The bipartisan border bill would have still allowed 8 million illegal crossings per year.

Didn’t it also include additional billions to Ukraine somehow? I may be remembering wrong
Yes it did. I do love how yall have taken a bill that would have eviscerated asylum protections and accomplished more for your anti-immigrant dreams than anything Trump ever did, and you’ve twisted yourselves into believing it was a liberal Trojan horse. Magnificent. And solid proof why Trump despite his best efforts wasnt able to incur half the damage he wanted. As I am fond of saying, its good they’re evil AND stupid or we would be in trouble
Said like someone who heard the spin on it and not the bill itself nor the legal context in which it would operate.
Seriously you clearly haven’t read the bill. It would allow way over a million illegals to enter each year. It wasn’t bipartisan like one republican and Dems. It basically would make our open border the law. It was a horrid bill. Why not pass the bill the Republicans passed in Congress but senate wouldn’t bring up for a vote. It was actually a border security bill.
Yes it did. I do love how yall have taken a bill that would have eviscerated asylum protections and accomplished more for your anti-immigrant dreams than anything Trump ever did, and you’ve twisted yourselves into believing it was a liberal Trojan horse. Magnificent. And solid proof why Trump despite his best efforts wasnt able to incur half the damage he wanted. As I am fond of saying, its good they’re evil AND stupid or we would be in trouble

But WHY? Why does it have to have additional measures…. Why not JUST the border?

I get what you’re saying and both sides do it. We see the head lines of “republicans shoot down bipartisan tax cuts” when you find there is devil in the details

Like the dems blocking the Lake Riley act…. am I going to assume the democrats want women murdered by migrants because they blocked it? No, I’m assuming there’s probably a hidden agenda in there somewhere (I haven’t looked into the details)
Does anyone really think it was a good bill? They blame Trump for killing it but thank goodness someone had some common sense and decided to let it die.
To be quite honest friend, I think whatever Trump does is gonna be seen as a good thing when it comes to policy by almost all of those who are voting for him. I may be wrong on that. Just what I'm seeing. Have a good morning.
Seriously you clearly haven’t read the bill. It would allow way over a million illegals to enter each year. It wasn’t bipartisan like one republican and Dems. It basically would make our open border the law. It was a horrid bill. Why not pass the bill the Republicans passed in Congress but senate wouldn’t bring up for a vote. It was actually a border security bill.
Well because that is how the legislative process works- compromise. And in this case the compromise was quite favorable to the fire breathing isolationists but it turns out their fealty to Trump outstripped their principles. Trump just needed to keep the issue alive for the election so here you are towing the Trump line. Good little soldiers.
Well because that is how the legislative process works- compromise. And in this case the compromise was quite favorable to the fire breathing isolationists but it turns out their fealty to Trump outstripped their principles. Trump just needed to keep the issue alive for the election so here you are towing the Trump line. Good little soldiers.
I think our friend may be believing what Trump says is in the bill. I'm not sure our fellow American has read the bill for herself. From what I can find, there doesn't seem to be truth in her statement. I'm sure it's not an intentional mistake on her part.
Does anyone really think it was a good bill? They blame Trump for killing it but thank goodness someone had some common sense and decided to let it die.
I think if the border is a fraction of the crisis Republicans make it out to be, you take what you can get now and come back to it with Trump in the White House and/or Senate control. Both of those things are in play in November. Instead, you kill it and give the Democrats (you know, the dumbest people in the world, according to Republicans) a political win in which the GOP gets nothing.

If my house is on fire, and someone brings me a garden hose, I don’t say, “Nah. I’m good. Something better might come along eventually.”
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Seriously you clearly haven’t read the bill. It would allow way over a million illegals to enter each year. It wasn’t bipartisan like one republican and Dems. It basically would make our open border the law. It was a horrid bill. Why not pass the bill the Republicans passed in Congress but senate wouldn’t bring up for a vote. It was actually a border security bill.
Imagine if you will if I had thousands of people coming into my house every day but the law said that I had to spend 3 hours talking to each one of them before I could make a decision as to whether to tell them to leave. And then someone proposes a law that provides a lot more resources so that multiple people could talk to them AND shortens the convo from 3 hours to 5 minutes, and as a backstop allows me to just shut almost everyone out if more than can fit on my porch come.

Does that totally solve my problem? Maybe not. Is it a massive help? Unquestionably.
Imagine if you will if I had thousands of people coming into my house every day but the law said that I had to spend 3 hours talking to each one of them before I could make a decision as to whether to tell them to leave. And then someone proposes a law that provides a lot more resources so that multiple people could talk to them AND shortens the convo from 3 hours to 5 minutes, and as a backstop allows me to just shut almost everyone out if more than can fit on my porch come.

