Schlitz Goin' Down in Venezuela


War Daddy
Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
It's election day in Venezuela and a lot is happening. Here's the Cliffs.

Socialist Nicolas Maduro has been in power for 25 years.
Despite massive oil reserves and natural resources, the country is in economic peril.
Over 8 million citizens have fled the country.
Failed currency, massive inflation. Middle class and farmers decimated.

Maduro feared overwhelming popular support for the opposition candidate, a surrogate for the opposition leader named Edmundo Gonzalez.
The real opposition leader is Corina Machado. She was barred from the election by Maduro appointed judges.

Overwhelming turnout for today's vote led to early estimates that Gonzalez was winning over 65% of the vote.
Maduro militias and communist supporters began seizing ballot boxes and blocking citizens from the polls.
Military and guards began massing around Maduro in Caracas.
Now the government has declared Maduro the winner with 51% of the vote, so some places are celebrating the opposition's upset win, while other parts of the country are protesting.

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And that’s how socialist countries stay socialist countries. It’s because of all the equality and redistribution of wealth among the people. They obviously love it. Godspeed to the people of Venezuela. Wonder if 8 million people (mostly male) who fled the country could have made a difference?
It's election day in Venezuela and a lot is happening. Here's the Cliffs.

Socialist Nicolas Maduro has been in power for 25 years.
Despite massive oil reserves and natural resources, the country is in economic peril.
Over 8 million citizens have fled the country.
Failed currency, massive inflation. Middle class and farmers decimated.

Maduro feared overwhelming popular support for the opposition candidate, a surrogate for the opposition leader named Edmundo Gonzalez.
The real opposition leader is Corina Machado. She was barred from the election by Maduro appointed judges.

Overwhelming turnout for today's vote led to early estimates that Gonzalez was winning over 65% of the vote.
Maduro militias and communist supporters began seizing ballot boxes and blocking citizens from the polls.
Military and guards began massing around Maduro in Caracas.
Now the government has declared Maduro the winner with 51% of the vote, so some places are celebrating the opposition's upset win, while other parts of the country are protesting.

My understanding was they had a pipe burst.
It's election day in Venezuela and a lot is happening. Here's the Cliffs.

Socialist Nicolas Maduro has been in power for 25 years.
Despite massive oil reserves and natural resources, the country is in economic peril.
Over 8 million citizens have fled the country.
Failed currency, massive inflation. Middle class and farmers decimated.

Maduro feared overwhelming popular support for the opposition candidate, a surrogate for the opposition leader named Edmundo Gonzalez.
The real opposition leader is Corina Machado. She was barred from the election by Maduro appointed judges.

Overwhelming turnout for today's vote led to early estimates that Gonzalez was winning over 65% of the vote.
Maduro militias and communist supporters began seizing ballot boxes and blocking citizens from the polls.
Military and guards began massing around Maduro in Caracas.
Now the government has declared Maduro the winner with 51% of the vote, so some places are celebrating the opposition's upset win, while other parts of the country are protesting.

The saying goes that you vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out. There are many similarities going on in Venezuela that have happened on a smaller scale here. Liberals here, including Bernie Sanders and many others, have touted Venezuela as utopian.

Changing the voting rules to making cheating easier is another step. The media and education systems have already been infected. Prosecuting opponents has started to happen.
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And that’s how socialist countries stay socialist countries. It’s because of all the equality and redistribution of wealth among the people. They obviously love it. Godspeed to the people of Venezuela. Wonder if 8 million people (mostly male) who fled the country could have made a difference?

Not true. All the wealth in the country is transferred to a smaller minority, under socialism. The common man is screwed either way.
It's election day in Venezuela and a lot is happening. Here's the Cliffs.

Socialist Nicolas Maduro has been in power for 25 years.
Despite massive oil reserves and natural resources, the country is in economic peril.
Over 8 million citizens have fled the country.
Failed currency, massive inflation. Middle class and farmers decimated.

Maduro feared overwhelming popular support for the opposition candidate, a surrogate for the opposition leader named Edmundo Gonzalez.
The real opposition leader is Corina Machado. She was barred from the election by Maduro appointed judges.

