So, to follow science


B2B Caffeinated Nat’l Champion
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2009
When we conceive human life, the sex if the child is determined. The egg carries the X chromosome. If the sperm delivers an X chromosome, a female is created and estrogen is produced and female genitalia is developed.In males, the hormone Testosterone is produced when the Y chromosome that was delivered by the sperm signals the start of its production. So the sperm dictates the sex of a human.

There are over 70 genes that are part of the chromosomes that determine the babies sex.
Throughout pregnancy, exposure to hormones decided by your baby’s genes affect a baby’s anatomy, physiology and even behavior.

At about eleven weeks, a female baby will produce about 7 million eggs.

At 16 weeks, a male baby has as much testosterone as an adult.

The testosterone helps signal the body to create male genitalia, larger denser bones and psychological characteristics.

Just wanted to pass on some science. Conception and the human reproductive process is naturally occurring.

Now, my opinion.

Just wanted to lay out some truth. We can pretend, but there is an order in science and the sanctity of life.

As we cheapen the complexity of creation, we cheapen its value. And we see it now in our cities across our country.
When we conceive human life, the sex if the child is determined. The egg carries the X chromosome. If the sperm delivers an X chromosome, a female is created and estrogen is produced and female genitalia is developed.In males, the hormone Testosterone is produced when the Y chromosome that was delivered by the sperm signals the start of its production. So the sperm dictates the sex of a human.

There are over 70 genes that are part of the chromosomes that determine the babies sex.
Throughout pregnancy, exposure to hormones decided by your baby’s genes affect a baby’s anatomy, physiology and even behavior.

At about eleven weeks, a female baby will produce about 7 million eggs.

At 16 weeks, a male baby has as much testosterone as an adult.

The testosterone helps signal the body to create male genitalia, larger denser bones and psychological characteristics.

Just wanted to pass on some science. Conception and the human reproductive process is naturally occurring.

Now, my opinion.

Just wanted to lay out some truth. We can pretend, but there is an order in science and the sanctity of life.

As we cheapen the complexity of creation, we cheapen its value. And we see it now in our cities across our country.
Libs only use the follow-the-science dictum if it can reinforce some perversion like mutilating children. They conveniently ignore taking the science one step deeper brings you irrefutably to only two genders. Strange quacks, these liberals.

They cite studies claiming how well-adjusted little boys become once adult liberals remove their offending genitals. But they ignore the gender science you outlined because it doesn’t fit the cuteness of multiple genders.
When we conceive human life, the sex if the child is determined. The egg carries the X chromosome. If the sperm delivers an X chromosome, a female is created and estrogen is produced and female genitalia is developed.In males, the hormone Testosterone is produced when the Y chromosome that was delivered by the sperm signals the start of its production. So the sperm dictates the sex of a human.

There are over 70 genes that are part of the chromosomes that determine the babies sex.
Throughout pregnancy, exposure to hormones decided by your baby’s genes affect a baby’s anatomy, physiology and even behavior.

At about eleven weeks, a female baby will produce about 7 million eggs.

At 16 weeks, a male baby has as much testosterone as an adult.

The testosterone helps signal the body to create male genitalia, larger denser bones and psychological characteristics.

Just wanted to pass on some science. Conception and the human reproductive process is naturally occurring.

Now, my opinion.

Just wanted to lay out some truth. We can pretend, but there is an order in science and the sanctity of life.

As we cheapen the complexity of creation, we cheapen its value. And we see it now in our cities across our country.
Ah yes, PW. You make it sound so simple, like there’s not a million combination of genes that have to fire just right to make that happen. Let’s talk about the SRY gene, for example:

Ah yes, PW. You make it sound so simple, like there’s not a million combination of genes that have to fire just right to make that happen. Let’s talk about the SRY gene, for example:

The SRY gene encodes for a protein in the high mobility group that binds to DNA in the nucleus and it regulates the transcription of other genes necessary for testis determination by acting as a repressor or activator of this process.

This intronless gene encodes a transcription factor that is a member of the high mobility group (HMG)-box family of DNA-binding proteins. This protein is the testis-determining factor (TDF), which initiates male sex determination. Mutations in this gene give rise to XY females with gonadal dysgenesis (Swyer syndrome); translocation of part of the Y chromosome containing this gene to the X chromosome causes XX male syndrome.

