Serious Question: Do any of you know what ISIS/ISIL wants?

For a moment I imagined we were listening in on teacher's lounge at the local elementary school...

Oh, thank you. No, thank you. Thanks for your response. You're so kind, I'll read that while sipping my coffee.

Yuck! Puke! Give me a break. LOL!

You have heard of the saying "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? Heulen has always been respectful in his responses to me so I show him respect.

That may not be the way y'all talk down at the tire store, but YMMV.
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Dabiq is where the muslims hope to fight the Christians in an effort to bring on the end of times.

Actually they will fight the army of the Romans. Who the army of the Romans are is up for debate. They seemingly will be from Istanbul the home of the Ottoman Empire but not all Islamists believe this. Isi will be at near defeat and the guess who comes to save them from near complete defeat? Jesus. Yep. Christian Jesus saves Isis according to the quoran
That video has virtually no facts. It's a very blatant propaganda film with mostly Sub-Saharan Africans, it looks more like soccer crowds than anything. They aren't even from The Mid-East you twit.
It's something thrown together with random images designed to scare little racist girls like Rolo.
Sez the guy that thinks man is causing the climate to change and there are only 10 k Islamic savages...LMAO, Bless your silly black heart
Sez the guy that thinks man is causing the climate to change and there are only 10 k Islamic savages...LMAO, Bless your silly black heart

I've never once commented on climate change on this board. Once again, it's in your damaged head.
LOL! Damn, it's obvious they want jobs and a breeze out of the north. Cool mountain streams. Clean air. Equal pay for equal work. Brotherhood for all of mankind. Animal rights and great schools for the children, both boys and girls. Sexual liberation and the rights of gays to be respected including gay marriage. And very importantly women's rights are vitally important. They are also keenly interested in diversity in the workplace and voting rights and respect for various view points and that other nation's borders be respected. And clean feet too, they really like clean feet. And pigs as well as liberals, particularly Jewish liberals.
A representative of our beloved Islamic president said more WALMARTS need to be built in Iraq and Syria to give ISIS full employment so they don't have time on their hands to blow up innocent people..........