Sri Srinivasan next Supreme Court Justice?

How can the Senate fail to confirm a federal appeals court judge they confirmed 97-0 in 2013? He would be the first Hindu Supreme Court Justice. I love the fact that he took his oath of office on a copy of the Bhagavad Gita.
In the debate tonight Jeb Bush said that the next President should appoint someone with similar conservative views as Scalia. That's rich. I'm sure that Obama or Bernie will appoint a progressive as it should be. The republican party is a train wreck and I like it.
In the debate tonight Jeb Bush said that the next President should appoint someone with similar conservative views as Scalia. That's rich. I'm sure that Obama or Bernie will appoint a progressive as it should be. The republican party is a train wreck and I like it.

Same here. We're seeing Nixon's southern strategy come to its' logical end. All that's left of the Republican party is the One Percenters, old fearful white people, crazy evangelicals, and racists/xenophobes. The election of 2016 will make the elections of 1936 and 1964 seem like nail-biters.
How can the Senate fail to confirm a federal appeals court judge they confirmed 97-0 in 2013? He would be the first Hindu Supreme Court Justice. I love the fact that he took his oath of office on a copy of the Bhagavad Gita.

I think it would be a healthy step to appoint the first non-Judeo- Christian to The SCOTUS. I do have my own issues with any religion that supports a caste system though.
I think it would be a healthy step to appoint the first non-Judeo- Christian to The SCOTUS. I do have my own issues with any religion that supports a caste system though.
You boys dream on. There will be no votes on the next justice until 2017. Liberals won't be a factor for the next 10 years. Anyone with a brain can see where the last 8 years of neo-socialism has gotten us.
You boys dream on. There will be no votes on the next justice until 2017. Liberals won't be a factor for the next 10 years. Anyone with a brain can see where the last 8 years of neo-socialism has gotten us.
Agree with your POST....if we don't defeat the Socialist/Communist Party( Democratic Party ) for the Presidency this year our Country will be doomed for mediocrity!
In the debate tonight Jeb Bush said that the next President should appoint someone with similar conservative views as Scalia. That's rich. I'm sure that Obama or Bernie will appoint a progressive as it should be. The Republican party is a train wreck and I like it.
Bernie Sanders giveaway proposals are farcical for a country that can't afford the entitlements that we already have. But I hope he is nominated. When adults find out that his proposals will endanger Medicare, they will come out in droves. Hil is a compromised candidate,that if not indicted, could be a serious blow to the rule of law and justice in our country. The FBI already has enough to disqualify her as a candidate for the presidency. They also know she has some quid pro quo issues with the Foundation.

Same here. We're seeing Nixon's southern strategy come to its' logical end. All that's left of the Republican party is the One Percenters, old fearful white people, crazy evangelicals, and racists/xenophobes. The election of 2016 will make the elections of 1936 and 1964 seem like nail-biters.
You boys dream on. There will be no votes on the next justice until 2017. Liberals won't be a factor for the next 10 years. Anyone with a brain can see where the last 8 years of neo-socialism has gotten us.
I agree. Anyone with a brain can see that we are much better off despite no help from the republicans.
Bernie Sanders giveaway proposals are farcical for a country that can't afford the entitlements that we already have. But I hope he is nominated. When adults find out that his proposals will endanger Medicare, they will come out in droves...

I'm not a Sanders fan, but honestly there is nothing funnier than right-wingers criticizing "liberal" policies because they might endanger social welfare programs like medicare or social security. Programs that were designed and implemented by liberals over ferocious conservative opposition (and demagoguery). Here's what Ronald Reagan said about Medicare:

“One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine... From [Medicare] it’s a short step to all the rest of socialism, to determining his pay and pretty soon your son won’t decide when he’s in school where he will go or what he will do for a living... Write those letters now [to Congress] and call your friends and them to write … If you don’t do this and I don’t do this, one of these days we are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children, what it once was like in America when men were free.”