Does that totally solve my problem? Maybe not. Is it a massive help? Unquestionably.
Imagine if you will that you already have the authority to stop every one of those visitors from entering your property but you make the decision to refuse to exercise that right and allow yourself to become overwhelmed. Imagine putting up a sign in your yard that you will welcome the visitors with free food, shelter and medical care and then not being able to understand why your neighbors are upset with you and don't feel like they should be on the hook financially for the well being of all of your visitors.
I think our friend may be believing what Trump says is in the bill. I'm not sure our fellow American has read the bill for herself. From what I can find, there doesn't seem to be truth in her statement. I'm sure it's not an intentional mistake on her part.
How come Schumer is blocking the Border Bill proposed by John Barrasso? It increases border security and uses the left over Covid funds so it's doesn't add anything to the deficit or debt.

It's pretty obvious they don't want anything done. The Democrat bill wasn't going to pass either but they wanted to propose and awful bill so when the Pubs voted against it they could use it for political purposes.
To be quite honest friend, I think whatever Trump does is gonna be seen as a good thing when it comes to policy by almost all of those who are voting for him. I may be wrong on that. Just what I'm seeing. Have a good morning.
They should have separate bills for every item. The cram stuff through with decent bills and waste untold dollars.
Imagine if you will if I had thousands of people coming into my house every day but the law said that I had to spend 3 hours talking to each one of them before I could make a decision as to whether to tell them to leave. And then someone proposes a law that provides a lot more resources so that multiple people could talk to them AND shortens the convo from 3 hours to 5 minutes, and as a backstop allows me to just shut almost everyone out if more than can fit on my porch come.

Does that totally solve my problem? Maybe not. Is it a massive help? Unquestionably.
That’s the same idea as Nancy’s pass the bill and see what’s in it BS.
You let people in who have not been vetted properly. Make them stay in Mexico while they are vetted. You do not let every person come in your house without some sort of selection process. If you do why not just take off your front door. That bill you referenced does not close the door at all. It still leaves it mostly open with no real idea of who is coming in until it is too late. Over 200,000 children have been let in and we have no idea where they are. I am afraid many are being used in the sex industry. That shows the system stinks and needs a major overhaul. If your car is heavily leaking oil do you keep driving it? No you get it looked at and repaired.
Lindsay Graham said "this is the best bill we will ever get"
Unfortunately, there are Republican House members that either will not give an inch on anything or would but fear they will not keep their job for the next two years. This has been going on since the Tea Party came into existence. It's why Boehner got out and was glad he did. The Tea Party is the womb that gave birth to the Trump presidency. I'm not sure there are any answers. But I will continue to offer a hand of friendship and pray for change.
Unfortunately, there are Republican House members that either will not give an inch on anything or would but fear they will not keep their job for the next two years. This has been going on since the Tea Party came into existence. It's why Boehner got out and was glad he did. The Tea Party is the womb that gave birth to the Trump presidency. I'm not sure there are any answers. But I will continue to offer a hand of friendship and pray for change.
That is a narrow short sided view imo. Both sides do that and they only do enough to not piss off enough their base so they can get reelected.
That is a narrow short sided view imo. Both sides do that and they only do enough to not piss off enough their base so they can get reelected.
If you would like to, read American Carnage or Woodward's books on Obama's Presidency. There are quite a few quotes from Boehner about the problems he had with Tea Party Republicans refusing to let him make good deals for the good of all of us. Deals where Republicans get a lot of things they want. Neither book gives Obama or the Democrats, especially Pelosi, zero blame, but the Tea Partiers wouldn't budge on a lot of key issues. One was fixing the border that would give the dreamers a path to citizenship. Many majority white districts across the US simply said "Nope. We give you nothing." Even the reps that realized it was a good deal for the good of everybody wouldn't do it because they wanted to hold on to their seat.
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If you would like to, read American Carnage or Woodward's books on Obama's Presidency. There are quite a few quotes from Boehner about the problems he had with Tea Party Republicans refusing to let him make good deals for the good of all of us. Deals where Republicans get a lot of things they want. Neither book gives Obama or the Democrats, especially Pelosi, zero blame, but the Tea Partiers wouldn't budge on a lot of key issues. One was fixing the border that would give the dreamers a path to citizenship. Many majority white districts across the US simply said "Nope. We give you nothing." Even the reps that realized it was a good deal for the good of everybody wouldn't do it because they wanted to hold on to their seat.
I am not saying your statement was wrong. But you are only focusing on one side. That is the same crap every one is doing and it is ruining our country and it is divisive. Never mind.
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That, along with term limits, would do a world of good for our country.
Term limits, I'm in on. Separate bills for each item would have hard time passing anything unless you have a majority in both the Senate and the House.
I am not saying your statement was wrong. But you are only focusing on one side. That is the same crap every one is doing and it is ruining our country and it is divisive. Never mind.
Neither of those books focus on one side. Plenty of interviews that give both sides and why they did what they did.
Both parties have decided 100 percent of nothing is better than 50 percent of something. Nobody benefits.
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Does anyone really think it was a good bill? They blame Trump for killing it but thank goodness someone had some common sense and decided to let it die.
I did not know Trump was in office and had a vote? LOL..Shi++y bill anyway..the dumba$$ Dems should not have allowed 10 illegal aliensinto the country by all of Bidens Executive Orders when he took office first week..then try and play politics to save their ass on the problem they caused LOL…Part of their political game failed by not the shi++y bill passed. However they did succeed in causing the largest incomparable mass migration (record numbers) of illegal aliens into this country ..and all the problems that come with Conservatives and Independents alike (and any other sane person) knows this
I did not know Trump was in office and had a vote? LOL..Shi++y bill anyway..the dumba$$ Dems should not have allowed 10 illegal aliensinto the country by all of Bidens Executive Orders when he took office first week..then try and play politics to save their ass on the problem they caused LOL…Part of their political game failed by not the shi++y bill passed. However they did succeed in causing the largest incomparable mass migration (record numbers) of illegal aliens into this country ..and all the problems that come with Conservatives and Independents alike (and any other sane person) knows this
Sen. Lankford's page >
Unfortunately, there are Republican House members that either will not give an inch on anything or would but fear they will not keep their job for the next two years. This has been going on since the Tea Party came into existence. It's why Boehner got out and was glad he did. The Tea Party is the womb that gave birth to the Trump presidency. I'm not sure there are any answers. But I will continue to offer a hand of friendship and pray for change.
In case you missed my earlier post, Schumer is the one blocking a border bill in the senate, why won't they just pass that one? That one would be easy and non-controversial and includes no pork. Could it be that it is actually a bill that would do something to stop illegal aliens? Also, it is paid for with left over Covid funds so it doesn't add to the deficit or debt.
It was about not bending the knee again. A stricter policy was written as well but shot down by democrats before it could go anywhere. I think the bill had its positives, but it would be career suicide if passed for a ton of pubs and a win for democrats. Who created the issue. Biden has the authority to stop it. Make him admit he was wrong and try to fix it. Which was the right strategy. He was trailing so bad in the polls prior to the debate what was done worked. Then the coup happened and Kamala said I will fix the enormous problem we didn’t create, but we know is there. Pretty simple. The pubs that voted it down probably saved lankford’s job
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In case you missed my earlier post, Schumer is the one blocking a border bill in the senate, why won't they just pass that one? That one would be easy and non-controversial and includes no pork. Could it be that it is actually a bill that would do something to stop illegal aliens? Also, it is paid for with left over Covid funds so it doesn't add to the deficit or debt.
Crickets, doesn’t fit their narrative to respond. It’s all Trumps fault.
Who created the issue.

