Setting the stage

You just might want to stop talking about voter fraud. You know I haven’t been a believer of that. Voting rule abuse yes. Same thing here with Joe and hunter applies. Common sense tells you 22 million more voters from one year to the next during a pandemic might be a little fishy. Like I said rule abuse. You have been wrong so often, you may want to sit it out. The minute the oligarch testified that hunter took money, it is over. The guilt is there. I don’t care what they do from here. I hope they don’t impeach. Why be like the democrats who like to try to impeach for hangnails. Or just what turned out to be complete bs. Just one more thing you were wrong about too. You keep talking and a huge voter fraud story is likely to break in a week or two.
The GOP says they have the most damning evidence against any president in history. Ok. Let’s play this out.

Would an impeachment with “the most damning evidence in history” hurt the election prospects of Dem House and Senate members, who would have to defend Biden and vote in the face of such overwhelming evidence? Yes. It would almost certainly result in GOP control of both houses.

Would Trump’s prospects be improved by the tarring of the Dem party and Kamala being forced to either defend Joe or publicly abandon him? Absolutely.

If the evidence is so powerful, is there any downside for the GOP at all in initiating a formal impeachment process? Of course not.

Holding corrupt politicians to account is critical to ensure future politicians understand what’s at stake when they choose corruption. Always.

So, in a year where the House, Senate and WH are all in play for the GOP, and the public presentation of this “most damning evidence ever” would absolutely improve their prospects for all three, you want us to believe they won’t do it for…reasons. Cool story.

You always claim you aren’t an election conspiracy theorist but then say that the election was “fishy” and common sense tells you there was fraud. That’s a great position to take because it frees you of having to provide proof, which you know doesn’t exist. That’s the same approach Comer and team are taking here. If you have proof, present the proof and let people decide for themselves.
The GOP says they have the most damning evidence against any president in history. Ok. Let’s play this out.

Would an impeachment with “the most damning evidence in history” hurt the election prospects of Dem House and Senate members, who would have to defend Biden and vote in the face of such overwhelming evidence? Yes. It would almost certainly result in GOP control of both houses.

Would Trump’s prospects be improved by the tarring of the Dem party and Kamala being forced to either defend Joe or publicly abandon him? Absolutely.

If the evidence is so powerful, is there any downside for the GOP at all in initiating a formal impeachment process? Of course not.

Holding corrupt politicians to account is critical to ensure future politicians understand what’s at stake when they choose corruption. Always.

So, in a year where the House, Senate and WH are all in play for the GOP, and the public presentation of this “most damning evidence ever” would absolutely improve their prospects for all three, you want us to believe they won’t do it for…reasons. Cool story.

You always claim you aren’t an election conspiracy theorist but then say that the election was “fishy” and common sense tells you there was fraud. That’s a great position to take because it frees you of having to provide proof, which you know doesn’t exist. That’s the same approach Comer and team are taking here. If you have proof, present the proof and let people decide for themselves.
Fraud has to be proven. Impeachment means nothing. You guys have proven it can be done for nothing at all. I don’t believe election fraud will ever be proven because the rules didnt provide for that. Also, I think the rules allowed people to use massive shenanigans without breaking the rules. Just abusing the rules that were in place due to a pandemic. There were 18 firsts when it comes to voter turnout. People were not visiting their folks during the holidays at that time. Yet coming out to vote in massive Unprecedented numbers. For a guy considered the weakest candidate produced since Dukakis. Like I said keep talking. How many times can you be wrong. I would just take the win so far.

You voted for a treasonous smooth brain. Own it.
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The GOP says they have the most damning evidence against any president in history. Ok. Let’s play this out.

Would an impeachment with “the most damning evidence in history” hurt the election prospects of Dem House and Senate members, who would have to defend Biden and vote in the face of such overwhelming evidence? Yes. It would almost certainly result in GOP control of both houses.

Would Trump’s prospects be improved by the tarring of the Dem party and Kamala being forced to either defend Joe or publicly abandon him? Absolutely.

If the evidence is so powerful, is there any downside for the GOP at all in initiating a formal impeachment process? Of course not.

Holding corrupt politicians to account is critical to ensure future politicians understand what’s at stake when they choose corruption. Always.

So, in a year where the House, Senate and WH are all in play for the GOP, and the public presentation of this “most damning evidence ever” would absolutely improve their prospects for all three, you want us to believe they won’t do it for…reasons. Cool story.

You always claim you aren’t an election conspiracy theorist but then say that the election was “fishy” and common sense tells you there was fraud. That’s a great position to take because it frees you of having to provide proof, which you know doesn’t exist. That’s the same approach Comer and team are taking here. If you have proof, present the proof and let people decide for themselves.

Its pretty obvious what the reasons are and you know that. Whats the rush? My guess is that folks in the know in DC have known for a while that Biden wouldnt be the candidate . And the Republicans dont want Kamala in the POTUS office at all before the election.

Its pretty simple. After the election, the Republicans will bring him for impeachment. It seems pretty obvious that they have the proof. Joe Biden is a criminal, just like we've been saying for years now. Its all coming out, you can scream and complain about Jan 6th, but now everyone will know in good time that Joey boy was for sale to the highest bidder. The Liberal tears will be glorious.
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Fraud has to be proven. Impeachment means nothing. You guys have proven it can be done for nothing at all. I don’t believe election fraud will ever be proven because the rules didnt provide for that. Also, I think the rules allowed people to use massive shenanigans without breaking the rules. Just abusing the rules that were in place due to a pandemic. There were 18 firsts when it comes to voter turnout. People were not visiting their folks during the holidays at that time. Yet coming out to vote in massive Unprecedented numbers. For a guy considered the weakest candidate produced since Dukakis. Like I said keep talking. How many time can you be wrong. I would just take the win so far.

You voted for a treasonous smooth brain. Own it.
You sound like this guy, who literally refuses to answer the question, asked three times, of whether the House will charge Biden with high crimes and misdemeanors or what specific charges they are even accusing him of.

You sound like this guy, who literally refuses to answer the question, asked three times, of whether the House will charge Biden with high crimes and misdemeanors or what specific charges they are even accusing him of.

Why do you care what he says? They dont have to let the cat out of the bag right now.
You sound like this guy, who literally refuses to answer the question, asked three times, of whether the House will charge Biden with high crimes and misdemeanors or what specific charges they are even accusing him of.