SRY is part of the group of 70 genes that chromosomally determine the sex of the child.

I chose a U.S. gov site rather than Wikipedia. Call me a stickler for facts, as just the factual science of SRY and its part in allowing testis formation.

An XY female is about 1 in a million as is an XX male.

This syndrome does not support gender reconstruction surgeries by choice for young children. An XY female normally has a penis and this condition is called hermaphroditism.

The XY female and the XX male are mutated generic abnormalities.

So the complexities involved in the conception of life is something with should hold in honor. Gods creation is something man will chase and attempt to explain. Since creation, man has attempted to be God.

We have determined that we are God. We’re not.
Women suffering with endometriosis can't get a hysterectomy until their 30"s, sometimes late 30's, because they might want to have children. Endometriosis can cause excessive bleeding, chronic pain, infertility and irreversible organ damage.

A 28 year old woman can't get tubal ligation because she "might" change her mind. But we're A Okay Okie Dokie with permanently sterilizing a child because they become confused or dysphoric.

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When we conceive human life, the sex if the child is determined. The egg carries the X chromosome. If the sperm delivers an X chromosome, a female is created and estrogen is produced and female genitalia is developed.In males, the hormone Testosterone is produced when the Y chromosome that was delivered by the sperm signals the start of its production. So the sperm dictates the sex of a human.

There are over 70 genes that are part of the chromosomes that determine the babies sex.
Throughout pregnancy, exposure to hormones decided by your baby’s genes affect a baby’s anatomy, physiology and even behavior.

At about eleven weeks, a female baby will produce about 7 million eggs.

At 16 weeks, a male baby has as much testosterone as an adult.

The testosterone helps signal the body to create male genitalia, larger denser bones and psychological characteristics.

Just wanted to pass on some science. Conception and the human reproductive process is naturally occurring.

Now, my opinion.

Just wanted to lay out some truth. We can pretend, but there is an order in science and the sanctity of life.

As we cheapen the complexity of creation, we cheapen its value. And we see it now in our cities across our country.
Actually, it’s not in any way that simple.
I’ll continue to follow the science.

Feedback on this paper is welcome. I look forward to the discussion.

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Actually, it’s not in any way that simple.
I’ll continue to follow the science.

Feedback on this paper is welcome. I look forward to the discussion.

What does any of that have to do with mutilating children based on social constructs?

There's a big difference between sexual ambiguity from low probability genetic outcomes and deciding to destroy more clearly defined biological sexual features to be something else.

What medical diagnosis is provided as a gate to qualifying for "gender affirming" care that seeks to disrupt biologically valid development?

Also, what does your link have to do with a male swimmer deciding to identify as female and keep his male anatomy all while winning championships in a female sport?
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What does any of that have to do with mutilating children based on social constructs?

There's a big difference between sexual ambiguity from low probability genetic outcomes and deciding to destroy more clearly defined biological sexual features to be something else.

What medical diagnosis is provided as a gate to qualifying for "gender affirming" care that seeks to disrupt biologically valid development?

Also, what does your link have to do with a male swimmer deciding to identify as female and keep his male anatomy all while winning championships in a female sport?
The point is that the science of gender has expanded massively over the last thirty years and our understanding continues to grow.

At the risk of repeating myself, it’s why every relevant medical association supports the option of gender affirming care for minors.

It’s why Arkansas lost and lost badly in their defense of their gender care ban for minors and the law is now permanently enjoined. They have no scientific argument to make to defend the ban.

So, if you support the elimination of the option for minors, their parents and their doctors to seek gender care, you are anti-science. Which is fine, people can think whatever they want and they can make their choices accordingly. But expect more losses in court when one side has near scientific consensus on their side and the other doesn’t.
The point is that the science of gender has expanded massively over the last thirty years and our understanding continues to grow.

At the risk of repeating myself, it’s why every relevant medical association supports the option of gender affirming care for minors.

It’s why Arkansas lost and lost badly in their defense of their gender care ban for minors and the law is now permanently enjoined. They have no scientific argument to make to defend the ban.

