The country is in trouble with so many folks moving to the far left.

Have you guys noticed. When engaged these leftist run like roaches when the lights turn on? Mosty I just get in there and give them their own medicine, and insult the piss out of them. So I decide to engage these guys and just look at how they've responded. I'm laughing my ass off here.


I really enjoyed this little liberal try...

People with delusional thinking can't see that their thinking is wrong, nor can they determine why their thinking is wrong.

Attacks the messenger, but not the message.
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Have you guys noticed. When engaged these leftist run like roaches when the lights turn on? Mosty I just get in there and give them their own medicine, and insult the piss out of them. So I decide to engage these guys and just look at how they've responded. I'm laughing my ass off here.

I've noticed what is in your head rarely matches reality.
I am more than holding up my end of the debate, such as it is. It is valid to point out you hate those you consider to the left and that clearly affects your judgment.
A tiered tax system is fair, it is also smart. This is not a punitive assessment, that is propaganda you've bought into, as you do anything you feel is in opposition to ''the lefties''. The truth is The highest tax rates peaked under Ike, so it hasn't always been the train wreck cultural war pawn it is today.

True. But it doesnt' have anything to do with my judgement. I don't know how many times I have to ask the same question. WHY? What's your reason behind punishing ppl you believe should be forced to pay more?

Why is it smart? You keep giving these silly none answers, IDGAS about IKE, IDGAS about the system. I am asking YOU WHY YOU THINK CERTAIN PPL SHOULD PAY MORE??
I've noticed what is in your head rarely matches reality.

Then answer the question? You made the assertions....and now we're on God knows what number of posts asking you to answer WHY????

If you can't answer why. STFU and move on. I've made my point. Liberalism is a gutless choice, you only have to feel, you don't have to THINK......and anyone following these posts knows you've made my point.
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I'm dead-ass serious. You are delusional and paranoid. You need help.

Rolo on Liberalism: "Liberalism is a gutless and easy choice. It doesnt' require any thought, only feelings. Its a mile wide and an inch deep. It is morally and intellectually bankrupt"

And anyone following my lesson today have seen a a perfect exercise in real time proving my point,
Then answer the question? You made the assertions....and now we're on God knows what number of posts asking you to answer WHY????

If you can't answer why. STFU and move on. I've made my point. Liberalism is a gutless choice, you only have to feel, you don't have to THINK......and anyone following these ling of posts knows you've made my point.

Your "point" is that you're a reactionary nutjob who needs to be treated by a mental health professional. I doubt you are as far gone as Dylann Roof, but your online rants follow his manifesto fairly consistently. Get help now.
Your "point" is that you're a reactionary nutjob who needs to be treated by a mental health professional. I doubt you are as far gone as Dylann Roof, but your online rants follow his manifesto fairly consistently. Get help now.

And the Lesson continues.
Then answer the question? You made the assertions....and now we're on God knows what number of posts asking you to answer WHY????

If you can't answer why. STFU and move on. I've made my point. Liberalism is a gutless choice, you only have to feel, you don't have to THINK......and anyone following these ling of posts knows you've made my point.

''Why'', you rank so much you could be referring to any number of thing. I suspect you're referring to why the wealthy should pay higher rates.I answered you dear boy, you just can't process it.

The idiot far right is worse than gutless, thank God those sheet heads are marginalized, as is the truly 'far left'', you're all idiots.
No offense. But you clearly are a liberal. This post shows you're no more than an emotional misfit who is a mile wide and an inch deep.

Minimum wage ; Its a STARTING wage. raising it only does harm. It causes the employer to do one of two things, maybe both. Raise prices or lay off workers. Its simple math. Its really quite stupid and has been shown to be at every turn

----> Ridiculous lie. When we had manufacturing jobs, steel industry jobs, farm jobs were plentiful, fast food and simple jobs were part time jobs for HS kids. Now, people work them 40 hours full time. So, you can pay or close (of course someone else will open) in a lot of cities, and states are following suit.

any an all standards on conservation/environmental protections, A you serious Clark,..any and all? No, just common sense. Climate change. Global warming, Global cooling, Climate disruption whatever these hoaxers are calling this weeks version is a HOAX, There is ZERO evidence that man has anything to do with it. NONE. Now clean air and water, everyone supports that. Or maybe you think we conservatives have our own supply of air and water we're hoarding ??

