? (Pretty stupid response) But I'll answer anyway
I'm "WATCHING" state legislatures COWER down to the homosexual community and their friends in the
liberal media and refuse to pass a Religious Freedom Bill. It should have been a slam dunk in Georgia but
pressure from the anti-God crowd got it tabled.
What a sorry state of things in Georgia. Our legislature should be ashamed of themselves.
And your media friends blasted Indiana and Arkansas for passing Religious Freedom bills.
Sensible bills allowing practicing Christians some protection against being forced to break their religious beliefs
to satisfy your desires. Where is your "love and concern" for THEIR beliefs?
The truth is your kind DOES NOT care for others. All you care about is YOU and what you want with NO
love or concern for the honest beliefs of others.
I'm "WATCHING" state legislatures COWER down to the homosexual community and their friends in the
liberal media and refuse to pass a Religious Freedom Bill. It should have been a slam dunk in Georgia but
pressure from the anti-God crowd got it tabled.
What a sorry state of things in Georgia. Our legislature should be ashamed of themselves.
And your media friends blasted Indiana and Arkansas for passing Religious Freedom bills.
Sensible bills allowing practicing Christians some protection against being forced to break their religious beliefs
to satisfy your desires. Where is your "love and concern" for THEIR beliefs?
The truth is your kind DOES NOT care for others. All you care about is YOU and what you want with NO
love or concern for the honest beliefs of others.