It's always been the same with conservatives, anybody who disagrees with them is evil and every policy they don't like is a nefarious plot to destroy the country.
Conservatives are like Chicken Little...they run around crying, "The sky is falling!" any time a progressive law is proposed or passed.
I think it would be a healthy step to appoint the first non-Judeo- Christian to The SCOTUS. I do have my own issues with any religion that supports a caste system though.

Why would it be healthy? Because it takes us further from our founding fathers principles in writing the Constitution? Just curious why it would be healthy.

Healthy because his religion does not historically allow for freedoms in society? I realize Hillary and Bernie think the same way, but really. How is a person who believes in a caste system suppose to comment on the U.S. Constitution? Just curious.

Why would it be healthy? Used to be united we stand, divided we fall. Now we promote division as strength and unity as dangerous.

We seem to be the only country who wants to give itself away.

Funny. Those who move here seem to be offended by our national pride yet fly their own country's flag..... amazing.

So again, why is it healthy?
No your thinking of you Democratic Party who suporters are idots.

Is there anything more ironic than making (at least) 5 grammatical and spelling errors in an 11 word sentence while trying to call someone else an "idot" (whatever that is)?
No, I specifically stated Republicans. If the shoe fits, wear it.
The shoes are all one size fits all with no choices of color or sole selection, you get whatever big brother is offering and like it! That is what kind of system you are excited about. If you can't compete as a free man in a capitalistic society then go to one of your european socialist countries and exist.You darn sure won't thrive.
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The shoes are all one size fits all with no choices of color or sole selection, you get whatever big brother is offering and like it! That is what kind of system you are excited about. If you can't compete as a free man in a capitalistic society then go to one of your european socialist countries and exist.You darn sure won't thrive.

I would succeed in any economic system. I sure am not fearful of change and I don't continually whine and cry like you Konservativ clowns.
I'm not a Sanders fan, but honestly there is nothing funnier than right-wingers criticizing "liberal" policies because they might endanger social welfare programs like medicare or social security. Programs that were designed and implemented by liberals over ferocious conservative opposition (and demagoguery). Here's what Ronald Reagan said about Medicare:

“One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine... From [Medicare] it’s a short step to all the rest of socialism, to determining his pay and pretty soon your son won’t decide when he’s in school where he will go or what he will do for a living... Write those letters now [to Congress] and call your friends and them to write … If you don’t do this and I don’t do this, one of these days we are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children, what it once was like in America when men were free.”

It's always been the same with conservatives, anybody who disagrees with them is evil and every policy they don't like is a nefarious plot to destroy the country.


If Reagan hated Medicare, why did he not touch it in his 8 years? If u want to see how govt healthcare works, look no further than the VA. Long waiting lists, corruption, & unions who can't be fired even if they created false waiting lists, and a huge bureaucracy which slows response time to Vets issues. Medicare only covers 15% of the population. Yet there are already doc shortages Projections estmate we have a doc shortage of 39,600 doctors in 2015, current estimates bring that number closer to 63,000, with a worsening of shortages through 2025. Today most docs won't take Medicaid .and some have set up concierge practices. If u spread resources and docs much farther than today, then Medicare as we know it today would be destroyed.
On top of Medicare for all, he would pile on free college, $15 minimum wage, free preschool for 4 & 5year old kids, invest $1T in infrastructure, paid medical and family leave, full benefits(welfare, food stamps, healthcare, free education, and even EITC for anyone in the country who wants to be a citizen plus a multitude of tax increases.

On top of all this we will have over $20T in debt by the time the next pres takes office.

I never said libs are evil just naive if they think we can afford Bernie's wish list. I think even Bernie knows his proposals are impractical. But if u can explain how we can afford his proposals, I am willing to listen.
I think America's got plenty of room to tolerate all religions...that's one of the ideas the Founding Fathers got right. Are you tolerant of Asian-Americans to worship in their traditional manner?
I do not give a shit! I banged an asian girl for about 2 months in college, so I am tolerant of Asians and Americans. I think he did that as a dig to our established practice of swearing in on a bible.
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I love the fact that a Hindu would choose to take his oath of office on one of the most sacred Hindu texts. Everyone should take the opportunity to read the Bhagavad Gita.

