senator burr ( r ,nc ) said he would vote for sanders

WTF you talking about? Who's insulted hispanics?

See this is what I talk about when I say DemocRATS depend on the stupid and ignorant. None of what you posted is remotely true. OTOH


Believe Hispanics are illegal...why are they trying so hard to give them amnesty? Simple...VOTERS

They believe blacks are dependents.....Its why the work so hard to keep them dependent

Middle Easterners , well they don't care that they might be terrorists. they only care about one thing....VOTERS

You whole post is based on what you've been programmed to believe by your overseers. You can't give an example of anything you've charged

Dick Armey believes the GOP is insulting hispanics. Anyone who talks to hispanic advocacy groups realizes that the GOP's "build a wall", "self deportation" and "kick the illegals out" rhetoric upsets LEGAL hispanic voters. Armey can see it and he's pretty darn conservative. Not sure why you can't.

Again... quoting Dick Armey: “You can’t call someone ugly and expect them to go to the prom with you.”

What's sad is you don't even realize you're calling them ugly.
Dick Armey believes the GOP is insulting hispanics. Anyone who talks to hispanic advocacy groups realizes that the GOP's "build a wall", "self deportation" and "kick the illegals out" rhetoric upsets LEGAL hispanic voters. Armey can see it and he's pretty darn conservative. Not sure why you can't.

Again... quoting Dick Armey: “You can’t call someone ugly and expect them to go to the prom with you.”

What's sad is you don't even realize you're calling them ugly.

Again, low information ignorant opinion.

You can't seem to even understand the issue. IDGAS about Dick Armey. WTF is he? We either have a Country or not? So wanting to ENFORCE the law is insulting? That the dumbest shit I've ever heard, and it takes a very stupid person not to understand that. Sorry pal, pandering is for the ignorant and stupid. The very ppl DemocRATS depend on.

DemocRATS DGAS about hispanics or anyone else. They care about power and making sure they have enough dependent dumbasses to keep them in power.
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Again, low information ignorant opinion.

You can't seem to even understand the issue. IDGAS about Dick Armey. WTF is he? We either have a Country or not? So wanting to ENFORCE the law is insulting? That the dumbest shit I've ever heard, and it takes a very stupid person not to understand that. Sorry pal, pandering is for the ignorant and stupid. The very ppl DemocRATS depend on.

DemocRATS DGAS about hispanics or anyone else. They care about power and making sure they have enough dependent dumbasses to keep them in power.

Congressional action isn't about enforcing law. It's about changing it.

Trump wants pass laws to build a wall to keep illegals out and exercise laws to deport the millions of illegals who are here. He calls them rapists and murderers.

Clinton wants to pass laws to legalize the millions of illegals who are here, particularly those who have families and have been obeying all of the non-imigration laws of the country.

Most of those illegals have family members who ARE legal and are of voting age.

What Dick Armey (the former GOP House Majority Leader) sees is that calling the family members of hispanics in the US "murderers and rapists" and hoping to win Hispanic votes is the same as calling a girl ugly and expecting her to go to prom with you.

You can keep throwing out "low information" all you want... but that doesn't change the fact that insulting a group of people is probably going to cause them to vote for someone else. The democrats may not GAS about hispanics, blacks, muslims, asians or anyone else for that matter. But they also don't insult them. And regardless of how YOU see it... minority voters view GOP policies as insults toward how they identify themselves (be that race or religion).

By the way... don't you think it's pretty odd that you throw the "low information" tag at me and you don't even know who Dick Armey is? How about the "contract with America"? Dennis Hastaert? Newt Gingrich? Any of this ringing a bell?
Congressional action isn't about enforcing law. It's about changing it.

Trump wants pass laws to build a wall to keep illegals out and exercise laws to deport the millions of illegals who are here. He calls them rapists and murderers.

Clinton wants to pass laws to legalize the millions of illegals who are here, particularly those who have families and have been obeying all of the non-imigration laws of the country.

Most of those illegals have family members who ARE legal and are of voting age.

