Rand Paul, what an idiot....

Jimy jenga

Grateful Dawg
Gold Member
Oct 5, 2001
Asshole. And he is a doctor to boot!!! Irresponsible, deplorable, egotistical! Just like fat Rump!!
The people you support are playing politics with this stimulus bill, and you're bitching about Rand Paul getting sick? Man if you aren't a text book liberal I don't know what is...
Two separate conversations. I know that complex scenarios and multi-tasking is hard when you are in fat Rumps cult, but try to understand that OP was about how stupid Rand Paul is. Moscow Mitch trying to push through a bill that only helps large corporations is criminal and a different abomination. But then again, he does what Dump says.
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Two separate conversations. I know that complex scenarios and multi-tasking is hard when you are in fat Rumps cult, but try to understand that OP was about how stupid Rand Paul is. Moscow Mitch trying to push through a bill that only helps large corporations is criminal and a different abomination. But then again, he does what Dump says.

Well again, its hard to make you understand because you're a useful idiot of the left and seemingly not really what anyone would call an economic genius. Holding up this package because they want to permanently fund Planned Parenthood and get some of their pet projects in place that they couldn't otherwise get is criminal and shows the lengths they will go too to achieve power. The ends justify the means. And most sane people would never want that kind of person in any position of power...unless they believe said person will give them free shit and punish all the evil people who have done better than them.

But let me try and help you out. See these corporations you hate so much, they employee America citizens. Without the help they have to let massive amounts of them go. Now it may not help all of them, but it will go along way in keeping people on the job and able to take care of themselves.

Giving away even more money to people already getting money from the Taxpayer does NO ONE any good, it makes no economic sense because those people haven't lost anything.

Just remember, the reason this virus will be short lived is because those businesses you hate so much, even though they provide you with the goods and services you want and need to spew your ignorance, are the very entities that are providing services and man power to beat this thing, not your beloved government
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Well again, its hard to make you understand because you're a useful idiot of the left and not seemingly not really what anyone would call an economic genius. Holding up this package because they want to permanently fund Planned Parenthood and get some of their pet projects in place that they couldn't otherwise get is criminal and shows the lengths they will go too to achieve power. The ends justify the means. And most sane people would never want that kind of person in any position of power...unless they believe said person will give them free shit and punish all the evil people who have done better than them.

But let me try and help you out. See these corporations you hate so much, they employee America citizens. Without the help they have to let massive amounts of them go. Now it may not help all of them, but it will go along way in keeping people on the job and able to take care of themselves.

Giving away even more money to people already getting money from the Taxpayer does NO ONE any good, it makes no economic sense because those people haven't lost anything.

Just remember, the reason this virus will be short lived is because those businesses you hate so much, even though they provide you with the goods and services you want and need to spew your ignorance, are the very entities that are providing services and man power to beat this thing, not your beloved government

Thank you for your post
If you are a Democrat and support their policies the idiot is you
This has nothing to do with your policy position. It has everything to do with stupidity from Rand Paul. Putting others at risk. Idiot. And you are an idiot if you are a member of the fat Rump’s cult.
Well again, its hard to make you understand because you're a useful idiot of the left and seemingly not really what anyone would call an economic genius. Holding up this package because they want to permanently fund Planned Parenthood and get some of their pet projects in place that they couldn't otherwise get is criminal and shows the lengths they will go too to achieve power. The ends justify the means. And most sane people would never want that kind of person in any position of power...unless they believe said person will give them free shit and punish all the evil people who have done better than them.

But let me try and help you out. See these corporations you hate so much, they employee America citizens. Without the help they have to let massive amounts of them go. Now it may not help all of them, but it will go along way in keeping people on the job and able to take care of themselves.

Giving away even more money to people already getting money from the Taxpayer does NO ONE any good, it makes no economic sense because those people haven't lost anything.

Just remember, the reason this virus will be short lived is because those businesses you hate so much, even though they provide you with the goods and services you want and need to spew your ignorance, are the very entities that are providing services and man power to beat this thing, not your beloved government
Dude, I think your political views are stupid. But this is not the point of my post. Rand Paul is in idiot for putting others at risk by feeling the need to get tested, and not self quarantining. Instead he went swimming in the gym that was locked! Please try to stay on point. I know you have succumbed to the fat Rump cult, but try to focus.
This has nothing to do with your policy position. It has everything to do with stupidity from Rand Paul. Putting others at risk. Idiot. And you are an idiot if you are a member of the fat Rump’s cult.

