The country is in trouble with so many folks moving to the far left.


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Mostly due to a shift in morality. Which is something (morality) you can't legislate, so stop trying already. Frankly if the R's intend to extend the life of the USA with it's personal freedoms and free market, dominant economy with opportunity for most (not everyone as that is impossible) and compassion for almost all then they must make a decision. Nominate the most likely to get elected. The country's shift to a morality shy way of life plus our passing the point where most people now realize they can vote themselves money and benefits and free stuff bodes badly for R's in a general election. And the USA as well for there truly is no free stuff.

With that said they need to forget trying to get people to vote for someone over hard ideology. The other side has none of the constraints of reality and have a competition based upon out promising and out lying each other. I'm reminded of the song "Big Rock Candy Mountain" when they get together for one of their "debates". Which quickly degenerate into modern day Huey P Longs vs Big Jim Folsom's laundry list of a free chicken in every pot and a gratis washing machine and a Chevrolet in every garage. The D's have swung so far to the extreme that a couple of the candidates are now to the left of the usual communist party's offering, this time being nutty ole Bern. Who is dependent on gun money so he is far right on guns. They match him on free stuff but don't share his funding methodology. Clinton has a system of selling influence and a piece of America to foreign interests and the other main moonbat just shakes down the usual suspects like the Soroses.

If the right wants to bring the country back to life it must go to the center. With someone who articulates fair and reasonable policies and a do the "right thing" message. A perfect ticket for that would likely be Rubio who is probably the best overall candidate for real leadership out there. With Fiorina as VP. Trouble is short of adding some class, a female and needed expertise she brings nothing to the ticket. Being from the People's Republic of Ca. So J.K. from Ohio is the other half of the ticket. A problem solver, grounded in reality and knows everyone and how to govern from the center. but mostly he is from Ohio where he is very popular.

Otherwise the calamity of Hillary looms, another 8 years of the Obama abomination and the sealing of America to third world status much quicker than anyone could have dreamed just a short few years ago.
Mostly due to a shift in morality. Which is something (morality) you can't legislate, so stop trying already. Frankly if the R's intend to extend the life of the USA with it's personal freedoms and free market, dominant economy with opportunity for most (not everyone as that is impossible) and compassion for almost all then they must make a decision. Nominate the most likely to get elected. The country's shift to a morality shy way of life plus our passing the point where most people now realize they can vote themselves money and benefits and free stuff bodes badly for R's in a general election. And the USA as well for there truly is no free stuff.

With that said they need to forget trying to get people to vote for someone over hard ideology. The other side has none of the constraints of reality and have a competition based upon out promising and out lying each other. I'm reminded of the song "Big Rock Candy Mountain" when they get together for one of their "debates". Which quickly degenerate into modern day Huey P Longs vs Big Jim Folsom's laundry list of a free chicken in every pot and a gratis washing machine and a Chevrolet in every garage. The D's have swung so far to the extreme that a couple of the candidates are now to the left of the usual communist party's offering, this time being nutty ole Bern. Who is dependent on gun money so he is far right on guns. They match him on free stuff but don't share his funding methodology. Clinton has a system of selling influence and a piece of America to foreign interests and the other main moonbat just shakes down the usual suspects like the Soroses.

If the right wants to bring the country back to life it must go to the center. With someone who articulates fair and reasonable policies and a do the "right thing" message. A perfect ticket for that would likely be Rubio who is probably the best overall candidate for real leadership out there. With Fiorina as VP. Trouble is short of adding some class, a female and needed expertise she brings nothing to the ticket. Being from the People's Republic of Ca. So J.K. from Ohio is the other half of the ticket. A problem solver, grounded in reality and knows everyone and how to govern from the center. but mostly he is from Ohio where he is very popular.

Otherwise the calamity of Hillary looms, another 8 years of the Obama abomination and the sealing of America to third world status much quicker than anyone could have dreamed just a short few years ago.
America's fate is already sealed if you have to surrender your principles and morals to appease the masses.
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We have become a country of pussified people. We call illegals "immigrants" not criminals and we piss our pants when 13% of our population make demands because the handouts "will never be enough" to heal their suffering of 200 yrs ago. We sell our land to foreigners and put people in governement like BO and Hillary. Politicians only care about re-election and not fixing our problems. Our military is fighting wars across the world meanwhile we can't protect our own gotdayum borders. There hasn't been a POTUS with any balls since Truman or maybe Eisenhower. My dad, a Korean War vet told me once, "Son, there are 1.5 billion of them Muslim sob's in this world and 300 million of us, sooner or later we are gonna have to kill every single one of those b'tards."