You sound like a guy desperate to be right for once. That Biden debate has sent you on a downward spiral. Sadly, you didn’t learn anything from pretending the first time around. Now you are pretending the worst vp ever would be a good idea to promote as president. I know you want the win, but do you realize how embarrassing she will be over the next four years for you. If we are being honest, the Middle East is pretty much turning upside down right now. Right or wrong doesn’t matter. They are not going to take kindly to a woman trying to tell them what to do. It is unfortunately just a fact. Like the women students defending Hamas. They would just assume kill them over there.

I wish I could live in your make believe world.
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You sound like a guy desperate to be right for once. That Biden debate has sent you on a downward spiral. Sadly, you didn’t learn anything from pretending the first time around. Now you are pretending the worst vp ever would be a good idea to promote as president. I know you want the win, but do you realize how embarrassing she will be over the next four years for you. If we are being honest, the Middle East is pretty much turning upside down right now. Right or wrong doesn’t matter. They are not going to take kindly to a woman trying to tell them what to do. It is unfortunately just a fact. Like the women students defending Hamas. They would just assume kill them over there.

I wish I could live in your make believe world.
zinger -

hes just not feeling the Joy yet. SO MUCH JOY!

There are lots of men here that feel the same way, they are not voting for a black woman or any woman for that matter. You only have to look at Hillary for the last example.

Enjoying Elizabeth Olsen GIF by First We Feast
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Correct me if I'm wrong but this report revealed no new evidence into Joe Biden's claimed guilt and this information has been known for years.

I'm shocked the right leaning board is OK with the way the House GOP lied to them about the clear impeachable guilt of Biden for "High crimes and misdemeanors".
Correct me if I'm wrong but this report revealed no new evidence into Joe Biden's claimed guilt and this information has been known for years.

I'm shocked the right leaning board is OK with the way the House GOP lied to them about the clear impeachable guilt of Biden for "High crimes and misdemeanors".
You may want to check the thread moose had on this. Then get back to everyone. Only question is really what they want to do about it. Will this help Camela or not. You guys have really made impeachments worthless. Just for me now there is enough of a smoking gun out there finally. Not that babulinski wasn’t enough. They wouldn’t even show up in court to face him. Or even say he was incorrect.

You voted for a compromised guy, who sold his own influence out to the highest bidder. Right under Obama’s nose. I would be pissed if I were you. He is so mad at Obama and Kamala there is no telling what his book will sound like. Especially if Jill writes it.
Correct me if I'm wrong but this report revealed no new evidence into Joe Biden's claimed guilt and this information has been known for years.

I'm shocked the right leaning board is OK with the way the House GOP lied to them about the clear impeachable guilt of Biden for "High crimes and misdemeanors".
Shocked GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
You sound like a guy desperate to be right for once. That Biden debate has sent you on a downward spiral. Sadly, you didn’t learn anything from pretending the first time around. Now you are pretending the worst vp ever would be a good idea to promote as president. I know you want the win, but do you realize how embarrassing she will be over the next four years for you. If we are being honest, the Middle East is pretty much turning upside down right now. Right or wrong doesn’t matter. They are not going to take kindly to a woman trying to tell them what to do. It is unfortunately just a fact. Like the women students defending Hamas. They would just assume kill them over there.

I wish I could live in your make believe world.
I was wrong about Biden and admitted it on here about twenty minutes into the debate. Admitting you are wrong is actually quite freeing and what rational people do when their political affiliations and opinions don't define them as people. You should try it some time. Supporting Trump certainly provides endless at-bats for admitting you were wrong.

You completely failed to address the substance of my last several posts while also changing the subject, so I'll pose the question again.

A formal impeachment proceeding, featuring the "most damning evidence ever", would clearly be a political goldmine for the GOP going into a tightly contested election where the House, Senate and WH are all in play. So, what's stopping them?

Please don't tell me it's some high-minded love of country that's stopping them from using everything at their disposal to capture the two branches of government they don't totally control to add to their capture of the SCOTUS, because that would be beyond ridiculous. So, what is it?
You may want to check the thread moose had on this. Then get back to everyone. Only question is really what they want to do about it. Will this help Camela or not. You guys have really made impeachments worthless. Just for me now there is enough of a smoking gun out there finally. Not that babulinski wasn’t enough. They wouldn’t even show up in court to face him. Or even say he was incorrect.

You voted for a compromised guy, who sold his own influence out to the highest bidder. Right under Obama’s nose. I would be pissed if I were you. He is so mad at Obama and Kamala there is no telling what his book will sound like. Especially if Jill writes it.
1) what's the new information this report revealed that wasn't already in the hands of the GOP congress.

2) what information directly ties Biden to Hunter proving corruption.

It's been over two years and they couldn't get enough information for an impeachment case. I mean they didn't even have enough evidence to bring it to a vote in the House.
I was wrong about Biden and admitted it on here about twenty minutes into the debate. Admitting you are wrong is actually quite freeing and what rational people do when their political affiliations and opinions don't define them as people. You should try it some time. Supporting Trump certainly provides endless at-bats for admitting you were wrong.

You completely failed to address the substance of my last several posts while also changing the subject, so I'll pose the question again.

A formal impeachment proceeding, featuring the "most damning evidence ever", would clearly be a political goldmine for the GOP going into a tightly contested election where the House, Senate and WH are all in play. So, what's stopping them?

Please don't tell me it's some high-minded love of country that's stopping them from using everything at their disposal to capture the two branches of government they don't totally control to add to their capture of the SCOTUS, because that would be beyond ridiculous. So, what is it?
I have addressed it. I don’t agree it would be a political goldmine. I think people feel sorry for Joe. Hell I do in some ways. He was broke due to his family. So he tried to find a way to make them rich. Now his son turned into a crackhead and left him in a bad spot.

Numerous times I said Joe’s family should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to continue. Amazing how exposed everything became when they wanted him gone. That guy has done nothing but stump for Obama, Nancy and Kamala. And he got a knife in the back for his troubles. I think a lot of gop leaders are wary of impeachments. Again, you guys love to impeach someone. And for nothing now it looks like. Hell, he was right. How much money was wasted or not used in the right place.

You are just moving goalposts in some faint hopes of the gop making a mistake that will help your intelligence challenged candidate cross the finish line first. What else do you want me to say. Other than this should have been unearthed 4 years ago. And all of us would be better for it. The fbi and Barr’s lazy ass sat on it. The cia covered it up at the behest of the Biden campaign. And here we are. Do you feel the least bit dirty supporting this group? I hold my nose with Trump, but these are scumbags that even out do him. Which shouldn’t be possible.
1) what's the new information this report revealed that wasn't already in the hands of the GOP congress.

