NonDawg The breed of peace strikes again

65% of all dog-related deaths are caused by Pitbulls. They make up about 6.5% of the dog population in the US. Rottweilers are next and the are about 1/7 the number of deaths of Pitbulls. German Shepherds are next and about 1/5 the amount of deaths of Rottweilers.

To me, those are stunning numbers. To Pitbull owners...not so much.
65% of all dog-related deaths are caused by Pitbulls. They make up about 6.5% of the dog population in the US. Rottweilers are next and the are about 1/7 the number of deaths of Pitbulls. German Shepherds are next and about 1/5 the amount of deaths of Rottweilers.

To me, those are stunning numbers. To Pitbull owners...not so much.
Problem with those stats, a dog can be 10% pit bull but is still labeled as a pit bull. Most of these attacks aren’t pure bred pits, they’re mixed with other breeds that screws with their genetics. I say all that, to say I own a peaceful 11lb miniature Schnauzer.
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My pit bull lives in perfect harmony with a Australian Shepard and is bullied around the house by a 6 lb yorkie. It’s the freaking owner of the dog that determines the dog.
My pit bull also lives in perfect harmony with a German shepherd. Both rescued from shelters and given better lives. We have never had a single incident in over 4 years of ownership.
Sounds like Columbia County has some significant liability in this one. Lawyers are gonna go after them hard I'd imagine. I doubt the trash owner has any assets but should go to jail.
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All my Dogs have been rescues but my absolute favorite is my current pit - boxer mix. Pits are great family dogs and she’s always been just like both breeds - patient and gentle with my grandsons etc. For those of you waxing indignant about pits, do yourself a favor and read up on them. The temperament of the breed is nothing like the ones that cause the problems. That’s been done to them by their idiot owners.
It’s a combo of both. Just like bad neighborhoods and crime. Is that geographic location responsible? No, but being around there leads to crime. Are those people responsible? No/yes they’re a product of their environment.

Pit bulls are naturally aggressive and a lot of times their owners get them for that specific reason. Bad combo
So I'm a veterinarian, and I hear ALL the freaking time about how "it's the owner, not the dog..." blah blah blah. I've seen on MULTIPLE occasions otherwise well adjusted pitbulls completely snap and bite the shit out of kids. One of my clients children had to have their kid rushed to ATL and have reconstructive facial surgery because their sweet little pittie didn't like the clothing they were wearing or something.

If you have kids, or wish to not get your ass sued, don't own a pitbull. Nobody gets killed by Golden Retrievers for a reason.

"But but but fur baby loves mommy." Ok.

End effing rant.
So I'm a veterinarian, and I hear ALL the freaking time about how "it's the owner, not the dog..." blah blah blah. I've seen on MULTIPLE occasions otherwise well adjusted pitbulls completely snap and bite the shit out of kids. One of my clients children had to have their kid rushed to ATL and have reconstructive facial surgery because their sweet little pittie didn't like the clothing they were wearing or something.

If you have kids, or wish to not get your ass sued, don't own a pitbull. Nobody gets killed by Golden Retrievers for a reason.

"But but but fur baby loves mommy." Ok.

End effing rant.
My sister in law owns a pit and she’s the worst human being I know
Problem with those stats, a dog can be 10% pit bull but is still labeled as a pit bull. Most of these attacks aren’t pure bred pits, they’re mixed with other breeds that screws with their genetics. I say all that, to say I own a peaceful 11lb miniature Schnauzer.
If we get rid of everything called a pit bull, then we solve the problem. Bottom line, a "catch" instinct was selectively bred into them. Just like a labrador retriever was bred with an instinct to retrieve. They have a compulsive need to catch and attack when they see something running. It doesn't matter how well the dog is raised and treated. You cannot expect an animal to ignore the instincts that have been actively bred into them. Try throwing a tennis ball in front of a lab that has not had extensive training and see what happens. He is going to go get the damn ball. Unless you train him extensively to wait for a command before retrieving. And then the only reason they wait for the command is because they know the reward is to satisfy that instinct by getting to retrieve on command. Expecting pit bulls to be able to overcome generation upon generation of selective breeding and not instinctively attack is pure insanity.
So I'm a veterinarian, and I hear ALL the freaking time about how "it's the owner, not the dog..." blah blah blah. I've seen on MULTIPLE occasions otherwise well adjusted pitbulls completely snap and bite the shit out of kids. One of my clients children had to have their kid rushed to ATL and have reconstructive facial surgery because their sweet little pittie didn't like the clothing they were wearing or something.