And I am sure you have.

If Reagan hated Medicare, why did he not touch it in his 8 years? If u want to see how govt healthcare works, look no further than the VA. Long waiting lists, corruption, & unions who can't be fired even if they created false waiting lists, and a huge bureaucracy which slows response time to Vets issues. Medicare only covers 15% of the population. Yet there are already doc shortages Projections estmate we have a doc shortage of 39,600 doctors in 2015, current estimates bring that number closer to 63,000, with a worsening of shortages through 2025. Today most docs won't take Medicaid .and some have set up concierge practices. If u spread resources and docs much farther than today, then Medicare as we know it today would be destroyed.
On top of Medicare for all, he would pile on free college, $15 minimum wage, free preschool for 4 & 5year old kids, invest $1T in infrastructure, paid medical and family leave, full benefits(welfare, food stamps, healthcare, free education, and even EITC for anyone in the country who wants to be a citizen plus a multitude of tax increases.

On top of all this we will have over $20T in debt by the time the next pres takes office.

I never said libs are evil just naive if they think we can afford Bernie's wish list. I think even Bernie knows his proposals are impractical. But if u can explain how we can afford his proposals, I am willing to listen.

Reagan didn't "touch" medicare for the same reason no Republican president or congress will ever repeal Obamacare: by the time he took office it was already clear that the program worked well, and eliminating it would have been hugely unpopular. I don't know if Reagan had changed his personal opinion about Medicare by the time he took office. But when Medicare was proposed, he called it a socialist plot that would inevitably lead to the end of freedom in America. I gave you the direct quote above, and you can listen to the speech here if you don't believe me. So, there is no argument to be had about "if" Reagan hated Medicare. When it was proposed, he argued that it would literally destroy the American way of life.

As for how Sanders would pay for his programs... Again, I am not a fan of Sanders. And I do think that he underestimates the budget cost of his proposed health insurance reforms, although not to the extent that all the major Republican candidates understate the budgetary implications of the huge tax breaks each of them (even Trump) proposes for the richest 1% of Americans.

That said, some of the items on your list, like increased spending on infrastructure and education, would probably pay for themselves in the long term. The pitiful state of our infrastructure, compared to that of other advanced countries, is a national disgrace at this point and a significant drag on our economy. So, increased infrastructure spending (especially when the government can borrow money at close to 0% interest) is a no brainer that would have already happened if our political system was less dysfunctional. And increased spending on education is also likely to be a good investment. The GI Bill (which funded free college education for US soldiers returning from WWII) was expensive, and also probably one of the best investments the country ever made in its economic future (Thanks again, Liberals!).

Beyond that, it's completely true that Sanders, who openly refers to himself as a democratic socialist, is advocating a shift toward more generous social welfare spending funded by higher taxes, along the lines of. . . pretty much every country in Western Europe. Now, you can pretend (as many conservatives like to) that France, Germany, the UK, etc. are unlivable socialist hell holes. Or you can just accept that that is a viable alternative economic model and argue that it is not the right approach for the US (which is a perfectly reasonable position). But you can't pretend those countries don't exist or that is "naive" to believe that it is possible to organize an economy that way.
How can the Senate fail to confirm a federal appeals court judge they confirmed 97-0 in 2013? He would be the first Hindu Supreme Court Justice. I love the fact that he took his oath of office on a copy of the Bhagavad Gita.

The venom needs to stop. It has never worked and never will without about half of us being killed. The Supreme Court should always lean toward a conservative view of how our laws and constitution should be viewed and enforced. Conservative as it should be, not a synonym for Republican or Big Business or Power Brokers otherwise. Conservative should mean being logical and reasonable with the way our tax money is spent. It should be about getting a bang for our buck. Instead, we play political shuttlecock with every news story that comes along. Bottom line, we are all human beings and ALL of us have a hell of a lot in common with each other. Certainly enough to have productive discussions, agree to disagree on a few topics, but agree on enough others to find a functional path toward a sensible government model that will encourage economic growth, decent paying jobs/careers and security for our families. Maybe we've never had it all. But there's NO reason we can't move in that direction without selling out ALL of our personality and principles to become one homogeneous mass of zombies under one marketing banner.