"A reminder that Trump left office with border apprehensions having risen every single month after Title 42 went into effect and lockdowns ended, such that December 2020 saw the highest level of crossings for a December since 1999.The border wasn't "closed" under his watch."


To be clear, I obviously am not saying here that Trump created the issue, but he sure didn't solve it.
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Both parties have decided 100 percent of nothing is better than 50 percent of something. Nobody benefits.
That's they problem, it wasn't 50% anything. It was 100% garbage and that was so they could campaign on it. The money in that bill would have gone to giving benefits to illegal aliens and shipping them around the country. They said that is would add border patrol but the border patrol said they didn't need more officers, they need to be allowed to control the border. The extra "border patrol" would have been used to help do paperwork to expedite bringing in more illegals.
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"A reminder that Trump left office with border apprehensions having risen every single month after Title 42 went into effect and lockdowns ended, such that December 2020 saw the highest level of crossings for a December since 1999.The border wasn't "closed" under his watch."


To be clear, I obviously am not saying here that Trump created the issue, but he sure didn't solve it.
To be even clearer, that is a political advocacy group.

The American Immigration Council (AIC) is a 501(c)(3) advocacy group in favor of expanding immigration to the United States and granting legal status to some populations of illegal immigrants. It was founded by the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) in 1987. AIC is AILA’s public policy advocacy affiliate.1
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"A reminder that Trump left office with border apprehensions having risen every single month after Title 42 went into effect and lockdowns ended, such that December 2020 saw the highest level of crossings for a December since 1999.The border wasn't "closed" under his watch."


To be clear, I obviously am not saying here that Trump created the issue, but he sure didn't solve it.
No trump didn’t solve it. Obama deported more people than Trump as well. He built the “cages” for them. The problem will never be 100 percent solved imo. Too much area to cover. But to do what is happening now is borderline criminal to Americans. If you saw what Oregon offered illegals today, it didn’t make your stomach turn nothing will. I would want to burn it down up there. Unbelievable

Trump’s plan was working and he had some very good ideas concerning the border. Which Dems have had to admit reluctantly
To be even clearer, that is a political advocacy group.

The American Immigration Council (AIC) is a 501(c)(3) advocacy group in favor of expanding immigration to the United States and granting legal status to some populations of illegal immigrants. It was founded by the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) in 1987. AIC is AILA’s public policy advocacy affiliate.1
are their stats wrong?
Term limits, I'm in on. Separate bills for each item would have hard time passing anything unless you have a majority in both the Senate and the House.
I would be in favor of very little being passed until both sides learned to work together.
Seriously you clearly haven’t read the bill. It would allow way over a million illegals to enter each year. It wasn’t bipartisan like one republican and Dems. It basically would make our open border the law. It was a horrid bill. Why not pass the bill the Republicans passed in Congress but senate wouldn’t bring up for a vote. It was actually a border security bill.
Have you read the bill?

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