So peaceful protestors get tear gassed...

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What? You’ve literally lost your mind. You said that no one reported on Dorn. I showed you that’s wrong. You said that they only did it today. I showed you that is wrong. So you show me a video of Fox News calling out CNN. How is any of what I said crap? I literally showed you how what you were saying is incorrect. Please, show me where what I said is crap.
Now I will hang up and listen to YOUR silence.
Go back and read what I wrote. I haven’t seen the video of his death anywhere.(on tv) While watching the news. It hasn’t been covered the same and it is just as awful. In another post, I called out both partisan sides. Something you can’t do. You can’t even admit this wasn’t covered the same. Let me know when this video is shown every thirty minutes on a network. You are talking about articles. If the Floyd video wasn’t shown on tv, we wouldn’t be here. It will not get the same depth of coverage. There will not be the same outrage. Period. That was my point. You can twist away all you want. That is a fact.

Has it been covered the same way Floyd’s death was? If you answer that yes, I have nothing else to say to you.
Go back and read what I wrote. I haven’t seen the video of his death anywhere.(on tv) While watching the news. It hasn’t been covered the same and it is just as awful. In another post, I called out both partisan sides. Something you can’t do. You can’t even admit this wasn’t covered the same. Let me know when this video is shown every thirty minutes on a network. You are talking about articles. If the Floyd video wasn’t shown on tv, we wouldn’t be here. It will not get the same depth of coverage. There will not be the same outrage. Period. That was my point. You can twist away all you want. That is a fact.
-As I said, you’re watching a single news channel when there are tons of other outlets for you to read and see.
- If you think I haven’t called out both sides, you haven’t been reading.
- I never said that these things are being covered the same. They aren’t. It’s not a 1:1 ratio. However, these things are BOTH still being covered.
- I am talking about articles. Because there are more media outlets than just a tv station. (Tv stations are also covering this)
- Yes. If news hadn’t covered the event, no one would know about it. That’s how all things go.
- I haven’t twisted anything. I’ve directly responded to your claims that this wasn’t covered. When I showed you that it was and still is being covered, you didn’t like that. Not my fault.
-As I said, you’re watching a single news channel when there are tons of other outlets for you to read and see.
- If you think I haven’t called out both sides, you haven’t been reading.
- I never said that these things are being covered the same. They aren’t. It’s not a 1:1 ratio. However, these things are BOTH still being covered.
- I am talking about articles. Because there are more media outlets than just a tv station. (Tv stations are also covering this)
- Yes. If news hadn’t covered the event, no one would know about it. That’s how all things go.
- I haven’t twisted anything. I’ve directly responded to your claims that this wasn’t covered. When I showed you that it was and still is being covered, you didn’t like that. Not my fault.
Finally. Thank you. You can break down and admit it. That was my point. I don’t watch one news station. I just gave you a point for point on the counterfeit issue word for word on cnn. I can’t watch them all at once. I see you are right. There are a lot of articles out there. My original point was to say this will not be covered the same or valued equally. Which is a direct contradiction of the movement. First chance i got to post here about dorn’s death I did. After I saw it reported for the first time. The same way I came here and said what happened to Floyd was ridiculous and those officers should be in prison. Same outrage from me. It will not be the same outrage throughout this country. Even though it should be. Why don’t we just leave it at that. (Tv moved the needle more and you know that).
Finally. Thank you. You can break down and admit it. That was my point. I don’t watch one news station. I just gave you a point for point on the counterfeit issue word for word on cnn. I can’t watch them all at once. I see you are right. There are a lot of articles out there. My original point was to say this will not be covered the same or valued equally. Which is a direct contradiction of the movement. First chance if got to post here about dorn’s death I did. After I saw it reported for the first time. The same way I came here and said what happened to Floyd was ridiculous and those officers should be in prison. Same outrage from me. It will not be the same outrage throughout this country. Even though it should be. Why don’t we just leave it at that.
-I can break down and admit what? I never once said that it was 1:1 coverage. Lolol. Please show me where I said that. And don’t gloss over this. Show me where I said or even came close to saying that.
-Your point was NOT that it would not be covered equally. You literally said that no one was covering it. I gave you many outlets that are. Then you literally said that it started today. And I showed you that it did not. NOW you’re trying to say that your only point was that it’s not 1:1 after I showed you that your other proclamations were untrue.
-As far as the point for point counterfeit thing, I never said it WASNT counterfeit. I said it is alleged. Which, it absolutely is.
-I can break down and admit what? I never once said that it was 1:1 coverage. Lolol. Please show me where I said that. And don’t gloss over this. Show me where I said or even came close to saying that.
-Your point was NOT that it would not be covered equally. You literally said that no one was covering it. I gave you many outlets that are. Then you literally said that it started today. And I showed you that it did not. NOW you’re trying to say that your only point was that it’s not 1:1 after I showed you that your other proclamations were untrue.
Deer lowered. Never mind. It is like talking to a tree. At least they just increased the charges on the cop. Maybe this will slow the country’s destruction some. We can agree on that.
Deer lowered. Never mind. It is like talking to a tree. At least they just increased the charges on the cop. Maybe this will slow the country’s destruction some. We can agree on that.
lol. Like taking to a tree? I’m literally responding to the exact words you say. And when I ask you to directly respond to something and not gloss over it, you completely ignore it.
- Hopefully our country can heal. And hopefully people can see that the rioters and looters are not the same as the peaceful protestors.
i do not agree at all with rioters or looters. At all. However, for the peaceful protestors, this is about more than just one police officer.
And it’s strange that his words say he supports peaceful protest, yet he his actions show differently, such as the peaceful protestors that were gassed and forcibly moved in the middle of their protest. Anyone can say words. What are his actions showing? THAT’S what needs to be seen.