So, if you support the elimination of the option for minors, their parents and their doctors to seek gender care, you are anti-science. Which is fine, people can think whatever they want and they can make their choices accordingly. But expect more losses in court when one side has near scientific consensus on their side and the other doesn’t.
You started off wrong by saying "the science of gender". The article you linked is talking about sex, not gender.

You can continue to label your opposition to shape your own view of success all you want, but calling someone anti-science isn't a good look.
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You started off wrong by saying "the science of gender". The article you linked is talking about sex, not gender.

You can continue to label your opposition to shape your own view of success all you want, but calling someone anti-science isn't a good look.
The thing is, science doesn’t care what any individual thinks or believes. The scientific method is a process/data/results driven approach that is designed to, as much as possible, remove human bias and emotions from outcomes and findings. It’s not perfect, but it’s actually quite effective.

The Arkansas law was clearly faith and not science driven, which was made very obvious in this week’s ruling.

Does that not mean that the law was anti-science and that if you support the law that you are also anti-science?
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The thing is, science doesn’t care what any individual thinks or believes. The scientific method is a process/data/results driven approach that is designed to, as much as possible, remove human bias and emotions from outcomes and findings. It’s not perfect, but it’s actually quite effective.

The Arkansas law was clearly faith and not science driven, which was made very obvious in this week’s ruling.

Does that not mean that the law was anti-science and that if you support the law that you are also anti-science?
Well, lets look at one of the leading independent, peer reviewed medical journals in this field and see what they say?

I think most people agree and have no problem with the idea of a very small part of the population that has a disorder that makes them confused about their gender or sex. Most of those, confirmed by science, will grow out of it. What most people disagree with is making life changing medical decisions base don how a 12 year old kid "feels". They will be just fine waiting until they are adults before making these drastic changes. There is no logical reason to make those decisions at such a young age while their bodies and brains are still developing.

Throw in the fact, that some of these kids AND some of their parents are drawn to this issues for popularity reasons. Kids thinks they will become "special" or will become more accepted by others if they make these irreversible changes. More gruesome than that, is that some parents encourage their kids in this direction because of how they think it will make THEM more popular with their friend group. Mostly occuring to the middle aged suburban women who don't fall into any protected class...this gets them immediate entry and that is what they want. Then they have a reason to be aggrieved...about everything...all the time.
Well, lets look at one of the leading independent, peer reviewed medical journals in this field and see what they say?

I think most people agree and have no problem with the idea of a very small part of the population that has a disorder that makes them confused about their gender or sex. Most of those, confirmed by science, will grow out of it. What most people disagree with is making life changing medical decisions base don how a 12 year old kid "feels". They will be just fine waiting until they are adults before making these drastic changes. There is no logical reason to make those decisions at such a young age while their bodies and brains are still developing.

Throw in the fact, that some of these kids AND some of their parents are drawn to this issues for popularity reasons. Kids thinks they will become "special" or will become more accepted by others if they make these irreversible changes. More gruesome than that, is that some parents encourage their kids in this direction because of how they think it will make THEM more popular with their friend group. Mostly occuring to the middle aged suburban women who don't fall into any protected class...this gets them immediate entry and that is what they want. Then they have a reason to be aggrieved...about everything...all the time.
I agree with the risks you outlined. So as is true in so much of child rearing, the role of the parents is critical.

I support regulating any physically altering therapy for minors, and for adults as well. But I don’t support a blanket ban when there is significant medical consensus that it can be the right approach under certain circumstances.
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The thing is, science doesn’t care what any individual thinks or believes. The scientific method is a process/data/results driven approach that is designed to, as much as possible, remove human bias and emotions from outcomes and findings. It’s not perfect, but it’s actually quite effective.

The Arkansas law was clearly faith and not science driven, which was made very obvious in this week’s ruling.

Does that not mean that the law was anti-science and that if you support the law that you are also anti-science?
You are babbling now.

You are babbling now.

I guess the federal judge who struck down the Arkansas law this week was babbling as well…

In his 80-page ruling, Judge James M. Moody Jr. of Federal District Court in Little Rock said the law both discriminated against transgender people and violated the constitutional rights of doctors. He also said that the state of Arkansas had failed to substantially prove a number of its claims, including that the care was experimental or carelessly prescribed to teenagers.