Overwhelming turnout for today's vote led to early estimates that Gonzalez was winning over 65% of the vote.
Maduro militias and communist supporters began seizing ballot boxes and blocking citizens from the polls.
Military and guards began massing around Maduro in Caracas.
Now the government has declared Maduro the winner with 51% of the vote, so some places are celebrating the opposition's upset win, while other parts of the country are protesting.

Maduro is a criminal who is declaring himself the winner of an election he lost and is trying to use the power of the government to overturn the results and keep himself in power.

Can you even imagine that happening here? What a nightmare.
Maduro is a criminal who is declaring himself the winner of an election he lost and is trying to use the power of the government to overturn the results and keep himself in power.

Can you even imagine that happening here? What a nightmare.
I know. He jailed his political counterpart too. Used the government resources to go after his political adversaries. Weaponized the government against its own people. Who could imagine such a thing happening here. It is a nightmare!
I know. He jailed his political counterpart too. Used the government resources to go after his political adversaries. Weaponized the government against its own people. Who could imagine such a thing happening here. It is a nightmare!
Of course Biden didn’t do any of those things, but if he had they all sound like official acts to me. Thanks to the conservative SCOTUS supermajority, Biden would be entirely in the clear.
Of course Biden didn’t do any of those things, but if he had they all sound like official acts to me. Thanks to the conservative SCOTUS supermajority, Biden would be entirely in the clear.
Of course he didn’t. It is whomever is pulling the strings behind him that did. Maduro has the same beliefs Kamala does. Same tree. It was the equality and equity utopia. Till it wasn’t.

It is a shame that ruling had to come down. I agree. What caused it. Bs pursuit of a former president and challenger to Biden’s throne. Made up charges never before used in court. I can’t imagine how this happened
Of course he didn’t. It is whomever is pulling the strings behind him that did. Maduro has the same beliefs Kamala does. Same tree. It was the equality and equity utopia. Till it wasn’t.
Wow, you managed to change the subject three or four times in two posts. Anything to avoid Trump’s efforts to steal the last election, I guess.

I’ll make the call now. What we saw in 2020 with the fake elector plot will look like amateur hour compared to what we will see in November if Trump losses, which I believe he will.
Wow, you managed to change the subject three or four times in two posts. Anything to avoid Trump’s efforts to steal the last election, I guess.

I’ll make the call now. What we saw in 2020 with the fake elector plot will look like amateur hour compared to what we will see in November if Trump losses, which I believe he will.
We will see. You may be right. It also may get real difficult for Kamala to sign off on the election as well. I don’t think you should throw stones just yet. Every time you do it gets worse for you. This crap all started with Hillary and former presidents declaring the election stolen by Trump. A Russian plant right. Jimmy Carter even said it. I don’t remember rhetoric like that ever before. I admit that I didn’t pay attention as closely. Even Obama didn’t face that kind of opposition after the election.

I just flipped the script. I didn’t change the subject. I started with an I know. I didn’t deny what you said in your op. Just saying since then you guys have tried to railroad a political opponent. Have him jailed. The fbi has admitted to over zealously pursuing said former president. The cia directly lied to protect Biden. There has been an assassination attempt. Illegally appointed special councils. And completely subverted democracy by threatening a duly elected candidate until he was forced to step down. You might want to check your own house before you start hurling stuff over here.
We will see. You may be right. It also may get real difficult for Kamala to sign off on the election as well. I don’t think you should throw stones just yet. Every time you do it gets worse for you. This crap all started with Hillary and former presidents declaring the election stolen by Trump. A Russian plant right. Jimmy Carter even said it. I don’t remember rhetoric like that ever before. I admit that I didn’t pay attention as closely. Even Obama didn’t face that kind of opposition after the election.

I just flipped the script. I didn’t change the subject. I started with an I know. I didn’t deny what you said in your op. Just saying since then you guys have tried to railroad a political opponent. Have him jailed. The fbi has admitted to over zealously pursuing said former president. The cia directly lied to protect Biden. There has been an assassination attempt. Illegally appointed special councils. And completely subverted democracy by threatening a duly elected candidate until he was forced to step down. You might want to check your own house before you start hurling stuff over here.
The efforts to compare Trump’s efforts to steal the election to either anything Hillary did or the efforts to get Biden to stand down are laughable. All you know about the supposed threats to force Biden out is the speculation of right wing media.