2) what information directly ties Biden to Hunter proving corruption.

It's been over two years and they couldn't get enough information for an impeachment case. I mean they didn't even have enough evidence to bring it to a vote in the House.
@Moosefish will you repost the info you have on this.

The minute anyone admits they paid hunter for influence it is done. You can tap dance around it all you want. That is a wrap. Period.

Did you really ask what links Biden and hunter proving corruption? Hunter and James had no redeeming qualities to be on this board unless it was for Joe’s influence. It is the only tie that binds. They were paid millions upon millions of dollars. This is just you gaslighting or pretended to be stupid. Something I know you are not. I don’t care what they do with Joe. I know under Obama he f’ed this country over. Was Obama complicit? That is something that would worry me if I were you. How much did he know? I don’t think even a middle grounder would really defend this no matter how much they hate trump.
I was wrong about Biden and admitted it on here about twenty minutes into the debate. Admitting you are wrong is actually quite freeing and what rational people do when their political affiliations and opinions don't define them as people. You should try it some time. Supporting Trump certainly provides endless at-bats for admitting you were wrong.

You completely failed to address the substance of my last several posts while also changing the subject, so I'll pose the question again.

A formal impeachment proceeding, featuring the "most damning evidence ever", would clearly be a political goldmine for the GOP going into a tightly contested election where the House, Senate and WH are all in play. So, what's stopping them?

Please don't tell me it's some high-minded love of country that's stopping them from using everything at their disposal to capture the two branches of government they don't totally control to add to their capture of the SCOTUS, because that would be beyond ridiculous. So, what is it?
Why do you care when the Republicans bring it? What if they never do? Its politics and they are gonna use this to drag Kamala through the mud. Its right out of the Dem playbook.
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zinger -

hes just not feeling the Joy yet. SO MUCH JOY!

There are lots of men here that feel the same way, they are not voting for a black woman or any woman for that matter. You only have to look at Hillary for the last example.

Enjoying Elizabeth Olsen GIF by First We Feast
“We can be sure bringing joy is exactly what this country needs. Because bringing joy allows you to feel joyous. That joy will infiltrate to others making them joyous. Then the unity provided by the joy will make the community joyous and more giving. Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you and me!” Kamala Harris.
  • Haha
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1) what's the new information this report revealed that wasn't already in the hands of the GOP congress.

2) what information directly ties Biden to Hunter proving corruption.

It's been over two years and they couldn't get enough information for an impeachment case. I mean they didn't even have enough evidence to bring it to a vote in the House.
Ill be the first to admit that the Republicans are a bunch of whimps , but do you think its possible that they dragged this out until election time to use against Joe? Just a thought......
“We can be sure bringing joy is exactly what this country needs. Because bringing joy allows you to feel joyous. That joy will infiltrate to others making them joyous. Then the unity provided by the joy will make the community joyous and more giving. Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you and me!” Kamala Harris.
When I ride the big yellow electric school bus, the wheels go round and round! And we can bring joy from what has never been into things that are being now. - KH
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I have addressed it. I don’t agree it would be a political goldmine. I think people feel sorry for Joe. Hell I do in some ways. He was broke due to his family. So he tried to find a way to make them rich. Now his son turned into a crackhead and left him in a bad spot.

Numerous times I said Joe’s family should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to continue. Amazing how exposed everything became when they wanted him gone. That guy has done nothing but stump for Obama, Nancy and Kamala. And he got a knife in the back for his troubles. I think a lot of gop leaders are wary of impeachments. Again, you guys love to impeach someone. And for nothing now it looks like. Hell, he was right. How much money was wasted or not used in the right place.

You are just moving goalposts in some faint hopes of the gop making a mistake that will help your intelligence challenged candidate cross the finish line first. What else do you want me to say. Other than this should have been unearthed 4 years ago. And all of us would be better for it. The fbi and Barr’s lazy ass sat on it. The cia covered it up at the behest of the Biden campaign. And here we are. Do you feel the least bit dirty supporting this group? I hold my nose with Trump, but these are scumbags that even out do him. Which shouldn’t be possible.
So, your position is that the GOP isn't going to pursue impeachment because, despite the "most damning evidence ever" that Biden sold influence to foreign adversaries for millions of dollars, the GOP assumes the American people won't care and will see him a too sympathetic of a "treasonous son of a bitch" for it to blunt Trump's own legal problems and positively impact an election that's less than ninety days away.

It has nothing to do with the possibility that the "most damning evidence ever" isn't what they say it is and being forced to make their case in the House would actually be highly politically damaging.

Thanks for the clarification.
So, your position is that the GOP isn't going to pursue impeachment because, despite the "most damning evidence ever" that Biden sold influence to foreign adversaries for millions of dollars, the GOP assumes the American people won't care and will see him a too sympathetic of a "treasonous son of a bitch" for it to blunt Trump's own legal problems and positively impact an election that's less than ninety days away.

It has nothing to do with the possibility that the "most damning evidence ever" isn't what they say it is and being forced to make their case in the House would actually be highly politically damaging.

Thanks for the clarification.
Again, I don’t care whether they pursue it or not. I have heard all I need to hear. Pursue it if it makes sense politically. Anything to not have Kamala in office.

Glazed right over the fact this should have already been handled four years ago. All those narratives you hung your hat on for four years here. Just blew up all in your face. Election interference. Narrative done. Democracy in danger. Narrative completely obliterated. Biden crime family. Check.

If any new election fraud stuff comes to light, I will invite you down to have a drink. Non alcoholic. We can have an intervention. Make sure you are going to be ok. Same if trump gets elected. Heaven forbid if any Jan 6 conspiracy stuff turns out to be true. ;)
Again, I don’t care whether they pursue it or not. I have heard all I need to hear. Pursue it if it makes sense politically. Anything to not have Kamala in office.

Glazed right over the fact this should have already been handled four years ago. All those narratives you hung your hat on for four years here. Just blew up all in your face. Election interference. Narrative done. Democracy in danger. Narrative completely obliterated. Biden crime family. Check.

If any new election fraud stuff comes to light, I will invite you down to have a drink. Non alcoholic. We can have an intervention. Make sure you are going to be ok. Same if trump gets elected. Heaven forbid if any Jan 6 conspiracy stuff turns out to be true. ;)
If and when we finally get together for a drink, there is definitely going to be alcohol involved...

  • Haha
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@Moosefish will you repost the info you have on this.

The minute anyone admits they paid hunter for influence it is done. You can tap dance around it all you want. That is a wrap. Period.