As to your curfew point: curfew cannot be enforced until the time curfew is set. You can’t force people to leave or arrest them for breaking curfew before curfew is to go into effect. If they are still out once 7pm hits, then make arrests. Before 7pm, they cannot do that in the name of curfew. Period.

On the tear gas used to clear "peaceful" protests, the chief of Park Police, Gregory Monahan, made a statement as follows:

1. Protestors started throwing items at the cops.
2. They had intelligence that revealed calls for violence against police officers.

3. they warned protestors 3 times to move back.

4. The police used smoke canisters and pepper balls. No tear gas.

If all this was happening at the time, he would have been justified to use tear gas. So I don't think he would have been reprimanded if he did. So he has no reason to lie. Also, why hasn't anyone in the MSM come out and called him a liar? So I will go with his account.
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On the tear gas used to clear "peaceful" protests, the chief of Park Police, Gregory Monahan, made a statement as follows:

1. Protestors started throwing items at the cops.
2. They had intelligence that revealed calls for violence against police officers.

3. they warned protestors 3 times to move back.

4. The police used smoke canisters and pepper balls. No tear gas.

If all this was happening at the time, he would have been justified to use tear gas. So I don't think he would have been in reprimanded if he did but he says they didn't. Also, why hasn't anyone in the MSM come out and called him a liar. So I will go with his account.
I’m aware of what he said. There were also protestors who were there, as well as media members who were there, that confirmed it was tear gas.
He may not have been reprimanded by his team or superior, but if they admitted to it, the uproar would be even greater by the public. It’s like a kid that eats a cookie and has chocolate on his face, and people saw him eat the cookie, but of course he says he didn’t eat it. Many main stream media outlets (as well as others) have remained on the fact that tear gas was used. You can say all day that he didn’t because he said he didn’t. And I will remain in the belief that it was used, as many people who experienced it has said tear gas was used.
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I’m aware of what he said. There were also protestors who were there, as well as media members who were there, that confirmed it was tear gas.
He may not have been reprimanded by his team or superior, but if they admitted to it, the uproar would be even greater by the public. It’s like a kid that eats a cookie and has chocolate on his face, and people saw him eat the cookie, but of course he says he didn’t eat it. Many main stream media outlets (as well as others) have remained on the fact that tear gas was used. You can say all day that he didn’t because he said he didn’t. And I will remain in the belief that it was used, as many people who experienced it has said tear gas was used.

