Serious Question: Do any of you know what ISIS/ISIL wants?

They're after our precious body fluids.

Seriously though, they want to spread their idea of proper Sharia law and force ''infidels'' off of Muslim lands.
Why is the role of the Caliphate so important?

It is the vessel with which to maintain Sharia Law.
That's about the extent of My very limited understanding of those people. I suspect many are just sociopaths. ''patriotism is the last refuge for a scoundrel'' - Samuel Johnson.
It is the vessel with which to maintain Sharia Law.
That's about the extent of My very limited understanding of those people. I suspect many are just sociopaths. ''patriotism is the ultimate refuge for scrondrels''

OK. Thanks for your response. Is it possible to compare/contrast Al-Qaeda's goals with those of ISIS?
OK. Thanks for your response. Is it possible to compare/contrast Al-Qaeda's goals with those of ISIS?

And one final question: Why is Dabiq, Syria so vitally important to ISIS?

And thank you Heulen for responding. Where are all the experts? I was hoping to be educated.
OK. Thanks for your response. Is it possible to compare/contrast Al-Qaeda's goals with those of ISIS?

Well, all I know for sure is ISIS first was all about building a Caliphate in parts of Syria and Iraq.... I = Iraq S = Syria I = Islamic S = State.
Now they seem to be devolving into the same murderous terrorist as Al-Qaeda though.
"Off the face of the earth" important distinction. So be honest. Convert and adher to fundamentalism or die.

Yes, they are uncompromising terrors and we'll have to kill the most devoted of them. Hopefully many of the less devout followers will lose heart or interest at some point.
I've never said we can ignore the actual terrorist, nobody has.
I also think The POTUS might be wrong in not putting some boots on the ground. I also think it's possible We already have some on the ground, specialist being used as spotters. I read it is likely in The NYTs, regardless of what you think they get info nobody else has.
What is their objective(s)?
LOL! Damn, it's obvious they want jobs and a breeze out of the north. Cool mountain streams. Clean air. Equal pay for equal work. Brotherhood for all of mankind. Animal rights and great schools for the children, both boys and girls. Sexual liberation and the rights of gays to be respected including gay marriage. And very importantly women's rights are vitally important. They are also keenly interested in diversity in the workplace and voting rights and respect for various view points and that other nation's borders be respected. And clean feet too, they really like clean feet. And pigs as well as liberals, particularly Jewish liberals.
LOL! Damn, it's obvious they want jobs and a breeze out of the north. Cool mountain streams. Clean air. Equal pay for equal work. Brotherhood for all of mankind. Animal rights and great schools for the children. Sexual liberation and the rights of gays to be respected including gay marriage. And very importantly women's rights are vitally important. They are also keenly interested in diversity in the workplace and voting rights and respect for various view points and that other nation's borders be respected. And clean feet too, they really like clean feet. And pigs.

They really do like clean feet.
What is their objective(s)?

I'm sure you already know this but for those who don't here is a good summary of Syrias war and isil/Isis/daesh creation.

Simply, Isis wants to create a caliphate (country) whereby they can have the true Islamic religion followed. This includes shahira law. This territory is their name (as hh explained but isiL stands for the levant which is a region and group of people who have lived near the Mediterranean in modern day Syria jordan and Israel. Part of but different than palestenians). They are different from al queda in that they are most more strict followers of Islamic law and the Quran (think fundamentalist literal word Christians times a thousand and Islamic not Christian). They believe that al queda is wrong in their too liberal interpretations of the Quran and have claimed war against al queda also. Boko harem is the North African version of Isis and has now converted and pledged loyalty to Isis. The cuss word for Isis is daesh but they mean the same group. They are at war with basically everyone, the un, Russians, al queda, the free Syrian army, and Assad, and Iran. They are Sunni and fight the Shia. Thus, in my other post I explained that Saudi Arabia could be accused of fighting them Or supporting daesh depending on how you look at it.

You seemed very educated so I'm sure you know this stuff but you asked. Hh answered most of the questions.
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Yes, they are uncompromising terrors and we'll have to kill the most devoted of them. Hopefully many of the less devout followers will lose heart or interest at some point.
I've never said we can ignore the actual terrorist, nobody has.
I also think The POTUS might be wrong in not putting some boots on the ground. I also think it's possible We already have some on the ground, specialist being used as spotters. I read it is likely in The NYTs, regardless of what you think they get info nobody else has.

We do have special forces on the ground. Small numbers but I can confirm that we do. Nsa runs it.
Clearly they gave Charlie Sheen HIV in an attempt to discredit him with his chosen ladies as a means of cornering the market on fame-hungry, marginally successful porn actresses.
Clearly they gave Charlie Sheen HIV in an attempt to discredit him with his chosen ladies as a means of cornering the market on fame-hungry, marginally successful porn actresses.

The second in command of ISIS wanted a European man,( who was working to flush him out) to arrange for a young blonde, big chested European woman to be one of his brides. The guy actually got him the girl, she really wanted to be a ISIS bride, but he took the woman and disappeared back into his rat hole before he could be apprehended. I guess h isn't so different from Us. Except for being a crazy, murderous POS.
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We do have special forces on the ground. Small numbers but I can confirm that we do. Nsa runs it.