What Dick Armey (the former GOP House Majority Leader) sees is that calling the family members of hispanics in the US "murderers and rapists" and hoping to win Hispanic votes is the same as calling a girl ugly and expecting her to go to prom with you.

You can keep throwing out "low information" all you want... but that doesn't change the fact that insulting a group of people is probably going to cause them to vote for someone else. The democrats may not GAS about hispanics, blacks, muslims, asians or anyone else for that matter. But they also don't insult them. And regardless of how YOU see it... minority voters view GOP policies as insults toward how they identify themselves (be that race or religion).

By the way... don't you think it's pretty odd that you throw the "low information" tag at me and you don't even know who Dick Armey is? How about the "contract with America"? Dennis Hastaert? Newt Gingrich? Any of this ringing a bell?

Holy crap the level of stupid in this post is astounding?

Hey lets change the murder laws. I mean how you going to put a brother in jail because he shot someone after being dissed?

Stupid, just freaking stupid. This is how we got POSOTUS. Don't like the law, change it. He pal, go to Mexico illegally and see how it works for you?

You are so slow. You can't even follow the argument. I DGAS about Dick Armey, he was in congress with Newt. He is MEANINGLESS as you are.
Of course that corrupt lying POS wants to make ILLEGALS , SHE WANTS VOTES. And no Trump didn't call them murderers and rapist.....But they along with Blacks DO IN FACT commit most of the crime in this Country.

But you hate FACTS. Illegals kill Americans about everyday. Now what
Holy crap the level of stupid in this post is astounding?

Hey lets change the murder laws. I mean how you going to put a brother in jail because he shot someone after being dissed?

Stupid, just freaking stupid. This is how we got POSOTUS. Don't like the law, change it. He pal, go to Mexico illegally and see how it works for you?

You are so slow. You can't even follow the argument. I DGAS about Dick Armey, he was in congress with Newt. He is MEANINGLESS as you are.
Of course that corrupt lying POS wants to make ILLEGALS , SHE WANTS VOTES. And no Trump didn't call them murderers and rapist.....But they along with Blacks DO IN FACT commit most of the crime in this Country.

But you hate FACTS. Illegals kill Americans about everyday. Now what

A presidential candidate could run on changing the murder laws. Probably wouldn't get elected, but they could definitely campaign on it. The issue is that immigration reform (including amnesty/path to citizenship) is actually supported by the majority of US citizens. So regardless of how much you hate on it... a politician CAN run on changing the immigration laws and win based on that platform. That's all campaign promises are... a promise to change law.

The reason executive orders happen is because CONGRESS passed a LAW allowing the president to issue that particular executive order. The president actually does have the right to prioritize who immigration enforcement targets. Why? Because congress passed a law in the 80's giving him that authority.

Blacks and Hispanics do not commit most of the crime in the US. Whites account for 69% of arrests in the US each year and 60% of arrests for violent crimes.

Blacks and Hispanics do make up most of the prison population... 60-65%. But on average they get prison sentences 20-30% longer for the same crimes as whites.... which accounts for the differences between arrests and prison population.

And here is what Trump said:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

“What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.”

"You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans — I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country,"

So yeah... I guess "killers and rapists"... not "murderers and rapists".
General Patton was an obnoxious SOB but he'd have made an excellent President. But I do have suspicions that Trump is a closet Liberal who initially wanted to help Hillary, but those plans have now changed obviously

Agree. Especially back in his time, not sure now. Loved him. Also agree about Trump running initially to either help Hillary OR get rid of Jeb. Either side could have had a reason. But it took off and with that ego, guess he wants it now.

But too many white supremacist groups coming out for him now. That won't play outside the south, imo. David Duke for one, saw it on tv this am. Another bunch, can't remember their name, did too and has an ad running in Iowa about only white people need to be in govt.
A presidential candidate could run on changing the murder laws. Probably wouldn't get elected, but they could definitely campaign on it. The issue is that immigration reform (including amnesty/path to citizenship) is actually supported by the majority of US citizens. So regardless of how much you hate on it... a politician CAN run on changing the immigration laws and win based on that platform. That's all campaign promises are... a promise to change law.

