This article is a gross misinterpretation as it relates to......
the sanctity of marriage, which God created - - and intended - - to be between one man and one woman. No where in the Bible is the practice of homosexuality condoned nor approved of, much less, the so-called "marriage" between two people of the same sex. In fact, it is CONDEMNED in Scripture and called an "abomination" to the Lord. It is clearly SIN in the Scriptures.
To call the Christian owners of the bakery, "bigoted" and "anti-gay", is to diminish their love and commitment to the Lord and obedience to His word.
In the Scripture this article is referring to (Matthew 5:39-41), this is dealing ONLY with matters of personal retaliation (not criminal offenses or acts of military actions, etc). According to Dr. John MacArthur's New Testament Commentary, Jesus Christ applied this principle of non-retaliation to affronts against one's dignity (v.39), lawsuits to gain one's personal assets (v.40), infringements one ones' liberty (v.41), and violations of property rights (v.42). He was calling for a full surrender of all personal rights as a follower of Him.
HOWEVER, no where....NO WHERE.... does Jesus Christ call for and command His followers to ACCEPT the actions of the immoral as pressed upon believers! It is completely within the bounds of Scripture for the owners of this bakery to refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding that MOCKS GOD AND HIS CHARACTER AND PERSONAL BEING, which homosexual "marriage" does!
Call them bigoted if you wish.....but, their love for and obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ comes first. Their doing so is NOT a demonstration of displaying any kind of retalilation which Jesus Christ was talking about in Matthew and which the article infers that Christians should be forced to accept. NOT AT ALL.
Therefore, the writer has assumed and taken the postion of twisting and perverting (upside down) the Scriptures in order to further this agenda of immorality upon those who desire to live righteously and obediently to their Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
This post was edited on 4/6 11:48 AM by SouthernCaliforniaDesertDawg&Trojan