----> Too stupid to argue with, (is this sarcasm?) but climate is climate and nothing is going to stop it.

Gay rights: They have every right any other American has. You want special rights for them. What other deviant group should get these special rights.

----> Actually, that is all they want.

Protecting animals? WTF you talking about willis? If you mean some sorry fish so they can avoid the drought in California or stopping progress because of some owl...yea DUH.

----> Too stupid to argue with again.

Common Sense Gun Laws: Again, WTF you talking about? Unlike Deviant marriage guns are a right spelled out in the Constitution. Maybe you'd like common sense speech laws? Or common sense search and seizure laws?

----> Who doesn't own guns? Most owners realize there is a problem with checks, and they they aren't stopping anyone from slaughtering other folks. Training, the lack of it is ridiculous, too.

Rigid no new taxes: The Gov take THREE TRILLION BUCKS A YEAR out of OUR POCKETS. When is it enough? Do you think the Gov doesn't have enough money? Why is it ppl like you are worried about the gov not having enough, but never that the TAX PAYER doesn't have enough? Do you believe it all belongs to the government? Do you think they spend the money more wisely and efficiently than we do? And just what does it stop them from doing? What changes can't they make?

When you pave your own roads, open your own hospital, defend the country . . . . and hey, didn't you go to a PUBLIC university?

See how utterly childish and naive your idea's are. Its truly very ignorant
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The message is a delusion, the messenger is delusional.

If anyone on this forum is delusional it is you, Whitepug. Conservative ideals are not destroying lives, town, cities, and states as Liberal ideals have.

Please, keep believing others don't share Rolo's view and you will be in for a rude awakening come November 8, 2016.

Under President Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats. That's some legacy.


Read it and weep.
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I think taxes on the truly wealthy should be higher. I'm with The Donald on this one. I also feel both sides need to come together to eliminate tax dodges and corporate handouts. Some of the problems, make that many of the problems are not left/right, but an issue of systemic corruption of various sorts.

So at the end of the day, you think the government is getting enough money or not? I'm all for elimination loop holes and corporate handout although we have I think the highest or second highest corporate rate in the world. So, it would seem that you would favor simplifying the tax code? You still did not answer if you think the money we now send is being spent wisely?
If anyone on this forum delusional it is you, Whitepug. Conservative ideals are not destroying lives, town, cities, and states as Liberal ideals have.

Please, keep believing others don't share Rolo's view and you will be in for a rude awakening come November 8, 2016.

Under President Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats. That's some legacy.


Read it and weep.

I'll remind you of that "rude awakening" come November. As for the image you posted, it reminds me of Lincoln's famous quote about fooling the people...
''Why'', you rank so much you could be referring to any number of thing. I suspect you're referring to why the wealthy should pay higher rates.I answered you dear boy, you just can't process it
Oh so now we're at the stage of " I don't know what your'e asking" Yes you do, its been ongoing and ppl here have read it. If anyone here thinks this guy has answer the question please point it out? No you haven't answered and that's why you're getting mad. I've pinned you down and proven that liberalism is intellectually bankrupt. You made the statement only because you've heard it somewhere. But you can't articulate WHY you believe one Group of Americans should pay more than others. Let me help you here. You'll always be embarrassed in a debate of substance. You're like a teenage girl. If its all emotion you're all in, but when you have to think and defend your positions. Well its here for all to see

idiot far right is worse than gutless, thank God those sheet heads are marginalized, as is the truly 'far left'', you're all idiots.

And again, you simply don't have the grey matter to hold up your end of the debate. You've tossed out a meaningless desperate accusation you can't back up. You're to ignorant to know that the "right" holds the large majority of State houses, Governorships , the House and the Senate. ...Again, a mile wide and an inch deep. You can't answer simple questions, I've tried to engage you with substance. I've proven my point for all to see. So I'll go back to your level now. You're a ****ing moron, :D
LOL.....I'm not sure I could follow that....have no idea what you were debating? Maybe if you're smart enough you could put your responses in a separate post....But from what I read. You're just another ignorant liberal that makes shit up the facts be damned

Like this

----> Ridiculous lie. When we had manufacturing jobs, steel industry jobs, farm jobs were plentiful, fast food and simple jobs were part time jobs for HS kids. Now, people work them 40 hours full time. So, you can pay or close (of course someone else will open) in a lot of cities, and states are following suit.