You want to see what an effort to subvert democracy actually looks like? How about video of Trump’s lawyer and a Trump campaign aide delivering fake elector documents to Republican representative Mike Kelly on J6.

Reminder, there are multiple felony indictments in both WI and MI of the same Chesebro and others related to the illegal creation and submission of these same fake elector documents. But I’m sure you believe that’s just the continued weaponization of government, right?

The efforts to compare Trump’s efforts to steal the election to either anything Hillary did or the efforts to get Biden to stand down are laughable. All you know about the supposed threats to force Biden out is the speculation of right wing media.

You want to see what an effort to subvert democracy actually looks like? How about video of Trump’s lawyer and a Trump campaign aide delivering fake elector documents to Republican representative Mike Kelly on J6.

Reminder, there are multiple felony indictments in both WI and MI of the same Chesebro and others related to the illegal creation and submission of these same fake elector documents. But I’m sure you believe that’s just the continued weaponization of government, right?

Dude please. Hillary literally planted false charges with willing DOJ, LE and never Trump pols in order to influence an election. She literally had a team of lawyers ready to pounce on any hint of voting or counting irregularities in order to challenge the results of the election. You literally had FBI and DOJ employees signing off on a document as verified that would later be determined to be categorically false in order to surveil a campaign for POTUS and then the sitting POTUS. And then she ran around the country claiming you can have the election STOLEN from you.
The efforts to compare Trump’s efforts to steal the election to either anything Hillary did or the efforts to get Biden to stand down are laughable. All you know about the supposed threats to force Biden out is the speculation of right wing media.

You want to see what an effort to subvert democracy actually looks like? How about video of Trump’s lawyer and a Trump campaign aide delivering fake elector documents to Republican representative Mike Kelly on J6.

Reminder, there are multiple felony indictments in both WI and MI of the same Chesebro and others related to the illegal creation and submission of these same fake elector documents. But I’m sure you believe that’s just the continued weaponization of government, right?

Again a learned behavior from the left. They admit it right here in quotes. Same shit happened years ago. They even put language in it to avoid charges levied by the left. A lawyer wrote the damn things. They went specifically off the precedent of other fake electors the democrats used in 1960. I am sure the left will do all they can to twist the law or stack a court to make this work for them. Your admin has lost all credibility here. You talk about effecting elections. Or stealing them. Your side had a laptop suppressed which 100 percent would have effected the election. The cia wrote ambiguous untruths to help Biden. And the fbi slow rolled it because they didn’t want to influence the election.

You think all of this lawfare isn’t being done to effect this election. It is amazing that you can post from that moral high ground you like to claim. Are you going to keep picking Candidates until you get one to poll well enough to beat Trump?
Dude please. Hillary literally planted false charges with willing DOJ, LE and never Trump pols in order to influence an election. She literally had a team of lawyers ready to pounce on any hint of voting or counting irregularities in order to challenge the results of the election. You literally had FBI and DOJ employees signing off on a document as verified that would later be determined to be categorically false in order to surveil a campaign for POTUS and then the sitting POTUS. And then she ran around the country claiming you can have the election STOLEN from you.
Right. And four years of a Trump administration AG and DOJ and they never even indicted her. In fact, all they got was one misdemeanor plea deal and two failed prosecutions in court, so that’s not the same at all.

Again a learned behavior from the left. They admit it right here in quotes. Same shit happened years ago. They even put language in it to avoid charges levied by the left. A lawyer wrote the damn things. They went specifically off the precedent of other fake electors the democrats used in 1960. I am sure the left will do all they can to twist the law or stack a court to make this work for them. Your admin has lost all credibility here. You talk about effecting elections. Or stealing them. Your side had a laptop suppressed which 100 percent would have effected the election. The cia wrote ambiguous untruths to help Biden. And the fbi slow rolled it because they didn’t want to influence the election.

You think all of this lawfare isn’t being done to effect this election. It is amazing that you can post from that moral high ground you like to claim. Are you going to keep picking Candidates until you get one to poll well enough to beat Trump?
I wasn’t alive in 1960 and I don’t really care what happened then.

But, suggesting that a state that had an initial winning margin of 140 votes is a similar scenario to the Trump fake elector efforts, where he lost five states by between 10k and 154k votes, is just another false equivalency. The fact that the recount ended up flipping the vote to Kennedy is also relevant, given all of Trump’s efforts were proven to never have had an ounce of substance to support his claims.