Speaking of stupid people, here is one of your leaders

"We’re not here to create a slush fund for Donald Trump and his family, or a slush fund for the Treasury Department to be able to hand out to their friends,” senator Elizabeth Warren, who monitored the 2008 bailouts as chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel,
Dude, I think your political views are stupid. But this is not the point of my post. Rand Paul is in idiot for putting others at risk by feeling the need to get tested, and not self quarantining. Instead he went swimming in the gym that was locked! Please try to stay on point. I know you have succumbed to the fat Rump cult, but try to focus.

Well of course you do, you're a guy who looks to Government to make all your boo boo's better, I'm a guy who rolls up my sleeves and goes to work to make my life and my family's life better, and in doing so I make other peoples lives better.
Its just two different approaches to life, you're like water, take the path of least resistance, I like to think my heritage as an American is that of the men who made the Country great, instead of taking their Trains around the mountain they built their railroads right through the Mother fckers!

I'm not like Trump, I see me in Trump or someone I'd aspire to be in Trump. A man who doesn't take a fcking poll every time he goes to the microphone, and man who doesn't pander for votes, a man who stops in the middle of his yard and takes questions from the Democrat press morons for a hour at a time without a script or press sectary to save him. So Rand Paul got sick, WTF is it too you? Did he make you sick?

You don't seem concerned that the miscreants you support are holding up much needed aide to Americans and American businesses? That doesn't suit your selfish greedy agenda though does it?

I don't think your politics are stupid, that gives you too much credit. They're simply morally bankrupt, selfish and full of envy and greed. In short the politics of a victim
Dude, I think your political views are stupid. But this is not the point of my post. Rand Paul is in idiot for putting others at risk by feeling the need to get tested, and not self quarantining. Instead he went swimming in the gym that was locked! Please try to stay on point. I know you have succumbed to the fat Rump cult, but try to focus.

No he didn't

Story already debunked like so many other stupid things out there.
Well again, its hard to make you understand because you're a useful idiot of the left and seemingly not really what anyone would call an economic genius. Holding up this package because they want to permanently fund Planned Parenthood and get some of their pet projects in place that they couldn't otherwise get is criminal and shows the lengths they will go too to achieve power. The ends justify the means. And most sane people would never want that kind of person in any position of power...unless they believe said person will give them free shit and punish all the evil people who have done better than them.

But let me try and help you out. See these corporations you hate so much, they employee America citizens. Without the help they have to let massive amounts of them go. Now it may not help all of them, but it will go along way in keeping people on the job and able to take care of themselves.

Giving away even more money to people already getting money from the Taxpayer does NO ONE any good, it makes no economic sense because those people haven't lost anything.

Just remember, the reason this virus will be short lived is because those businesses you hate so much, even though they provide you with the goods and services you want and need to spew your ignorance, are the very entities that are providing services and man power to beat this thing, not your beloved government
Agreed large businesses / large employers need to be helped. No question. No argument. So do smaller ones. No disagreement. But NOT without oversight or a plan for disbursement. How is that NOT a conservative view? The current bill creates a slush fund for the White House and Minuchin to dole out money to whom they favor. It is an open invitation for complete corruption and quid pro quo's. There are little to no constraints on using OUR money to conduct stock buybacks that fatten the wallets of stockholders. Having accountable fiscal controls of disbursement is a cornerstone conservative belief! How can Pubs not agree on that.

"Haven't lost anything?" If they're eligible for unemployment then they damn sure have. If their company is shut down cause of the virus they've lost their paycheck. If they're sick and can't work they've lost out. No sick time? No family leave? Many have "lost"... a lot. BTW, sending hard cash spreads money around a wide area v focused in large population centers or corporates headquarters. It has a wider effect.

Now, ALL legislation is a negotiation. That's the exact way the Founders wanted the government to work. They knew it was a messy process. That it would mean pain on all parties to bend to who wishes of others. This is what we were given. A day or a week isn't going to make any difference. The last thing we should be worried about is the performance of the stock market... and I have a vested interest in that institution, too. This'll all get worked out in due time.
Well of course you do, you're a guy who looks to Government to make all your boo boo's better, I'm a guy who rolls up my sleeves and goes to work to make my life and my family's life better, and in doing so I make other peoples lives better.
Its just two different approaches to life, you're like water, take the path of least resistance, I like to think my heritage as an American is that of the men who made the Country great, instead of taking their Trains around the mountain they built their railroads right through the Mother fckers!

I'm not like Trump, I see me in Trump or someone I'd aspire to be in Trump. A man who doesn't take a fcking poll every time he goes to the microphone, and man who doesn't pander for votes, a man who stops in the middle of his yard and takes questions from the Democrat press morons for a hour at a time without a script or press sectary to save him. So Rand Paul got sick, WTF is it too you? Did he make you sick?

