Samuel L Jackson: "I really wanted the San Bernadino killers to be white"

There is no good answer for islam, they hate us, they hate each other, they hate women, the attacks here are only going to get worse and the blood of innocent Americans are going to be on the jew hating lefts hands. Watched a short documentary on Israel last night, they are pissed at Obama and Kerry for allowing Iran to possess weapons a few billion times more powerful that an ak.

A long pause on immigration is a good thing and a safe bet for us and absolutely not racist at all.
There is no good answer for islam, they hate us, they hate each other, they hate women, the attacks here are only going to get worse and the blood of innocent Americans are going to be on the jew hating lefts hands. Watched a short documentary on Israel last night, they are pissed at Obama and Kerry for allowing Iran to possess weapons a few billion times more powerful that an ak.

A long pause on immigration is a good thing and a safe bet for us and absolutely not racist at all.

F.. Israel, ''left hand of God'' My ass.
That sort of crazy Bible prophecy approach to policy has gotten Americans killed, and will continue to do so.
I'm all for supporting Israel in a fair and balanced manner, and while keeping Our interest ahead of Theirs. Zionist started buying up American ministers in the 80s to preach Our Biblical obligation to support Israel in all things, of course rubes ate it up, they still are swallowing Israel's load.
F.. Israel, ''left hand of God'' My ass.
That sort of crazy Bible prophecy approach to policy has gotten Americans killed, and will continue to do so.
I'm all for supporting Israel in a fair and balanced manner, and while keeping Our interest ahead of Theirs. Zionist started buying up American ministers in the 80s to preach Our Biblical obligation to support Israel in all things, of course rubes ate it up, they still are swallowing Israel's load.
Excuse me o I'm sorry that they are not like that fans country that uk created. They made advances in technogly I don't suport the idea of Palestine hell it should not have bean created.
Why is it important to You to condemn Islam, when terrorist are easy targets ?
Could Your religion be fueling Your hate ? There are 1500 million Muslims Who are not terrorist and don't support terrorism. Should the tiny fraction of Muslims who are terrorist define the innocent Muslims who number 4 times the population of The United States ? Is that what Your Christian faith teaches You ?


First I am an agnostic so there is no religion that is fueling anything. But I am a realist. I call a spade a spade. The verses in the Koran professing hate of non believers and encouraging Jihad is there for all to see. I think it has been illustrated by polls that there are far more muslims beyond the terrorists who agree with the establishment of a global caliphate but they disagree on tactics. There a many muslims who believe in Sharia law not just the terrorists. Thus many of the Muslim men believe women are their property to do with what they choose. Look at the rapes that are occurring in Germany, Sweden and other countries today because they opened their borders widely to Muslim immigrants. Who would want that here? It never ceases to amaze me how liberals twist themselves into pretzels in an effort to defend Muslims. Especially since many (not all) Muslims represent the exact opposite of the values that liberals say they have.

First I am an agnostic so there is no religion that is fueling anything. But I am a realist. I call a spade a spade. The verses in the Koran professing hate of non believers and encouraging Jihad is there for all to see. I think it has been illustrated by polls that there are far more muslims beyond the terrorists who agree with the establishment of a global caliphate but they disagree on tactics. There a many muslims who believe in Sharia law not just the terrorists. Thus many of the Muslim men believe women are their property to do with what they choose. Look at the rapes that are occurring in Germany, Sweden and other countries today because they opened their borders widely to Muslim immigrants. Who would want that here? It never ceases to amaze me how liberals twist themselves into pretzels in an effort to defend Muslims. Especially since many (not all) Muslims represent the exact opposite of the values that liberals say they have.

Hell a pole would label You and many others potential terrorist against 1/4 of the world's population.
You and others want to label those who follow Islam terrorist, if a Muslim said similar things about Christianity You would certainly label THEM.
Your way of thinking serves absolutely no purpose and can only serve to
I don't know why it's so goddamned hard for so many to grasp the absolute fact most Muslims have no more to do with ISIS than I do.
Hell a pole would label You and many others potential terrorist against 1/4 of the world's population.
You and others want to label those who follow Islam terrorist, if a Muslim said similar things about Christianity You would certainly label THEM.
Your way of thinking serves absolutely no purpose and can only serve to
I don't know why it's so goddamned hard for so many to grasp the absolute fact most Muslims have no more to do with ISIS than I do.

There are far more Muslims that support the terrorists than u would suspect. Maybe u should read a few books such as "The Spiritual Foundation of Islamic Terrorism" by Boyd Pattterson or perhaps "ISIS The Heart of Terror" by Eugene Bach and quit listening to Obama or Hil who say there is no connection between Islam and ISIS.
There are large numbers of the religion who believe Sharia law should be obeyed because it comes from the word of God. In Sharia, women are treated as cattle. That there should be corporal punishment for leaving the religion and the hands of thieves should be chopped off.
Hell a pole would label You and many others potential terrorist against 1/4 of the world's population.
You and others want to label those who follow Islam terrorist, if a Muslim said similar things about Christianity You would certainly label THEM.
Your way of thinking serves absolutely no purpose and can only serve to
I don't know why it's so goddamned hard for so many to grasp the absolute fact most Muslims have no more to do with ISIS than I do.
Here is reality HH. Not speculation but hands on reality. I ran 2 large retail outlets in Houston for 15 years, 1984 thru '99. Hired a couple of energetic Iranian immigrants and they were dynamite. Worked tirelessly and would not give up. Tremendous producers so I looked for more but they brought me several more and at one point I had upwards of 75 of them (Middle East people) employed. A lot of them were Iranians but I had a few Iraqi's, couple of Paki's, a Morrocan and a few Saudi's and Palestinians but mostly Iranians.