If the HI state AG had chosen to press charges, I would have been fine with that. Don’t break the law. It should be a simple concept, and someone breaking the law in 1960 does not justify the scheme attempted by Trump and Chesebro. That’s why all of Trump’s lawyers are indicted or have already pled and have lost or are in the process of losing their law license.
Right. And four years of a Trump administration AG and DOJ and they never even indicted her. In fact, all they got was one misdemeanor plea deal and two failed prosecutions in court, so that’s not the same at all.
I don't think that helps your case. We know she withheld subpoenaed text messages, scrubbed servers and destroyed blackberries. Yes, Trump chanted lock her up but his admin honored the tradition of refusing to pursue political opponents.

I think every Trump supporter on this board has acknowledged Trump's warts and even criticized his 1/6 strategy to some degree. It would be nice if some of the hard core never Trumpers would at least admit the circumstances involved with the various prosecutions of Trump have a stench of pure partisanship and odd circumstances. (i.e. the number 3 in the DOJ leaving to work for a DA's office to pursue a chart of accounts violation)
I don't think that helps your case. We know she withheld subpoenaed text messages, scrubbed servers and destroyed blackberries. Yes, Trump chanted lock her up but his admin honored the tradition of refusing to pursue political opponents.

I think every Trump supporter on this board has acknowledged Trump's warts and even criticized his 1/6 strategy to some degree. It would be nice if some of the hard core never Trumpers would at least admit the circumstances involved with the various prosecutions of Trump have a stench of pure partisanship and odd circumstances. (i.e. the number 3 in the DOJ leaving to work for a DA's office to pursue a chart of accounts violation)
Trump didn’t just decide to take the high road on prosecuting Clinton. He pressured both Sessions and Barr repeatedly to prosecute her. They didn’t because there were no charges to bring that had a chance in hell of sticking in court.

The NY fraud case was clearly influenced by Trump’s pursuit of a second term. They did however manage to secure 34 felony convictions, so that suggests the case was not entirely frivolous.

The J6 and Documents cases are entirely justified based on the choices Trump and his team made in both instances.
Trump didn’t just decide to take the high road on prosecuting Clinton. He pressured both Sessions and Barr repeatedly to prosecute her. They didn’t because there were no charges to bring that had a chance in hell of sticking in court.

The NY fraud case was clearly influenced by Trump’s pursuit of a second term. They did however manage to secure 34 felony convictions, so that suggests the case was not entirely frivolous.

The J6 and Documents cases are entirely justified based on the choices Trump and his team made in both instances.

LOL. Clinton as Sec State with no authority to declassify docs had numerous classified docs on an unsecure server. She deleted subpoenaed emails, and scrubbed servers, pulled sim cards from government owned blackberries and then destroyed the hardware. If one accounting misdemeanor can be elevated to 34 felonies, my guess is even a clown show like Kamala could have secured a plea deal with Clinton if she decided to prosecute.
LOL. Clinton as Sec State with no authority to declassify docs had numerous classified docs on an unsecure server. She deleted subpoenaed emails, and scrubbed servers, pulled sim cards from government owned blackberries and then destroyed the hardware. If one accounting misdemeanor can be elevated to 34 felonies, my guess is even a clown show like Kamala could have secured a plea deal with Clinton if she decided to prosecute.
Ok. Then why did Sessions and Barr refuse to bring charges? Maybe because the characterization you detailed above isn’t what actually happened?
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I don't think that helps your case. We know she withheld subpoenaed text messages, scrubbed servers and destroyed blackberries. Yes, Trump chanted lock her up but his admin honored the tradition of refusing to pursue political opponents.

I think every Trump supporter on this board has acknowledged Trump's warts and even criticized his 1/6 strategy to some degree. It would be nice if some of the hard core never Trumpers would at least admit the circumstances involved with the various prosecutions of Trump have a stench of pure partisanship and odd circumstances. (i.e. the number 3 in the DOJ leaving to work for a DA's office to pursue a chart of accounts violation)
Hell , I don’t want to vote for him, I’d rather vote for DeSantis . But the days of litedawg ever voting for a Democratic candidate passed after I was stupid enough to vote for Obama twice.
Because Trump thought it would be bad for the country. One of the many mistakes he made.
There is no evidence that Trump “thought it would be bad for the country” so decided not to pursue. That’s an after the fact fiction.