You don't seem concerned that the miscreants you support are holding up much needed aide to Americans and American businesses? That doesn't suit your selfish greedy agenda though does it?

I don't think your politics are stupid, that gives you too much credit. They're simply morally bankrupt, selfish and full of envy and greed. In short the politics of a victim
The fact that you accused me of being "morally bankrupt, selfish, and full of envy and greed" is unreal, especially since you follow a sexist, racist, greedy, selfish, egomaniac that thinks it is ok to grab women by their pussies, sleep with porn stars, corruptly engage in illegal activities to further his own political office. Yeah, I am the morally bankrupt person. Maybe someday you will come out of your stupor and see how actually idiotic you are acting.

And just so you know, I am not a democrat, however most claim this because I am not a member of the fat Rump cult, like you. I am a political moderate, most closely a libertarian, but even that doesn't represent my political beliefs. I know, you will say "no way, you hate Rump, you are a lefty socialist!!!' , when you couldn't be more wrong. If you think Rump is criminal idiot like he is, it doesn't mean you are a socialist commie. But whatever makes you feel better.
The fact that you accused me of being "morally bankrupt, selfish, and full of envy and greed" is unreal, especially since you follow a sexist, racist, greedy, selfish, egomaniac that thinks it is ok to grab women by their pussies, sleep with porn stars, corruptly engage in illegal activities to further his own political office. Yeah, I am the morally bankrupt person. Maybe someday you will come out of your stupor and see how actually idiotic you are acting.

And just so you know, I am not a democrat, however most claim this because I am not a member of the fat Rump cult, like you. I am a political moderate, most closely a libertarian, but even that doesn't represent my political beliefs. I know, you will say "no way, you hate Rump, you are a lefty socialist!!!' , when you couldn't be more wrong. If you think Rump is criminal idiot like he is, it doesn't mean you are a socialist commie. But whatever makes you feel better.

You forgot homophobic , Bernie. You are, you support the POS that are exactly that. You post stuff that sounds like a loony leftist.

These clowns you support are holding up much needed aide because they want to put

1. Unprecedented collective bargaining powers for their union friends?
Climate change bullshit
Increased emission standards for airlines
Expansion of wind and solar tax credits.

And you're upset over a senator getting sick and Trumps locker room talk. Yeah pal, you're on the cutting edge.

WTF do any of those things above have to do with the China Virus ?
Agreed large businesses / large employers need to be helped. No question. No argument. So do smaller ones. No disagreement. But NOT without oversight or a plan for disbursement. How is that NOT a conservative view? The current bill creates a slush fund for the White House and Minuchin to dole out money to whom they favor. It is an open invitation for complete corruption and quid pro quo's. There are little to no constraints on using OUR money to conduct stock buybacks that fatten the wallets of stockholders. Having accountable fiscal controls of disbursement is a cornerstone conservative belief! How can Pubs not agree on that.

"Haven't lost anything?" If they're eligible for unemployment then they damn sure have. If their company is shut down cause of the virus they've lost their paycheck. If they're sick and can't work they've lost out. No sick time? No family leave? Many have "lost"... a lot. BTW, sending hard cash spreads money around a wide area v focused in large population centers or corporates headquarters. It has a wider effect.

Now, ALL legislation is a negotiation. That's the exact way the Founders wanted the government to work. They knew it was a messy process. That it would mean pain on all parties to bend to who wishes of others. This is what we were given. A day or a week isn't going to make any difference. The last thing we should be worried about is the performance of the stock market... and I have a vested interest in that institution, too. This'll all get worked out in due time.

People already getting money do not need any more, they are still getting their money.

You party is stopping people from getting personal cash because they are trying to get the stupid shit they couldn't otherwise pass put into this bill

What do

Unprecedented collective bargaining powers to Unions have to do with this crisis?

What does increased emission standards for airlines have to do with this crisis?

What do tax credits that have failed in the past , of solar and wind energy have to do with this crisis.

Now pal, you support a party of ends justify the means who DGAF about anything but power, how any sane person can not see these people for the power hungry corrupt uncaring POS they are shows how utterly stupid 45% of this population is
The fact that you accused me of being "morally bankrupt, selfish, and full of envy and greed" is unreal, especially since you follow a sexist, racist, greedy, selfish, egomaniac that thinks it is ok to grab women by their pussies, sleep with porn stars, corruptly engage in illegal activities to further his own political office. Yeah, I am the morally bankrupt person. Maybe someday you will come out of your stupor and see how actually idiotic you are acting.

