Rachel Nichols tried to ruin DGD Maria Taylor’s ESPN career

Maria’s Disney/ABC/ESPN contract expires shortly. She wants similar money as Stephen A. Either D/A/E works a deal or she will be working for another network. Hope she’s gets the type financial agreement she has earned and deserved.
Oh I’m sure someone sued arguing that’s true. But it’s not. If what you say were true, it would be the largest federal intervention into state employment laws since the Civil Rights Act. That would effectively overrule at-will employment statutes and tie up employers in those states (and every other) in constant litigation from here to forever. Every employee would say they were fired for protected speech. Also, to be clear, the continuing obligations of most PPP loans have expired once the loan was forgiven, which is the case for most of the first round of loans. So even if it were in the agreement, which it wasn’t, that obligation would have expired.

I don't disagree with you at all which was why when I was reading this lawsuit and the details I thought it was interesting about that provision put into the receiving of the funds. After I get these routers back up I will look up the case and post it for your feedback. Thanks for the reply.
Maria’s Disney/ABC/ESPN contract expires shortly. She wants similar money as Stephen A. Either D/A/E works a deal or she will be working for another network. Hope she’s gets the type financial agreement she has earned and deserved.
good stuff cap
Depending upon how this recording surfaced, it seems like RN might have had her right to privacy violated by someone (not necessarily ESPN). Seems like that is the right that’s in play here. I’m not a lawyer, but the last I heard that is a state issue and Georgia is (unless it has changed) a one party consent state. Some states require 2 party consent to record private conversations.
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lol I dont follow the nba guy
RN hosted an nba show for a long time on espn. She was well respected and did a hell of a job
you are defending a uga alum but have no evidence why.
again you cannot voice your opinion anymore or you will be canceled
I’m not defending a UGA alum. I’m laughing at a girl bitching publicallu because ESPN preferred another girl.

it’s only her opinion why she didn’t get the job. Maybe it is cancel culture but the first amendment only guarantees freedom of speech. There is no freedom from consequence. People would be wise to understand anything they say may be used against them in the court of public opinion. She shouldn’t have shot off her mouth.
I’m not defending a UGA alum. I’m laughing at a girl bitching publicallu because ESPN preferred another girl.

it’s only her opinion why she didn’t get the job. Maybe it is cancel culture but the first amendment only guarantees freedom of speech. There is no freedom from consequence. People would be wise to understand anything they say may be used against them in the court of public opinion. She shouldn’t have shot off her mouth.
You know that she didn’t complain publically right?

it is also funny that people are acting like ESPN doesn’t make decisions based on race, while the article literally stated that Maria Taylor successfully convinced ESPN to include another employee on the broadcast BASED ON HER RACE
I’m not defending a UGA alum. I’m laughing at a girl bitching publicallu because ESPN preferred another girl.

it’s only her opinion why she didn’t get the job. Maybe it is cancel culture but the first amendment only guarantees freedom of speech. There is no freedom from consequence. People would be wise to understand anything they say may be used against them in the court of public opinion. She shouldn’t have shot off her mouth.
but the problem buddy is its working one way.
pretty sure its 2021 why would she be canceled for speaking the truth?
I know why
Depending upon how this recording surfaced, it seems like RN might have had her right to privacy violated by someone (not necessarily ESPN). Seems like that is the right that’s in play here. I’m not a lawyer, but the last I heard that is a state issue and Georgia is (unless it has changed) a one party consent state. Some states require 2 party consent to record private conversations.
She left an EPSN camera on in her hotel room that was recording while she had the call. The employee who leaked the call received punishment for doing so—it likely violates that employee’s employment contract to use ESPN property that way. But Nichols right to privacy wasn’t violated in the legal sense because she voluntarily turned on a camera and forgot to turn it off. She would have no presumption of privacy.
You know that she didn’t complain publically right?

it is also funny that people are acting like ESPN doesn’t make decisions based on race, while the article literally stated that Maria Taylor successfully convinced ESPN to include another employee on the broadcast BASED ON HER RACE
its just too much for some to understand the truth
we know the few
I don't disagree with you at all which was why when I was reading this lawsuit and the details I thought it was interesting about that provision put into the receiving of the funds. After I get these routers back up I will look up the case and post it for your feedback. Thanks for the reply.
Yessir. I’d like to see it. But since the founding, plaintiffs have argued that accepting government assistance creates certain duties. Those cases rarely are correct.
but the problem buddy is its working one way.
pretty sure its 2021 why would she be canceled for speaking the truth?
I know why
You’re going on the assumption that she is speaking the truth and was wronged because this was entirely race thing.

As I said, I don’t know her, never watched her segments and really don’t care if she disappears from the face of the earth tomorrow.

ESPN can pick their on air talent for whatever reason they choose. They’ve dumped plenty of subjectively better talent in the past so nobody says their decisions are always smart but they are theirs to make.

