So the DNC colluded with Ukraine to dig up dirt on Trump

And when this doesn't work, they will go to their next ploy.
Collusion, obstruction, taxes, emoluments clause, 25th amendment, racism, are a few that the Dems have tried. I’m sure I missed some. Of course they’ll have another brilliant idea after this one blows up. They simply need a narrative. The Dems in control realize that no one currently running in their primary can beat President Trump. You really can’t blame them. It’s sad, but their only option.
The tax returns will come out. I imagine they already have them but want them for an October surprise. They will be able to harp on something that the average 'Merican will fall for. I suspect it will be either foreign source income or some erroneously computed tax rate. Between impeachment and that, they plan to launch:

DEMS: Someone on yer staff stole the Pope's hat. We are strip searching everyone you know in a closed hearing.

POTUS: The hell you say! No way, never!

DEMS: Obstruction of justice!

The dems are going to win this war. Their strategy is to get the OCDs out there so tired of 24/7 Orange Man Bad that they will vote dem just to change the narrative. They have to get POTUS out to successfully cover up the treasonous and/or seditious acts of multiple figures. Why else would the media be so desperate, blatant and biased in their coverage?

Don't forget that for every one of us, there is at least one American that believes the media is honest and balanced. They are typically younger than us. Unless we plan to reverse the aging process or engage in generational genocide, the Republic will slip away. It is statistically logical and Biblical to reach this conclusion. The time to fight was before many of us were born, and that time has passed.

Believing any differently is analagous to believing Donnan is holding back the offense for the Tennessee game or Richt needs one more year. When geese reproduce faster than ducks, geese own the pond.
The tax returns will come out. I imagine they already have them but want them for an October surprise. They will be able to harp on something that the average 'Merican will fall for. I suspect it will be either foreign source income or some erroneously computed tax rate. Between impeachment and that, they plan to launch:

DEMS: Someone on yer staff stole the Pope's hat. We are strip searching everyone you know in a closed hearing.

POTUS: The hell you say! No way, never!

DEMS: Obstruction of justice!

The dems are going to win this war. Their strategy is to get the OCDs out there so tired of 24/7 Orange Man Bad that they will vote dem just to change the narrative. They have to get POTUS out to successfully cover up the treasonous and/or seditious acts of multiple figures. Why else would the media be so desperate, blatant and biased in their coverage?

Don't forget that for every one of us, there is at least one American that believes the media is honest and balanced. They are typically younger than us. Unless we plan to reverse the aging process or engage in generational genocide, the Republic will slip away. It is statistically logical and Biblical to reach this conclusion. The time to fight was before many of us were born, and that time has passed.

Believing any differently is analagous to believing Donnan is holding back the offense for the Tennessee game or Richt needs one more year. When geese reproduce faster than ducks, geese own the pond.
Agree with all. Just hoping there’s a couple more battles before the Dems win the war.
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