The amazing and stupendous catalytic converter


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Dec 16, 2007
In the 1970s and 1980s zealot environmentalists were concerned about smog and acid rain (which were a valid concern),...but an amazing thing called the catalytic converter invented by a "big oil" engineer changed everything,...and now in the absence of real problems, you have people like NY attorney general Leticia James sueing agricultural companies over a theory that cow farts are damaging the ozone layer.

Most likely the fat cats who invest money in rankering for legislation against cow farts have some stocks in bill gates "beyond beef" synthetic meat company or other fake meat companies, so driving up the cost of beef is good for the fake meat business, as well as requiring fisherman to pay to carry a bureaucrat inspector in their boat along with federal legislation to ban fisherman from driving over 20 mph all done in the name of the environment or also perhaps driving up the cost of fish.

Instead of backpackers throwing tomato sauce on van Gogh paintings to raise awareness for false causes paid for by corporations,...perhaps the youngins should throw that tomato sauce on famous painting to raise awareness to that dude that invented the catalytic converter because he solved a real world problem that we can all be thankful of,..and perhaps catalytic converter dude deserves a celebration month as well
In the 1970s and 1980s zealot environmentalists were concerned about smog and acid rain (which were a valid concern),...but an amazing thing called the catalytic converter invented by a "big oil" engineer changed everything,...and now in the absence of real problems, you have people like NY attorney general Leticia James sueing agricultural companies over a theory that cow farts are damaging the ozone layer.

Most likely the fat cats who invest money in rankering for legislation against cow farts have some stocks in bill gates "beyond beef" synthetic meat company or other fake meat companies, so driving up the cost of beef is good for the fake meat business, as well as requiring fisherman to pay to carry a bureaucrat inspector in their boat along with federal legislation to ban fisherman from driving over 20 mph all done in the name of the environment or also perhaps driving up the cost of fish.

Instead of backpackers throwing tomato sauce on van Gogh paintings to raise awareness for false causes paid for by corporations,...perhaps the youngins should throw that tomato sauce on famous painting to raise awareness to that dude that invented the catalytic converter because he solved a real world problem that we can all be thankful of,..and perhaps catalytic converter dude deserves a celebration month as well
Fortunately with the Court overturning Chevron, the enforcement of "imaginary science" that formerly could not be countered, like cow farts, will be harder to achieve. The will have to defend this nonsense in a real court, in front of a jury and not a from an EPA rule that couldn't be challenged in the past, because "science".
Fortunately with the Court overturning Chevron, the enforcement of "imaginary science" that formerly could not be countered, like cow farts, will be harder to achieve. The will have to defend this nonsense in a real court, in front of a jury and not a from an EPA rule that couldn't be challenged in the past, because "science".
Well, when the counts say they can't do something they go ahead and do it anyway. They force the citizens to spend their money to challenge them in court and then they use our money to defend they unconstitutional acts. They lose nothing and for at least the time being they get their way. They are absolute tyrants and they don;t GAS what we say.

Look at the NYSPRA vs. Bruen decision. After the courts ruled all of the gun ban laws were illegal, every Dem run state in the country instituted more unconstitutional laws and gave the middle finger to the Constitution.
Well, when the counts say they can't do something they go ahead and do it anyway. They force the citizens to spend their money to challenge them in court and then they use our money to defend they unconstitutional acts. They lose nothing and for at least the time being they get their way. They are absolute tyrants and they don;t GAS what we say.

Look at the NYSPRA vs. Bruen decision. After the courts ruled all of the gun ban laws were illegal, every Dem run state in the country instituted more unconstitutional laws and gave the middle finger to the Constitution.
I am not saying it solves all problems and it will take time to course correct, but this was a huge blow to the regulatory state that the libs love. Just look at how pissed off they minority dissent was.
An yes the courts are seriously partisan, but this sends a message.
How do they explain 60 to 100 million bison? Did they not show up on past studies of carbon? They are so good at telling the worlds carbon footprint from an icicle.
Bison farts don't count,...neither do human farts from eating fake meat,...whales dieing from ocean wind farms don't count either,....those species can adapt to learn to deal with the green new deal or suffer,...same as humans apparently