Conservatism is not a dirty word nor is liberalism. "Progressives" had a shot at being a term most of us could rally around, but was way too soon kidnapped and promoted feverishly as the ultimate vision from and of only the enlightened elite of the Democrat party. Both sides need a good paddling in the Principal's office, but our Principal, the SCOTUS, has never been more in danger of becoming nothing more than a parroting sidekick to whomever is controlling the Executive branch or the Legislative (be it influential friends or lobbyists). The entire process we call our system of government is crippled almost to extinction by so many special interests that our majority, normal, middle of the road, average citizens have become irrelevant except as props for platitudes from either side of this bizarre circus of horrors we lovingly call our Federal Government. Shameful for ALL of us.
Same here. We're seeing Nixon's southern strategy come to its' logical end. All that's left of the Republican party is the One Percenters, old fearful white people, crazy evangelicals, and racists/xenophobes. The election of 2016 will make the elections of 1936 and 1964 seem like nail-biters.

lol says the guy who's party is running.....Two OLD white ppl. LOL ya can't change stupid.
I'm not a Sanders fan, but honestly there is nothing funnier than right-wingers criticizing "liberal" policies because they might endanger social welfare programs like medicare or social security. Programs that were designed and implemented by liberals over ferocious conservative opposition (and demagoguery). Here's what Ronald Reagan said about Medicare:

“One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine... From [Medicare] it’s a short step to all the rest of socialism, to determining his pay and pretty soon your son won’t decide when he’s in school where he will go or what he will do for a living... Write those letters now [to Congress] and call your friends and them to write … If you don’t do this and I don’t do this, one of these days we are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children, what it once was like in America when men were free.”

It's always been the same with conservatives, anybody who disagrees with them is evil and every policy they don't like is a nefarious plot to destroy the country.

Well, I'm not surprised by your opinion. You seem to think SS and Medicare are social welfare programs. Um no, they're FORCED BENEFITS. See a welfare program is where you GET MONEY FROM YOUR FELLOW CITIZEN. SS and Medicare are taken from one's EARNINGS. Do I need to explain further?

Liberals are trying to destroy the Country as founded. To deny that shows a lack of understanding and knowledge of their agenda. Maybe you should pick up a copy of "rules for radicals" Get someone to read it to you, and get back to us .
Reagan didn't "touch" medicare for the same reason no Republican president or congress will ever repeal Obamacare: by the time he took office it was already clear that the program worked well, and eliminating it would have been hugely unpopular. I don't know if Reagan had changed his personal opinion about Medicare by the time he took office. But when Medicare was proposed, he called it a socialist plot that would inevitably lead to the end of freedom in America. I gave you the direct quote above, and you can listen to the speech here if you don't believe me. So, there is no argument to be had about "if" Reagan hated Medicare. When it was proposed, he argued that it would literally destroy the American way of life.

They are a problem . You can't name me a single Liberal program that has ever worked as presented. Not a single one, you can't name one that has ever cost what they said it would cost. As I've told you. These are not welfare programs, they are forced benefit programs. We'd be much better off if we could have kept our 17% and invested our selves. You ignore that fact that neither program is solvent. Because your beloved Gov has spent it all. Now what?

As for how Sanders would pay for his programs... Again, I am not a fan of Sanders. And I do think that he underestimates the budget cost of his proposed health insurance reforms, although not to the extent that all the major Republican candidates understate the budgetary implications of the huge tax breaks each of them (even Trump) proposes for the richest 1% of Americans.

Oh Dear Lord. As I stated above. You've seen how efficient gov is at handling money. Yet you insist they have more of it? Why do liberals always complain about the Gov not having enough money, but never the tax payer? As to the 1% they do better under democRATS. Thats a fact. The other fact is tax cuts increase revenue. But its not just that, its a moral issue. The Gov shouldn't be spending FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS a year. As to Sanders, do you really take him and his proposals seriously?

