the north carolina repub senator said he would vote for sanders before he would vote for trump . this is what the repubs have become . no wonder people are ANGRY !
Perfect example of why the democrats get everything they want. People in NC should recall that SOB.the north carolina repub senator said he would vote for sanders before he would vote for trump . this is what the repubs have become . no wonder people are ANGRY !
You have it backwards. It's Trump Who is going to kill Your little party.
i guess you think hitlery will help yours ! LOL
I don't got no party, I'm the independent sort.
I was only stating My opinion that Donald Trump is a terrible face of any party.
Nobody else in either party is half as obnoxious as Trump.
that's debatable !
It just shows that the party is more important than the principles. We need someone to come in and break apart the party's strongholds. I just wish it was somebody besides Trump or someone that was running as an independent or libertarian
i agree , folks like burr and so many other politicians , put the party before the country , this needs to stop ! 19 trillion $$$$ debt , and no one hardly mentions it .
I don't got no party, I'm the independent sort.
I was only stating My opinion that Donald Trump is a terrible face of any party.
Nobody else in either party is half as obnoxious as Trump.
I believe Trump would be another John McCain; secret deals with democrats all day long.General Patton was an obnoxious SOB but he'd have made an excellent President. But I do have suspicions that Trump is a closet Liberal who initially wanted to help Hillary, but those plans have now changed obviously
General Patton was an obnoxious SOB but he'd have made an excellent President. But I do have suspicions that Trump is a closet Liberal who initially wanted to help Hillary, but those plans have now changed obviously
I believe Trump would be another John McCain; secret deals with democrats all day long.
Hate to say I told you so, but a month ago I said I had heard MANY conservatives say they would vote for Sanders over Trump because Sanders "tells the truth". Y'all didn't believe me. Maybe now you will.the north carolina repub senator said he would vote for sanders before he would vote for trump . this is what the repubs have become . no wonder people are ANGRY !
General Patton was an obnoxious SOB but he'd have made an excellent President. But I do have suspicions that Trump is a closet Liberal who initially wanted to help Hillary, but those plans have now changed obviously
You have it backwards. It's Trump Who is going to kill Your little party.
Hate to say I told you so, but a month ago I said I had heard MANY conservatives say they would vote for Sanders over Trump because Sanders "tells the truth". Y'all didn't believe me. Maybe now you will.
I don't know of any ''secret deals'' McCain has made. He is very open about being willing to work across the aisle, as He should be. This is not a game of sides, We all share this Country.
Juan McCain is nothing more than a publicity seeker. Why is it DemocRATS never have to walk across the aisle?
Who would He be talking to if Dems weren't also dealing with Him ?
Your logic comes up a tad short.
LMAO, Who's going to beat him, or Cruz, or any of the Repubs running? I mean seriously? Who are you supporting?
This will be the biggest landslide since Reagan.
LOL, He's talking to them about giving in to them. When have you ever heard anyone talk about how the DemocRATS need to compromise? And how do you compromise with PPL who want to take your rights away? Give them half?
LMAO, Who's going to beat him, or Cruz, or any of the Repubs running? I mean seriously? Who are you supporting?
This will be the biggest landslide since Reagan.
Dream away, You'll
You only hear and see what fits into Your pre-conceived notions. There are still a few on each side that put the Country first. It's too bad You see that as the opposite of what it is.
Clinton would beat The Donald, I'm not sure how Cruz would hold up to scrutiny.
Ok. why would she beat them? Why are you supporting her? Do you think there are enough ppl in the country that don't GAS about he lying and corruption?
I haven't made up My mind if I'll vote on POTUS. If I do it will be for Clinton though. She has the most common sense policies and I think She would be less likely to drag Us into war while sucking on Netanyahu's nuts.
you can't trust hitlery , that is very evident . the FBI is breathing down her neck and has caught her in numerous lies , i guess she thinks everybody is as uninformed as a lot of dems are , most probably don't even know she's being investigated .
I haven't made up My mind if I'll vote on POTUS. If I do it will be for Clinton though. She has the most common sense policies and I think She would be less likely to drag Us into war while sucking on Netanyahu's nuts.
My God! obama makes Trump look like a priest as far as humility.If You say so, I've NEVER seen or heard another mainstream politician with either His pompous air or His continually obnoxious statements.
I can see how Hillary grates on some nerves, but most of Her language is nothing out of the usual politico speak.
She's an old white woman with close ties to the big banks and wall street , she's Christian and extremely wealthy, she voted for the Iraq war and supported NAFTA....? If she had an "r" next you'd be calling her all sort of names. She stood over dead Americans and lied to the faces of their families about how and why they died, she then called the same ppl liars.I know Her record. I also know the records of Reagan, GHW Bush and Jr. If You want to delude Yourself about Their records, You're looking at what You want to see. The email thing was a stupid mistake, Iran Contra was maybe the biggest criminal enterprise Our government has ever been involved in. When You care about illegal, murderous war, running drugs in Our Country and selling arms to enemies, get back to Me.
He's a leftist, none of that matters to him. The ends justify the means...that's the Bible for liberals. They DGAS about the Country, they simply want can't trust hitlery , that is very evident . the FBI is breathing down her neck and has caught her in numerous lies , i guess she thinks everybody is as uninformed as a lot of dems are , most probably don't even know she's being investigated .
He's a leftist, non of that matters to him. The ends justify the means...that's the Bible for liberals. They DGAS about the Country, they simply want power.
i agree, i have also noticed that any statement made about any subject on this board ,if he responds, he always disagrees . someone says that the sky is blue , he will say no not really, it's purple . he must be fun at home .
That's one way to get around the fact I make better cases than some of
I take it You don't care to comment on the REAL crimes I listed that were perpetrated by the past 3 Republican President.
Running hard drugs into this country with Escobar type criminals, then selling those addictive drugs to American youth..THEN. trade with Iran for guns that had been slipped to them by Israel, to take and kill union organizers in one of the poorest areas in The Western World so American businesses didn't have to negotiate with peasants.
If in all of this activity somebody happened to get a blow job from a 23 year old...'''WHAT WOULD WE TELL THE CHILDREN ?''
That is the F...D UP way your side likes to operate.
Real crimes? Running drugs to the drug cartel? Running guns to ISIS in SYRIA? Keeping top secret docs on a private email server? Lying about a terror attack to help with an election? Leaving men to die while you decide what's [olitically best for a POS, Using a political office for personal gain?
No if a person can support Hillary, POSOTUS or Sanders. There's only one thing to say about a person like that.......They're simply as big a slug as the ppl they support
You're way out of touch with reality. 99% of the American electorate don't share your views. The Democratic candidate, no matter who it is, is going to annihilate the Republican candidate, no matter who it is. The Republican party is about to implode.
You're way out of touch with reality. 99% of the American electorate don't share your views. The Democratic candidate, no matter who it is, is going to annihilate the Republican candidate, no matter who it is. The Republican party is about to implode.
Real crimes? Running drugs to the drug cartel? Running guns to ISIS in SYRIA? Keeping top secret docs on a private email server? Lying about a terror attack to help with an election? Leaving men to die while you decide what's [olitically best for a POS, Using a political office for personal gain?
No if a person can support Hillary, POSOTUS or Sanders. There's only one thing to say about a person like that.......They're simply as big a slug as the ppl they support
LOL yea, stick with the phony BLM BS and let adults talk about everything else. Like I've said, only ppl of low character and intelligence will support the Corrupt lying old white grandma or the old white buffoon Commie.
This will be a landslide not seen since the Reagan years. PPL like you can't say why you'll support these clowns, you only care if they'll take stuff from your neighbor and give it to you.