RIP Dad, Happy Veterans Day.
Mostly due to a shift in morality. Which is something (morality) you can't legislate, so stop trying already. Frankly if the R's intend to extend the life of the USA with it's personal freedoms and free market, dominant economy with opportunity for most (not everyone as that is impossible) and compassion for almost all then they must make a decision. Nominate the most likely to get elected. The country's shift to a morality shy way of life plus our passing the point where most people now realize they can vote themselves money and benefits and free stuff bodes badly for R's in a general election. And the USA as well for there truly is no free stuff.

With that said they need to forget trying to get people to vote for someone over hard ideology. The other side has none of the constraints of reality and have a competition based upon out promising and out lying each other. I'm reminded of the song "Big Rock Candy Mountain" when they get together for one of their "debates". Which quickly degenerate into modern day Huey P Longs vs Big Jim Folsom's laundry list of a free chicken in every pot and a gratis washing machine and a Chevrolet in every garage. The D's have swung so far to the extreme that a couple of the candidates are now to the left of the usual communist party's offering, this time being nutty ole Bern. Who is dependent on gun money so he is far right on guns. They match him on free stuff but don't share his funding methodology. Clinton has a system of selling influence and a piece of America to foreign interests and the other main moonbat just shakes down the usual suspects like the Soroses.

If the right wants to bring the country back to life it must go to the center. With someone who articulates fair and reasonable policies and a do the "right thing" message. A perfect ticket for that would likely be Rubio who is probably the best overall candidate for real leadership out there. With Fiorina as VP. Trouble is short of adding some class, a female and needed expertise she brings nothing to the ticket. Being from the People's Republic of Ca. So J.K. from Ohio is the other half of the ticket. A problem solver, grounded in reality and knows everyone and how to govern from the center. but mostly he is from Ohio where he is very popular.

Otherwise the calamity of Hillary looms, another 8 years of the Obama abomination and the sealing of America to third world status much quicker than anyone could have dreamed just a short few years ago.
Right, the same John Kasich that sounded like a snake handling preacher last night. He looked like an absolute high-handed ass lecturing everybody.
Mostly due to a shift in morality. Which is something (morality) you can't legislate, so stop trying already. Frankly if the R's intend to extend the life of the USA with it's personal freedoms and free market, dominant economy with opportunity for most (not everyone as that is impossible) and compassion for almost all then they must make a decision. Nominate the most likely to get elected. The country's shift to a morality shy way of life plus our passing the point where most people now realize they can vote themselves money and benefits and free stuff bodes badly for R's in a general election. And the USA as well for there truly is no free stuff.

With that said they need to forget trying to get people to vote for someone over hard ideology. The other side has none of the constraints of reality and have a competition based upon out promising and out lying each other. I'm reminded of the song "Big Rock Candy Mountain" when they get together for one of their "debates". Which quickly degenerate into modern day Huey P Longs vs Big Jim Folsom's laundry list of a free chicken in every pot and a gratis washing machine and a Chevrolet in every garage. The D's have swung so far to the extreme that a couple of the candidates are now to the left of the usual communist party's offering, this time being nutty ole Bern. Who is dependent on gun money so he is far right on guns. They match him on free stuff but don't share his funding methodology. Clinton has a system of selling influence and a piece of America to foreign interests and the other main moonbat just shakes down the usual suspects like the Soroses.

If the right wants to bring the country back to life it must go to the center. With someone who articulates fair and reasonable policies and a do the "right thing" message. A perfect ticket for that would likely be Rubio who is probably the best overall candidate for real leadership out there. With Fiorina as VP. Trouble is short of adding some class, a female and needed expertise she brings nothing to the ticket. Being from the People's Republic of Ca. So J.K. from Ohio is the other half of the ticket. A problem solver, grounded in reality and knows everyone and how to govern from the center. but mostly he is from Ohio where he is very popular.

Otherwise the calamity of Hillary looms, another 8 years of the Obama abomination and the sealing of America to third world status much quicker than anyone could have dreamed just a short few years ago.

I question the far right's ideas on morality and their common sense on many economic issues.
That's not to say I support the ACTUAL far left either.
I question the far right's ideas on morality and their common sense on many economic issues.
That's not to say I support the ACTUAL far left either.

Which ideas of morality and common sense economic issues do you question? Just curious.
Which ideas of morality and common sense economic issues do you question? Just curious.

