Sounds like the Gun Grabbers are sniffing around. [Link]

The problem here is that HE opened his door and if he shot the guy as he...

was fleeing, he will likely be charged. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, immediately call 911 if possible and sit back until they actually break your door jam, THEN fire away. At that point it is a home invasion and the Castle Doctrine should protect you from prosecution.
They should refuse medical treatment for folks injured during a crime.*

Say when.
That is the issue for sure...

Sure, they were up to no good. and hard to say what you would have done unless you were there. I doubt he's charged with much....unless he followed them way out of his house and continued shooting. BUT if they were shooting back...again, what would you do?
Canecur.. Should play the Jeopardy theme music while they lay...

there and bleed out.