That jibs with what I've read. They are trainers and spotters. It's easy to see why they wouldn't want to advertise their presence.
I think it's the ISIL (Levant) part that bothers me the most. That says
Israel is THEIRS and when I see it being used here in the US it makes me wonder
if those who use it understand that the group sees Israel as an illegitimate
country. So when our POTUS says ISIL it sends the wrong message towards our ally, imo.
No use making excuses or trying to humanize them...they want our head on a stick.
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Their their book. They are trying to make the happenings in their book all come true. Beheadings, slavery, cleansing the world from all non believers (Christians/jews/etc), and they do not mind if they die doing it.
Which means our White House will tell the entire world where they are and act defiant when asked where the slip happened.

You just won't give credit to him for anything.
If there are boots on the ground he's been very quiet about it.
I'm waiting for his critics to scream about lying to The American People when it comes out he kept covert ops truly covert.
What is their objective(s)?
Nothing more than what they have been doing to each other for thousands of years, except now, it is global because of technology.

It is a spiritual war that cannot be won with bombs.
Thanks, I'll make a note and read it over coffee in the morning.

For a moment I imagined we were listening in on teacher's lounge at the local elementary school...

Oh, thank you. No, thank you. Thanks for your response. You're so kind, I'll read that while sipping my coffee.

Yuck! Puke! Give me a break. LOL!
You just won't give credit to him for anything.
If there are boots on the ground he's been very quiet about it.
I'm waiting for his critics to scream about lying to The American People when it comes out he kept covert ops truly covert.

It has happened. The current white house has been telling where we are, when we are withdrawing and how many we have.
You would be lying if you said they've been very quiet all along about our top military secrets. Admit it. Hilary has kept an open server
to publish state secrets as well. You just can't make this shit up. They've broadcast every move we make. I know you think I'm being unfairly
critical but in this day and age it's warranted. They can't handle the technology they have and they want more control.
It has happened. The current white house has been telling where we are, when we are withdrawing and how many we have.
You would be lying if you said they've been very quiet all along about our top military secrets. Admit it. Hilary has kept an open server
to publish state secrets as well. You just can't make this shit up. They've broadcast every move we make. I know you think I'm being unfairly
critical but in this day and age it's warranted. They can't handle the technology they have and they want more control.

The subject was whether The POTUS is using his decisions on Syria and ISIS for political gain, try to focus.
The fact he's not saying we have special ops on the ground is anything but political. We don't need another strutting legacy following Karl Rove's marching orders for political gain.
Focus up on your ground. The whole infantile cabinet is an endless circus of pointless posturing and strutting. That's why Putin called him a child.
And I am responding to the post that we don't advertise our presence by
saying that we have handed out our gameplan and troop movements over and over. So you go all the way back to Rove? Bush fault?
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Focus up on your ground. The whole infantile cabinet is an endless circus of pointless posturing and strutting. That's why Putin called him a child.
And I am responding to the post that we don't advertise our presence by
saying that we have handed out our gameplan and troop movements over and over. So you go all the way back to Rove? Bush fault?

Putin is the most strutting, posturing leader in the world. I guess any critic Our POTUS is a friend of many of you.
No friend of mine, but he knows a Bullshot artist when he sees one.
Putin has seized the reins of leadership and all we can do is watch.
Our leadership has been in the dumps for over 20 years. This is the 3rd POTUS
in a row that are megalomaniacs.
I thought Bush was bad, but this one is even more in fantasy land.
Man do we need a statesman. You don't see these guys as clowns?
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No friend of mine, but he knows a Bullshot artist when he sees one.
Putin has seized the reins of leadership and all we can do is watch.
Our leadership has been in the dumps for over 20 years. This is the 3rd POTUS
in a row that are megalomaniacs.
I thought Bush was bad, but this one is even more in fantasy land.
Man do we need a statesman. You don't see these guys as clowns?

Putin has sat on the sidelines while We've fought. Even in the few months Russia has taken action, they've done next to nothing to fight ISIS. Their guns have been turned on the rebels fighting the Syrian government.
You are clearly impressed with the strutting midget, I'm not.
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Putin has sat on the sidelines while We've fought. Even in the few months Russia has taken action, they've done next to nothing to fight ISIS. Their guns have been turned on the rebels fighting the Syrian government.
You are clearly impressed with the strutting midget, I'm not.

We will find out that the rebels were ISIS/ISIL in a few months and I would not be surprised in the least. Big difference between impressed in Putin and embarrassed for our POTUS thinking this is time for another Choom Gang
bluff job.
We will find out that the rebels were ISIS/ISIL in a few months and I would not be surprised in the least. Big difference between impressed in Putin and embarrassed for our POTUS thinking this is time for another Choom Gang
bluff job.

I think some of you are pulling for Putin out of hate for Obama.
Also you are speculating when you say those anti-government fighters are ISIS. There isn't proof, or even claims of that being made that I'm aware of.
And one final question: Why is Dabiq, Syria so vitally important to ISIS?

And thank you Heulen for responding. Where are all the experts? I was hoping to be educated.

Dabiq is where the muslims hope to fight the Christians in an effort to bring on the end of times.