The opposition to a decent minimum wage, any and all standards on conservation/environmental protections, opposition to rights for gays, opposition to any attempts at providing humane protections for animals,the knee jerk opposition to common sense gun laws. Rigid ''no new taxes'' agreements that have hamstrung Congress's ability to make needed changes.

There are other examples if I care to work through it a bit longer, but those are sufficient to make the point.
The opposition to a decent minimum wage, any and all standards on conservation/environmental protections, opposition to rights for gays, opposition to any attempts at providing humane protections for animals,the knee jerk opposition to common sense gun laws. Rigid ''no new taxes'' agreements that have hamstrung Congress's ability to make needed changes.

There are other examples if I care to work through it a bit longer, but those are sufficient to make the point.

Do you really feel that the country is not paying enough taxes? Do you feel that what is sent to the government is being spent wisely?
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The opposition a decent minimum wage, any an all standards on conservation/environmental protections, opposition to rights for gays, opposition to any attempts at providing humane protections for animals,the knee jerk opposition to common sense gun laws. Rigid ''no new taxes'' agreements that have hamstrung Congress's ability to make needed changes.

There are other examples if I care to work through it a bit longer, but those are sufficient to make the point.

No offense. But you clearly are a liberal. This post shows you're no more than an emotional misfit who is a mile wide and an inch deep.

Minimum wage ; Its a STARTING wage. raising it only does harm. It causes the employer to do one of two things, maybe both. Raise prices or lay off workers. Its simple math. Its really quite stupid and has been shown to be at every turn

any an all standards on conservation/environmental protections, A you serious Clark,..any and all? No, just common sense. Climate change. Global warming, Global cooling, Climate disruption whatever these hoaxers are calling this weeks version is a HOAX, There is ZERO evidence that man has anything to do with it. NONE. Now clean air and water, everyone supports that. Or maybe you think we conservatives have our own supply of air and water we're hoarding ??

Gay rights: They have every right any other American has. You want special rights for them. What other deviant group should get these special rights.

Protecting animals? WTF you talking about willis? If you mean some sorry fish so they can avoid the drought in California or stopping progress because of some owl...yea DUH.

Common Sense Gun Laws: Again, WTF you talking about? Unlike Deviant marriage guns are a right spelled out in the Constitution. Maybe you'd like common sense speech laws? Or common sense search and seizure laws?

Rigid no new taxes: The Gov take THREE TRILLION BUCKS A YEAR out of OUR POCKETS. When is it enough? Do you think the Gov doesn't have enough money? Why is it ppl like you are worried about the gov not having enough, but never that the TAX PAYER doesn't have enough? Do you believe it all belongs to the government? Do you think they spend the money more wisely and efficiently than we do? And just what does it stop them from doing? What changes can't they make?

See how utterly childish and naive your idea's are. Its truly very ignorant
Do you really feel that the country is not paying enough taxes? Do you feel that what is sent to the government is being spent wisely?

I think taxes on the truly wealthy should be higher. I'm with The Donald on this one. I also feel both sides need to come together to eliminate tax dodges and corporate handouts. Some of the problems, make that many of the problems are not left/right, but an issue of systemic corruption of various sorts.
I think taxes on the truly wealthy should be higher. I'm with The Donald on this one. I also feel both sides need to come together to eliminate tax dodges and corporate handouts. Some of the problems, make that many of the problems are not left/right, but an issue of systemic corruption of various sorts.


And who do you consider truly wealthy?
Did you see any of the videos? Anger and hate is all on the Left. Its what you ppl call " projecting" Just like the other racial outrages. The BS at Mizzu is all based on lies.

You're obviously full of hate and anger, you have plenty of company on the far right.
These protesters are a tiny minority within a minority, just as those who go out to curse and harass protesters are a small more radical segment of the right.
No offense. But you clearly are a liberal. This post shows you're no more than an emotional misfit who is a mile wide and an inch deep.

Minimum wage ; Its a STARTING wage. raising it only does harm. It causes the employer to do one of two things, maybe both. Raise prices or lay off workers. Its simple math. Its really quite stupid and has been shown to be at every turn

any an all standards on conservation/environmental protections, A you serious Clark,..any and all? No, just common sense. Climate change. Global warming, Global cooling, Climate disruption whatever these hoaxers are calling this weeks version is a HOAX, There is ZERO evidence that man has anything to do with it. NONE. Now clean air and water, everyone supports that. Or maybe you think we conservatives have our own supply of air and water we're hoarding ??