I had to go back & look, so I provided what I think you were referring to and more, below. Two things first:

1. Impeachment proceedings happening are a political decision, not a legal one. So, claiming that it hasn't happened is "evidence" that there is no "evidence" of a crime is both inaccurate & misleading. There are plenty of reasons not to do it:
a. Small margin in the house
b. The Democrat-led Senate either refusing to hold a trial or the obvious conclusion that a D-majority wouldn't convict
c. Could hurt some R incumbents in purple states
d. It could backfire & hurt House, Senate, & POTUS races
e. He's gone in 4 months, regardless w/ zero chance he ever runs again

It has nothing to do with the possibility that the "most damning evidence ever" isn't what they say it is and being forced to make their case in the House would actually be highly politically damaging.

I know you think more critically than this. It's a razor-thin margin in the House. Incumbents in vulnerable spots could lose their seats because their voters could interpret this as a big a waste of time as Trump's two impeachments were. It doesn't take many R's to simply abstain from a vote to have it fail.

Impeachments are and have always been an inherently political choice.

2. Compare the first Trump impeachment evidence & what there is against Biden...especially since Trump was correct that there is evidence that Biden was corrupt in his dealings w/ Shokin.

As to number two, I've provided this before:

Don't say Burisma, as that story never held up to scrutiny and the key witness was just indicted for lying about the Biden's and Burisma.

'A' key witness, the one that gave the info about $5M. That's bad.

However (and as I've discussed/provided evidence for before) Shokin was officially viewed by and was told by the State Department as making sufficient progress in reducing Ukrainian corruption. He had hit all the milestones for Ukraine to receive promised aid and State Department officials were shocked with Biden's complete 180 on this subject (from Oct '15 until Dec '15). They literally said to each other in official communications that they had no idea where that came from. This is all backed up by official Congressional documents based on State Department records.

This flip was made by Biden and against all other official gov't recommendations. Literally NOBODY talked about or recommended Shokin be fired and no discussion about it occurs until AFTER Biden made his comments about withholding aid. Which just happens to have come after Burisma had hired Hunter and investigations into one of their oligarchs had started. I've linked THIS VERY LONG STORY before. It provides links to official government documents.

There remains no proof that Joe received money or altered a single policy.

This is incorrect. Funneled through dozens of shell companies he (and family members...which also counts under bribery law) received money from payment made to Hunter or his associates. Banks sent warnings about potential illegal activities on many of these accounts. It was often called a "loan" or "loan repayment" which has different reporting requirements than income.

Additionally, HERE is another story that subverts the "Europe supported getting rid of Shokin, too" point
"The European Commission praised Ukraine’s Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin for his efforts to fight corruption in a December 2015 progress report published nine days after then-VP Joe Biden demanded his ouster."

"In fact, the Dec. 18, 2015, progress report, obtained by the New York Post, says that the European Union was satisfied that Ukraine had achieved “noteworthy” progress, including in “preventing and fighting corruption,” and thus was eligible for visa-free travel in Europe.

The European Commission noted that Shokin had just appointed the head of a specialized anti-corruption prosecution office, which it described as “an indispensable component of an effective and independent institutional framework for combating high-level corruption.”

“Based on these commitments, the anti-corruption benchmark is deemed to have been achieved,” the European Commission report found. “The progress noted in the fifth report on anti-corruption policies, particularly the legislative and institutional progress, has continued.”

At the same time, the EU commissioner for migration, home affairs and citizenship issued a public statement on Dec. 18, 2015, praising Shokin and other officials for making “enormous progress” on reform

“I congratulate the Ukrainian leadership on the progress made towards completing the reform process which will bring important benefits to the citizens of Ukraine in the future,” then-EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said. “The hard work towards achieving this significant goal has paid off. Now it is important to keep upholding all the standards.”


HERE is a very long article w/ links to sources.

To repeat: Biden had a last-minute flip on Shokin, who had just been praised by European & US officials for his anti-corruption efforts. This flip shocked State Department officials (as provided in official documents) who had no idea where it came from....this just happened to occur a mere 5 days after Hunter was paid by Burisma & they made it clear they wanted Shokin gone.

So, @zingerdawg , I hope this is what you were referring to from a couple weeks ago:

As I've discussed & provided links to before: Federal bribery regulations include $ paid to family members merely on the promise of actions taken...regardless of any actual actions taken.

"The central question regarding the shady, overseas Biden family business has always been whether Hunter -- who was business partners with his father and often flew on Air Force Two to make deals in foreign countries -- was influencing changes in U.S. government policy in exchange for payment. In other words, was the Biden family accepting bribes? According to new information unearthed by the Special Counsel, the answer is yes. "
I had to go back & look, so I provided what I think you were referring to and more, below. Two things first:

1. Impeachment proceedings happening are a political decision, not a legal one. So, claiming that it hasn't happened is "evidence" that there is no "evidence" of a crime is both inaccurate & misleading. There are plenty of reasons not to do it:
a. Small margin in the house
b. The Democrat-led Senate either refusing to hold a trial or the obvious conclusion that a D-majority wouldn't convict
c. Could hurt some R incumbents in purple states
d. It could backfire & hurt House, Senate, & POTUS races
e. He's gone in 4 months, regardless w/ zero chance he ever runs again

I know you think more critically than this. It's a razor-thin margin in the House. Incumbents in vulnerable spots could lose their seats because their voters could interpret this as a big a waste of time as Trump's two impeachments were. It doesn't take many R's to simply abstain from a vote to have it fail.

Impeachments are and have always been an inherently political choice.

2. Compare the first Trump impeachment evidence & what there is against Biden...especially since Trump was correct that there is evidence that Biden was corrupt in his dealings w/ Shokin.

As to number two, I've provided this before:

"The European Commission praised Ukraine’s Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin for his efforts to fight corruption in a December 2015 progress report published nine days after then-VP Joe Biden demanded his ouster."

"In fact, the Dec. 18, 2015, progress report, obtained by the New York Post, says that the European Union was satisfied that Ukraine had achieved “noteworthy” progress, including in “preventing and fighting corruption,” and thus was eligible for visa-free travel in Europe.

The European Commission noted that Shokin had just appointed the head of a specialized anti-corruption prosecution office, which it described as “an indispensable component of an effective and independent institutional framework for combating high-level corruption.”

“Based on these commitments, the anti-corruption benchmark is deemed to have been achieved,” the European Commission report found. “The progress noted in the fifth report on anti-corruption policies, particularly the legislative and institutional progress, has continued.”