If you roll your eyes at black people playing the race card then it would only make sense to do the same when a white female tries to do it. Her problem is that she played it as as sour grapes, regardless of being stupid and not knowing the tale was rolling, and she’s an on air personality. There’s no way she can stay. She doesn’t have a legitimate gripe other than experience with the NBA and that’s not necessarily the biggest deal if you’re trying to pull ratings.

It’s her own fault that this happened.

Is this really the hill you want to die on? She’s not worth it.
You’re going on the assumption that she is speaking the truth and was wronged because this was entirely race thing.

As I said, I don’t know her, never watched her segments and really don’t care if she disappears from the face of the earth tomorrow.

ESPN can pick their on air talent for whatever reason they choose. They’ve dumped plenty of subjectively better talent in the past so nobody says their decisions are always smart but they are theirs to make.

If you roll your eyes at black people playing the race card then it would only make sense to do the same when a white female tries to do it. Her problem is that she played it as as sour grapes, regardless of being stupid and not knowing the tale was rolling, and she’s an on air personality. There’s no way she can stay. She doesn’t have a legitimate gripe other than experience with the NBA and that’s not necessarily the biggest deal if you’re trying to pull ratings.

It’s her own fault that this happened.

Is this really the hill you want to die on? She’s not worth it.
The hill I want to die on
Good lord what a joke of a post and statement.
The country is trying to move forward on race yet this stuff pops up and folks like you are more of well white people deserve it.
You are obliviously so one sided you cant see the problem here.
As an nba fan of over 35 years and have watched RN she was passed over for a reason. You know the reason yet you let your political agenda stand in the way.
Keep helping race relations with your typical BS
The hill I want to die on
Good lord what a joke of a post and statement.
The country is trying to move forward on race yet this stuff pops up and folks like you are more of well white people deserve it.
You are obliviously so one sided you cant see the problem here.
As an nba fan of over 35 years and have watched RN she was passed over for a reason. You know the reason yet you let your political agenda stand in the way.
Keep helping race relations with your typical BS
You wouldn’t know the first thing about my views and politics but do go on.

You seem to be the one biting on the race card. Just because she says it and you believe it. doesn’t make it true I could care less who ESPN hires.

I did look Rachel up. She’s 47 and Maria is 34. Maria is one of their younger up and comers and Rachel is probably capped out as a media celebrity. I don’t see the issue She got passed over and then went stupid and made something that wasn’t about race about race.
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Lol white female lib, don't mind you losing your job due to diversity, but don't mess with hers.
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For the record, I'm not saying Nichols should be fired. I'm saying that ESPN has the right to fire her.

The first amendment to the constitution has absolutely no bearing on that.
No, not every state is a right to work state, which means the opposite of what you think.
You know that she didn’t complain publically right?

it is also funny that people are acting like ESPN doesn’t make decisions based on race, while the article literally stated that Maria Taylor successfully convinced ESPN to include another employee on the broadcast BASED ON HER RACE
Doesn’t really matter when you do it with the tape rolling on corporate owned media gear. It becomes their property and any corporate HR policy is going to require an incident like this to be reported. I could be fired at my company for ignoring something like that.

My company has initiatives to hire more “qualified” minorities. They’re almost unicorns in STEM disciplines but they aren’t quota hires just to check a block. They have to meet specific standards. If ESPN wants more minority on air personalities and that person is qualified, all other things being equal what’s the issue?

ESPN can staff as they see fit. If they prefer Maria, then it’s probably not an unreasonable choice.

Rachel got passed over and was pissed and that is OK. It would have even been OK if her private conversation was private but it wasn’t and here we are.

I would have no choice but to fire her if I was in that position. She’s not the victim. She was careless and stupid.
Serious question, because I have not looked to check.

RN knew for a fact she was being recorded or on record?
Getting the thread back on point …
If ESPN put Maria ahead of Rachel Nichols, PRIMARILY because of race, that's a problem. I dont see how people here dont get that.

Sure Maria is qualified. She is popular. That's not the point.

The question is, was race the primary factor, in putting her ahead of Nichols?

A company showing preference, on the basis of race is wrong.

Can you imagine the backlash.....if a pretty blonde white lady replaced Stephen A?
If ESPN put Maria ahead of Rachel Nichols, PRIMARILY because of race, that's a problem. I dont see how people here dont get that.

Sure Maria is qualified. She is popular. That's not the point.

The question is, was race the primary factor, in putting her ahead of Nichols?

A company showing preference, on the basis of race is wrong.

Can you imagine the backlash.....if a pretty blonde white lady replaced Stephen A?
exactly yet some on here will defend espn bacause of their personal agenda
exactly yet some on here will defend espn bacause of their personal agenda
But you don’t have a personal agenda? You might try the mirror slinging that nonsense.

Rachel got the job in the first place when they tossed Michelle Beadle after a dust up or two but that was OK, one white girl for another. Who cares?

She makes $1.5M. Maria is 13 years younger and after $8M in a new contract but somehow Isn’t qualified?