Gay rights: They have every right any other American has. You want special rights for them. What other deviant group should get these special rights.

Protecting animals? WTF you talking about willis? If you mean some sorry fish so they can avoid the drought in California or stopping progress because of some owl...yea DUH.

Common Sense Gun Laws: Again, WTF you talking about? Unlike Deviant marriage guns are a right spelled out in the Constitution. Maybe you'd like common sense speech laws? Or common sense search and seizure laws?

Rigid no new taxes: The Gov take THREE TRILLION BUCKS A YEAR out of OUR POCKETS. When is it enough? Do you think the Gov doesn't have enough money? Why is it ppl like you are worried about the gov not having enough, but never that the TAX PAYER doesn't have enough? Do you believe it all belongs to the government? Do you think they spend the money more wisely and efficiently than we do? And just what does it stop them from doing? What changes can't they make?

See how utterly childish and naive your idea's are. Its truly very ignorant

Thank you, Rolo! Couldn't have said it better myself.

The opposition to a decent minimum wage, any and all standards on conservation/environmental protections, opposition to rights for gays, opposition to any attempts at providing humane protections for animals,the knee jerk opposition to common sense gun laws. Rigid ''no new taxes'' agreements that have hamstrung Congress's ability to make needed changes.

There are other examples if I care to work through it a bit longer, but those are sufficient to make the point.

I'll only add... victim mentality.

You're a smart guy, HH; no reason for you to believe the garbage you just typed. Any thinking, common sense person knows better.
Is that what you moonbats call it, we just call you,, nuts.

That's because you're experiencing something called "cognitive dissonance". It happens quite frequently to people with reactionary mindsets like yours. Your ideology is so far removed from reality that you can't believe the rest of society opposes your viewpoint.

You better get used to it. Progress goes in one direction only.

And who do you consider truly wealthy?

Earnings over a million per year should qualify for a separate rate IMO. I would also make capital gains rates at least equal to their corresponding income tax rates. I would increase inheritance rates on estates over 6 millions, with exemptions for certain working businesses/farms with the provision if any part or parts of the business change hands within 10 years the taxes would be owed at that time, much as certain savings operate.
Thank you, Rolo! Couldn't have said it better myself.

I'll only add... victim mentality.

You're a smart guy, HH; no reason for you to believe the garbage you just typed. Any thinking, common sense person knows better.

I'm a smart enough person to value my humanity and common sense over political dogma.
I'm 100% in my beliefs on these issues.
You're obviously full of hate and anger, you have plenty of company on the far right.
These protesters are a tiny minority within a minority, just as those who go out to curse and harass protesters are a small more radical segment of the right.

These "few' leftist radicals just got two men fired from their careers based on a pack of wild ass lies, nothing but LIES and HOAX...They are just evil ppl. Its what the left does all the time. This is not isolated
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That's because you're experiencing something called "cognitive dissonance". It happens quite frequently to people with reactionary mindsets like yours. Your ideology is so far removed from reality that you can't believe the rest of society opposes your viewpoint.

You better get used to it. Progress goes in one direction only.

See your Ideology is just easy. It doesn't require thought, reason, logic or common sense. You can't back up any of your moonbat ideas with any facts or examples of success. You have a history of failure leaving broken dreams, people, cities , States and Countries in smoldering embers. California, Detroit, Greece, Spain, Show me a shithole and I'll show you a place run by leftist.

You accuse others of exactly what you are. Ppl like you are pure evil. You DGAS about the ppl you claim to champion, you only care that they stay dumb and dependent so you can force your loony idea's on all of us.
Earnings over a million per year should qualify for a separate rate IMO. I would also make capital gains rates at least equal to their corresponding income tax rates. I would increase inheritance rates on estates over 6 millions, with exemptions for certain working businesses/farms with the provision if any part or parts of the business change hands within 10 years the taxes would be owed at that time, much as certain savings operate.