At the same time, the EU commissioner for migration, home affairs and citizenship issued a public statement on Dec. 18, 2015, praising Shokin and other officials for making “enormous progress” on reform

“I congratulate the Ukrainian leadership on the progress made towards completing the reform process which will bring important benefits to the citizens of Ukraine in the future,” then-EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said. “The hard work towards achieving this significant goal has paid off. Now it is important to keep upholding all the standards.”


HERE is a very long article w/ links to sources.

To repeat: Biden had a last-minute flip on Shokin, who had just been praised by European & US officials for his anti-corruption efforts. This flip shocked State Department officials (as provided in official documents) who had no idea where it came from....this just happened to occur a mere 5 days after Hunter was paid by Burisma & they made it clear they wanted Shokin gone.

So, @zingerdawg , I hope this is what you were referring to from a couple weeks ago:

As I've discussed & provided links to before: Federal bribery regulations include $ paid to family members merely on the promise of actions taken...regardless of any actual actions taken.

"The central question regarding the shady, overseas Biden family business has always been whether Hunter -- who was business partners with his father and often flew on Air Force Two to make deals in foreign countries -- was influencing changes in U.S. government policy in exchange for payment. In other words, was the Biden family accepting bribes? According to new information unearthed by the Special Counsel, the answer is yes. "
Yep. That is the one.

I had to go back & look, so I provided what I think you were referring to and more, below. Two things first:

1. Impeachment proceedings happening are a political decision, not a legal one. So, claiming that it hasn't happened is "evidence" that there is no "evidence" of a crime is both inaccurate & misleading. There are plenty of reasons not to do it:
a. Small margin in the house
b. The Democrat-led Senate either refusing to hold a trial or the obvious conclusion that a D-majority wouldn't convict
c. Could hurt some R incumbents in purple states
d. It could backfire & hurt House, Senate, & POTUS races
e. He's gone in 4 months, regardless w/ zero chance he ever runs again

I know you think more critically than this. It's a razor-thin margin in the House. Incumbents in vulnerable spots could lose their seats because their voters could interpret this as a big a waste of time as Trump's two impeachments were. It doesn't take many R's to simply abstain from a vote to have it fail.

Impeachments are and have always been an inherently political choice.

2. Compare the first Trump impeachment evidence & what there is against Biden...especially since Trump was correct that there is evidence that Biden was corrupt in his dealings w/ Shokin.

As to number two, I've provided this before:

"The European Commission praised Ukraine’s Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin for his efforts to fight corruption in a December 2015 progress report published nine days after then-VP Joe Biden demanded his ouster."

"In fact, the Dec. 18, 2015, progress report, obtained by the New York Post, says that the European Union was satisfied that Ukraine had achieved “noteworthy” progress, including in “preventing and fighting corruption,” and thus was eligible for visa-free travel in Europe.

The European Commission noted that Shokin had just appointed the head of a specialized anti-corruption prosecution office, which it described as “an indispensable component of an effective and independent institutional framework for combating high-level corruption.”

“Based on these commitments, the anti-corruption benchmark is deemed to have been achieved,” the European Commission report found. “The progress noted in the fifth report on anti-corruption policies, particularly the legislative and institutional progress, has continued.”

At the same time, the EU commissioner for migration, home affairs and citizenship issued a public statement on Dec. 18, 2015, praising Shokin and other officials for making “enormous progress” on reform

“I congratulate the Ukrainian leadership on the progress made towards completing the reform process which will bring important benefits to the citizens of Ukraine in the future,” then-EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said. “The hard work towards achieving this significant goal has paid off. Now it is important to keep upholding all the standards.”


HERE is a very long article w/ links to sources.

To repeat: Biden had a last-minute flip on Shokin, who had just been praised by European & US officials for his anti-corruption efforts. This flip shocked State Department officials (as provided in official documents) who had no idea where it came from....this just happened to occur a mere 5 days after Hunter was paid by Burisma & they made it clear they wanted Shokin gone.

So, @zingerdawg , I hope this is what you were referring to from a couple weeks ago:

As I've discussed & provided links to before: Federal bribery regulations include $ paid to family members merely on the promise of actions taken...regardless of any actual actions taken.

"The central question regarding the shady, overseas Biden family business has always been whether Hunter -- who was business partners with his father and often flew on Air Force Two to make deals in foreign countries -- was influencing changes in U.S. government policy in exchange for payment. In other words, was the Biden family accepting bribes? According to new information unearthed by the Special Counsel, the answer is yes. "
Moose it is funny. I had not heard Joe’s braggadocio speech on getting him fired in a while. It is posted above.(I attached it to this post) They told him he couldn’t withhold the money. Only the president could do that. Biden responded. Call him. See what he says. You have six hours. I was more messing with sho about Obama being complicit, but Biden sure did implicate him. Right there in his speech for the whole world to hear.

Hard to dispute a video. Do I think Obama knew? No. But this is a horrendous look
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I had to go back & look, so I provided what I think you were referring to and more, below. Two things first:

1. Impeachment proceedings happening are a political decision, not a legal one. So, claiming that it hasn't happened is "evidence" that there is no "evidence" of a crime is both inaccurate & misleading. There are plenty of reasons not to do it:
a. Small margin in the house
b. The Democrat-led Senate either refusing to hold a trial or the obvious conclusion that a D-majority wouldn't convict
c. Could hurt some R incumbents in purple states
d. It could backfire & hurt House, Senate, & POTUS races
e. He's gone in 4 months, regardless w/ zero chance he ever runs again

I know you think more critically than this. It's a razor-thin margin in the House. Incumbents in vulnerable spots could lose their seats because their voters could interpret this as a big a waste of time as Trump's two impeachments were. It doesn't take many R's to simply abstain from a vote to have it fail.

Impeachments are and have always been an inherently political choice.

2. Compare the first Trump impeachment evidence & what there is against Biden...especially since Trump was correct that there is evidence that Biden was corrupt in his dealings w/ Shokin.

As to number two, I've provided this before:

"The European Commission praised Ukraine’s Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin for his efforts to fight corruption in a December 2015 progress report published nine days after then-VP Joe Biden demanded his ouster."

"In fact, the Dec. 18, 2015, progress report, obtained by the New York Post, says that the European Union was satisfied that Ukraine had achieved “noteworthy” progress, including in “preventing and fighting corruption,” and thus was eligible for visa-free travel in Europe.

The European Commission noted that Shokin had just appointed the head of a specialized anti-corruption prosecution office, which it described as “an indispensable component of an effective and independent institutional framework for combating high-level corruption.”

