states have no power to stop refugees


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jun 22, 2001
odumma tell states you have no say, regardless of the security risk and cost to each state . 31 states want a pause because they have no confidence in the vetting system . states rights ?? this is like everything that bunch does , cram it down our throat, so much for representing the people !
I think it's time to start a war again states rights. We got this time all the Yankee states all the gun laws.
I think it's time to start a war again states rights. We got this time all the Yankee states all the gun laws.
No I think it is time to re-evaluate and face reality. There is no reliving yesterday. There is nothing to be gained from revisionist history. And it really makes no difference whose fault it is. What and today is today. We need to preserve our freedoms, our culture and our constitution the right way. And save ourselves in a world gone mad instead of going mad with it. This is not Jonestown and even if it were we need to understand that just because Jim Jones is suicidal the vast majority don't have to be. Do the right thing, elect people who will treat everybody as close to the same as possible, rule from the center and forget ideology and fundamental change. Pretty simple really. We must save ourselves then worry about saving others.....that's pretty fundamental. We can't put the oxygen mask on our child until we have put one on ourselves first as Delta so succinctly puts it.
No I think it is time to re-evaluate and face reality. There is no reliving yesterday. There is nothing to be gained from revisionist history. And it really makes no difference whose fault it is. What and today is today. We need to preserve our freedoms, our culture and our constitution the right way. And save ourselves in a world gone mad instead of going mad with it. This is not Jonestown and even if it were we need to understand that just because Jim Jones is suicidal the vast majority don't have to be. Do the right thing, elect people who will treat everybody as close to the same as possible, rule from the center and forget ideology and fundamental change. Pretty simple really. We must save ourselves then worry about saving others.....that's pretty fundamental. We can't put the oxygen mask on our child until we have put one on ourselves first as Delta so succinctly puts it.

As always I enjoy your posts, fcpup, but how do we preserve our freedoms, culture and constitution the "right way"? I put my faith in no man, so electing people who we "think" may treat people the right way is not the complete answer. I wish it were, but we shouldn't put our faith in men. What we need is a revision of the constitution, hence the reason for a call for a Convention of States...

'Article V of the Constitution allows us to call a convention of states to restrict power and jurisdiction of the federal government, effectively returning the citizens' rightful power over the ruling elite'.
Hat tip:

We have to reign in the leviathan Federal Government and this may be our only way forward. Check it out and I would greatly appreciate your thoughts.
Leaders are elected to make decisions, not take opinion polls.
You have a vote to cast this time next year.
odumma tell states you have no say, regardless of the security risk and cost to each state . 31 states want a pause because they have no confidence in the vetting system . states rights ?? this is like everything that bunch does , cram it down our throat, so much for representing the people !

states have no power to stop refugees

But the people do. Civil Disobedience.

Tens of thousands blocking the buses leaving the airports, shutting down all air travel in the 57 states with one to go. Republican business owners refusing to submit FICA payments, putting the money in escrow. Millions of LEGALLY ARMED Patriots manning the California, Arizona, New Mexican and Texas Border with that Narco State to the south. Americans refusing to buy GM and Chrysler vehicles until the UAW returns the stock Owebama stole from the stock owners using taxpayer money. ETC, ETC, ETC.
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states have no power to stop refugees

But the people do. Civil Disobedience.

Tens of thousands blocking the buses leaving the airports, shutting down all air travel in the 57 states with one to go. Republican business owners refusing to submit FICA payments, putting the money in escrow. Millions of LEGALLY ARMED Patriots manning the California, Arizona, New Mexican and Texas Border with that Narco State to the south. Americans refusing to buy GM and Chrysler vehicles until the UAW returns the stock Owebama stole from the stock owners using taxpayer money. ETC, ETC, ETC.

Or you could just take your treasonous stupidity to another country.
come on man , you claim to be a uga grad, act like one !

I am. how about some of you go to a bar with our black players and share your political and personal opinions about young black men, that should be entertaining.
Or are the ones who can help your team an exception to your obvious contempt for young black men ? They might be among ''the good ones''.
When you constantly trash one race and segment of society, it's bigotry.
How about M0-Mass, is he a terrorist like the rest of them ? or does having caught a football for the good ol U make him the rare exception ?
I am. how about some of you go to a bar with our black players and share your political and personal opinions about young black men, that should be entertaining.
Or are the ones who can help your team an exception to your obvious contempt for young black men ? They might be among ''the good ones''.
When you constantly trash one race and segment of society, it's bigotry.
How about M0-Mass, is he a terrorist like the rest of them ? or does having caught a football for the good ol U make him the rare exception ?

what are you talking about ? i could have missed it ;but i haven't seen blacks being call terrorist . most on here are concerned with the terrorist threat that is very real from thousands of refugees who will swarm in to parts unknown. as for what kind of relationship folks on this board have with minorities , i'm sure it is across the board and a personal decision , you have already seen some accounts of relationships that have developed . if your comment is based on the dislike of prez, i know you know most of the comments on this board are because of his terrible track record , not race
I am. how about some of you go to a bar with our black players and share your political and personal opinions about young black men, that should be entertaining.
Or are the ones who can help your team an exception to your obvious contempt for young black men ? They might be among ''the good ones''.
When you constantly trash one race and segment of society, it's bigotry.
How about M0-Mass, is he a terrorist like the rest of them ? or does having caught a football for the good ol U make him the rare exception ?

Ah, the Old Alinsky Rules for Radicals playbook in use again.

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

* RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.)

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)