Schlitz Goin' Down in Venezuela

You are right that Trump is much better at challenging elections than Clinton, but they both did great damage to the country with their bs allegations. From now on every national election is going to be a shitshow because of those two.
Or you could look at it this way: Elections have been a shit show for many years and the difference now is that more people are paying attention to them. Some are even working to try to fix them.
You are right that Trump is much better at challenging elections than Clinton, but they both did great damage to the country with their bs allegations. From now on every national election is going to be a shitshow because of those two.
Dems have been screwing with elections for decades. Remember when the left lean Florida Supreme Court ruled it was lawful to handle ballots differently in south FL than N. FL. They went from manual recounts to hanging chads to dimpled chads and poll works trying to imagine what the voter had on their mind.
Of course Biden didn’t do any of those things, but if he had they all sound like official acts to me. Thanks to the conservative SCOTUS supermajority, Biden would be entirely in the clear.
Bull skate!!!
Of course Biden didn’t do any of those things, but if he had they all sound like official acts to me. Thanks to the conservative SCOTUS supermajority, Biden would be entirely in the clear.
Have you read any part of the actual decision in that case? In it, they lay out the logic to determine what is an official act covered by immunity. The categories and the rules for each are narrowly defined. Guessing or sounding official are not part of it.
Will has no thoughts of his own. He is just a left wing talking point master.
Dems have been screwing with elections for decades. Remember when the left lean Florida Supreme Court ruled it was lawful to handle ballots differently in south FL than N. FL. They went from manual recounts to hanging chads to dimpled chads and poll works trying to imagine what the voter had on their mind.
Frankly, some Republicans have dirty hands, also.


Dems have been screwing with elections for decades. Remember when the left lean Florida Supreme Court ruled it was lawful to handle ballots differently in south FL than N. FL. They went from manual recounts to hanging chads to dimpled chads and poll works trying to imagine what the voter had on their mind.
The last two cases where at-scale voter fraud was actually proven, though not anything like at the scale of Trump’s fraud accusation, were in IA and NC, and both cases involved attempted Republican fraud.

Edit disclaimer: last two cases that I was able to find.

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