WTF are you talking about, what does the type jobs we "had" have to do with the min wage? And who works 40 per week min wage jobs as their primary job? Not many I'll tell you that, but after 7 yrs of Obama its probably more. But its largely teenagers and college kids. As to pay or close, well you obviously have learned about supply and demand somewhere, but you clearly didn't understand it. Yes in the FREE market it works, and if you don't like you min wage job you can go get another. But McDonalds is not closing if the GOVERNMENT ARTIFICIALLY INFLATES the wage. They're going to cut the workers and install machines..And again you stumbled across some facts, but again you don't know how to apply them. Seattle did FORCE a higher min wage. And ppl are closing their doors and ppl are losing their jobs. Se SLC,,,,You're not stupid, but your pretty ignorant
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Capitalizing the word "lesson" indicates grandiose thinking, very common among delusional people. Also, your reference to teaching a lesson is another delusion.

So the student doesn't like his grade. Too bad, you should study more. But then you're a leftist. You don't have the ability
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I'll remind you of that "rude awakening" come November. As for the image you posted, it reminds me of Lincoln's famous quote about fooling the people...

Hey dipshit. Who are you supporting in NOV and why do you think they'll win? As to fooling ppl. Its the liberal motto. "how can we fool em today" PPL like you elected Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. You're a moron. Dr Carson might be able to help you, but then he's a brain surgeon not a proctologist
I'll remind you of that "rude awakening" come November. As for the image you posted, it reminds me of Lincoln's famous quote about fooling the people...

Please do.

Prediction, sport... Republican Landslide.

If you don't believe the image then research it for yourself. I know how you Libs hate facts though so, I suspect you won't comment honestly.
From the left's beloved Politico...

Barack Obama will leave his party in its worst shape since the Great Depression—even if Hillary wins.
By Jeff Greenfield
August 20, 2015
Updated August 21, 2015
Read more:

In 2009, Democrats were in full control of 27 state legislatures; Republicans held full power in 14. Now? The GOP is in full control of 30 state legislatures; Democrats hold full power in just 11. “We are fooling ourselves,” says one well-placed Democratic operative, “if we think we can advance a progressive agenda in Washington, if half the Congress and half the states are controlled by a Republican Party enthusiastically working to undo every trace of progressive policy.”

It must suck to be a Lib and learning that your little world is crashing before your very eyes.
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I'll remind you of that "rude awakening" come November. As for the image you posted, it reminds me of Lincoln's famous quote about fooling the people...

I'm feeling generous so I'll help you lazy Libtards with the finer points:

Barack Obama took office in 2009 with 60 Democrats in the Senate—counting two independents who caucused with the party—and 257 House members. Today, there are 46 members of the Senate Democratic caucus, the worst showing since the first year after the Reagan landslide. Across the Capitol, there are 188 Democrats in the House, giving Republicans their best showing since Herbert Hoover took the White House in 1929.

This is, however, the tip of the iceberg. When you look at the states, the collapse of the party’s fortunes are worse. Republicans now hold 31 governorships, nine more than they held when Obama was inaugurated. During the last six years the GOP has won governorships in purple and even deep blue states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio. In the last midterms, only one endangered Republican governor—Tom Corbett in Pennsylvania—was replaced by a Democrat. (Sean Parnell in Alaska lost to an independent.) Every other endangered Republican returned to office.

“It’s almost a crime,” Democratic Party Vice Chair Donna Brazile says. “We have been absolutely decimated at the state and local level.”

Taken as a whole, these six years have been almost historically awful for Democrats. You have to go back to the Great Depression and the Watergate years to find so dramatic a reversal of fortunes for a party. And this time, there’s neither a Great Depression nor a criminal conspiracy in the White House to explain what has happened.

Hat tip:
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I'm feeling generous so I'll help you lazy Libtards with the finer points:

Barack Obama took office in 2009 with 60 Democrats in the Senate—counting two independents who caucused with the party—and 257 House members. Today, there are 46 members of the Senate Democratic caucus, the worst showing since the first year after the Reagan landslide. Across the Capitol, there are 188 Democrats in the House, giving Republicans their best showing since Herbert Hoover took the White House in 1929.

This is, however, the tip of the iceberg. When you look at the states, the collapse of the party’s fortunes are worse. Republicans now hold 31 governorships, nine more than they held when Obama was inaugurated. During the last six years the GOP has won governorships in purple and even deep blue states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio. In the last midterms, only one endangered Republican governor—Tom Corbett in Pennsylvania—was replaced by a Democrat. (Sean Parnell in Alaska lost to an independent.) Every other endangered Republican returned to office.