I didn't ask for your tax plan. I simply asked why? What did they do to be punished? Why do you feel you have the right to inherit what others have earned? Again, why do you think the Gov needs more money , but the ppl that earned it can do without it?
These "few' leftist radicals just got two men fired from their careers based on a pack of wild ass lies, nothing but LIES and HOAX...They are just evil ppl. Its what the left does all the time. This is not isolated

You're too radical and angry to carry on a useful debate with Rolo. You see evil and treachery where it's really only a difference in opinions.
I can't state an educated opinion on whether those University executives should have resigned without knowing important details. It would take a good team of lawyers months to pour over statements, documents and actions if this were a civil trial, so I don't expect I'll ever have the inside info, unless a smoking gun recording, memorandum, etc surfaces, or this go to court.
I personally think they resigned because there's a game on Saturday and the football program trumped all other considerations.
See your Ideology is just easy. It doesn't require thought, reason, logic or common sense. You can't back up any of your moonbat ideas with any facts or examples of success. You have a history of failure leaving broken dreams, people, cities , States and Countries in smoldering embers. California, Detroit, Greece, Spain, Show me a shithole and I'll show you a place run by leftist.

You accuse others of exactly what you are. Ppl like you are pure evil. You DGAS about the ppl you claim to champion, you only care that they stay dumb and dependent so you can force your loony idea's on all of us.

You should get an appointment to see a mental health professional. You exhibit a lot of delusional thinking and paranoid ideations. Get help soon!
I didn't ask for your tax plan. I simply asked why? What did they do to be punished? Why do you feel you have the right to inherit what others have earned? Again, why do you think the Gov needs more money , but the ppl that earned it can do without it?

''what did they do to be punished'' that is a silly way to look at it.
What did anybody ''do'' to deserve being taxed ? it's not a fine to punish wrong doing.
You're too radical and angry to carry on a useful debate with Rolo. You see evil and treachery where it's really only a difference in opinions.
I can't state an educated opinion on whether those University executives should have resigned without knowing important details. It would take a good team of lawyers months to pour over statements, documents and actions if this were a civil trial, so I don't expect I'll ever have the inside info, unless a smoking gun recording, memorandum, etc surfaces, or this go to court.
I personally think they resigned because there's a game on Saturday and the football program trumped all other considerations.

I've simply asked you some questions about why you feel your entitled to other ppls money by taxing them more than others? If you can't hold up your end of the debate that's fine, I expected that. As to the Mizzu thing. If you can't face the truth that too is on you. You're watching your ideology melt down right before your eyes. The fact is these leftist radicals got two men fired over nothing more than lies, not a single fact drove these protests.
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''what did they do to be punished'' that is a silly way to look at it.
What did anybody ''do'' to deserve being taxed ? it's not a fine to punish wrong doing.

I hear ya, but I've yet to get an answer to the simple question. Why? and it is punishment when you use the gov to take more from one American than others
I've simply asked you some questions about why you feel your entitled to other ppls money by taxing them more than others? If you can't hold up your end of the debate that's fine, I expected that. As to the Mizzu thing. If you can't face the truth that too is on you. You're watching your ideology melt down right before your eyes. The fact is these leftist radicals got two men fired over nothing more than lies, not a single fact drove these protests.

This is exhibit A in delusional thinking: "I'm right, you're wrong, that settles it!"
This is exhibit A in delusional thinking: "I'm right, you're wrong, that settles it!"

Maybe you should get that help. I asked you to tell me where I was wrong. I backed you in a corner and you're not bright enough to dispute you're angry....good LOL
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Thats it? that's all ya got? Where am I wrong ?

People with delusional thinking can't see that their thinking is wrong, nor can they determine why their thinking is wrong. It's ok, it's not your fault. Please make an appointment to see a mental health professional.
Have you guys noticed. When engaged these leftist run like roaches when the lights turn on? Mosty I just get in there and give them their own medicine, and insult the piss out of them. So I decide to engage these guys and just look at how they've responded. I'm laughing my ass off here.
Have you guys noticed. When engaged these leftist run like roaches when the lights turn on? Mosty I just get in there and give them their own medicine, and insult the piss out of them. So I decide to engage these guys and just look at how they've responded. I'm laughing my ass off here.

I'm dead-ass serious. You are delusional and paranoid. You need help.
I've simply asked you some questions about why you feel your entitled to other ppls money by taxing them more than others? If you can't hold up your end of the debate that's fine, I expected that. As to the Mizzu thing. If you can't face the truth that too is on you. You're watching your ideology melt down right before your eyes. The fact is these leftist radicals got two men fired over nothing more than lies, not a single fact drove these protests.

I am more than holding up my end of the debate, such as it is. It is valid to point out you hate those you consider to the left and that clearly affects your judgment.
A tiered tax system is fair, it is also smart. This is not a punitive assessment, that is propaganda you've bought into, as you do anything you feel is in opposition to ''the lefties''. The truth is The highest tax rates peaked under Ike, so it hasn't always been the train wreck cultural war pawn it is today.