Mostly due to a shift in morality. Which is something (morality) you can't legislate, so stop trying already. Frankly if the R's intend to extend the life of the USA with it's personal freedoms and free market, dominant economy with opportunity for most (not everyone as that is impossible) and compassion for almost all then they must make a decision. Nominate the most likely to get elected. The country's shift to a morality shy way of life plus our passing the point where most people now realize they can vote themselves money and benefits and free stuff bodes badly for R's in a general election. And the USA as well for there truly is no free stuff.
With that said they need to forget trying to get people to vote for someone over hard ideology. The other side has none of the constraints of reality and have a competition based upon out promising and out lying each other. I'm reminded of the song "Big Rock Candy Mountain" when they get together for one of their "debates". Which quickly degenerate into modern day Huey P Longs vs Big Jim Folsom's laundry list of a free chicken in every pot and a gratis washing machine and a Chevrolet in every garage. The D's have swung so far to the extreme that a couple of the candidates are now to the left of the usual communist party's offering, this time being nutty ole Bern. Who is dependent on gun money so he is far right on guns. They match him on free stuff but don't share his funding methodology. Clinton has a system of selling influence and a piece of America to foreign interests and the other main moonbat just shakes down the usual suspects like the Soroses.
If the right wants to bring the country back to life it must go to the center. With someone who articulates fair and reasonable policies and a do the "right thing" message. A perfect ticket for that would likely be Rubio who is probably the best overall candidate for real leadership out there. With Fiorina as VP. Trouble is short of adding some class, a female and needed expertise she brings nothing to the ticket. Being from the People's Republic of Ca. So J.K. from Ohio is the other half of the ticket. A problem solver, grounded in reality and knows everyone and how to govern from the center. but mostly he is from Ohio where he is very popular.
Otherwise the calamity of Hillary looms, another 8 years of the Obama abomination and the sealing of America to third world status much quicker than anyone could have dreamed just a short few years ago.
With that said they need to forget trying to get people to vote for someone over hard ideology. The other side has none of the constraints of reality and have a competition based upon out promising and out lying each other. I'm reminded of the song "Big Rock Candy Mountain" when they get together for one of their "debates". Which quickly degenerate into modern day Huey P Longs vs Big Jim Folsom's laundry list of a free chicken in every pot and a gratis washing machine and a Chevrolet in every garage. The D's have swung so far to the extreme that a couple of the candidates are now to the left of the usual communist party's offering, this time being nutty ole Bern. Who is dependent on gun money so he is far right on guns. They match him on free stuff but don't share his funding methodology. Clinton has a system of selling influence and a piece of America to foreign interests and the other main moonbat just shakes down the usual suspects like the Soroses.
If the right wants to bring the country back to life it must go to the center. With someone who articulates fair and reasonable policies and a do the "right thing" message. A perfect ticket for that would likely be Rubio who is probably the best overall candidate for real leadership out there. With Fiorina as VP. Trouble is short of adding some class, a female and needed expertise she brings nothing to the ticket. Being from the People's Republic of Ca. So J.K. from Ohio is the other half of the ticket. A problem solver, grounded in reality and knows everyone and how to govern from the center. but mostly he is from Ohio where he is very popular.
Otherwise the calamity of Hillary looms, another 8 years of the Obama abomination and the sealing of America to third world status much quicker than anyone could have dreamed just a short few years ago.