So, I called the Dr's office to set up an appointment.......


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
Jul 25, 2002
the receptionist axed me what for and I say well, I've been feeling a little tired lately and just want to come in and get checked out. Do ya'll have a wellness physical or something like that? My insurance will cover one per year, and what will that entail?

Receptionist "Yes, we can schedule you for a physical, let me look at your insurance a minute. Ok, you do have coverage for a yearly physical. But, since you told me you weren't feeling well it won't cover it.

Me: "Ehhh run that by me again"

She states again that if I come in and ask for a physical that I'm covered, but if I state that anything is wrong with me, I can have the physical but it's not fully covered nor any additional medicines/tests resulting from the physical.

Me: So, let me get this straight, I have to be healthy and not say if anything is wrong with me for a physical so my insurance will cover it?

Her: Yes

Me: Are you kidding me?

Her: No

Me: Okay, so what does your standard physical entail?

Her: The doctor determines what tests to run

Me: How does he determine what tests to run if I can't tell him if anything is bothering me.

Her: I don't know, you'll have to ask the doctor that. Can I schedule your appointment?

Me: Just forget it.

Damnit man.
Call back, say you feel great and want to schedule a physical just...

...for the hell of it.
In no way am I making light of your situation ,but get you some ........

Beet juice and start drinking it daily.

Google beet juice benefits ,and make 4Sure you read the part about nitric oxide.........

This post was edited on 3/10 1:31 PM by Jaman_Dawg
The healthcare and insurance industries deserve everything they get from

obamacare. Unfortunately, we're the ones who will pay for it.
Really not that big of a deal, but shat like that just pisses me off.......

almost got arrested at a lab once, when they told me that they couldn't take my insurance so I would have to reschedule.

I'm standing in the lobby with a damned stool sample in a paper bag and they tell me they can't take it and I'll have to do it over again at another time.

I said listen, I ain't carrying this bag of crap home and doing this over again. Do you know how difficult it is to ring a cup with a turd?

So, I offer to pay in cash, I pull out about $800 in cash I had in my pocket and say that should more than cover it.

She then tells me they can't accept cash.

I went ballistic, I pointed out that on the face of the hundred dollar bills it stated it was legal tender. She still refused.

I put the bag down on the counter and started walking out.

Just then she says she's made a mistake and they can accept my insurance.

Told her to have a nice day.

This post was edited on 3/10 1:36 PM by dirtytoeddawg

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