(1) To a man they hated JEWS, period.

(2) Everything about them is about face, period, they cannot be insulted or what they perceive to be an insult. ZERO tolerance...ZERO!

(3) 100% of them imported their wives from the old country where the parents made the match. And yes tis true they "own" the wife but the wife as far as I could tell was ok with being owned and a possession. They get together and smoke Opium regularly.

(4) The Iranians were quick to point out they are caucasian and look down upon all Arabs! There is a strong Sunni-Shia thing going but the big issue is the Arabs being looked upon as trash. That is the genesis of the SA-Iran blowup. An Iranian would marry a gorilla about as fast as he would an Arab.The hate among them is epic.

(5) They were in constant pursuit of money and pretty much would do anything to get it.

(6) The Palestinians were the meanest and looked upon as trash by them. I had a guy from Pakistan who threatened to blow up the building. But most were peaceful enough on the surface it seemed.

(7) They loved Germans because of what they did to the Jews. In fact the word among them was I was of German ancestory since they wanted very much to like and respect me.

(8) They brought me back rugs, fruits, gifts galore when they went home.
which was usually Ramadan.

(9) At least three of them are worth as much as half a billion dollars today through real estate mostly.

(10) Danny A (they all had stage names) got caught exporting helicopters to the Iranian military while he worked for us. Some of that old crowd is now buying used F250 pickups and 2500 series GM trucks from auctions out there and selling/shipping them to ISIS. I intend to tell the Feds who the leaders were and which one can finger the culprit(s).

(11) The number of them trouble was relatively low. However I never once had a white or black guy or Hispanic threaten to blow the building to where I had to evacuate and close down one day. I never had any American, Hispanic or otherwise arrested for exporting military equipment to an arch enemy country except Danny A. And you can believe no white, black or Hispanic out there now is exporting HD vehicles for gun platforms to ISIS.

(12) Through these two large businesses I must have ran 10K or more employees through the doors in 15 years. All except for 75 or so were white, Hispanics, Jews, and blacks.
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Here is reality HH. Not speculation but hands on reality. I ran 2 large retail outlets in Houston for 15 years, 1984 thru '99. Hired a couple of energetic Iranian immigrants and they were dynamite. Worked tirelessly and would not give up. Tremendous producers so I looked for more but they brought me several more and at one point I had upwards of 75 of them (Middle East people) employed. A lot of them were Iranians but I had a few Iraqi's, couple of Paki's, a Morrocan and a few Saudi's and Palestinians but mostly Iranians.

(1) To a man they hated JEWS, period.

(2) Everything about them is about face, period, they cannot be insulted or what they perceive to be an insult. ZERO tolerance...ZERO!

(3) 100% of them imported their wives from the old country where the parents made the match. And yes tis true they "own" the wife but the wife as far as I could tell was ok with being owned and a possession. They get together and smoke Opium regularly.

(4) The Iranians were quick to point out they are caucasian and look down upon all Arabs! There is a strong Sunni-Shia thing going but the big issue is the Arabs being looked upon as trash. That is the genesis of the SA-Iran blowup. An Iranian would marry a gorilla about as fast as he would an Arab.The hate among them is epic.

(5) They were in constant pursuit of money and pretty much would do anything to get it.

(6) The Palestinians were the meanest and looked upon as trash by them. I had a guy from Pakistan who threatened to blow up the building. But most were peaceful enough on the surface it seemed.

(7) They loved Germans because of what they did to the Jews. In fact the word among them was I was of German ancestory since they wanted very much to like and respect me.

(8) They brought me back rugs, fruits, gifts galore when they went home.
which was usually Ramadan.

(9) At least three of them are worth as much as half a billion dollars today through real estate mostly.

(10) Danny A (they all had stage names) got caught exporting helicopters to the Iranian military while he worked for us. Some of that old crowd is now buying used F250 pickups and 2500 series GM trucks from auctions out there and selling/shipping them to ISIS. I intend to tell the Feds who the leaders were and which one can finger the culprit(s).

(11) The number of them trouble was relatively low. However I never once had a white or black guy or Hispanic threaten to blow the building to where I had to evacuate and close down one day. I never had any American, Hispanic or otherwise arrested for exporting military equipment to an arch enemy country except Danny A. And you can believe no white, black or Hispanic out there now is exporting HD vehicles for gun platforms to ISIS.

(12) Through these two large businesses I must have ran 10K or more employees through the doors in 15 years. All except for 75 or so were white, Hispanics, Jews, and blacks.

Again You judge an entire people by the attitude of a few, in this case, a couple of employees 30 years ago.
I knew this white woman who smelled like she never washed her ass back in the 1980s, I feel I know all about the hygienic practices of white females.
I'm sure You're familiar with the term ''anecdotal evidence'', even by that measure Your reasoning is weak.
There are far more Muslims that support the terrorists than u would suspect. Maybe u should read a few books such as "The Spiritual Foundation of Islamic Terrorism" by Boyd Pattterson or perhaps "ISIS The Heart of Terror" by Eugene Bach and quit listening to Obama or Hil who say there is no connection between Islam and ISIS.
There are large numbers of the religion who believe Sharia law should be obeyed because it comes from the word of God. In Sharia, women are treated as cattle. That there should be corporal punishment for leaving the religion and the hands of thieves should be chopped off.

Your reasoning is flawed, leads to prejudicial thinking, but worse, it is very counter productive.
Your reasoning is flawed, leads to prejudicial thinking, but worse, it is very counter productive.

If u were an expert in Islam, then u would actually be able to judge whether my thinking is flawed or prejudicial. But u are ignorant and need to learn more before u have the ability judge my thinking.

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