prez still pushing to take more refugees


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jun 22, 2001
on his weekly broadcast . he doesn't seem to care about the danger to our country, he won't have to live with it like we will . he will leave and start a foundation to raise millions of dollars , he will always have security , and will never have to drive again . he seems to be ignoring the fact that our intelligence folks say they can't vet these people . this is disgusting , the uninformed don't have a clue, and when they do, it will be too late !!
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Political correctness propaganda has so brainwashed the socialist Democrat party that they believe these refugees from the Middle East only need jobs and acceptance by our society to turn their backs on the jihad ideology. All we need is 8 more years of another Democrat in the White House and our country will be destroyed.
Political correctness propaganda has so brainwashed the socialist Democrat party that they believe these refugees from the Middle East only need jobs and acceptance by our society to turn their backs on the jihad ideology. All we need is 8 more years of another Democrat in the White House and our country will be destroyed.

waiting on pug and helen (now dawgmatic) , i'm sure they agree with odumma .
Dumbarses vote for Dumbarses and elections have consequences.

Fix your own country and fix your own flawed religion....
Dumbarses vote for Dumbarses and elections have consequences.

Fix your own country and fix your own flawed religion....
Or at least let's get a coalition to drive the folks out of Syria that has disrupted life there and let them (refugees) stay where they are. It was a mistake to invade Iraq IF we were not going to stay there and use that hard won victory to keep the peace and a dominating military presence. And instant access to any budding group of insurgents. It was disaster to turn that victory over to the Islamic extremists and no one will ever be able to convince me that Barack Obama and his crew did not know what the consequences of turning the ME east over to the extremists would be. The template was already set in Japan (we are still there) and Germany (we are there also). Yes there would have been on going problems but not to the extent that there are now. In retrospect it (invading then leaving) turned out to be a bigger problem that anyone anticipated but it seems as if the left now is glorying in the chaos they created with the premature dumping of the issue upon the world. The left's answer is lawyers and consultants running a 2 bit campaign of silently murdering a few accountants and bureaucrats of ISIS who are replaced in 30 minutes. For sure turning this crap show over to a person who wasn't up to facing and handling a small unit incursion in Libya is no parts of an answer.

One other thing, we are all, with rare exceptions decendants of some sort of immigrants. But the only group that comes here with the goal of killing our citizens or of spreading their corrupt and evil version of their religion is Islam. Watch the video's of the riots they are putting on in Europe. A disgusting show from those who are not there to assimilate but rather to disrupt and kill or take over and convert. Not all but a significant number. Mexicans have came here and filled a gap as have about all others. Yes it is Islam and for the most part, just Islam. And it just didn't start. They were blowing hell out of our country way back when. Particularly in the ninties.
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