Making a living based on your on work, intelligence and sacrifice (which does require making money), as opposed to being a burden on the rest of society is the most important thing most individuals can do. Today however, so many of those "takers" are no longer embarrassed to live off the labor of others, but actually expect to be taken care of and complain that aren't receiving enough "benefits". There are numerous examples of individuals who have never held any type of job. I understand you're not a "taker", but you seem to have no problem defending a system which was intended to be a "safety net", instead be turned into a lifestyle choice for millions. The Democrats solution is as always to take more from the earners and redistribute to many individuals who choose not strive to provide for themselves. Social Security Disability having been turned into the latest7 quasi "welfare system" for millions. With an 18 trillion and growing debt, along with dependency actually being expanded and encouraged by the Democrats there is no doubt this will NOT end well.