“Rather than protecting children or safeguarding medical ethics, the evidence showed that the prohibited medical care improves the mental health and well-being of patients and that by prohibiting it, the state undermined the interests it claims to be advancing,”

“Further,” he wrote, “the various claims underlying the state’s arguments that the act protects children and safeguards medical ethics do not explain why only gender-affirming medical care — and all gender-affirming medical care — is singled out for prohibition.”

The challenge to the law, which was brought by the American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas and named several transgender children and a doctor as plaintiffs, argued that the ban violated transgender people’s constitutional rights to equal protection, parents’ rights to make appropriate medical decisions for their children and doctors’ rights to refer patients for medical treatments.
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The thing is, science doesn’t care what any individual thinks or believes. The scientific method is a process/data/results driven approach that is designed to, as much as possible, remove human bias and emotions from outcomes and findings. It’s not perfect, but it’s actually quite effective.

The Arkansas law was clearly faith and not science driven, which was made very obvious in this week’s ruling.

Does that not mean that the law was anti-science and that if you support the law that you are also anti-science?
Science can be anythingthat some radical scientists come up with. I go with God on this sex thing he created me and my family so I don’t care some radical thinks.
The point is that the science of gender has expanded massively over the last thirty years and our understanding continues to grow.

At the risk of repeating myself, it’s why every relevant medical association supports the option of gender affirming care for minors.

It’s why Arkansas lost and lost badly in their defense of their gender care ban for minors and the law is now permanently enjoined. They have no scientific argument to make to defend the ban.

So, if you support the elimination of the option for minors, their parents and their doctors to seek gender care, you are anti-science. Which is fine, people can think whatever they want and they can make their choices accordingly. But expect more losses in court when one side has near scientific consensus on their side and the other doesn’t.
Will, taking your point, elective surgery isn’t healthcare. And it isn’t science except for the act of surgery itself.

Taking legal rights from parents and giving those rights to a stranger to the family isn’t healthcare or science, it’s irresponsibility.

The “elimination” term is used quite often. The right never existed until recently with this pseudo-science push into gender fluidity coined by a strange man/Dr named John Money.

A long, but telling cut and paste. In my point of view, my opinion, the whole idea from promoting gender dysphoria as normal, and removal of parents rights as normal is a spiritual demonic battle. We have taken God’s creation, His Word, and bastardized it. The sin of man, which allowed diseases and afflictions to affect mankind, has now convinced us that these genetic mutations are somehow to be supported and not treated.

What this man did in his studies with children was reminiscent of a Dr Frankenstein movie from the 1940’s.
Dr. John Money, a sexologist and psychologist from New Zealand who practiced at Johns Hopkins, is considered the first to coin the terms “gender identity” and “gender role,” describing the “internal experience of sexuality” and the “social expectations of male and female behavior” respectively. These concepts are prominently featured in trans activism today, and are used to bolster claims of “gender fluidity.”

But Money’s history is a dark and controversial one, the details of which are often neglected when discussing his contribution to the popularization of “gender vs. sex” discourses.

Like many sexologists, Money believed pedophilia was a harmless sexuality which, when practiced “properly,” led to the child suffering no harm. In fact, Money’s theories on pedophilia were so sympathetic that, to this day, his work is prominently featured on the website of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)– one of the longest-established pederast rights groups.
In the 1990s, Money allowed himself to be featured in interviews with Paidika, a pedophile psychology journal named after the Greek adjective for “boyish,” and has been used by pedophile rights activists to refer to the younger partner in a pederastic relationship.

In a 1991 interview for the journal, Money is quoted as saying:

“If I were to see the case of a boy aged ten or eleven who’s intensely erotically attracted toward a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual, then I would not call it pathological in any way.”

Money also noted that he “never” reported any pedophiles to police, even those who were actively abusing children due to his belief that adult-child sex was normal and “often beneficial.”

But Money’s views on pedophilia hardly touch the darkest and most depraved facets of his history, those being reserved for the case of David (born Bruce) Reimer.

Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in 1965, Reimer was the victim of a botched medical circumcision when he was 6 months old. The procedure sought to address a urination problem Reimer was experiencing, but instead left his penis mutilated beyond repair.

Reimer’s parents took him to Baltimore to see Money in 1967, concerned about his future sexual and romantic prospects. At the time, Money was known for his research with intersex people, and was considered a pioneer of gender reassignment. Money recommended Reimer be subjected to a genital reconstruction to create a vulva, and suggested to his parents that raising him as a girl would be in his best interests. He was convinced that “gender” could be socially learned, and Reimer provided an ideal subject through which to test his theories due to having a twin brother, Brian, that could be used as a male control.

Throughout his early childhood, Reimer was never told he was born a male, and he was subjected to hormone therapy early on in order to lead him through a female puberty. Reimer was regularly seen by Money, who tracked his progress in an effort to demonstrate his theory that gender was malleable.

During check-ups, Money would subject the twin boys to disturbing experiments. They were forced to replicate sexual intercourse with each other, touch and inspect each other’s genitals, and watch pornography. Money would show the twins photos from smut magazines and “explicit” sexual photos of kids. He would then prod them about their sexual arousal, and question their attractions. The children were also expected to comply in front of audiences of as many as 6 other adults, and some reports state Money also took photos and videos of the children engaged in rehearsed sexual activity. At the time, both of the twins were just 6 years old.

Later testimony from one of the twins stated that Money had “two sides” to his personality — one when their parents were around, and one when they were alone. When alone with the children, Money was abusive and got irate with them for refusing to perform for him. In a later statement, they both recall fearing he would “whup” them if they did not do as he asked and strip their clothes.

As David Reimer aged, he became increasingly resistant to seeing Money, and begged his parents not to force him to go to Baltimore for check-ups. Despite feminizing hormones and surgery, Reimer identified as a male and refused to believe he was a girl though he had never been told he was born a boy — a catastrophic rebuttal of Money’s theories on gender.

By the age of 14, Reimer was experiencing suicidal ideations and refused any further contact with Money. He demanded the truth from his parents, which they eventually told him in 1980.

Despite that, Money proceeded to declare his experiments a success, and his “findings” were used in later studies to justify genital surgeries imposed on some intersex children with ambiguous genitalia.

Both Reimer and his brother would take their own lives, with Brian committing suicide via drug overdose in 2002 after a life-long battle with schizophrenia, and David shooting himself in the head in 2004 at the age of 38. Their parents stated that they attributed their son’s deaths to the trauma imparted upon them from Money’s methods.

Despite the disturbing origins, Money’s legacy lives on in the concept of “gender” as a unique and quantifiable element apart from sex. It also lives on in the existence of gender identity clinics, the first of which was established by Money at Johns Hopkins in 1965.

While proponents of trans ideology sometimes misappropriate Money’s abusive experiments on Reimer as “proof” that a person cannot be forced to live as a “gender” they are not — they gloss over the critical reality that Reimer’s experience demonstrates a person cannot be something they are not, full stop.

No amount of female hormones, clothes, surgery, or sexualization made David Reimer act or think any differently than his very male self promulgated. Even a synthetic, half-cocked feminized puberty did not change David Reimer. Reimer was introduced to the bells and whistles of another “gender identity” from the earliest moments of his life as an infant and was stilla male — a total refutation of gender activist demands that “trans kids” be provided chemical interventions as early as possible for more “successful” transition outcomes.

In fact, the results of a 30 year-long study conducted in Sweden also confirm this fact. Performed by six distinguished researchers from the Karolinska Institute, the study found that “transwomen” demonstrated male patterns of criminal behaviour which persisted even after a full medical and surgical transition. It also found that surgical gender interventions did not make any difference in the suicide rates of transgender patients.

These results have largely been disregarded by trans activists, who continue to insist that a man who injects himself with estrogen and wears dresses is no longer a man, and does not “think” or “act” like a man. It is here — in the face of a total lack of evidence — where trans activism then takes on its religious qualities, and begins deferring to magical gendered brains and souls, the solution to which seems to be a therapist and an exorcist, respectively.