“Based on these commitments, the anti-corruption benchmark is deemed to have been achieved,” the European Commission report found. “The progress noted in the fifth report on anti-corruption policies, particularly the legislative and institutional progress, has continued.”

At the same time, the EU commissioner for migration, home affairs and citizenship issued a public statement on Dec. 18, 2015, praising Shokin and other officials for making “enormous progress” on reform

“I congratulate the Ukrainian leadership on the progress made towards completing the reform process which will bring important benefits to the citizens of Ukraine in the future,” then-EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said. “The hard work towards achieving this significant goal has paid off. Now it is important to keep upholding all the standards.”


HERE is a very long article w/ links to sources.

To repeat: Biden had a last-minute flip on Shokin, who had just been praised by European & US officials for his anti-corruption efforts. This flip shocked State Department officials (as provided in official documents) who had no idea where it came from....this just happened to occur a mere 5 days after Hunter was paid by Burisma & they made it clear they wanted Shokin gone.

So, @zingerdawg , I hope this is what you were referring to from a couple weeks ago:

As I've discussed & provided links to before: Federal bribery regulations include $ paid to family members merely on the promise of actions taken...regardless of any actual actions taken.

"The central question regarding the shady, overseas Biden family business has always been whether Hunter -- who was business partners with his father and often flew on Air Force Two to make deals in foreign countries -- was influencing changes in U.S. government policy in exchange for payment. In other words, was the Biden family accepting bribes? According to new information unearthed by the Special Counsel, the answer is yes. "
I always respect your ability to document your argument, even when I disagree with your conclusions.

I'll try and keep my response short.

If Comer and the GOP have the "most damning evidence ever", it is entirely logical to believe that presenting that evidence to the country in a public impeachment forum would be highly politically beneficial. But let's ignore that argument and see if we can agree on something far simpler.

Regardless of the political calculation of whether to initiate formal impeachment proceedings or not, such damning evidence should allow the GOP to identify the high crimes and misdemeanors Biden is guilty of based on the evidence. As I showed in the interview I shared above, and I could find many other similar examples from the last year, Comer and team have remained unable to identify the specific crimes Biden is guilty of and the proof that supports their accusations. It isn't in their report, and they haven't shared it in interviews. Even conservative outlets like Fox have grown frustrated with Comer and team's inability to answer even the most basic questions regarding their accusations.

If they fail to identify an actual crime, and then support that accusation with even one example of proof, then what are we left with? And after the election fraud fiasco, where proof of massive fraud was promised over and over again and NEVER delivered, don't expect the GOP to get the benefit of the doubt, which they lost after the fraud lies.
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Impeachment is meaningless. Take away his ice cream.
He may cry like a little bi+ch again..damn the weakness that this Democratic Administration displays is scary…I’m sure Putin and Jinping are laughing their asses off
Regardless of the political calculation of whether to initiate formal impeachment proceedings or not, such damning evidence should allow the GOP to identify the high crimes and misdemeanors Biden is guilty of based on the evidence.

As I showed in the interview I shared above, and I could find many other similar examples from the last year, Comer and team have remained unable to identify the specific crimes Biden is guilty of and the proof that supports their accusations.

1. I think it's interesting you bring this line of argument up consistently, for reasons I'll address in my second point below.

But, let's address what you wrote above. I'll quickly address it to say it's clearly a question of bribery on some level (if not in name) which is directly addressed in Article II, section 4 for what specifically POTUS and the VP can be impeached for:

"...removed from office if impeached and convicted of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors"

But, I also think that at some level you're demanding an answer that's both obvious and not required, at this point. The House would have to decide & vote on what the grounds for impeachment are. Having Comer or Jordan tie the hands of any potential House vote by naming a specific "crime" would be counterproductive and not required. So, let's do a deep dive:

A. First, impeachments are not criminal proceedings. Second, we don't have many examples, historically. Of the two most recent, the second one is not a good example to compare here, for reasons that are largely neutral. So, let's focus on Trump's first impeachment and what arguments were then. But first, some background:

Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist No. 65: “The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated POLITICAL, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself.”

In the modern era, Congress has continued to interpret the Constitution in this way. One of the articles of impeachment drafted for Nixon was for “abuse of power.” And a Congressional Research Service report on impeachment and removal prepared in October 2015 says

“Impeachable conduct does not appear to be limited to criminal behavior. Congress has identified three general types of conduct that constitute grounds for impeachment, although these categories should not be understood as exhaustive: (1) improperly exceeding or abusing the powers of the office; (2) behavior incompatible with the function and purpose of the office; and (3) misusing the office for an improper purpose or for personal gain.

From the Cornell School of Law HERE, discussing Trump's first Impeachment:

"The House, consistent with past impeachment practice, asserted that for purposes of Article II “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” “need not be indictable criminal offenses.”

Per TIME that impeachment "...revealed an important development in how members of Congress, particularly House Democrats, are beginning to define a key constitutional power afforded to them: deciding what constitutes “high crimes and misdemeanors...they are operating under the principle that an impeachable offense need not be an actual crime."

So, on December 3, 2019, as part of the impeachment inquiry, the House Intelligence Committee published a report detailing that Trump "...personally and acting through agents within and outside of the U.S. government, solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, to benefit his reelection."

So, a committee report (similar to the just-released Biden report) never accused Trump of breaking any specific law. But, does lay out what the 'problem' was.

Now, let's look at the language used for the recent report: “First and foremost, overwhelming evidence demonstrates that President Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family...Among other aspects of this conspiracy, the Biden family and their business associates received tens of millions of dollars from foreign interests by leading those interests to believe that such payments would provide them access to and influence with President Biden,”

----> That language seems just as specific (if not moreso) as Trump's, above. Again, neither are required to name a specific crime.

You keep demanding to know 'what high crime and misdemeanor' Biden is accused of? The report summary I provided above reads very clearly to me. Were you demanding the same during Trump's impeachment? It's funny that the line of argument you're using was explicitly ignored when the argument was to impeach Trump:

Asha Rangappa (lawyer/FBI agent/CNN, BBC, NPR & MSBC contributor) argued that asking if a President broke the law or not isn’t necessarily the right question when assessing if something is an impeachable offense. “Either you have laws that don’t cover the specific kind of behavior that he is engaged in, because it only becomes problematic if it’s the President engaging in it, or you’re dealing with things that are just much bigger in the sense of abuse of power, or violations of oath of office or bigger constitutional principles that are being violated, even if they don’t necessarily violate a specific aspect of the U.S. code.”