I think the police chief would better know what was used. The effects of tear gas and pepper balls are similar in that they both irritate the eyes. So the media and others are not experts & easily could have believed it was tear gas. So it is more a matter of semantics.

The big difference is the media can use terms like " the peaceful demonstrators were gassed" like the OP did which sounds sinister and far more heavy handed than pepper balls.
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I think the police chief would better know what was used. The effects of tear gas and pepper balls are similar in that they both irritate the eyes. So the media and others are not experts & easily could have believed it was tear gas. So it is more a matter of semantics.

The big difference is the media can use terms like " the peaceful demonstrators were gassed" like the OP did which sounds sinister and far more heavy handed than pepper balls.
Oh the police chief absolutely knows. The question is if he is being truthful. And according to those who experienced it, he is not. And yes, there is a difference between pepper balls and tear gas. Many maintain that it was tear gas while recognizing the differences. We aren’t going to agree on this. I believe the people that were there and experienced it.
Oh the police chief absolutely knows. The question is if he is being truthful. And according to those who experienced it, he is not. And yes, there is a difference between pepper balls and tear gas. Many maintain that it was tear gas while recognizing the differences. We aren’t going to agree on this. I believe the people that were there and experienced it.

I haven't seen where anyone in the media has accused the police chief of lying except you.
Both pepper balls and tear gas cause the eyes to be irritated. You say there are differences in their effect on humans so what are they?
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I haven't seen where anyone in the media has accused the police chief of lying except you.
Both pepper balls and tear gas cause the eyes to be irritated. You say there are differences in their effect on humans so what are they?
The media, in their reports, continue to say “tear gas.”
I, personally, have not felt the effects of either, thankfully. From what I’ve always read and understand, tear gas is more extreme. While they both burn the nose and eyes, tear gas also comes with nausea, more trouble breathing, and choking.
Let me know what I left out.
The media, in their reports, continue to say “tear gas.”
I, personally, have not felt the effects of either, thankfully. From what I’ve always read and understand, tear gas is more extreme. While they both burn the nose and eyes, tear gas also comes with nausea, more trouble breathing, and choking.
Let me know what I left out.

The pepper balls can be just as bad as tear gas depending on the concentration of the active. ingredient.
I think this boils down to who u believe. The media wants everything to reflect negatively on trump. That has been their objective since he was inaugurated

The media, in their reports, continue to say “tear gas.”
I, personally, have not felt the effects of either, thankfully. From what I’ve always read and understand, tear gas is more extreme. While they both burn the nose and eyes, tear gas also comes with nausea, more trouble breathing, and choking.
Let me know what I left out.

The media, in their reports, continue to say “tear gas.”
I, personally, have not felt the effects of either, thankfully. From what I’ve always read and understand, tear gas is more extreme. While they both burn the nose and eyes, tear gas also comes with nausea, more trouble breathing, and choking.
Let me know what I left out.

Pepper balls can be very extreme as well depending on the concentration of the active ingredient.
This is all about who you believe. The media wants everything to reflect badly on DT. So my first response is to investigate first before I believe anything they say. I don't see anything here that convinces me otherwise.
The pepper balls can be just as bad as tear gas depending on the concentration of the active. ingredient.
I think this boils down to who u believe. The media wants everything to reflect negatively on trump. That has been their objective since he was inaugurated

Pepper balls can be very extreme as well depending on the concentration of the active ingredient.
This is all about who you believe. The media wants everything to reflect badly on DT. So my first response is to investigate first before I believe anything they say. I don't see anything here that convinces me otherwise.
Well of course that depends on the concentration. As I said earlier, we just disagree. We won’t change each other’s minds. I, personally, believe the people who were there and continue to say it was tear gas. You can believe the police’s statement. That’s fine.
Well of course that depends on the concentration. As I said earlier, we just disagree. We won’t change each other’s minds. I, personally, believe the people who were there and continue to say it was tear gas. You can believe the police’s statement. That’s fine.