The reason executive orders happen is because CONGRESS passed a LAW allowing the president to issue that particular executive order. The president actually does have the right to prioritize who immigration enforcement targets. Why? Because congress passed a law in the 80's giving him that authority.

Blacks and Hispanics do not commit most of the crime in the US. Whites account for 69% of arrests in the US each year and 60% of arrests for violent crimes.

Blacks and Hispanics do make up most of the prison population... 60-65%. But on average they get prison sentences 20-30% longer for the same crimes as whites.... which accounts for the differences between arrests and prison population.

And here is what Trump said:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

“What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.”

"You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans — I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country,"

So yeah... I guess "killers and rapists"... not "murderers and rapists".
Seriously, i'm not trying to insult you, but.... Your ignorance is truly off the charts. You are simply making up stats that ...well its stupid. Go to the FBI page and educate yourself. And there was NO LAW PASSED IN THE 80S or any other decade that allows for the President to grant illegals citizenship.

Where do you think the drugs are coming from? Canada?

you are a typical liberal. You believe whatever you're fed without research. When ppl read your post the first thing they think is.......what a dummy
Seriously, i'm not trying to insult you, but.... Your ignorance is truly off the charts. You are simply making up stats that ...well its stupid. Go to the FBI page and educate yourself. And there was NO LAW PASSED IN THE 80S or any other decade that allows for the President to grant illegals citizenship.

Where do you think the drugs are coming from? Canada?

you are a typical liberal. You believe whatever you're fed without research. When ppl read your post the first thing they think is.......what a dummy

Obama's executive orders don't grant citizenship. They grant legal status through a waiver process. That waiver process was created by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Reagan and Bush 1 both used that waiver process (though for brief periods of time).

I'm sorry you don't agree with the facts... but they don't care if you agree or not. They're facts.

And I'm pretty sure you are trying to insult me. But if all you have is insults... well that just proves my point. So insult away, I'm not upset.
WTF you talking about? Who's insulted hispanics?

See this is what I talk about when I say DemocRATS depend on the stupid and ignorant. None of what you posted is remotely true. OTOH


Believe Hispanics are illegal...why are they trying so hard to give them amnesty? Simple...VOTERS

They believe blacks are dependents.....Its why the work so hard to keep them dependent

Middle Easterners , well they don't care that they might be terrorists. they only care about one thing....VOTERS

You whole post is based on what you've been programmed to believe by your overseers. You can't give an example of anything you've charged

God You're an angry and addled thinker.
You clearly hate 80% or more of The Human race. That has to come from some deep seated anger.
I'm sure You'll come back with the lame idea that hating hate is also hate, I get it, it's still nonsense, and no amount of raging will change that truth.
Obama's executive orders don't grant citizenship. They grant legal status through a waiver process. That waiver process was created by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Reagan and Bush 1 both used that waiver process (though for brief periods of time).

I'm sorry you don't agree with the facts... but they don't care if you agree or not. They're facts.

And I'm pretty sure you are trying to insult me. But if all you have is insults... well that just proves my point. So insult away, I'm not upset.

Only when a statute was in place. To put it in easy terms for you. CONGRESS had passed a law to allow it so. I almost feel sorry for you. You truly don't know what you don't know. I'm truly not trying to insult you...I'm pleading for you to become educated
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God You're an angry and addled thinker.
You clearly hate 80% or more of The Human race. That has to come from some deep seated anger.
I'm sure You'll come back with the lame idea that hating hate is also hate, I get it, it's still nonsense, and no amount of raging will change that truth.
Only when a statute was in place. To put it in easy terms for you. CONGRESS had passed a law to allow it so. I almost feel sorry for you. You truly don't know what you don't know. I'm truly not trying to insult you...I'm pleading for you to become educated

Not sure what you're arguing here.

Obama's executive orders have all been allowed because of laws passed by congress.