In other words, Rangappa believes setting criminality as the test for impeachment may lead people to miss the forest for the trees in terms of overall presidential conduct and potential abuse of power. That an act or behavior doesn’t have to cross the bar of criminality and that’s okay: that’s not the bar.

Even Adam Schiff said in relation to Trump's impeachment: “There is no quid pro quo necessary to betray your country or your oath of office,” which is doubly ironic, because even quid pro quo isn't's the very foundation of diplomacy.

Bottom line: I think you're using your demand to "identify the specific crimes Biden is guilty of" as a shield to avoid discussion of Biden's issues, here. Specificity that wasn't provided or even required at the same point in Trump's impeachment.

As for evidence...I think the lengthy proof of $27M, how it got to where it went, who it came from, and Hunter's own words via testimony, emails, and other unrefuted sources is enough "evidence". It's certainly far-more than both of Trump's impeachments, combined, imo. But, it's largely irrelevant at this point.

2. Not looking to re-debate the "Hush Money" trial....and it's obviously a different "thing" altogether: But, I see tremendous cognitive dissonance in the demand to know exactly "what" crime Biden committed, prior to any actual discussion or vote in the House. However, Trump can be convicted of crime that only exists if it covers up another crime. Yet, nobody has yet identified exactly what the "another crime" is. I don't recall you ever voicing your concern over this issue in Trump's NY Trial.
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1. I think it's interesting you bring this line of argument up consistently, for reasons I'll address in my second point below.

But, let's address what you wrote above. I'll quickly address it to say it's clearly a question of bribery on some level (if not in name) which is directly addressed in Article II, section 4 for what specifically POTUS and the VP can be impeached for:

"...removed from office if impeached and convicted of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors"

But, I also think that at some level you're demanding an answer that's both obvious and not required, at this point. The House would have to decide & vote on what the grounds for impeachment are. Having Comer or Jordan tie the hands of any potential House vote by naming a specific "crime" would be counterproductive and not required. So, let's do a deep dive:

A. First, impeachments are not criminal proceedings. Second, we don't have many examples, historically. Of the two most recent, the second one is not a good example to compare here, for reasons that are largely neutral. So, let's focus on Trump's first impeachment and what arguments were then. But first, some background:

Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist No. 65: “The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated POLITICAL, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself.”

In the modern era, Congress has continued to interpret the Constitution in this way. One of the articles of impeachment drafted for Nixon was for “abuse of power.” And a Congressional Research Service report on impeachment and removal prepared in October 2015 says

“Impeachable conduct does not appear to be limited to criminal behavior. Congress has identified three general types of conduct that constitute grounds for impeachment, although these categories should not be understood as exhaustive: (1) improperly exceeding or abusing the powers of the office; (2) behavior incompatible with the function and purpose of the office; and (3) misusing the office for an improper purpose or for personal gain.

From the Cornell School of Law HERE, discussing Trump's first Impeachment:

"The House, consistent with past impeachment practice, asserted that for purposes of Article II “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” “need not be indictable criminal offenses.”

Per TIME that impeachment "...revealed an important development in how members of Congress, particularly House Democrats, are beginning to define a key constitutional power afforded to them: deciding what constitutes “high crimes and misdemeanors...they are operating under the principle that an impeachable offense need not be an actual crime."

So, on December 3, 2019, as part of the impeachment inquiry, the House Intelligence Committee published a report detailing that Trump "...personally and acting through agents within and outside of the U.S. government, solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, to benefit his reelection."

So, a committee report (similar to the just-released Biden report) never accused Trump of breaking any specific law. But, does lay out what the 'problem' was.

Now, let's look at the language used for the recent report: “First and foremost, overwhelming evidence demonstrates that President Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family...Among other aspects of this conspiracy, the Biden family and their business associates received tens of millions of dollars from foreign interests by leading those interests to believe that such payments would provide them access to and influence with President Biden,”

----> That language seems just as specific (if not moreso) as Trump's, above. Again, neither are required to name a specific crime.

You keep demanding to know 'what high crime and misdemeanor' Biden is accused of? The report summary I provided above reads very clearly to me. Were you demanding the same during Trump's impeachment? It's funny that the line of argument you're using was explicitly ignored when the argument was to impeach Trump:

Asha Rangappa (lawyer/FBI agent/CNN, BBC, NPR & MSBC contributor) argued that asking if a President broke the law or not isn’t necessarily the right question when assessing if something is an impeachable offense. “Either you have laws that don’t cover the specific kind of behavior that he is engaged in, because it only becomes problematic if it’s the President engaging in it, or you’re dealing with things that are just much bigger in the sense of abuse of power, or violations of oath of office or bigger constitutional principles that are being violated, even if they don’t necessarily violate a specific aspect of the U.S. code.”

In other words, Rangappa believes setting criminality as the test for impeachment may lead people to miss the forest for the trees in terms of overall presidential conduct and potential abuse of power. That an act or behavior doesn’t have to cross the bar of criminality and that’s okay: that’s not the bar.

Even Adam Schiff said in relation to Trump's impeachment: “There is no quid pro quo necessary to betray your country or your oath of office,” which is doubly ironic, because even quid pro quo isn't's the very foundation of diplomacy.

Bottom line: I think you're using your demand to "identify the specific crimes Biden is guilty of" as a shield to avoid discussion of Biden's issues, here. Specificity that wasn't provided or even required at the same point in Trump's impeachment.

As for evidence...I think the lengthy proof of $27M, how it got to where it went, who it came from, and Hunter's own words via testimony, emails, and other unrefuted sources is enough "evidence". It's certainly far-more than either of Trump's impeachments, combined, imo. But, it's largely irrelevant at this point.

2. Not looking to re-debate the "Hush Money" trial....and it's obviously a different "thing" altogether: But, I see tremendous cognitive dissonance in the demand to know exactly "what" crime Biden committed, prior to any actual discussion or vote in the House. However, Trump can be convicted of crime that only exists if it covers up another crime. Yet, nobody has yet identified exactly what the "another crime" is. I don't recall you ever voicing your concern over this issue in Trump's NY Trial.
Lord, Moose. I already spend too much time on the Chat. That tome is going to require some time to digest. I’m flying to the west coast tomorrow and will probably save it for the trip.
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Lord, Moose. I already spend too much time on the Chat. That tome is going to require some time to digest. I’m flying to the west coast tomorrow and will probably save it for the trip.
😂 Blame it on all the research papers I had to write for my Master's. I can't help myself, sometimes.

Fly safe.
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😂 Blame it on all the research papers I had to write for my Master's. I can't help myself, sometimes.

