Is it because:
#1 He is black
#2 He is a narcissistic immature bore
The problem with Cam is that he is the Eddie Haskell of football. He has Johnny Manziel personality traits, but is better coached to hide behind his outwardly likable personality.
He is the poster child for what is wrong with our society in regards to noble and mature behavior. He speaks one way and acts another. We cling to his words and make excuses for the behavior. We say it is refreshing how he boasts and makes it about him, forgetting that if every player did it, we couldn't even get through a single game.
His narcissistic tendencies are pretty obvious. A definition of narcissism is " the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes". The term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.
Narcissist's own vanity cannot handle failure as it places them in a position of embarrassment. Embarrassment creates diminished self worth, but usually blamed on those around them.
I don't like him because of who he is, not what he is. He has fallen in love with himself. He will now play the victim and many will fall over themselves making excuses for him.
Actions are the reflection of a mans character, not words.
#1 He is black
#2 He is a narcissistic immature bore
The problem with Cam is that he is the Eddie Haskell of football. He has Johnny Manziel personality traits, but is better coached to hide behind his outwardly likable personality.
He is the poster child for what is wrong with our society in regards to noble and mature behavior. He speaks one way and acts another. We cling to his words and make excuses for the behavior. We say it is refreshing how he boasts and makes it about him, forgetting that if every player did it, we couldn't even get through a single game.
His narcissistic tendencies are pretty obvious. A definition of narcissism is " the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes". The term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.
Narcissist's own vanity cannot handle failure as it places them in a position of embarrassment. Embarrassment creates diminished self worth, but usually blamed on those around them.
I don't like him because of who he is, not what he is. He has fallen in love with himself. He will now play the victim and many will fall over themselves making excuses for him.
Actions are the reflection of a mans character, not words.