“It’s almost a crime,” Democratic Party Vice Chair Donna Brazile says. “We have been absolutely decimated at the state and local level.”

Taken as a whole, these six years have been almost historically awful for Democrats. You have to go back to the Great Depression and the Watergate years to find so dramatic a reversal of fortunes for a party. And this time, there’s neither a Great Depression nor a criminal conspiracy in the White House to explain what has happened.

Hat tip:

Substance is not a strong suit for these boys.
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No kiddin'. LOL!

I'm sure they don't like the "feelings" this information gives them. Sux to be them.

It's telling you need to believe it's bad to be me, sorry to disappoint.
It's typical of people who convince themselves a group is responsible for whatever is wrong in their lives. lighten up, you might even learn to enjoy whatever is good in your life without the bitter bile choking you.
It's telling you need to believe it's bad to be me, sorry to disappoint.
It's typical of people who convince themselves a group is responsible for whatever is wrong in their lives. lighten up, you might even learn to enjoy whatever is good in your life without the bitter bile choking you.

The only choking he's going to do is from laughing to hard at you guys. I mean you make a statement about ppl and taxes, they can't freaking argue your point. ROTFLMFAO.....You guy are just comical and you don't mean to be
So at the end of the day, you think the government is getting enough money or not? I'm all for elimination loop holes and corporate handout although we have I think the highest or second highest corporate rate in the world. So, it would seem that you would favor simplifying the tax code? You still did not answer if you think the money we now send is being spent wisely?

Republicans BLOCK legislation to eliminate loopholes. They insist any spending reductions carry a ''rider'' that has an accompanying reduction in revenue equal to the monies saved.The budget can't be balanced or even reduced by spending cuts because republicans will only make alterations if dems make an equal cut in revenue. It's insanity born of misplaced ideology.
The only choking he's going to do is from laughing to hard at you guys. I mean you make a statement about ppl and taxes, they can't freaking argue your point. ROTFLMFAO.....You guy are just comical and you don't mean to be

You're an idiot Rolo, there is no making a point with an idiot.
It's telling you need to believe it's bad to be me, sorry to disappoint.
It's typical of people who convince themselves a group is responsible for whatever is wrong in their lives. lighten up, you might even learn to enjoy whatever is good in your life without the bitter bile choking you.

Obviously, you didn't read the above information because I'm dancing a jig right now. Life is good. Happy Days are here again. :D

November 2016 can't get here soon enough; It's going to be fun.

I knew y'all were too lazy to click a link and read.
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Republicans BLOCK legislation to eliminate loopholes. They insist any budget changes be ''neutral''.The budget can't be balanced or even reduced by spending cuts because republicans will only make alterations if dems make an equal cut in revenue. It's insanity born of misplaced ideology.
You have lost your freaking mind, you don't know WTF you're talking about. This is what happens when you hear ppl you trust but don't really understand what you're hearing. You can't come up with a single example of anything you just posted. First, Democrats nor Republicans never CUT ANY SPENDING, ZIP ZERO NADDA. What legislation has anyone blocked to eliminate loopboles? And WTF is a LOOPHOLE? ITS A ****ING LAW. Its not a LOOPHOLE.

Damn you are one ignorant kid
Obviously, you didn't read the above information because I'm dancing a jig right now. Life is good. Happy Days are here again. :D

November 2016 can't get here soon enough; It's going to be fun.

I knew y'all were too lazy to click a link and read.

I read the link, what exactly is in there that makes your REAL life better ?
You dance while also claiming daily the country has gone to hell, interesting disassociation there.
You're an idiot Rolo, there is no making a point with an idiot.

You can't make a point. You don't even know what point you're attempting to make. I asked you one simple question. Why do you think one group of American should pay a higher rate than others. And you can't even stumble on an answer. LOL being called an idiot by you is like being called stinky by a pig. You're just truly and ignorant kid...just a real dummy.
You have lost your freaking mind, you don't know WTF you're talking about. This is what happens when you hear ppl you trust but don't really understand what you're hearing. You can't come up with a single example of anything you just posted. First, Democrats nor Republicans never CUT ANY SPENDING, ZIP ZERO NADDA. What legislation has anyone blocked to eliminate loopboles? And WTF is a LOOPHOLE? ITS A ****ING LAW. Its not a LOOPHOLE.