John Money was a pervert. He was a child abuser. He was a pedophile sympathizer, if not a pedophile himself. And if a movement finds its origins in a man like John Money, it is time for that movement to do some (gendered) soul searching.
Libs only use the follow-the-science dictum if it can reinforce some perversion like mutilating children. They conveniently ignore taking the science one step deeper brings you irrefutably to only two genders. Strange quacks, these liberals.

They cite studies claiming how well-adjusted little boys become once adult liberals remove their offending genitals. But they ignore the gender science you outlined because it doesn’t fit the cuteness of multiple genders.

They don’t follow any science. They have censored legitimate scientific journals, bribed hospitals and medical professionals, shamed huge masses of the population for not accepting their pseudo-science. They have tried to recreate reality to support their evil and selfish narratives.

They have murdered for profit. There is no greater evil.
Will, taking your point, elective surgery isn’t healthcare. And it isn’t science except for the act of surgery itself.

Taking legal rights from parents and giving those rights to a stranger to the family isn’t healthcare or science, it’s irresponsibility.

The “elimination” term is used quite often. The right never existed until recently with this pseudo-science push into gender fluidity coined by a strange man/Dr named John Money.

A long, but telling cut and paste. In my point of view, my opinion, the whole idea from promoting gender dysphoria as normal, and removal of parents rights as normal is a spiritual demonic battle. We have taken God’s creation, His Word, and bastardized it. The sin of man, which allowed diseases and afflictions to affect mankind, has now convinced us that these genetic mutations are somehow to be supported and not treated.

What this man did in his studies with children was reminiscent of a Dr Frankenstein movie from the 1940’s.
Dr. John Money, a sexologist and psychologist from New Zealand who practiced at Johns Hopkins, is considered the first to coin the terms “gender identity” and “gender role,” describing the “internal experience of sexuality” and the “social expectations of male and female behavior” respectively. These concepts are prominently featured in trans activism today, and are used to bolster claims of “gender fluidity.”

But Money’s history is a dark and controversial one, the details of which are often neglected when discussing his contribution to the popularization of “gender vs. sex” discourses.

Like many sexologists, Money believed pedophilia was a harmless sexuality which, when practiced “properly,” led to the child suffering no harm. In fact, Money’s theories on pedophilia were so sympathetic that, to this day, his work is prominently featured on the website of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)– one of the longest-established pederast rights groups.
In the 1990s, Money allowed himself to be featured in interviews with Paidika, a pedophile psychology journal named after the Greek adjective for “boyish,” and has been used by pedophile rights activists to refer to the younger partner in a pederastic relationship.

In a 1991 interview for the journal, Money is quoted as saying:

“If I were to see the case of a boy aged ten or eleven who’s intensely erotically attracted toward a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual, then I would not call it pathological in any way.”

Money also noted that he “never” reported any pedophiles to police, even those who were actively abusing children due to his belief that adult-child sex was normal and “often beneficial.”

But Money’s views on pedophilia hardly touch the darkest and most depraved facets of his history, those being reserved for the case of David (born Bruce) Reimer.

Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in 1965, Reimer was the victim of a botched medical circumcision when he was 6 months old. The procedure sought to address a urination problem Reimer was experiencing, but instead left his penis mutilated beyond repair.

Reimer’s parents took him to Baltimore to see Money in 1967, concerned about his future sexual and romantic prospects. At the time, Money was known for his research with intersex people, and was considered a pioneer of gender reassignment. Money recommended Reimer be subjected to a genital reconstruction to create a vulva, and suggested to his parents that raising him as a girl would be in his best interests. He was convinced that “gender” could be socially learned, and Reimer provided an ideal subject through which to test his theories due to having a twin brother, Brian, that could be used as a male control.

Throughout his early childhood, Reimer was never told he was born a male, and he was subjected to hormone therapy early on in order to lead him through a female puberty. Reimer was regularly seen by Money, who tracked his progress in an effort to demonstrate his theory that gender was malleable.

During check-ups, Money would subject the twin boys to disturbing experiments. They were forced to replicate sexual intercourse with each other, touch and inspect each other’s genitals, and watch pornography. Money would show the twins photos from smut magazines and “explicit” sexual photos of kids. He would then prod them about their sexual arousal, and question their attractions. The children were also expected to comply in front of audiences of as many as 6 other adults, and some reports state Money also took photos and videos of the children engaged in rehearsed sexual activity. At the time, both of the twins were just 6 years old.