If you have kids, or wish to not get your ass sued, don't own a pitbull. Nobody gets killed by Golden Retrievers for a reason.

"But but but fur baby loves mommy." Ok.

End effing rant.
Also as a veterinarian - I support this message. Sure, I see some nice, lovely pit bulls. They are also the breed that will give you zero warning before they bite you. Not a breed to have with kids.

Pit bulls should be eradicated as well as their owners
A 7 year old girl was killed in Louisiana on Weds by a pitbull that some piece of white trash let roam the neighborhood while he was at work.

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It's all about instinct....period. They have an instinct that triggers them to attack. They may be perfectly great family dogs for years, then one day they see a kid run across the backyard and they are triggered to catch and hold on until that child stops moving and breathing. It doesn't have to be an abused or mistreated dog. Anyone that has these dogs around children is putting the children in danger.
All my Dogs have been rescues but my absolute favorite is my current pit - boxer mix. Pits are great family dogs and she’s always been just like both breeds - patient and gentle with my grandsons etc. For those of you waxing indignant about pits, do yourself a favor and read up on them. The temperament of the breed is nothing like the ones that cause the problems. That’s been done to them by their idiot owners.
65% of all dog-related deaths are caused by Pitbulls. They make up about 6.5% of the dog population in the US. Rottweilers are next and the are about 1/7 the number of deaths of Pitbulls. German Shepherds are next and about 1/5 the amount of deaths of Rottweilers.

To me, those are stunning numbers. To Pitbull owners...not so much.
Wow. That is staggering.
I love these threads because the folks with 100lb, high dollar, BULLY's rush to defend the Pitbull attacks. Which 9/10 times if I had to guess are little asshole Blue Nose Pitbulls or staffordshires.

Bully's are super sweet and docile because most of the time the aggression has been bred out of them. I had a 130lb Bully who was the biggest baby in the world. But he was a big genetic freak show breeded to be a pet. He wasn't really a "pit" though.

My sheepadoodle will eat someone's ass up. German Shepherds are explosive as hell too unless they're raised properly. I'll concede the actual pitbulls are the most likely to tear someone up though.

*I took my bully from some idiot I knew who took bought him because he was a cute puppy. She failed to realize he'd be bigger than her quickly. Dog was beautiful and needed a home. I wouldn't have spent the money on 1 though.
Also as a veterinarian - I support this message. Sure, I see some nice, lovely pit bulls. They are also the breed that will give you zero warning before they bite you. Not a breed to have with kids.
I am not a veterinarian, but I am a lifetime dog-enthusiast with a fair bit on knowledge on what specific dog breeds and types are designed to do. Pitbulls have jaws that are very powerful and are designed to clamp down and not release. That is one of the main reasons they do so much damage. They have also been bred to be more aggressive. They are kind of the saw-scaled viper of the dog world. This snake kills more people globally than all other snake species combined. They have a very potent venom for a small snake, and they are highly aggressive. It is a bad combination.
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I've had a full-blooded pit before and I've been around plenty of them both well-behaved and badly behaved. Good owners and bad owners. Those experiences have taught me that this breed should be banned and curtailed. The risk is too great.
How does this problem get solved? I mean, I think just about any reasonable person can agree pits a dangerous breed... people aren't allowed to own and let roam free badgers or panthers... but there just aren't that many of those out there to be owned.

If it was up to me, I'd kill every last pit bull on the planet. But it's not and that isn't realistic. This doesn't seem like something that can be legislated at this point. There are simply too many out there to ever enforce that... and what you'd be left with is the REALLY bad element of society owning that breed.

Who knows. It's just senseless, all of it.