Damn you are one ignorant kid

You know nothing, but that isn't at all surprising, You're also in all likelihood mentally ill. I bet you're a candidate to lose it and shoot a bunch of innocent people who you delude yourself into blaming your rage on.

Now, I really need to walk my dog.
You can't make a point. You don't even know what point you're attempting to make. I asked you one simple question. Why do you think one group of American should pay a higher rate than others. And you can't even stumble on an answer. LOL being called an idiot by you is like being called stinky by a pig. You're just truly and ignorant kid...just a real dummy.

You are an idiot Rolo, and maybe a dangerous one. I answered your question hours ago. Now take your meds and chill a bit.
The message is a delusion, the messenger is delusional.

and not one single time have you answered his questions, all you do is spout insults which is typical leftist mentality when they are wrong and have ZERO facts to back them up.
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I read the link, what exactly is in there that makes your REAL life better ?
You dance while also claiming daily the country has gone to hell, interesting disassociation there.

Liberal Policies over the past 50 years, without question, has almost destroyed the foundation of America. Now I rejoice knowing your President, your King, your Savior has now decimated your party. He woke the sleeping majority.

Choke on that bile, Libtard.

You know nothing, but that isn't at all surprising, You're also in all likelihood mentally ill. I bet you're a candidate to lose it and shoot a bunch of innocent people who you delude yourself into blaming your rage on.

Now, I really need to walk my dog.

Yea do that, you might learn something from him. LOL Let this be a lesson to what happens when you engage liberals with substance. They lose it......Who wants to bet the over and under on how many times he kicks that poor dog?
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You are an idiot Rolo, and maybe a dangerous one. I answered your question hours ago. Now take your meds and chill a bit.

Point it out lil fella. I don't think you know what an answer looks like.


And who do you consider truly wealthy?
Earnings over a million per year should qualify for a separate rate IMO. I would also make capital gains rates at least equal to their corresponding income tax rates. I would increase inheritance rates on estates over 6 millions, with exemptions for certain working businesses/farms with the provision if any part or parts of the business change hands within 10 years the taxes would be owed at that time, much as certain savings operate.

This isn't an answer dummy. Its the exact same thing " I think ppl who make more should pay a higher right" Why? " Because earnings over a million per should should qualify as a separate IMO"

LMAO. You just said the same thing I asked why about in a different way. You are one ****ing moron
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and not one single time have you answered his questions, all you do is spout insults which is typical leftist mentality when they are wrong and have ZERO facts to back them up.

Another dishonest poster. His ''question'' was whether I think it's fair to punish rich people by taxing them at higher rates, it's the silly shit you guys listen to all the time on far right radio programs, read at their online sites, etc. It is a non-starter and I made that clear to him..well, NOTHING is clear to him.
It is not about punishing, it's about the most reasonable tax code that can actually work. If you still want to pretend I didn't answer his BS question. it's your problem.
Point it out lil fella. I don't think you know what an answer looks like.


And who do you consider truly wealthy?
Earnings over a million per year should qualify for a separate rate IMO. I would also make capital gains rates at least equal to their corresponding income tax rates. I would increase inheritance rates on estates over 6 millions, with exemptions for certain working businesses/farms with the provision if any part or parts of the business change hands within 10 years the taxes would be owed at that time, much as certain savings operate.

This isn't an answer dummy. Its the exact same thing " I think ppl who make more should pay a higher right" Why? " Because earnings over a million per should should qualify as a separate IMO"

LMAO. You just said the same thing I asked why about in a different way. You are one ****ing moron

You knuckle dragging, bigoted idiot. Why have I wasted an afternoon on you ? That is a rhetorical question, look it up.
Bye now.
Another dishonest poster. His ''question'' was whether I think it's fair to punish rich people by taxing them at higher rates, it's the silly shit you guys listen to all the time on far right radio programs, read at their online sites, etc. It is a non-starter and I made that clear to him..well, NOTHING is clear to him.
It is not about punishing, it's about the most reasonable tax code that can actually work. If you still want to pretend I didn't answer his BS question. it's your problem.

for someone so smart you really aren't paying attention are you, scroll on back up and look at who I quoted in my text, not everything is about you

73 kdsdawg, Today at 5:29 PM