That said, some of the items on your list, like increased spending on infrastructure and education, would probably pay for themselves in the long term. The pitiful state of our infrastructure, compared to that of other advanced countries, is a national disgrace at this point and a significant drag on our economy. So, increased infrastructure spending (especially when the government can borrow money at close to 0% interest) is a no brainer that would have already happened if our political system was less dysfunctional. And increased spending on education is also likely to be a good investment. The GI Bill (which funded free college education for US soldiers returning from WWII) was expensive, and also probably one of the best investments the country ever made in its economic future (Thanks again, Liberals!).

Didn't POSOTUS already spend a bunch of money in infrastructure? You liberals crack me up. You act as if these things have been been proposed or funded. History starts TODAY,,,everyday for you guys. Shovel Ready jobs anyone?

You want to borrow more money? Good Lord you are not a serious person. 21 TRILLION IN DEBT. Have you ever heard of Greece or Spain ?

Beyond that, it's completely true that Sanders, who openly refers to himself as a democratic socialist, is advocating a shift toward more generous social welfare spending funded by higher taxes, along the lines of. . . pretty much every country in Western Europe. Now, you can pretend (as many conservatives like to) that France, Germany, the UK, etc. are unlivable socialist hell holes. Or you can just accept that that is a viable alternative economic model and argue that it is not the right approach for the US (which is a perfectly reasonable position). But you can't pretend those countries don't exist or that is "naive" to believe that it is possible to organize an economy that way.

Holy shit pal. I don't know how anyone can come up with a post like this. Again, How's Europe doing? PPL like you are dangerous. You enable the nuts who want to control you. You're a happy sheep as long as you think you're getting shit for free. These "generous social programs" aren't generous, the MONEY has to be taken from your neighbors to provide it. It is not a viable alternative to capitalism. It has a history...again I know History starts new everyday for ppl like you. But the history is one of failure , death , destruction and misery. Capitalism is the only thing that has ever worked to provide for a FREE people. Some of us are leeches...and some of us love freedom.....stop being a member of the leech class.
Not if you look at who he thinks would make a Good Justice. That's my biggest worry with him.
He's as crazy as you think. That's my worry. If he chooses a wright wing.thats the only way . He gets his plans through a 60 vote senate a congrass and a court system that can back him.
Well, I'm not surprised by your opinion. You seem to think SS and Medicare are social welfare programs. Um no, they're FORCED BENEFITS. See a welfare program is where you GET MONEY FROM YOUR FELLOW CITIZEN. SS and Medicare are taken from one's EARNINGS. Do I need to explain further?

Liberals are trying to destroy the Country as founded. To deny that shows a lack of understanding and knowledge of their agenda. Maybe you should pick up a copy of "rules for radicals" Get someone to read it to you, and get back to us .

Yeah, I didn't say anything about Social Security and Medicare being social welfare programs, and I'm not sure why you think that distinction is key to anything I did say.

But it is also obviously not the case that social security and medicare benefits always come from one's own earnings. Some people pay in more than they ever get out and others receive far more in benefits than they ever paid in. Both SS and Medicare are basically social insurance programs: they distribute risk (e.g., the risk of incurring catastrophic healthcare costs) across all of society instead of having it fall on a few unlucky individuals. This is generally considered a great idea, which is why these programs are enormously popular (Thanks, Liberals!)

But it is also an idea that conservatives have generally opposed. As I noted above, Ronald Reagan initially argued that Medicare was a socialist plot that would inevitably lead to the destruction of the entire American way of life. And conservatives have repeatedly proposed replacing SS and/or Medicare with personal retirement and medical savings accounts (which would destroy the social insurance aspect of the programs). It is also usually conservatives who try to portray these programs as extravagant and unaffordable welfare giveaways, for example by arguing that the US Treasury bonds that comprise the Social Security trust fund amount to nothing more than worthless IOUs.