Well thank you very much for giving him permission on what he can think. I’m so glad you graced us with your extreme intelligence and unbiased post. I guess we are no longer able to believe police officers, based on your insightful post.
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Well thank you very much for giving him permission on what he can think. I’m so glad you graced us with your extreme intelligence and unbiased post. I guess we are no longer able to believe police officers, based on your insightful post.
You’re welcome.
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Kayleigh sets Acosta straight. The jerk shut up.

During Wednesday’s White House press briefing, McEnany exchanged terse words with CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta, saying there had been a lot of “misreporting” about tense standoffs with police in front of the White House.

“No tear gas was used, and no rubber bullets were used,” McEnany said before Acosta interjected that “chemical agents were used” against protesters. “Again, no tear gas was used, no rubber bullets were used.”

“It is uncalled for to throw bricks at officers, uncalled for to throw frozen water bottles at officers, and they also had received intelligence that there were calls for violence against police officers and they found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats, and metal poles hidden along the streets,” McEnany said. “When an officer is at risk, they have a right to defend themselves.
Why do dem reporters have to be so obnoxious?
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On the tear gas used to clear "peaceful" protests, the chief of Park Police, Gregory Monahan, made a statement as follows:

1. Protestors started throwing items at the cops.
2. They had intelligence that revealed calls for violence against police officers.

3. they warned protestors 3 times to move back.

4. The police used smoke canisters and pepper balls. No tear gas.

If all this was happening at the time, he would have been justified to use tear gas. So I don't think he would have been reprimanded if he did. So he has no reason to lie. Also, why hasn't anyone in the MSM come out and called him a liar? So I will go with his account.
They just moved the goal posts and called the pepper balls chemicals yesterday. One of their people will probably figure out to just lump it all together and call it "chemical warfare" and get those talking points disseminated.
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They just moved the goal posts and called the pepper balls chemicals yesterday. One of their people will probably figure out to just lump it all together and call it "chemical warfare" and get those talking points disseminated.

Water is a chemical so spraying water on the little snow flakes is a chemical attack. Ha
It was a bad photo op, there is a picture of Trump staring at the Bible with a look of what the heck is this book about.

Reminded me of when Dukakis was driving the tank, good original idea, execution was somewhat lacking.


No comparison at all. Trump has been regularly meeting with religious leaders including black leaders. He just did an executive order to make churches essential institutions. He just wanted to show those religious leaders he was with them and would not turn his back on them.

No comparison at all. Trump has been regularly meeting with religious leaders including black leaders. He just did an executive order to make churches essential institutions. He just wanted to show those religious leaders he was with them and would not turn his back on them.
And what better way to show it then to gas a bunch of peaceful (at the time) protestors.
And what better way to show it then to gas a bunch of peaceful (at the time) protestors.
You dimturds are dispicable. Tell me, what do the innocent BABIES, that are just laying around all peaceful like think when the doc sticks a needle in their brain and then sucks them out with a vacuum? Are you incensed by that??? I bet you hypocrite level will go even further to the left if Trump came out and said lets have an abortion party and gave away free ones for a yr. You, your parties ideals, and your fellow chat libs are disgusting hypocrites. I hope you house is looted by the peaceful protesters you love and defend. From what I see 4 or 3 may be peaceful then by comparison, there are a ton of the lunatics' like you out there breaking the law.
ahhhhh to stupid to know. I understand, stupid. Either that are a liar. NO tear gas was used. stupid.
Lol. You can call me anything you want. Not going to bother me. But, I choose to believe the tons and tons of accounts of media and American citizens that were in attendance and experienced and confirmed the use of tear gas.
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