And just so you know, I am not a democrat, however most claim this because I am not a member of the fat Rump cult, like you. I am a political moderate, most closely a libertarian, but even that doesn't represent my political beliefs. I know, you will say "no way, you hate Rump, you are a lefty socialist!!!' , when you couldn't be more wrong. If you think Rump is criminal idiot like he is, it doesn't mean you are a socialist commie. But whatever makes you feel better.

This morons have to put pre-conceived labels on everything, because critical thinking is too much of a science.
The fact that you accused me of being "morally bankrupt, selfish, and full of envy and greed" is unreal, especially since you follow a sexist, racist, greedy, selfish, egomaniac that thinks it is ok to grab women by their pussies, sleep with porn stars, corruptly engage in illegal activities to further his own political office. Yeah, I am the morally bankrupt person. Maybe someday you will come out of your stupor and see how actually idiotic you are acting.

And just so you know, I am not a democrat, however most claim this because I am not a member of the fat Rump cult, like you. I am a political moderate, most closely a libertarian, but even that doesn't represent my political beliefs. I know, you will say "no way, you hate Rump, you are a lefty socialist!!!' , when you couldn't be more wrong. If you think Rump is criminal idiot like he is, it doesn't mean you are a socialist commie. But whatever makes you feel better.
You are someone that uses ad hominem almost exclusively, and who uses childish, offensive, and insensitive insults like “retardicans” over and over. You make it easy for people to excuse Trump’s hideous shenanigans because you’re on the same moral plane. Being no worse than Trump isn’t a life accomplishment.
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Agreed large businesses / large employers need to be helped. No question. No argument. So do smaller ones. No disagreement. But NOT without oversight or a plan for disbursement. How is that NOT a conservative view? The current bill creates a slush fund for the White House and Minuchin to dole out money to whom they favor. It is an open invitation for complete corruption and quid pro quo's. There are little to no constraints on using OUR money to conduct stock buybacks that fatten the wallets of stockholders. Having accountable fiscal controls of disbursement is a cornerstone conservative belief! How can Pubs not agree on that.

"Haven't lost anything?" If they're eligible for unemployment then they damn sure have. If their company is shut down cause of the virus they've lost their paycheck. If they're sick and can't work they've lost out. No sick time? No family leave? Many have "lost"... a lot. BTW, sending hard cash spreads money around a wide area v focused in large population centers or corporates headquarters. It has a wider effect.

Now, ALL legislation is a negotiation. That's the exact way the Founders wanted the government to work. They knew it was a messy process. That it would mean pain on all parties to bend to who wishes of others. This is what we were given. A day or a week isn't going to make any difference. The last thing we should be worried about is the performance of the stock market... and I have a vested interest in that institution, too. This'll all get worked out in due time.

Simple thing to do right now is make sure those protections regarding use of the funds are in there as asked for by POTUS & Dems while at the same time tell Nancy & Chuck to stop adding green new deal, PP, & union bargaining rights BS.

Stop fvcking around on both sides.
— Creates a $500,000,000,000 slush fund for corporations that *only* Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has control over
— Doesn’t require reporting of recipients for six months, i.e. until after the election
— Provides no guarantee that Trump’s own businesses won’t benefit
— Has no worker protections and only one weak restriction on executive bonuses
— Provides only a one-time $1200 check and just $600 for those who need it most

Don’t listen to the pundits trying to spin this as a “partisan battle”. Senate Democrats were absolutely right to hold the line and reject this corporate bailout.
— Creates a $500,000,000,000 slush fund for corporations that *only* Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has control over
— Doesn’t require reporting of recipients for six months, i.e. until after the election
— Provides no guarantee that Trump’s own businesses won’t benefit
— Has no worker protections and only one weak restriction on executive bonuses
— Provides only a one-time $1200 check and just $600 for those who need it most

Don’t listen to the pundits trying to spin this as a “partisan battle”. Senate Democrats were absolutely right to hold the line and reject this corporate bailout.

Well , I know you remember that Odumba and his crew gave money to solar panel companies ,who were demorat donors , they either went bankrupt or moved production to China !
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Well , I know you remember that Odumba and his crew gave money to solar panel companies ,who were demorat donors , who went bankrupt or moved production to China !
Dude, I want whats right for all Americans. If we keep belaboring the past, whether that's Bush or Obama, we're never going to be able to move forward. Our government needs to work for every American, not just for a small minority. I think we can agree on that. Unfortunately, and staying on topic - the above stipulations on this bill are inexcusable as it doesn't help you, your neighbor, or the rest of us.
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Well of course you do, you're a guy who looks to Government to make all your boo boo's better, I'm a guy who rolls up my sleeves and goes to work to make my life and my family's life better, and in doing so I make other peoples lives better.
Its just two different approaches to life, you're like water, take the path of least resistance, I like to think my heritage as an American is that of the men who made the Country great, instead of taking their Trains around the mountain they built their railroads right through the Mother fckers!

