The “Trump wasn’t very good either” narrative is purely a function of…:

Here is a truth. I hope the pubs will treat the dims exactly like the dims have treated them if they get elected. Can you leftist agree with me on that??? None of you will answer. Lmbo.

For the chat leftist that claim to love America and our judicial system when it is plain that Biden has weaponized the doj fbi etc against Trump and his supporters. You all celebrate the complete charade on the real estate values case, you celebrate the complete charade of the “hush money” case. No one else but Trump gets treated this way. One political party trying to take out the opposition candidate. Just like Hilary and the dnc paying for that crooked lying dossier.

The juries in nyc are made up of all chat libs. None of you care one thing about law and the twisting of it as long as it gets trump.

Now one of the leaders of chat leftist has repeatedly in this thread attacked a judge and the Supreme Court just because they may be actually following the law.

Proves to me 2 things. Chat leftist are not lawyers, and chat leftist do not believe in equal application of the law.
I haven't lost any rights, particularly here on the Chat. Nothing I have said or done impact's Trump's aberrant behavior or a fair evaluation of that behavior in any way.

Suggesting the Dems started "this political persecution crap" conveniently ignores what the GOP did to both Bill and Hillary Clinton for years. And if your arguments is that the Clintons were corrupt and that's why the GOP had something they could work with, well, that's just as or even more true with Trump.

The documents case isn't a Jack Smith special, it's an Eileen Cannon special and with the many months on delay on the immunity question also now a SCOTUS special. Find me a legal scholar who isn't on the Fox News payroll who disagrees with that analysis.

The donations to Trump are in no way some sort of measure of truth regarding his legal problems. Most of those same people making the donations still insist the 2020 election was stolen, so they have already proven to be "suckers and losers', to quote DJT.

As usual, you chose to ignore the substance of my post, which is that Trump shared a post calling a political opponent guilty of treason and suggesting military tribunals and that this is just the latest in a very long series of many comments over many years that for a normal party would be disqualifying. But I wouldn't want to defend that either, as it's impossible to defend.
As usual, you run from my posts, and then claim others are running from yours.

I will play along though…..

What did the GOP do to the Clinton’s that is similar to what the left is currently trying to do to trump?
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I haven't lost any rights, particularly here on the Chat. Nothing I have said or done impact's Trump's aberrant behavior or a fair evaluation of that behavior in any way.

Suggesting the Dems started "this political persecution crap" conveniently ignores what the GOP did to both Bill and Hillary Clinton for years. And if your arguments is that the Clintons were corrupt and that's why the GOP had something they could work with, well, that's just as or even more true with Trump.

The documents case isn't a Jack Smith special, it's an Eileen Cannon special and with the many months on delay on the immunity question also now a SCOTUS special. Find me a legal scholar who isn't on the Fox News payroll who disagrees with that analysis.

The donations to Trump are in no way some sort of measure of truth regarding his legal problems. Most of those same people making the donations still insist the 2020 election was stolen, so they have already proven to be "suckers and losers', to quote DJT.

As usual, you chose to ignore the substance of my post, which is that Trump shared a post calling a political opponent guilty of treason and suggesting military tribunals and that this is just the latest in a very long series of many comments over many years that for a normal party would be disqualifying. But I wouldn't want to defend that either, as it's impossible to defend.
Didn’t say you lost the right to post. I said you can’t do it from the high and mighty air you usually take when you do post. Pretending is pretending. Voting for a vege is well, voting for a vege.

Jack smith is Jack smith. The judge wouldn’t even have a reason to postpone if he didn’t use over a million documents in his case. All the other cases made the timeframe impossible. He gave her the out. So yes, in his long history of losing cases, he may have found a way to lose the one slam dunk real case against Trump. He just got bitch slapped again by the Supreme Court. That is literally what he is most known for. That and hating Trump.

I get the new spin. The let’s not forget Trump is a madman. He has already been president. And the term of office was much better than the current one. Comparing what happened to Clinton to Trump is pretty amazing. Don’t remember 450 million being taken from the Clinton’s or being convicted of paying off a democrat operative. That one was rich. The public sees thru that will. It is a nice attempt at spin, but it doesn’t fly taking the moral high ground about trump any longer. You guys will do much worse than him to stay in power. That is the scary thing.
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I’ll take John Kelly’s word over anything Trump says 100 out of 100 times and so would anyone reasonably familiar with Trump.

