Scenario 1: the Civil War happens anyway, but involving a Confederacy that had a bigger population that was less geographically centralized due to the expansion of slavery out west - making it impossible for the Union to wall them in and sustain a naval blockade and easier for the Confederacy to obtain support from larger numbers of Native Americans who were less threatened by an agricultural slave economy
that they could and often did join by becoming slave owners themselves than by industrialization - and both sides having tanks, fighter planes and submarines. said above the South couldn't modernize??
Scenario 2: the Civil War doesn't happen but a race war incited by socialist and communist infiltrators and agitators does. Look, imagine the trouble that was already caused by abolitionists like John Brown and increase it by several orders of magnitude. Keep in mind: Karl Marx died a couple decades after the Civil War before his views took any traction. And while there were some slave revolts, they were brief and localized thanks to poor organizing and resources, and the aversion of many slaves - lots of whom had been heavily influenced by some form of Christianity over generations - to the murderous violence against innocents that a successful slave rebellion would have needed to occur. (Many radicals despite Christianity to this day and regard it as a hindrance to social change for precisely that reason. Or should I say that Marx himself stated that Christianity should be suppressed because it was counter-revolutionary, and the refusal of most slaves to take up arms to liberate themselves served as exhibit A. of Marx being right.) Well, Marxists would have provided the slaves with a lot better planning and organization, far more guns as well as provided an ideology that would have justified the large scale slaughter of innocents..
Um, are we (The USA) More Marxist today? Or before the Civil war? You have a good point about agitators. But there were lot of them anyway. And yet not one single slave uprising in the South during the war. Not one. BTW....You think the "slaugher" of innocents would have exceeded a million??
Add it all up and there was no good, easy way out of the slave problem, which included both ending slavery and dealing with the emancipated slaves. It is a lot easier to find motes in the eyes of Lincoln, the abolitionists, the union and modern liberals who defame southern heritage than admitting that reality, but being unable to admit that reality doesn't change it.
Yes, there was. And it was simple. It would have ended on its on. You like to just wish it away and you have to to continue with this argument. But the facts are, with the technology, the cost of maintaining slaves housing, clothes, medical care, transportation, food, etc (Like modern day democrats, except today they aren't expected to work for any of it) Slavery would have been done away with. Slaves would have been set free based on nothing else but cost. It would be like keeping a fleet of Horse and Carriages after the Model T was available. The economics of your post simply don't work.