I'm not like Trump, I see me in Trump or someone I'd aspire to be in Trump. A man who doesn't take a fcking poll every time he goes to the microphone, and man who doesn't pander for votes, a man who stops in the middle of his yard and takes questions from the Democrat press morons for a hour at a time without a script or press sectary to save him. So Rand Paul got sick, WTF is it too you? Did he make you sick?

You don't seem concerned that the miscreants you support are holding up much needed aide to Americans and American businesses? That doesn't suit your selfish greedy agenda though does it?

I don't think your politics are stupid, that gives you too much credit. They're simply morally bankrupt, selfish and full of envy and greed. In short the politics of a victim
Damn impressive Rolo, damn impressive!
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The fact that you accused me of being "morally bankrupt, selfish, and full of envy and greed" is unreal, especially since you follow a sexist, racist, greedy, selfish, egomaniac that thinks it is ok to grab women by their pussies, sleep with porn stars, corruptly engage in illegal activities to further his own political office. Yeah, I am the morally bankrupt person. Maybe someday you will come out of your stupor and see how actually idiotic you are acting.

And just so you know, I am not a democrat, however most claim this because I am not a member of the fat Rump cult, like you. I am a political moderate, most closely a libertarian, but even that doesn't represent my political beliefs. I know, you will say "no way, you hate Rump, you are a lefty socialist!!!' , when you couldn't be more wrong. If you think Rump is criminal idiot like he is, it doesn't mean you are a socialist commie. But whatever makes you feel better.
You are an uninformed, selfish little prick, who cries daily about not having a leader that rules over you. You need someone to support you from cradle to grave. It’s fortunate for us that more people of your type were not successful in 1776. We would still be servants to the British monarchy. You should be thankful for the great leader we have now, but I guess your NPR programs were cut by the mean man in the White House.
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— Creates a $500,000,000,000 slush fund for corporations that *only* Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has control over
— Doesn’t require reporting of recipients for six months, i.e. until after the election
— Provides no guarantee that Trump’s own businesses won’t benefit
— Has no worker protections and only one weak restriction on executive bonuses
— Provides only a one-time $1200 check and just $600 for those who need it most

Don’t listen to the pundits trying to spin this as a “partisan battle”. Senate Democrats were absolutely right to hold the line and reject this corporate bailout.
meanwhile this seems rather important to the crisis at hand, no?

Here is what Democrats want to go into the Coronavirus stimulus pkg:
1. Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines.
2. Payment for up to $10,000.00 in student loans.
3. Same-day voter registration, early voting, voting by mail, ballot harvesting.
4. Preserving collective bargaining powers for unions.
5. The expansion of wind and solar credits.
6. Requirements for federal and corporate gender and racial diversity data.
7. Post office bailout
8. Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
9. Restricting colleges from providing information about citizenship status
10. Money for planned parenthood.
Agreed large businesses / large employers need to be helped. No question. No argument. So do smaller ones. No disagreement. But NOT without oversight or a plan for disbursement. How is that NOT a conservative view? The current bill creates a slush fund for the White House and Minuchin to dole out money to whom they favor. It is an open invitation for complete corruption and quid pro quo's. There are little to no constraints on using OUR money to conduct stock buybacks that fatten the wallets of stockholders. Having accountable fiscal controls of disbursement is a cornerstone conservative belief! How can Pubs not agree on that.

"Haven't lost anything?" If they're eligible for unemployment then they damn sure have. If their company is shut down cause of the virus they've lost their paycheck. If they're sick and can't work they've lost out. No sick time? No family leave? Many have "lost"... a lot. BTW, sending hard cash spreads money around a wide area v focused in large population centers or corporates headquarters. It has a wider effect.

Now, ALL legislation is a negotiation. That's the exact way the Founders wanted the government to work. They knew it was a messy process. That it would mean pain on all parties to bend to who wishes of others. This is what we were given. A day or a week isn't going to make any difference. The last thing we should be worried about is the performance of the stock market... and I have a vested interest in that institution, too. This'll all get worked out in due time.

Tremendous post and civics 101. Shouldn't have to be explained, but there you have it.
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