Here’s why they didn’t pursue charges. Reminder that Session could have absolutely picked the case up as Trump wanted if he had believed he could have secured a conviction.

AI alert.

Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for her use of a private email server for several reasons, based on the conclusions of multiple investigations and the judgments of legal authorities:

1. **Lack of Evidence of Intentional Wrongdoing**: The FBI's investigation, led by then-Director James Comey, concluded that while Clinton and her aides were "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information, there was no clear evidence that they intentionally violated laws governing the handling of classified materials. The relevant laws require proof of intentional mishandling or gross negligence, and the investigation did not meet that threshold.

2. **No Evidence of Systemic Misuse**: The investigation found that although classified information was sent and received on Clinton's private email server, there was no evidence of a systematic effort to intentionally mishandle classified information. Most of the classified information was not marked as such at the time it was sent.

3. **Precedents and Legal Standards**: Comey noted that historically, prosecutions for similar offenses involved cases where there was evidence of intent to obstruct justice or indications of disloyalty to the United States, neither of which were present in Clinton's case.

4. **Justice Department's Decision**: Following the FBI's recommendation, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch accepted the bureau's conclusion that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case against Clinton based on the available evidence. Lynch emphasized the importance of impartiality and adhering to established legal standards.

These factors collectively led to the decision not to prosecute Clinton for her use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State.
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There is no evidence that Trump “thought it would be bad for the country” so decided not to pursue. That’s an after the fact fiction.

Here’s why they didn’t pursue charges. Reminder that Session could have absolutely picked the case up as Trump wanted if he had believed he could have secured a conviction.

AI alert.

Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for her use of a private email server for several reasons, based on the conclusions of multiple investigations and the judgments of legal authorities:

1. **Lack of Evidence of Intentional Wrongdoing**: The FBI's investigation, led by then-Director James Comey, concluded that while Clinton and her aides were "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information, there was no clear evidence that they intentionally violated laws governing the handling of classified materials. The relevant laws require proof of intentional mishandling or gross negligence, and the investigation did not meet that threshold.

2. **No Evidence of Systemic Misuse**: The investigation found that although classified information was sent and received on Clinton's private email server, there was no evidence of a systematic effort to intentionally mishandle classified information. Most of the classified information was not marked as such at the time it was sent.

3. **Precedents and Legal Standards**: Comey noted that historically, prosecutions for similar offenses involved cases where there was evidence of intent to obstruct justice or indications of disloyalty to the United States, neither of which were present in Clinton's case.

4. **Justice Department's Decision**: Following the FBI's recommendation, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch accepted the bureau's conclusion that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case against Clinton based on the available evidence. Lynch emphasized the importance of impartiality and adhering to established legal standards.

These factors collectively led to the decision not to prosecute Clinton for her use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State.

Other that what he has said and so many have reported. Will. They gave her a heads up before showing up. They testified to this. Even said they made a difference in how they handled Hillary compared to Trump. Those are facts. Sorry.

He changed his mind later after pressure from conservatives. She also lied and faked a dossier. I probably would have reopened it too. By then it was way too late. The fbi already fubared everything by giving her a head start. Only the blind thinks she is innocent.
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Other that what he has said and so many have reported. Will. They gave her a heads up before showing up. They testified to this. Even said they made a difference in how they handled Hillary compared to Trump. Those are facts. Sorry.

He changed his mind later after pressure from conservatives. She also lied and faked a dossier. I probably would have reopened it too. By then it was way too late. The fbi already fubared everything by giving her a head start. Only the blind thinks she is innocent.

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Of course. After she tried to frame him. Then claimed the election was stolen and he is illegitimate. How many bad things did she try to do to him? On that day. Ten days after the election he wasn’t wanting to go after her. No one in his shoes wouldn’t kick her in the ovaries if they had a chance after what she pulled.