Outside of her bitching and blaming it on old white guys that voted for Trump., there’s zero to indicate that Maria isn’t qualified to host

The race card is cheap no matter which side plays it. You know she married into the system? Her husband’s dad was Mike Nichols, the director, (The Graduate) and Broadway. She’s as left liberal as they come which is the really funny part of this whole episode and reaction on here if it were actually all about race but I think ESPN sees this as career progression for a more valuable star.

You want to keep Maria or Rachel long term?

You can’t possibly say with a straight face, given that this is a females only job with a pretty face required (sexist sure but duck test) that a younger girl looking a a huge raise isn’t qualified for the job.
But you don’t have a personal agenda? You might try the mirror slinging that nonsense.

Rachel got the job in the first place when they tossed Michelle Beadle after a dust up or two but that was OK, one white girl for another. Who cares?

She makes $1.5M. Maria is 13 years younger and after $8M in a new contract but somehow Isn’t qualified?

Outside of her bitching and blaming it on old white guys that voted for Trump., there’s zero to indicate that Maria isn’t qualified to host

The race card is cheap no matter which side plays it. You know she married into the system? Her husband’s dad was Mike Nichols, the director, (The Graduate) and Broadway. She’s as left liberal as they come which is the really funny part of this whole episode and reaction on here if it were actually all about race but I think ESPN sees this as career progression for a more valuable star.

You want to keep Maria or Rachel long term?

You can’t possibly say with a straight face, given that this is a females only job with a pretty face required (sexist sure but duck test) that a younger girl looking a a huge raise isn’t qualified for the job.
cliffs please
Michelle Beadle hosted Countdown for two years. Behind the scenes, ESPN brass wanted her to also work on the morning show Get Up! with Jalen Rose and Mike Greenberg. Initially, Beadle refused. Then, the network proposed an offer that would pay her $5 million per year. It was an offer she couldn’t refuse. She started in April 2018.
It didn’t work. The chemistry between Beadle and Greenberg never materialized. It didn’t help when she announced she was boycotting college and professional football, called Urban Meyer a “liar,” and said the sport “marginalized women.” Five months later, the network announced she was going to focus her efforts on covering the NBA.
A year later, in August 2019, rumors swirled that ESPN was buying out Michelle Beadle’s contract. While there was never an official announcement of her departure, the network named Maria Taylor and Rachel Nichols as the new hosts on Countdown.
But you don’t have a personal agenda? You might try the mirror slinging that nonsense.

Rachel got the job in the first place when they tossed Michelle Beadle after a dust up or two but that was OK, one white girl for another. Who cares?

She makes $1.5M. Maria is 13 years younger and after $8M in a new contract but somehow Isn’t qualified?

Outside of her bitching and blaming it on old white guys that voted for Trump., there’s zero to indicate that Maria isn’t qualified to host

The race card is cheap no matter which side plays it. You know she married into the system? Her husband’s dad was Mike Nichols, the director, (The Graduate) and Broadway. She’s as left liberal as they come which is the really funny part of this whole episode and reaction on here if it were actually all about race but I think ESPN sees this as career progression for a more valuable star.

You want to keep Maria or Rachel long term?

You can’t possibly say with a straight face, given that this is a females only job with a pretty face required (sexist sure but duck test) that a younger girl looking a a huge raise isn’t qualified for the job.

You are missing the point.

Maria is qualified.
So is Rachel.

There had to be a reason to choose one over the other. What was it?

You and I can speculate all day long, about popularity, long term goals, contracts etc. If both are qualified, what was the determining factor?

If it was race, that's a problem.
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You are missing the point.

Maria is qualified.
So is Rachel.

There had to be a reason to choose one over the other. What was it?

You and I can speculate all day long, about popularity, long term goals, contracts etc. If both are qualified, what was the determining factor?

If it was race, that's a problem.
and why is this hard for some to understand?
Maria’s Disney/ABC/ESPN contract expires shortly. She wants similar money as Stephen A. Either D/A/E works a deal or she will be working for another network. Hope she’s gets the type financial agreement she has earned and deserved.
8 mill a year?
You are missing the point.

Maria is qualified.
So is Rachel.

There had to be a reason to choose one over the other. What was it?

You and I can speculate all day long, about popularity, long term goals, contracts etc. If both are qualified, what was the determining factor?

If it was race, that's a problem.

ESPN would have to say and I doubt you would get any public comment. Certainly not one that would open them up to a law suit.

This is on air personality stuff with 7 figure salaries. Who you are and the ratings you can pull probably outweigh anything else with these jobs. Rachel may well know NBA basketball better but if Maria knows it we’ll enough and has more strengths in other areas then when you add them up you get why they made the call. I think she’s younger and a hotter name, she definitely makes more money and she’s popular. She wants a lot of money, be interesting if she stays.

Here’s how I see this particular job. First, it’s clearly girls only so men need not apply. Right there you’ve technically got sex discrimination but ESPN created the role to address the lack of women. After that, how many hot young black girls are there in sports journalism that have Maria’s recognition? She’s a rising star and maybe on the Robin Roberts track. If both can do the job, then Maria has more star power and that’s why she gets the job. Yes she’s black but she’s become a bigger name they can promote. It’s not because she’s black but because of the total package.

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