Or are you thinking I was claiming that Clinton could grant citizenship through an executive order. I certainly never claimed that... in fact I pointed out that Obama's orders did NOT do that... they allowed legal status through a waiver process that was created by congress in 1986. I also pointed out that congress had granted the executive branch the right to set priorities on enforcement... for example to put effort toward going after violent criminals who are here illegally over those who aren't committing crimes (other than immigration related ones). Telling them to ignore family members of citizens and focus on criminals isn't creating a new law... it's setting prioritization which congress passed laws giving the executive branch the right to do. Congress can of course take that authority away too... but they have not.

Like most presidential promises, granting amnesty to illegal residents would require a congressional change... just like passing Obamacare did.
Agree. Especially back in his time, not sure now. Loved him. Also agree about Trump running initially to either help Hillary OR get rid of Jeb. Either side could have had a reason. But it took off and with that ego, guess he wants it now.

But too many white supremacist groups coming out for him now. That won't play outside the south, imo. David Duke for one, saw it on tv this am. Another bunch, can't remember their name, did too and has an ad running in Iowa about only white people need to be in govt.

I think Trump ran purely out of a combination of ego and to hype His name. Who else paints Their name from front to back on Their planes ?
Now I'm not sure if it's ego making Him want to be POTUS, or if He is just caught up in something and no amount of stupid comments seems to matter.
Not sure what you're arguing here.

Obama's executive orders have all been allowed because of laws passed by congress.

Or are you thinking I was claiming that Clinton could grant citizenship through an executive order. I certainly never claimed that... in fact I pointed out that Obama's orders did NOT do that... they allowed legal status through a waiver process that was created by congress in 1986. I also pointed out that congress had granted the executive branch the right to set priorities on enforcement... for example to put effort toward going after violent criminals who are here illegally over those who aren't committing crimes (other than immigration related ones). Telling them to ignore family members of citizens and focus on criminals isn't creating a new law... it's setting prioritization which congress passed laws giving the executive branch the right to do. Congress can of course take that authority away too... but they have not.

Like most presidential promises, granting amnesty to illegal residents would require a congressional change... just like passing Obamacare did.

In 1987 Reagan issued an Executive Order allowing the minor children of those Congress had given amnesty in 1986 to also receive amnesty. George H.W. Bush issued a similar Order in 1989.
If Obama issues amnesty and a Dem is elected POTUS in Nov., I expect an appeal will be filed and likely ultimately be settled by The SCOTUS. If a Republican is elected, He'll kill it before it can be implemented.
Not sure what you're arguing here.

Obama's executive orders have all been allowed because of laws passed by congress.

Or are you thinking I was claiming that Clinton could grant citizenship through an executive order. I certainly never claimed that... in fact I pointed out that Obama's orders did NOT do that... they allowed legal status through a waiver process that was created by congress in 1986. I also pointed out that congress had granted the executive branch the right to set priorities on enforcement... for example to put effort toward going after violent criminals who are here illegally over those who aren't committing crimes (other than immigration related ones). Telling them to ignore family members of citizens and focus on criminals isn't creating a new law... it's setting prioritization which congress passed laws giving the executive branch the right to do. Congress can of course take that authority away too... but they have not.

Like most presidential promises, granting amnesty to illegal residents would require a congressional change... just like passing Obamacare did.
Oh contraire, obama care was not passed by congress, they(obama and the bloodsuckers) snuck it in on a weekend and crowed about the good thing they had done. We got one of the biggest screw jobs in the history of government and most people are to stupid to realize they have been had. Obama has used the executive order illegally throughout his two terms. He thinks the Constitution is an antique piece of parchment, not a guide for running this once great nation.Rolodawg is not a hater of people, he is a hater of those who subvert the law of the land and profit off their illegal misdeeds. I totally agree with Rolodawg, we have laws in this nation that are being ignored unless it benefits the bloodsuckers in Washington DC. It will take many years to recover(if it is even possible to do so) from the criminal action of this administration. I know no one is perfect, but obama has been almost flawless in his takedown of the US in every way.
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I think Trump ran purely out of a combination of ego and to hype His name. Who else paints Their name from front to back on Their planes ?
Now I'm not sure if it's ego making Him want to be POTUS, or if He is just caught up in something and no amount of stupid comments seems to matter.