The media paints him as a retribution seeking guy. Almost hoping he will go after Biden when all is said and done. If I were him it would be hard to turn away. One thing to get him. Letits James fined both his kids 5 million apiece. They weren’t even privy to the loan or benefitted from it. I don’t want to hear it about hunter. No other crack addict criminal alive have had softer treatment. I don’t know if I could walk away. I guess he took the next presidency away from him. That is enough.
Bad situation in Caracas today. People descending on the capital city demanding the ouster of Maduro.
Loyalists from the police and military are defending the palace of Miraflores, Maduro's home.
In some parts of the city, the police and national guard have turned back.
Elected officials around South America are refusing to recognize the Maduro government and demanding he step down.
You'll see in the video below the defenders of the palace firing on the protestors, but they keep coming back. They have used overturned busses and armored cars from the National Bank, pushing them down the street to shield themselves as they move closer to Miraflores.
Opposition leaders are appealing to other SA countries to send military aid, as the people are unable to defend themselves.

Bad situation in Caracas today. People descending on the capital city demanding the ouster of Maduro.
Loyalists from the police and military are defending the palace of Miraflores, Maduro's home.
In some parts of the city, the police and national guard have turned back.
Elected officials around South America are refusing to recognize the Maduro government and demanding he step down.
You'll see in the video below the defenders of the palace firing on the protestors, but they keep coming back. They have used overturned busses and armored cars from the National Bank, pushing them down the street to shield themselves as they move closer to Miraflores.
Opposition leaders are appealing to other SA countries to send military aid, as the people are unable to defend themselves.

Thanks for keeping this front of mind. Hope those people can get a break.
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There is no evidence that Trump “thought it would be bad for the country” so decided not to pursue. That’s an after the fact fiction.

Here’s why they didn’t pursue charges. Reminder that Session could have absolutely picked the case up as Trump wanted if he had believed he could have secured a conviction.

AI alert.

Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for her use of a private email server for several reasons, based on the conclusions of multiple investigations and the judgments of legal authorities:

1. **Lack of Evidence of Intentional Wrongdoing**: The FBI's investigation, led by then-Director James Comey, concluded that while Clinton and her aides were "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information, there was no clear evidence that they intentionally violated laws governing the handling of classified materials. The relevant laws require proof of intentional mishandling or gross negligence, and the investigation did not meet that threshold.

2. **No Evidence of Systemic Misuse**: The investigation found that although classified information was sent and received on Clinton's private email server, there was no evidence of a systematic effort to intentionally mishandle classified information. Most of the classified information was not marked as such at the time it was sent.

3. **Precedents and Legal Standards**: Comey noted that historically, prosecutions for similar offenses involved cases where there was evidence of intent to obstruct justice or indications of disloyalty to the United States, neither of which were present in Clinton's case.

4. **Justice Department's Decision**: Following the FBI's recommendation, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch accepted the bureau's conclusion that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case against Clinton based on the available evidence. Lynch emphasized the importance of impartiality and adhering to established legal standards.

These factors collectively led to the decision not to prosecute Clinton for her use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State.
Sorry, if youre using AI to continually make your points , you have made zero points. We all know AI leans so LIberal thats its impossible to take seriously. I also like how you say " Thats an after the fact fiction". Well damn, since you have made such a declarative statement, we should just shut it down and all go home.

Also, maybe Im foggy on the facts, but wasnt Comey fired for ineptitude ?

Here is what AI said about the Trump shooting-

The efforts to compare Trump’s efforts to steal the election to either anything Hillary did or the efforts to get Biden to stand down are laughable. All you know about the supposed threats to force Biden out is the speculation of right wing media.

You want to see what an effort to subvert democracy actually looks like? How about video of Trump’s lawyer and a Trump campaign aide delivering fake elector documents to Republican representative Mike Kelly on J6.

Reminder, there are multiple felony indictments in both WI and MI of the same Chesebro and others related to the illegal creation and submission of these same fake elector documents. But I’m sure you believe that’s just the continued weaponization of government, right?

You are right that Trump is much better at challenging elections than Clinton, but they both did great damage to the country with their bs allegations. From now on every national election is going to be a shitshow because of those two.
Wow, you managed to change the subject three or four times in two posts. Anything to avoid Trump’s efforts to steal the last election, I guess.

I’ll make the call now. What we saw in 2020 with the fake elector plot will look like amateur hour compared to what we will see in November if Trump losses, which I believe he will.

I edited because, I realized my question had a patronizing tone, that I didn't intend.
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