Later testimony from one of the twins stated that Money had “two sides” to his personality — one when their parents were around, and one when they were alone. When alone with the children, Money was abusive and got irate with them for refusing to perform for him. In a later statement, they both recall fearing he would “whup” them if they did not do as he asked and strip their clothes.

As David Reimer aged, he became increasingly resistant to seeing Money, and begged his parents not to force him to go to Baltimore for check-ups. Despite feminizing hormones and surgery, Reimer identified as a male and refused to believe he was a girl though he had never been told he was born a boy — a catastrophic rebuttal of Money’s theories on gender.

By the age of 14, Reimer was experiencing suicidal ideations and refused any further contact with Money. He demanded the truth from his parents, which they eventually told him in 1980.

Despite that, Money proceeded to declare his experiments a success, and his “findings” were used in later studies to justify genital surgeries imposed on some intersex children with ambiguous genitalia.

Both Reimer and his brother would take their own lives, with Brian committing suicide via drug overdose in 2002 after a life-long battle with schizophrenia, and David shooting himself in the head in 2004 at the age of 38. Their parents stated that they attributed their son’s deaths to the trauma imparted upon them from Money’s methods.

Despite the disturbing origins, Money’s legacy lives on in the concept of “gender” as a unique and quantifiable element apart from sex. It also lives on in the existence of gender identity clinics, the first of which was established by Money at Johns Hopkins in 1965.

While proponents of trans ideology sometimes misappropriate Money’s abusive experiments on Reimer as “proof” that a person cannot be forced to live as a “gender” they are not — they gloss over the critical reality that Reimer’s experience demonstrates a person cannot be something they are not, full stop.

No amount of female hormones, clothes, surgery, or sexualization made David Reimer act or think any differently than his very male self promulgated. Even a synthetic, half-cocked feminized puberty did not change David Reimer. Reimer was introduced to the bells and whistles of another “gender identity” from the earliest moments of his life as an infant and was stilla male — a total refutation of gender activist demands that “trans kids” be provided chemical interventions as early as possible for more “successful” transition outcomes.

In fact, the results of a 30 year-long study conducted in Sweden also confirm this fact. Performed by six distinguished researchers from the Karolinska Institute, the study found that “transwomen” demonstrated male patterns of criminal behaviour which persisted even after a full medical and surgical transition. It also found that surgical gender interventions did not make any difference in the suicide rates of transgender patients.

These results have largely been disregarded by trans activists, who continue to insist that a man who injects himself with estrogen and wears dresses is no longer a man, and does not “think” or “act” like a man. It is here — in the face of a total lack of evidence — where trans activism then takes on its religious qualities, and begins deferring to magical gendered brains and souls, the solution to which seems to be a therapist and an exorcist, respectively.

John Money was a pervert. He was a child abuser. He was a pedophile sympathizer, if not a pedophile himself. And if a movement finds its origins in a man like John Money, it is time for that movement to do some (gendered) soul searching.
Hans Asperger was a Nazi who supported euthanasia for some children with differences, so I guess that invalidates all of the subsequent research that’s ever been conducted on the topic of autism? That’s not a very defensible position.

This is actually not complicated. No one is forcing you or anyone else to do anything you disagree with. You are free to believe that every relevant medical association is filled with Satanists bent on profit by making an army of trans people. That’s your right. Just don’t prevent others from seeking what is currently a broadly accepted medical treatment.
Hans Asperger was a Nazi who supported euthanasia for some children with differences, so I guess that invalidates all of the subsequent research that’s ever been conducted on the topic of autism? That’s not a very defensible position.

This is actually not complicated. No one is forcing you or anyone else to do anything you disagree with. You are free to believe that every relevant medical association is filled with Satanists bent on profit by making an army of trans people. That’s your right. Just don’t prevent others from seeking what is currently a broadly accepted medical treatment.
Will, Hans Asperger didn’t research and define a dysphoria or disease. He determined, by the power of the central government mandate of racial purity, the remedy to remove impurities was euthanasia. It was wrong, cruel and inhumane, but it was supported by the government. Much like abortion today.