Trump is currently praising the J6 convicts and promises to pardon them. That’s not a lie, that’s direct quotes from Trump over months. Do you disagree?

Again, Team MAGA loved everything Trump said and they always do. That’s not where the election will be won or lost.

Trump lied about “everyone” wanting Roe V Wade struck down.

He lied about “post-birth” abortions.

He refused to answer the questions about Russia and Ukraine.

He did not oversee the “best economy in our history” and we are not currently suffering from the “worst economy in our history”.

It goes on and on and everyone knows his supporters don’t care in any way. That group is not who Trump needs to get votes from.
You seem keen on political views…you didn’t mention these topics while knocking Trump. So thought I’d ask a few ?’s starting with some abortion questions?
Repubs and Dems will hardly ever agree re abortions. I still try to understand why Dems are so heavy handed when it comes to having abortions. How many abortions not involving incest, rape, life and death emergency have been performed in the USA…not sure that is even kept up with. How many women % wise would you think have had abortions vote Democrat vs republican? I ask because and I could be wrong I’m thinking it’s a landslide in favor of dem voters. Would you suppose most abortions are supposedly performed on poor people, but I read this on google…not even convinced that’s true. I’ve wondered about the Hollywood women since you hear so many have had one over their Hollywood life and seem to have the dem point of view. Do you think women vote Democrat at an higher rate after having an abortion because it makes them feel better with their decision since most Dems support abortions? Do you think women regret having an abortion more than nnot? It’s hard to get people to openly discuss so it’s up to you if you care to answer.
Look forward to your answers, I’ll come back w/ questions on the open border issue to see how you think about it.
Most sl

Most all dims will be voting for Biden if he’s their candidate. Just because Biden is a buffoon and has destroyed our immigration process be damned. The list of his lies and failures are monumental…he even made the Dems golden egg abortion take a negative look…Dems don’t care about his mental block, he will be their man.
So that Obama can still run the country as he has the last 11 and 1/2 years. 😵‍💫
You seem keen on political views…you didn’t mention these topics while knocking Trump. So thought I’d ask a few ?’s starting with some abortion questions?
Repubs and Dems will hardly ever agree re abortions. I still try to understand why Dems are so heavy handed when it comes to having abortions. How many abortions not involving incest, rape, life and death emergency have been performed in the USA…not sure that is even kept up with. How many women % wise would you think have had abortions vote Democrat vs republican? I ask because and I could be wrong I’m thinking it’s a landslide in favor of dem voters. Would you suppose most abortions are supposedly performed on poor people, but I read this on google…not even convinced that’s true. I’ve wondered about the Hollywood women since you hear so many have had one over their Hollywood life and seem to have the dem point of view. Do you think women vote Democrat at an higher rate after having an abortion because it makes them feel better with their decision since most Dems support abortions? Do you think women regret having an abortion more than nnot? It’s hard to get people to openly discuss so it’s up to you if you care to answer.
Look forward to your answers, I’ll come back w/ questions on the open border issue to see how you think about it.
According to Pew, 63% of voters say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, 36% say illegal in all or most cases. To get to 63%, I’d assume that must include some significant number of GOP voters, right? I’m guessing that most of the GOP voters who support abortion rights are woman, because they better understand the complexities of the issue.

I can’t speculate regarding regret. I know woman who have had abortions and they generally do not regret their decisions, but that’s anecdotal.

I think there should be a limit on abortions , maybe sixteen to twenty weeks. Up to that point, it should be up to the woman to decide and I’m uninterested in what her reasons are. After that point, there should be exceptions for medical reasons or in the event of incest or rape.

Hope that answered your questions.
thnx for answering…Pew would seem to be a good start to find some of the answers, like I said most don’t like talking about the subject or at least don’t want to be part of a poll. I would assume many are like none yo business. It’s tough to find solid answers in regards to the dem or republican, makeup, race, poor or wealthy, educated or not, how many, regrets/no regrets…doubtful that the abortion facilities have to tell their answers even though taxed citizens help pay for the clinics existence.
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