Agree. (for a Never thought I'd see Jerry Falwell JR and David Dukes, white supremacist, endorse the same person. Crazy.
Agree. (for a Never thought I'd see Jerry Falwell JR and David Dukes, white supremacist, endorse the same person. Crazy.

With supporters like that, the Democratic nominee is going to win the 2016 election by numbers that will make the elections of 1936 and 1964 look like close races. The Republican party has gone "full retard" this time.
Oh contraire, obama care was not passed by congress, they(obama and the bloodsuckers) snuck it in on a weekend and crowed about the good thing they had done. We got one of the biggest screw jobs in the history of government and most people are to stupid to realize they have been had. Obama has used the executive order illegally throughout his two terms. He thinks the Constitution is an antique piece of parchment, not a guide for running this once great nation.Rolodawg is not a hater of people, he is a hater of those who subvert the law of the land and profit off their illegal misdeeds. I totally agree with Rolodawg, we have laws in this nation that are being ignored unless it benefits the bloodsuckers in Washington DC. It will take many years to recover(if it is even possible to do so) from the criminal action of this administration. I know no one is perfect, but obama has been almost flawless in his takedown of the US in every way.

You are one of those rubes the Republican party has exploited over the past 50 years. You believe their snake oil salesman and are still raging against a lame duck president. The reality is that your party sold you a bunch of empty promises in exchange for your vote.
Oh contraire, obama care was not passed by congress, they(obama and the bloodsuckers) snuck it in on a weekend and crowed about the good thing they had done. We got one of the biggest screw jobs in the history of government and most people are to stupid to realize they have been had. Obama has used the executive order illegally throughout his two terms. He thinks the Constitution is an antique piece of parchment, not a guide for running this once great nation.Rolodawg is not a hater of people, he is a hater of those who subvert the law of the land and profit off their illegal misdeeds. I totally agree with Rolodawg, we have laws in this nation that are being ignored unless it benefits the bloodsuckers in Washington DC. It will take many years to recover(if it is even possible to do so) from the criminal action of this administration. I know no one is perfect, but obama has been almost flawless in his takedown of the US in every way.

Obama has been about average in using executive orders. Every POTUS in modern history has used them.
If You want to argue Their legality that's one thing, pretending it's something new or unusual is another.
Not sure what you're arguing here.

Obama's executive orders have all been allowed because of laws passed by congress.

Or are you thinking I was claiming that Clinton could grant citizenship through an executive order. I certainly never claimed that... in fact I pointed out that Obama's orders did NOT do that... they allowed legal status through a waiver process that was created by congress in 1986. I also pointed out that congress had granted the executive branch the right to set priorities on enforcement... for example to put effort toward going after violent criminals who are here illegally over those who aren't committing crimes (other than immigration related ones). Telling them to ignore family members of citizens and focus on criminals isn't creating a new law... it's setting prioritization which congress passed laws giving the executive branch the right to do. Congress can of course take that authority away too... but they have not.

Like most presidential promises, granting amnesty to illegal residents would require a congressional change... just like passing Obamacare did.

My point exactly.
You are one of those rubes the Republican party has exploited over the past 50 years. You believe their snake oil salesman and are still raging against a lame duck president. The reality is that your party sold you a bunch of empty promises in exchange for your vote.
Can you not read? I said the same thing. I think they are all worthless pieces of Sh*%! I like Cruz because the establishment fears him and his Constitutionalist stance. I am certainly no rube. I think the best thing that could happen for this country is for a meteorite to strike Washington when all the politicians are there.
Talk about cleaning up Washington. I know the pubs are complicit in the dismantling of the US. If you had enough sense to understand you would to!
Obama has been about average in using executive orders. Every POTUS in modern history has used them.
If You want to argue Their legality that's one thing, pretending it's something new or unusual is another.
I am arguing their legality and obama has used it more often than previous administrations.
Can you not read? I said the same thing. I think they are all worthless pieces of Sh*%! I like Cruz because the establishment fears him and his Constitutionalist stance. I am certainly no rube. I think the best thing that could happen for this country is for a meteorite to strike Washington when all the politicians are there.
Talk about cleaning up Washington. I know the pubs are complicit in the dismantling of the US. If you had enough sense to understand you would to!