Asperger didn’t define a movement, didn’t influence doctors worldwide to fall in line with governmental mandates and didn’t have Soros like money fueling strange “scientific” theories to meet sexual deviance and desires that contrast with scientific and Biblical norms.

Hitler promoted killing Jews, which only proved to be evil. Much like our government approval of abortion.

Mutilation is evil. Permitting adults to advise children around their legal guardians is evil. Allowing children to make an adult level decisions on a life they can’t possibly understand is evil.

Without the internet, we aren’t even having this discussion. Sexual maturity is no longer allowed to happen naturally, it is sold and promoted.

And Will, it is a direct affront to God and His definition of the sanctity of life, His creation.

And Will, when we harm the least of us. When children are led by adults to make mature decisions when they are incapable, we will answer to it.
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Hans Asperger was a Nazi who supported euthanasia for some children with differences, so I guess that invalidates all of the subsequent research that’s ever been conducted on the topic of autism? That’s not a very defensible position.

This is actually not complicated. No one is forcing you or anyone else to do anything you disagree with. You are free to believe that every relevant medical association is filled with Satanists bent on profit by making an army of trans people. That’s your right. Just don’t prevent others from seeking what is currently a broadly accepted medical treatment.
The main difference here is that Asperger was a bad person who contributed in identifying symptoms of autism. It wasn't the scientific results that were disparaged, but his means of acquiring and disposing of patients/test subjects.

John Money conducted extremely poor "studies" and lied about the outcomes. He didn't just abuse the Reimer twins, but exposed a generation of children to permanent sterilization and a lifetime of drugs, coupled with increased exposure to infections and complications on the basis of falsified results.

For 25 years, the case of John/Joan [David Reimer] was called a medical triumph — proof that a child's gender identity could be changed — and thousands of "sex reassignments" were performed based on this example. - John Colapinto, Rolling Stone, 12/11/97

Link to full article: The True Story of John/Joan
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Will, Hans Asperger didn’t research and define a dysphoria or disease. He determined, by the power of the central government mandate of racial purity, the remedy to remove impurities was euthanasia. It was wrong, cruel and inhumane, but it was supported by the government. Much like abortion today.

Asperger didn’t define a movement, didn’t influence doctors worldwide to fall in line with governmental mandates and didn’t have Soros like money fueling strange “scientific” theories to meet sexual deviance and desires that contrast with scientific and Biblical norms.

Hitler promoted killing Jews, which only proved to be evil. Much like our government approval of abortion.

Mutilation is evil. Permitting adults to advise children around their legal guardians is evil. Allowing children to make an adult level decisions on a life they can’t possibly understand is evil.

Without the internet, we aren’t even having this discussion. Sexual maturity is no longer allowed to happen naturally, it is sold and promoted.

And Will, it is a direct affront to God and His definition of the sanctity of life, His creation.

And Will, when we harm the least of us. When children are led by adults to make mature decisions when they are incapable, we will answer to it.
It seems you can’t truly justify the law without referencing God, which is fine for you, but not for those of us who reject theocratic frameworks as a basis for our legal system.

Again, the state of Arkansas lost and lost badly for a reason.

@lowcountrydawg asked me a few days ago who I could support for 2024. This answer from Christie is one of the first truly sane comments I’ve heard from a Republican on this topic. He may not win but it’s encouraging to hear a voice of reason in the party (including obviously his criticism of Trump).

Regardless, I thank you for maintaining a civil tone while discussing a topic that is highly emotional for many. Cheers.

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It seems you can’t truly justify the law without referencing God, which is fine for you, but not for those of us who reject theocratic frameworks as a basis for our legal system.

Again, the state of Arkansas lost and lost badly for a reason.

@lowcountrydawg asked me a few days ago who I could support for 2024. This answer from Christie is one of the first truly sane comments I’ve heard from a Republican on this topic. He may not win but it’s encouraging to hear a voice of reason in the party (including obviously his criticism of Trump).

Regardless, I thank you for maintaining a civil tone while discussing a topic that is highly emotional for many. Cheers.

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