Susan Rice??...

Clinton, Obama & now Biden.

Can see another housing market crash now.....along with all of the other stuff that is being proposed.

Love this old quote from her:

never use race as an excuse or advantage," (on what her parents taught her).

Y’all hold on to your britches.

it's bad,
it's not as bad as you think...,
mvho, stalemate until 2022.
Then some money be raining!
thunderstorm of money!
not for me.
not for you.
I am mostly the bottom layer of trickle.

I don't riot.
maybe the rioters (we know the demographic)
I talked of an earlier wave of these mindless
(yes) weirdos.
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There are two sets of rules: One for the politically connected, and one for those who aren't. Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton are golden..they are connected, and nothing will never, ever happen to them, though they have done enough crap that, if they were one of the "smelly people", they would be in jail.