They're hardly there at all, would be hard. Unbelievable the amount of time they're off.

Don't care for Cruz at all. First of all, Trump's going to force him about getting his citizenship straight and whether he can even run.
2nd..........his preacher dad. Would like an explanation of how he joined the Castro regime (only to leave and flee to TX) and then moved to Canada, then back to US and why it took almost 50 yrs to become a US citizen. Afterall, he was living the American way of life and its advantages, benefits, etc.. I suspect because Ted was getting in politics.

His wife is on leave from Goldman Sachs. After working in the W admin.
They're hardly there at all, would be hard. Unbelievable the amount of time they're off.

Don't care for Cruz at all. First of all, Trump's going to force him about getting his citizenship straight and whether he can even run.
2nd..........his preacher dad. Would like an explanation of how he joined the Castro regime (only to leave and flee to TX) and then moved to Canada, then back to US and why it took almost 50 yrs to become a US citizen. Afterall, he was living the American way of life and its advantages, benefits, etc.. I suspect because Ted was getting in politics.

His wife is on leave from Goldman Sachs. After working in the W admin.

Well there you go, another child of privilege to continue the fleecing of America's citizens. I knew his father escaped from Cuba, did not know he was at one time a castro supporter.
I am arguing their legality and obama has used it more often than previous administrations.

1 - As for the illegality... if we're discussing DACA and DAPA then the immigration act of 1986 gives the executive branch the authority to issue waivers to deportation in order to preserve family unity. Both Reagan and Bush used that authority for short periods of time. Obama is using it to cover more people over a longer period... but that doesn't really change the fact the law gives him the authority to do what he's doing.

2 - Barrack Obama has issued 226 executive orders... or about 32 a year. That's the least issued by year of any president since Chester Arthur. He'd have to issue 70 Executive Orders this year to reach the number Bush got to in his presidency.
1 - As for the illegality... if we're discussing DACA and DAPA then the immigration act of 1986 gives the executive branch the authority to issue waivers to deportation in order to preserve family unity. Both Reagan and Bush used that authority for short periods of time. Obama is using it to cover more people over a longer period... but that doesn't really change the fact the law gives him the authority to do what he's doing.

2 - Barrack Obama has issued 226 executive orders... or about 32 a year. That's the least issued by year of any president since Chester Arthur. He'd have to issue 70 Executive Orders this year to reach the number Bush got to in his presidency.
Thanks for the facts, I guess it is the bills (usually further reaching than most) he used them on that make it seem like more of this action has occurred.
Thanks for the facts, I guess it is the bills (usually further reaching than most) he used them on that make it seem like more of this action has occurred.

Really the impression comes from 3 executive orders.

- DACA - used family waiver process in immigration law to create a program granting 2 year "legal residency" waivers to illegals that arrived as children and have legal relatives.

- DAPA - same waiver process for parents who have legal children.

- Gun Control - While I list this as one, it's actually 23 extremely small regulatory changes who's largest impact is to require gun show dealers selling privately to run a background check.

Most of his orders have been garden variety... such as closing the federal government for half a day on december 24th or revoking executive orders from prior presidencies or minor changes to the way National Security Medals are awarded.

In reality, the only thing he did different than his predecessors was thumb his nose at congress before issues some of these (the "I have a pen" comment) to shame them for not enacting these changes legislatively. He didn't create new departments of government (Like Bush did with the "Faith Based Initiatives" office and Homeland Security or Carter did with the Department of Education). Even his largest orders have been simple applications of powers granted from congress that already had precedent.