But, I'm glad to hear that you don't buy into any of these conservative critiques of Social Security and Medicare. Because they are really stupid.
Yeah, I didn't say anything about Social Security and Medicare being social welfare programs, and I'm not sure why you think that distinction is key to anything I did say.

might endanger social welfare programs like medicare or social security.

But it is also obviously not the case that social security and medicare benefits always come from one's own earnings. Some people pay in more than they ever get out and others receive far more in benefits than they ever paid in. Both SS and Medicare are basically social insurance programs: they distribute risk (e.g., the risk of incurring catastrophic healthcare costs) across all of society instead of having it fall on a few unlucky individuals. This is generally considered a great idea, which is why these programs are enormously popular (Thanks, Liberals!).

Who considers them a great Idea? They're spending the money then borrowing it to pay the benefits. They put Madoff in jail for doing the same thing. Yea, thanks Liberals

But it is also an idea that conservatives have generally opposed. As I noted above, Ronald Reagan initially argued that Medicare was a socialist plot that would inevitably lead to the destruction of the entire American way of life. And conservatives have repeatedly proposed replacing SS and/or Medicare with personal retirement and medical savings accounts (which would destroy the social insurance aspect of the programs). It is also usually conservatives who try to portray these programs as extravagant and unaffordable welfare giveaways, for example by arguing that the US Treasury bonds that comprise the Social Security trust fund amount to nothing more than worthless IOUs.

But, I'm glad to hear that you don't buy into any of these conservative critiques of Social Security and Medicare. Because they are really stupid.

LOL, Lord have mercy. So you actually believe these programs work as presented? Or work in general? What is a social insurance program? You mean Forced insurance program? Now as I said, its been destroyed. There is no money in these programs. Because your beloved Government has spent it all. Tell me, how in your mind do you see a benefit where all the money is gone and we have to borrow it to pay benefits. In what private sector would this be legal? Now that pal, is really stupid.
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Reagan didn't "touch" medicare for the same reason no Republican president or congress will ever repeal Obamacare: by the time he took office it was already clear that the program worked well, and eliminating it would have been hugely unpopular. I don't know if Reagan had changed his personal opinion about Medicare by the time he took office. But when Medicare was proposed, he called it a socialist plot that would inevitably lead to the end of freedom in America. I gave you the direct quote above, and you can listen to the speech here if you don't believe me. So, there is no argument to be had about "if" Reagan hated Medicare. When it was proposed, he argued that it would literally destroy the American way of life.

As for how Sanders would pay for his programs... Again, I am not a fan of Sanders. And I do think that he underestimates the budget cost of his proposed health insurance reforms, although not to the extent that all the major Republican candidates understate the budgetary implications of the huge tax breaks each of them (even Trump) proposes for the richest 1% of Americans.

That said, some of the items on your list, like increased spending on infrastructure and education, would probably pay for themselves in the long term. The pitiful state of our infrastructure, compared to that of other advanced countries, is a national disgrace at this point and a significant drag on our economy. So, increased infrastructure spending (especially when the government can borrow money at close to 0% interest) is a no brainer that would have already happened if our political system was less dysfunctional. And increased spending on education is also likely to be a good investment. The GI Bill (which funded free college education for US soldiers returning from WWII) was expensive, and also probably one of the best investments the country ever made in its economic future (Thanks again, Liberals!).

Beyond that, it's completely true that Sanders, who openly refers to himself as a democratic socialist, is advocating a shift toward more generous social welfare spending funded by higher taxes, along the lines of. . . pretty much every country in Western Europe. Now, you can pretend (as many conservatives like to) that France, Germany, the UK, etc. are unlivable socialist hell holes. Or you can just accept that that is a viable alternative economic model and argue that it is not the right approach for the US (which is a perfectly reasonable position). But you can't pretend those countries don't exist or that is "naive" to believe that it is possible to organize an economy that way.

