That's rich. They have used free speech to railroad a president and seize a campus but now that they have won they are against free speech. Truth is they, like most libs are for their own free speech but defy anyone else who disagrees with them to have any speech at all. One of the gals who was screaming the loudest then yelled for muscle to throw a reporter out of a public place on the UM quad. And you have goofballs thinking this is good?
The reporter admitted that he, like the majority of media has a liberal bent but he is now shocked at these people absolutely stifling the rights of others to free speech or even to hold an opinion. This is not happening in a third world South American hell hole socialist country but right here in America.
The reporter admitted that he, like the majority of media has a liberal bent but he is now shocked at these people absolutely stifling the rights of others to free speech or even to hold an opinion. This is not happening in a third world South American hell hole socialist country but right here in America.