Fly safe.
Thanks. Savannah to Portland, OR and back so may have just enough time to read and reply to your post.
  • Haha
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1. I think it's interesting you bring this line of argument up consistently, for reasons I'll address in my second point below.

But, let's address what you wrote above. I'll quickly address it to say it's clearly a question of bribery on some level (if not in name) which is directly addressed in Article II, section 4 for what specifically POTUS and the VP can be impeached for:

"...removed from office if impeached and convicted of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors"

But, I also think that at some level you're demanding an answer that's both obvious and not required, at this point. The House would have to decide & vote on what the grounds for impeachment are. Having Comer or Jordan tie the hands of any potential House vote by naming a specific "crime" would be counterproductive and not required. So, let's do a deep dive:

A. First, impeachments are not criminal proceedings. Second, we don't have many examples, historically. Of the two most recent, the second one is not a good example to compare here, for reasons that are largely neutral. So, let's focus on Trump's first impeachment and what arguments were then. But first, some background:

Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist No. 65: “The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated POLITICAL, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself.”

In the modern era, Congress has continued to interpret the Constitution in this way. One of the articles of impeachment drafted for Nixon was for “abuse of power.” And a Congressional Research Service report on impeachment and removal prepared in October 2015 says

“Impeachable conduct does not appear to be limited to criminal behavior. Congress has identified three general types of conduct that constitute grounds for impeachment, although these categories should not be understood as exhaustive: (1) improperly exceeding or abusing the powers of the office; (2) behavior incompatible with the function and purpose of the office; and (3) misusing the office for an improper purpose or for personal gain.

From the Cornell School of Law HERE, discussing Trump's first Impeachment:

"The House, consistent with past impeachment practice, asserted that for purposes of Article II “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” “need not be indictable criminal offenses.”

Per TIME that impeachment "...revealed an important development in how members of Congress, particularly House Democrats, are beginning to define a key constitutional power afforded to them: deciding what constitutes “high crimes and misdemeanors...they are operating under the principle that an impeachable offense need not be an actual crime."

So, on December 3, 2019, as part of the impeachment inquiry, the House Intelligence Committee published a report detailing that Trump "...personally and acting through agents within and outside of the U.S. government, solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, to benefit his reelection."

So, a committee report (similar to the just-released Biden report) never accused Trump of breaking any specific law. But, does lay out what the 'problem' was.

Now, let's look at the language used for the recent report: “First and foremost, overwhelming evidence demonstrates that President Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family...Among other aspects of this conspiracy, the Biden family and their business associates received tens of millions of dollars from foreign interests by leading those interests to believe that such payments would provide them access to and influence with President Biden,”

----> That language seems just as specific (if not moreso) as Trump's, above. Again, neither are required to name a specific crime.

You keep demanding to know 'what high crime and misdemeanor' Biden is accused of? The report summary I provided above reads very clearly to me. Were you demanding the same during Trump's impeachment? It's funny that the line of argument you're using was explicitly ignored when the argument was to impeach Trump:

Asha Rangappa (lawyer/FBI agent/CNN, BBC, NPR & MSBC contributor) argued that asking if a President broke the law or not isn’t necessarily the right question when assessing if something is an impeachable offense. “Either you have laws that don’t cover the specific kind of behavior that he is engaged in, because it only becomes problematic if it’s the President engaging in it, or you’re dealing with things that are just much bigger in the sense of abuse of power, or violations of oath of office or bigger constitutional principles that are being violated, even if they don’t necessarily violate a specific aspect of the U.S. code.”

In other words, Rangappa believes setting criminality as the test for impeachment may lead people to miss the forest for the trees in terms of overall presidential conduct and potential abuse of power. That an act or behavior doesn’t have to cross the bar of criminality and that’s okay: that’s not the bar.

Even Adam Schiff said in relation to Trump's impeachment: “There is no quid pro quo necessary to betray your country or your oath of office,” which is doubly ironic, because even quid pro quo isn't's the very foundation of diplomacy.

Bottom line: I think you're using your demand to "identify the specific crimes Biden is guilty of" as a shield to avoid discussion of Biden's issues, here. Specificity that wasn't provided or even required at the same point in Trump's impeachment.

As for evidence...I think the lengthy proof of $27M, how it got to where it went, who it came from, and Hunter's own words via testimony, emails, and other unrefuted sources is enough "evidence". It's certainly far-more than both of Trump's impeachments, combined, imo. But, it's largely irrelevant at this point.

2. Not looking to re-debate the "Hush Money" trial....and it's obviously a different "thing" altogether: But, I see tremendous cognitive dissonance in the demand to know exactly "what" crime Biden committed, prior to any actual discussion or vote in the House. However, Trump can be convicted of crime that only exists if it covers up another crime. Yet, nobody has yet identified exactly what the "another crime" is. I don't recall you ever voicing your concern over this issue in Trump's NY Trial.
Great post and informative as always. I’ll see if I can respond adequately without using my entire flight to craft the response.

I have acknowledged nearly from the beginning that Hunter leveraged his name and the appearance of influence to secure lucrative contracts from companies based in other nations and some with ties to foreign governments.

What Comer has failed to do is show the direct engagement of Joe, using his power as an elected official, to influence policy based on any promises Hunter made, or for Joe to have benefited personally from those efforts.

We can argue for days about Shokin and Burisma. The core facts regarding that situation have been out there several years now and if the case were as strong as you suggest, the GOP absolutely would have brought impeachment proceedings against Joe at least a year ago. I think the case regarding Shokin has been fully debunked and you don’t, but Comer seems to have stopped focusing on it, so he seems more aligned with me than you.

Regarding Trump’s first impeachment, we know exactly what he tried to leverage (release of the aid package), and what the personal benefit was that he identified in return (launching a public investigation of the Bidens). Again, if Comer could have made a similar case against Joe, the GOP would have initiated impeachment.

I have the say that your suggestion that Comer hasn’t been more explicit regarding the specific case against Joe so as to not tie the hands of a future impeachment does not hold up to scrutiny, but we can’t really validate that or not until they actually initiate impeachment, which they a not going to do. They may try and Hail Mary impeachment as a last ditch effort to save Trump’s campaign, but given the opponent is Harris and not Biden I doubt they would see a poorly supported impeachment as helpful at this point.

You and I can debate endlessly, and as much as I enjoy it, ultimately actions speaks more loudly than words. Comer stating that he has the most damning evidence against a sitting president in history, while simultaneously failing to initiate impeachment, says a lot and renders your or my speculation mostly moot.