Stump, I don't know how u can compare the ACA to Medicare. One the majority are against while the other is very popular. The politics of the 2 are totally different. I remember seeing polls before the ACA in which 80-85% liked our previous HC system except for the high costs. Yet, except for the subsidized low income class, costs have gone up significantly with the ACA.
As for Reagan he probably thought it was going to be like the government run healthcare system like Great Britain or Germany. Both have evolved into 2 tier systems where the rich get excellent private care while the rest of the people get waiting lines, lower quality care, less access to specialized equipment like an MRI which we take for granted. U didnt mention the VA which is a good measure for what govt healthcare would be here. These countries face doc shortages because the govt being the single payer, has cut docs pay down to the $25-78K. In Germany the average salary for docs is $56K so they are losing docs. The countries do pay for much of their education but still the low pay has caused many to avoid the headaches of the medical profession at those salaries.
As for infrastructure, sure that would be great but I thought the close to a trillion dollars spent on Obamas stimulus was supposed to be for infrastructure. I have no trust in the govt taking taxes to repair the infrastructure and ACTUALLY spending the money on infrastructure.
As for education, we spend more on education than almost every country. Cons have been trying to improve education with vouchers or charter schools for the poor but teacher's union/Dems resist because they always stand with the unions for political reasons.
No regarding taxes, in Germany, my son lived in Germany before the migrant invasion and gave me the rundown on taxes:
Income tax -- 22%

Social Security--10%

Health Insurance—average 20% for family with lower quality public health insurance not private.

Unemployment insurance--2%

East Germany rebuilding fund--1%

In addition, all goods except food have a 20% VAT(Value Added Tax). There are also tariffs and imbedded taxes on many goods which increase prices significantly above the 20%.

So as with the minimum wage demands at $15/hour, there would be significant increase in the cost of fast food, eating out, and a wide variety of things. So u have less disposable income. In Germany many can't afford children which is probably why Merkel allowed the high influx of immigrants The standard of living is significantly lower than here. Most people, even a family of 4, live in small apartments while middle class here own their own homes and have much larger homes and land. One other thing that is a problem here is the % of worker participation has been decreasing while in most other countries it has been increasing.

As for the tax plans of the repubs, most rely on reducing regulations, reduce corporate taxes to allow trillions to come back into the country and increase govt receipts thru growth. The analysis of these plans doesnt ever include growth so they all look underfunded.
Why do u say that only the rich are being advantaged by repub tax plans? U mention Trump. He eliminates income taxes for those making $50K per yr. He is for reducing loopholes that are used by the rich. Also caps on deductions for corps. This would help make up for the reduction in corp taxes designed to produce growth.
Yeah, I didn't say anything about Social Security and Medicare being social welfare programs, and I'm not sure why you think that distinction is key to anything I did say.

But it is also obviously not the case that social security and medicare benefits always come from one's own earnings. Some people pay in more than they ever get out and others receive far more in benefits than they ever paid in. Both SS and Medicare are basically social insurance programs: they distribute risk (e.g., the risk of incurring catastrophic healthcare costs) across all of society instead of having it fall on a few unlucky individuals. This is generally considered a great idea, which is why these programs are enormously popular (Thanks, Liberals!)

But it is also an idea that conservatives have generally opposed. As I noted above, Ronald Reagan initially argued that Medicare was a socialist plot that would inevitably lead to the destruction of the entire American way of life. And conservatives have repeatedly proposed replacing SS and/or Medicare with personal retirement and medical savings accounts (which would destroy the social insurance aspect of the programs). It is also usually conservatives who try to portray these programs as extravagant and unaffordable welfare giveaways, for example by arguing that the US Treasury bonds that comprise the Social Security trust fund amount to nothing more than worthless IOUs.

But, I'm glad to hear that you don't buy into any of these conservative critiques of Social Security and Medicare. Because they are really stupid.

Sure you did. From an earlier post by you "I'm not a Sanders fan, but honestly there is nothing funnier than right-wingers criticizing "liberal" policies because they might endanger social welfare programs like medicare or social security"

Again, medicare and social security are not social welfare programs. But they are being treated as such by politicians who buy votes for power. That simple.

It is a shame.