of the bakery, "bigoted" and "anti-gay", is to diminish their love and commitment to the Lord and obedience to His word.

In the Scripture this article is referring to (Matthew 5:39-41), this is dealing ONLY with matters of personal retaliation (not criminal offenses or acts of military actions, etc). According to Dr. John MacArthur's New Testament Commentary, Jesus Christ applied this principle of non-retaliation to affronts against one's dignity (v.39), lawsuits to gain one's personal assets (v.40), infringements one ones' liberty (v.41), and violations of property rights (v.42). He was calling for a full surrender of all personal rights as a follower of Him.

HOWEVER, no where....NO WHERE.... does Jesus Christ call for and command His followers to ACCEPT the actions of the immoral as pressed upon believers! It is completely within the bounds of Scripture for the owners of this bakery to refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding that MOCKS GOD AND HIS CHARACTER AND PERSONAL BEING, which homosexual "marriage" does!

Call them bigoted if you wish.....but, their love for and obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ comes first. Their doing so is NOT a demonstration of displaying any kind of retalilation which Jesus Christ was talking about in Matthew and which the article infers that Christians should be forced to accept. NOT AT ALL.

Therefore, the writer has assumed and taken the postion of twisting and perverting (upside down) the Scriptures in order to further this agenda of immorality upon those who desire to live righteously and obediently to their Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

This post was edited on 4/6 11:48 AM by SouthernCaliforniaDesertDawg&Trojan
Seems to me like the Muslims best get off their ass and start making

some accommodations for me and my fellow Baconists. To not do so would be discrimination imo.
Sorry but you're dead wrong and perverting the bible to suit your own needs

and hate filled views...... Of all the good in the bible why do yall always choose rejection and hate?
You have a point .... I recommend you start a campaign for that

I'll support you with my prayers for your head
holy chit. so according to you, commerce never existed before

Intrusive, revenue sucking gubmint created business licenses. Looks as though the commie professors have done their jobs well.
God calls us to hate that which is evil and homosexuality is evil (SIN)....

the sin of homosexuality is one of many sins that our Lord Jesus Christ willingly laid down His life and bore upon Himself at Calvary.

You're are called and compelled to surrender your life to Christ as Lord and Savior or perish in everlasting judgment and hell without Him.
I think you're only a half step away from the Muslims chopping off heads

If that's what you believe is your mission as a Christian

I think you could spend all you're life just living and loving and caring for people in need and leave all the negative stuff to the ignorant
Who you gonna pray to? You said you weren't Muslim so Allah is out.

And from a couple of other posts, I'm guessing you're not a fan of Jehovah/Yahweh either. Right?
I'm fixin to start talkin on tongues in a minute or two

I'll include you're bacon cake dilemma in one of my faithbursts
Love without a call for correction isn't love. It is enabling. Jesus

wasn't an enabler. Yes he met with the scum of the earth. He loved them right where they were, but he loved them enough not to leave them where they were. Every encounter came with a call to repent. And an admonition to go and sin no more. Convenient to leave that part out though.
You don't "love and care for people" by sitting by and watching

them do things that leads to an eternity in hell. Instead when we see sin being practiced we have an obligation
as Christians to do as Jesus did when to told the harlot to "Go and sin no more."

We're also told to go and tell the world about God so the world is not lost forever in a bad place. So when we tell
gays that homosexuality is wrong, according to the clear word of God, we're doing so in a spirit "of God's love"
so as to encourage you to repent and turn from your sinful ways so you too can spend eternity with God in Heaven.

Letting people do whatever they want to do, without any input about the eternal consequences of their actions, is NOT
"loving and caring" for them as you suggest. It's the very opposite....It is neglect and uncaring at its worse.
It isn't for us to call out what we perceive as sin

Worry about your own self , I'd say
Are you saying your watching gay porn wayx? Or against such?

You're posts are hard to decipher